• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:関係代名詞と現在完了)




Gです。 これは、完了形を使って過去に起こったことを強調する言い方のいい礼だと思います. ちゃんとやったのかい? といわれた子供が、もうやった事を強調する為に、Yes, dad, I've (already) finished it!といって、Yes, dad, I finished it.よりも反抗期が言わせる言い方になるわけですね.<g> prosecution for shiplisting には刑事criminalと民事civilがあります.刑事の方とは違い、民事は店が万引きに対して損害賠償をさせるということですので、実際的には訴訟にかかる経費の方が高くついてしまいますので、訴訟までしないのが普通になりがちなんですね. よって、criminal prosecution for shopliftingへ持っていくしかないわけなんですね. しかしこれまた、警察の方も、minor crimeとして、un-prosecutableとしてしまう事も、特に大きな都市では、起ってしまいます. しかしrepeat offenderであれば、prosecutable に持っていけるわけです. よって、万引きでつかまっても一晩寝心地の悪いところで寝ればいい、というくらいに軽く思われがちなんですね. だから、店としては、ここで万引きをしたら、何が何でもprosecutableにしてやるからな、といきがるわけです.一種の脅しですね. という事で、民事での裁判には行かない事が多いですが、刑事としての裁判は毎日でもあります. また、使わなくともナイフや拳銃を所持していれば、felonyに持っていくことが出来ますので、楽にはなります.



再度回答ありがとうございます。 私も We always prosecute.というのは一種の脅しだと 思ったんですが、アメリカって ちょっとしたことでも 訴訟を起こすので 万引きで裁判沙汰になるのも珍しく ないと思ったわけです。


  • 関係代名詞について質問です。

    The man ( ) used to work for our company. 1. that you were talking 2. you were talking to どちらが適切か?という問題がありました。私は以前、This is the way in which we got to know each other. という文でin whichをthatに書き換えていいと聞きました。そこで、この問題も前置詞+関係代名詞だったので to whomをthatに変えたと考えて1を選びました。 そしたら解答は2でした。解説をよんで、なぜ2になるのかは理解できましたが、なぜ1が間違いなのかはわかりませんでした。 よければ回答よろしくお願いします

  • 関係代名詞について

    こんばんは ランダムに並べられた文章を一つにまとめる関係代名詞の勉強をしていたのですが答えがないので、どなたか採点していただける方いらっしゃいますか? *もし、間違っているようであれば、正しい答えを教えてください。 1; Enjoy / what you said in the lecture / still / feel / I / but / asleep / I (I still feel asleep what you said in the lecture but I enjoyed) 2; Anyone / will / caught / saying / be / that rules are meant to be broken / pinished 3; that it is sp cheap / holiday / in / best / thing / Thailand / the / is / about / a (Thailand is a best thing in the holiday that it is about so cheap) 4; Money / from / charity / collector / accepted / whoever would give / the / (Money collector accepted from the charity whoever would give) よろしくお願いします。

  • 関係代名詞

    ( )内から適切な語句を選びなさい。 Shall we go to the cake shop (for which / about which / that ) I told you the other day? お願いします

  • 現在完了

    My youngest brother spent about six years in prison for kidnapping and sexually assaulting a young woman he met at a bar. While he was in prison, we exchanged a few letters, but I did not go to visit him. He expressed remorse for what happened, and was receiving counseling in prison. He was released from prison earlier this year, and now lives about a 30-minute drive from where I live, so I've met him a few times for coffee or lunch. I've met himはなぜ過去形ではなく現在完了なのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 前置詞 + 関係代名詞について

    By subtly rearranging familiar forms and perspectives, he forces the viewer to look more closely at what is usually taken for granted. Those qualities help me successful at what I do. I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. 前置詞 + 関係代名詞でthatの用法はありませんよね ですがたまに上の英文のように前置詞の後に関係代名詞whatが続く場合があるのですが、前置詞 + 関係代名詞の用法でwhatは存在するのですか?

  • 現在完了形と過去形

    Cathy Barnesという女性がOnlineというIT関連の会社でGuptaという男性と面接をする場面の会話です。 Gupta: Do come in and sit down. Sorry about the wait. Where exactly are you working at the moment, Mrs Barnes? Cathy: Well actually, I'm between jobs just now. But I've worked in the computer industry for years. Gupta: Have you had any experience in design or markrting? Cathy: Yes, I have. I worked in publishing for ten years. そこで質問です。 Cathyの応答で “But I've worked in the computer industry for years.”と“I worked in publishing for ten years.”の2つの文ですが、最初の文では 現在完了形が使われているのに、2番目の文では過去形が使われています。どちらも forで期間が表されていますが、これは 具体的に期間の長さが示されているからでしょうか? 学校で習った英語では forが使われる場合は期間の長さが明確かそうでないかは問題ではなく、現在完了の継続用法として習った記憶がありますが。

  • 現在完了形

    Q. Stuck in a state of confusion: My husband is constantly making obscene comments to me and our children. He tells other people that our boys are not his, that they are from my first marriage, and that he only had them so that they would do all of the things he doesn’t want to do. I cannot begin to tell you how badly this hurts both me and my children, because they are his biological children and he knows that. He is constantly yelling at them, cursing at them, and threatening them, and if I intervene, he starts yelling at me too! I’ve suggested marriage counseling, and he laughed and told me to go by myself. So I have been, for six months. My therapist thinks that I should divorce him, but I am not in a financial position to leave. I have no family that I can stay with, and we just moved to a new state, and I don’t know anyone around here that would be able to accommodate three extra people. Once I graduate from school I will be able to support all of us, but I don’t know if I should wait to graduate or drop out of college with a year left to find a full-time job. Help! A: That you should leave your husband is without question. If he is going so far as to threaten your children, you absolutely should divorce him and sue for sole custody. The less your sons remember of him, the better off they will be; however, I want you to be prepared and in the strongest emotional and financial situation possible when you go. Find your local chapter of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence—it can help you with a job search and finding an affordable place to live. Consult the National Domestic Violence Pro Bono Directory to find low-cost or free legal advice. If you live in a community property state, you are entitled to half of the assets acquired during your marriage. The Allstate Foundation offers a free “financial empowerment” service to people leaving abusive relationships; you may also find this helpful. If you have not started one already, open a bank account in your own name and put away whatever you can for your getting-the-hell-out-of-Dodge fund. If you have friends back in your home state you can trust, consider asking for financial support as you prepare to leave your marriage. Do not drop out of college until you have found work, but make leaving your marriage your highest priority. until you have found workはなぜ現在完了形なのでしょうか?until you find workではいけないのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 現在完了について

    いつもありがとうございます。現在完了について質問です。 あなたは1週間何をしていましたか。との日本語を英文にすると (1)What have you been doing for a week? (2)What have you done for a week? (3)そのほか のどれが正解ですか。(3)の場合は適当な英文を教えてください。よろしくお願いします。

  • 関係代名詞 what

    (1)Please show me what you bought in London. では「あなたがロンドンで買ってきたものを私に見せてください」 と文章を後ろから訳しているのですが (2)Spaghetti and salada are what I want to have for lunch today. では「スパゲッティやサラダが今日の昼食に食べたいものです」 と文の前から訳しています なぜこの文は「私が今日の昼食に食べたいものはスパゲッティとサラダです」と訳してはいけないのでしょうか? どなたか宜しくお願いいたします

  • 現在完了形について

    “Eric” and I were together for five years and had a horrible breakup a year ago. While we were together I grew very close to his daughter “Amy,” and she to me. Amy’s mom has not been in the picture for many years. Amy took our breakup badly, and pretty much took my side in everything. We’ve kept in touch and often done things together since Eric and I split. We basically don’t discuss him. I last spoke to Amy early in September. Since then she hasn’t called or texted. I’ve tried to contact her several times, telling her I miss her and asking about getting together. I’ve tried toはなぜ過去形ではなく現在完了形なのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします