• 締切済み

英文 和訳


  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)



  • 和訳の解説お願いします。

    オーレックス英和辞典の例文です。 He was a shadow of his former optimistic self. 彼にはかつての楽天家の面影もなかった。 という文です。 私なりに逐語訳すると 彼は面影だった彼のかつての楽天家の となりました これがどうして「面影もなかった」というように 否定的な意味になるのでしょうか。 ご説明お願いします。

  • 短い英文の和訳お願いしたいです。

    短い英文の和訳お願いしたいです。 次の6つの英文を和訳して頂きたいです。自分は英語力が乏しいので、英語に携わる方、得意な方などお助けください。よろしくお願いします。翻訳サイト等を試したのですがはちゃめちゃでだめだったので・・・ また、自分でも少しはできるようにしたいと思っているので、よろしかったら訳語のあとに少し訳し方のコツなど教えていただけたらとても嬉しいです。 宜しくお願いします。 (1)The accident happened at 4:30 pm yesterday. (2)We crawled through a gap in the hedge. (3)He was about the some height as his wife. (4)He looked helpless sitting there all alone. (5)Can you hold my bag for a moment? (6)The tree trunk was completely hollow. 以上の6つです、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文と和訳があります。和訳は正しいですか?

    Ieyasu’s career is the most controversial. His was a seemingly ordinary nature which rose to a serious of great occasions. Alone of the three he had to distinguish himself in warfare as well as statecraft, and he alone can be called a self-made man. His early life was spent in fighting and otherwise working his way back from the adversities of a youth spent as a political hostage to the Imagawa family. At this time not only was Ieyasu himself a captive, but the Tokugawa group of hereditary warrior-retainers teetered on the brink of complete dispersal. 和訳 「家康の経歴は最も議論のあるところである。彼は一見したところありきたりの性格であるが、重大な場面では厳粛なものになるのである。三人の内、ただ一人、彼は政治にも戦争にも自らその手腕を示さなければならなかった。そして彼だけが自力で成し遂げた人と呼ぶことが出来る。彼の若い頃は戦とそれ以外は今川一族への政治的人質として過ごした幼少時代の逆境から立ち直ろうと過ごしていた。この時期、家康は自身が人質というにとどまらず、世襲の武士家臣たちからなる徳川一族は完全な離散間際であった。」

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    For some, the measure of his success was the transformation of a ho-hum computer company into a $380 billion technology titan that became the world's most valuable company (in terms of market value) earlier this year. He was worth $8 billion when he died last week of pancreatic cancer. For many others — and Mr. Jobs himself, who claimed it was never about the money — his legacy will be the way he transformed the relationship between people and technology.

  • この英文の和訳お願いします。

    翻訳サイトではわかりにくい部分があったので… 誤字はないと思います。 The first trial interview i had when I started this study was with an old man whose situation suggested the assumption might be right. He was an old widower of seventy-six years of age who lived alone in two rooms on the third floor of a block of tenement flats. His wife had died two years previously and he had no children. He was a very thin, large-boned man with a high-domed forehead and a permanent stoop. His frayed waistcoat and trousers hung in folds. At the time of calling, 5.30 pm, he was having his first meal of the day, a hot-pot of mashed peas and ham washed down with a pint of tea from a large mug. The lining-room was dilapidated, with old black-out curtains covering the windows, crockery placed on newspapers, and piles of old magazines tucked under the chairs. In one corner of the room by an open fireplace (a kitchener) stood a broken meat-safe with scraps of food inside. There was a photo of his wife in her twenties on the mantel-piece tonight with one of a barmaid and a pin-up from a Sunday paper. His wife's coat still hung on a hook on the door and her slippers were tidily placed in the hearth.

  • 英文の和訳お願いします。

    翻訳サイトでやってもわかりづらかったので質問しました。 The first trial interview i had when I started this study was with an old man whose situation suggested the assumption might be right. He was an old widower of seventy-six years of age who lived alone in two rooms on the third floor of a block of tenement flats. His wife had died two years previously and he had no children. He was a very thin, large-boned man with a high-domed forehead and a permanent stoop. His frayed waistcoat and trousers hung in folds. At the time of calling, 5.30 pm, he was having his first meal of the day, a hot-pot of mashed peas and ham washed down with a pint of tea from a large mug. The lining-room was dilapidated, with old black-out curtains covering the windows, crockery placed on newspapers, and piles of old magazines tucked under the chairs. In one corner of the room by an open fireplace (a kitchener) stood a broken meat-safe with scraps of food inside. There was a photo of his wife in her twenties on the mantel-piece tonight with one of a barmaid and a pin-up from a Sunday paper. His wife's coat still hung on a hook on the door and her slippers were tidily placed in the hearth.

  • 私の簡単な英文と、和訳を教えてください。

    私は英語がまだぜんぜんできませんが、見てください。 まずこの文なのですが、アメリカ人の知り合った人におくりたいのですが、たぶん間違えだらけのような気がしますが、 理解できる文でしょうか?気になる点や修正などよろしくお願いします。 I was sooo busy my work tomorrow. It was 10.00pm when i got back home. and I got up 4.00am this morning. because of work. あと、 ”私は今A市にきています。だいたい東京から車で3時間かかる。” といいたいのですがどう英語にするのですか? I came to A. It about 3 hour by car from Tokyo. でしょうか。。。。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いできないでしょうか

    " Well, then," said Epimetheus, who was a very good-tempered child, like a multitude of children in those days, "let us run out and have a merry time with our playmates." "I am tired of merry times, and don't care if I never have anymore!" answered our pettish little Pandora.... "At least, " said she, "you can tell me how it came here." "It was just left at the door," replied Epimetheus, "just before you came, by a person who looked very smiling and intelligent, and who could hardly forbear laughing as he put it down" 心苦しい部分もあるのですが以上の分の和訳を教えていただいてもいいでしょうか? 関係詞? 仮定法?  自分でやってみてもいまいちわからなくて。。

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を助けてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! Moreover, its location at a busy crossroads two streets north of the forum was well suited to advertise the cult and, with it, the munificence and political correctness of the donor. The land on which the temple was built formed part of Tullius’s private property, and he was fortunate to be able to turn this circumstance to advantage. Another prominent citizen of the Augustran period was M.Holconius Rufus, who held all the chief posts in the local administration, acted as a priest of the imperial cult, and like Tullius was rewarded by the emperor with a grant of the military tribute. During his third tenure of the duvirate, i.e., not long before 2 BC, the year of his fourth tenure, he and his fellow duovir, C. Egnatius Postumus, built a wall which obstructed the lights of houses adjacent to the Sanctuary of Apollo. An inscription found in the sanctuary records the compensation paid to the householders who were affected.

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! Adenauer wanted to avoid a failure of the negotiations at all cost. For this reason he was reserved in his attitude towards the June events in the GDR(he also didn’t want to give the USSR any cause to direct accusations at the West.) In it, he called upon them to do everything ‘to put an end to the unbearable conditions in the Soviet Zone and to Berlin to take part in the memorial ceremony for the victims of the uprising. Afterwards, in front of the Schoneberg Town Hall, Adenauer declared that he would not rest ‘until the whole of Germany was united’.