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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳をお願いします(>_<))



  • ベストアンサー






  • ものすごく長い和訳ですが...

    大変長くなって申し訳ないんですが、下の和訳が分かる方はお願いします(>_<) What comes to mind when you think of a tropical fish tank? A restaurant? A doctor's office? Or is it the memory of your own childhood aquarium filed with a lot of colorful fish? My earliest recollections are of the local tropical fish shop. Our whole family would walk down the stairs to the warm, humid basement where thousands of fish would be swimming in brightly lit tanks. After long and careful deliberations, my sister and I would each choose a fish, and into the plastic bags they would go. We would carefully hold our prizes upright the waster temperature reached that of its surroundings, probably a half hour or so, but seemingly forever to a small child. At last it was time to release the fish from the plastic bags. Our fish were home. Keeping tropical fish can be a rewarding and educational pastime and is a popular hobby. I am astonished how much fish biology, chemistry, and physics I remember from having a childhood fish tank. But I never made the common mistake of thinking that fish were pets that require no care. Setting up and maintaining a tank correctly does take some time and energy. As an adult, I find the mixing and regulation of the water quality boring, and my husband has taken over that routine; that doesn't mean he is more responsible than I am, just ask our cats! But as a child, it was a great chance to learn about responsibility.

  • 英語の補充問題を教えてください(>_<)

    Our whole family would walk down the stairs to the warm, humid basement (where) thousands of fish would be swimming in brightly lit tanks. ()にはなぜwhereが入るのですか?? なぜwhichではいけないのですか? また和訳も教えて頂けるとありがたいです!!!(*^_^*)

  • 和訳をお願いします(>_<)

     We would carefully hold our prizes upright in the bag all the way home in the car. Then they would swim in their plastic bubble-like world floating in the top of the tank until the water temperature reached that of its surroundings, probably a half hour or so, but seemingly forever to a small child. At last it was time to release the fish from the plastic bags. Our fish were home. 単語は分かっても文の読み方が分かりません。 何かアドバイスなどあればよろしくお願いします(@_@;)

  • 和訳をお願いします(*^_^*)

    さきほどの続きなんですが、こちらも和訳もお願いします(>_<) Keeping tropical fish can be a rewarding and educational pastime and is a popular hobby. I am astonished how much fish biology, chemistry, and physics I remember from having a childhood fish tank. But I never made the common mistake of thinking that fish were pets that require no care. Setting up and maintaining a tank correctly does take some time and energy. As an adult, I find the mixing and regulation of the water quality boring, and my husband has taken over that routine; that doesn't mean he is more responsible than I am, just ask our cats! But as a child, it was a great chance to learn about responsibility.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    11. What are some of the very different things between Japan and the US? 12. If you all of a sudden had to live in the US what would be a hard adjustment in terms of our cultural practices and beliefs? What would be hard about living the US?

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    洋服のデザイナーさんの説明を訳しているのですが、 少し分かりにくい部分がありましたので、教えて下さい。 本文:I have had a marvelous chance to study and develop a wide and growing array of ways to treat and alter fabrics and materials and add new layers of dimensions to our design concepts, starting with established masters working in Italy, and then on my own in our studios at Cavarzere. add new layers of dimensions to our design conceptの部分なのですが、 私たちのデザインコンセプトを新しい次元に導いてくれた、 の様な訳し方でいいのでしょうか? 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英文の意味を教えてください

    以下の英文の意味を教えてください。 My first job was to assist my dad in a small dairy run out of our basement. 最初の仕事は小さな農場で父を手伝うことだった...というのは簡単なのですが、 run out of our basementとは? 地下で運営されているの意でしょうか? それとも、dairyは実は乳牛のことで、地下から乳牛を追い出すの意とか? なんだかよくわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    One of my closest friends from high school recently moved to my area (quite far from where we grew up) with her boyfriend. My husband and I went to their house for dinner to catch up and hopefully add some new people to our social circle. Everything was going very well until after dinner, when suddenly the boyfriend started spewing his racist views (using the N-word multiple times) and regaling us all with impossible tales from his childhood. The worst part is how they kept exclaiming how excited they were to finally know someone in the area and that they can’t wait to come over to our house. My husband and I agreed that we didn’t have a good time once the boyfriend started in, and we don’t want to continue or foster a close friendship with either of these people. However, I worry about the possibility of my friend breaking up with her boyfriend and not having anywhere to go. I also would be burning bridges on a nearly decadelong friendship. It doesn’t feel right. Is there a balance to be struck here? I also would be burning bridges on a nearly decadelong friendship. It doesn’t feel right. Is there a balance to be struck here? の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 和訳お願いします!

    If I were a flower... I would be sunflower. To always follow the sun, turn my back to darkness, stand proud, tall and straight even with my head full of seeds.

  • 次の和訳をお願いしますm(__)m

    Any shortcoming of a Starbucks business partner, particularly an issue affecting the quality of the service experience,the safety of beverages or food or compliance with laws and regulations, may be attributed by customers to us, thus damaging our reputation and brand value and potentially affecting our results of operations.