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similar toならOKです。





  • 補充問題です

    For a long time many people thought that learning to read was like learning to understand a spoken language. 上の文の like のところなんですが、なぜsimilarはだめなんですか?? 分かる方教えてください(>_<)

  • 和訳をお願いします(@_@;)

    For a long time many people thought that learning to read was like learning to understand a spoken language- that it was a netural process. For example, it was thought that most children would learn to read naturally if they were in an environment with lots of books and were allowed to develop reading skills in their own way. The idea that reading is a natural process is quite common among educators, but actually learning to read is as difficult as learning to juggle while riding a unicycle backwards. The truth is that learning to read is one of the most unnatural things anyone can do. 長くなって申し訳ありませんが、上の英文の和訳を教えてください(>_<)

  • 補充問題についてです!!

    For example, it was thought that most children would learn to read naturally if they were in an environment with lots of books and were (allowed) to develop reading skills in their own way. 上の文のallowedのところに、なぜsucceededを入れてはいけないのですか??

  • 英語の訳をお願いします。

    Deciding to share my journal entries was a decision I have thought about long and hard and have come to the conclusion that it is important for me to include my feeling and thoughts during my time in captivity. この文の中で、thought about long and hard や、and have come to ~  の主語は何でしょうか。 訳を宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします(>_<) In sports there have been many other cases of seemingly impossible records which have later been broken. Some years ago it was unimaginable that people would ever pole-vault over fifteen feet, but today the record is over twenty feet. For many years it was thought that man would never break the four-minute mark for the mile race. But today it has become common for college runners to go faster. And then, many people thought that women never could, or should, run long distance races such as the marathon. Yet today it is common for woman to run the marathon faster than the fastest men of fifty years ago.

  • 英検準2級の英文の解釈を教えてください

    英検準2級の過去問をやっていて以下のような文章が出てきました。 He thought being able to swim was useful, and learning to swim taught him a lot about working hard. 彼は泳げることは有益であり、泳ぎを学ぶことは一生懸命に取り組むことについて、多くのことを彼に教えてくれたと思っていた。 「,」までの文についてなのですが、 thoughtの後ろにthatが省略されていて、(being able to swim)がthoughtの目的語になっているんでしょうか?それとも、(being able to swim)はwasの主語なんでしょうか? andも(being able to swim)と(learning to swim)を接続しているのかな。などと思ったりして少し混乱しています。 よろしければ解釈のヒントなど教えてくださいm(_ _)m

  • That の役割

    以下の文で、that がたくさん出てきますが、それぞれの役割の解説をお願い致します。文全体としてどのような構造になっているのでしょうか。 1) that people 節を示している様ですがどこで受けているのでしょうか。 2) that time 3) rebuild that 4) that ではないですが、all these could のcould にかかる動詞が見当たりませんがcoludの役割は何でしょうか。 以上よろしくお願い致します。 That people would understand the need for the patience, that time would be required to rebuild that which the Empire had taken away. Cities, communications, trade; All these could and were well on their way to full restoration.

  • 英語が正しいかどうか教えてください。

    Many people want to be success. Many people have dreams and become happy. I also want to be success. And I have a dream. It is not easy to success. And many people have felt sad because they can’t success. I don’t think people can’t succeed that it is because of hard work. I suppose that luck is very important for succeed. I argue about exam and I was read a book. この文の英語に間違いなどあれば教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語 空所補充問題

    ( )内に適当な語を入れてください。和訳もお願いします。 1 I am not so ( ) interested in philosophy as in literature. (often, much, many, long) 2 What is the weather in your home town ( ) about this time of the year? (likely, like, liked, alike) 3 Take that book back to the library, ( ) you? (aren`t, do, shall, will) 4 "I`d ( ) it if you could help me with my assignment." (thank, apologize, hate, appreciate)

  • 書き換え問題

    書き換え問題 1)Eliot is two inches taller than Lee. =Eliot is taller than Lee ( ) (two) (inches). 2)She tried to read the English paragraph as fast as she could. =She tried to read the English paragraph (as) (fast) (as) (possible). 3)Japan has about four times as many people as Canada. =Canada has about a (quarter) (as) many people as Japan. 4)At the job interview, Rod wasn't as nervous as he looked. =At the job interview, Rod was (less) (nervous) (than) he looked. 5)This street is three times as wide as that street. =This street is three times (the) (width) of that street. 穴埋め出来ていないところもありますが質問させて頂きます。 回答解説よろしくお願いします。