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「1890年から1960年にかけて、(平均的に言えば)男女ともおしなべて今より年少で結婚していた。子どもが生まれる年齢も今より若かった。1972年に得られた傍証(トロール調べ、1975年)では、平均的な初婚の年齢は、図表の通り(訳者注:この文章に対する図表がないのなら「その調査の示す数字によれば」と訳が変わります)、男女とも晩婚化したのである。それでもなお、今日まで続いている傾向としては、女性の初婚年齢は男性のそれより、若いことである。こうしたことの結果の一つとして、平均的に言えばだが、女性が夫が失うのは、男性のそれに比べれば、年齢的に早い時期になっている。」  訳文中にカッコで言いましたように、in the figureがちょっとあいまいです。原文に図または表があるかどうかで、訳を変えてくださるようお願いします。  widos(未亡人)やworower(男やもめ)を、windowと表記しているのは、スペルミスかとも思いましたが、パートナーの死去した人について、著者が男女別の言い方を(ちょっとおどけて?)嫌ったとも、思えるので、訳文はそのようにしてあります。もちろん、未亡人・男やもめと訳文に使っても、全く意味は同じです。


  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Intelligence Neugarten (1976) has summarized the known facts about aging and intelligence as follows: a. Speed of responding declines with age. One consequence is that the elderly will perform especially poorly when the test is given under speeded conditions. b. Chronological age is not a good predictor of performance. c. Old people who remain physically and mentally active perform better than those who become inactive. d. Educational level predicts performance in old age; the higher the educational attainment, the better the performance. e. Intellectual decline seems to be inversely related longevity; the less bright die younger. f. Intellectual decline is greater in old men than in old woman. お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくれる方はいますか?

    The average college graduate enters the work force later, at 22 to 25, and consequently works fewer total hours, but the lifetime earnings are greater than the average worker’s, totaling about $550,000 (Miernyk, 1975). College graduates are also likely to be more satisfied with their job, although in a recent survey 90 percent of all workers reported satisfaction with their job (but more whites than nonwhites were satisfied) (Troll, 1975). お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    First, wives tend to be younger than their husbands, by an average of two or three years (Troll, 1975), and thus would naturally be expected to outlive them. Second, women have a longer life expectancy than men all over the world. Finally, elderly widowers are more likely to remarry than elderly widows. Widowers have more to gain from remarrying than widows because husbands often depend entirely on their wives for males, housekeeping, and homemaking, hence their lives are disrupted in major ways by loss of their spouse (Lopata, 1975). In addition, wives often are responsible for maintaining contact with relatives, hence the widower loses contact with them. Finally, husbands do not expect to outlive their wives, hence are not psychologically prepared-socialized-for the loss (Treas, 1975). お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいますか?

    The menopause The word menopause is derived from the Greek menos, mouth, and paueis, to cause to cease. It refers to an abrupt period of time in which physiological changes in women result in natural termination of menstruation and the menstrual cycle. During the menopause, women sometimes experience “hot flashes”, and many women report that period is unpleasant. It signals the end of fertility, but it is not viewed by middle-aged women as a heavy crisis; only 4 percent checked “the menopause” in a question on the worst thing about middle age, and most women who are postmenopausal feel positively about it (Troll, 1975). お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Failing health Old age is a time of failing health. Over half the elderly have lost their teeth; over half have problems with vision; about half have chronic health problems that limit their activities; and over a fourth have problems with hearing (Kalish, 1975). In addition, serious conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism, high blood pressure, and heart disease are more prevalent, and seven out of eight old people have chronic conditions of some kind (Bengtson & Haber, 1975). On top of all this, their incomes are lower and their health costs are higher than at younger ages. お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくれる方はいませんか?

    Other tasks of early adulthood are to establish and maintain a home and family; to enter and maintain a career; to become part of a congenial social group; and to discharge the obligations of citizenship (Troll, 1975). These general tasks are obviously not solvable by any single behavioral change, but rather require many adjustments in many behaviors. Resolution, in other words, requires adaptation to “large number s of detailed task-lets” (Havighrst. 1973, p, 10), which can be grouped in various ways. An example is the general tasks of establishing and maintaining a family. To accomplish this task, one must normally have a mate, which requires nit only selecting a duce and rear children (the average is still more than one per family), obtain and manage a home, etc. お願いします。

  • 高校英語の英文和訳お願いいたします!

    少し長いのですがお願いします。 自力で訳してみたものの、ところどころ関係詞で苦戦しています。。。 (1)The biggest trick that older brains employ is to use both sides of the brain at the same time to handle tasks for which younger brains rely on mainly one side. Electronic images taken by cognitive scientists at the University of Michigan, for example, have slown that even when doing basic recognition or memorization exercises, seniorsexploit the left and right brain more extensively than more men and women who are decades younger. Depending on both sides of the brain gives them a tactical advantage, even if the pure speed of each side's processing is slower. (2)Animal experiments prove that an undamaged nerve cell can take over the functions of a neighboring nerve cell that has become damaged or that has simply declined with time. The brain creats ways to keep itself sharp by making these kinds of adjustments on a widespread scale over time. お願いいたします!!!

  • 下記の英文を訳してくれる方はいますか?

    At that age, he is likely to be employed, but if he loses his job new employment is harder to find than when he was younger. Furthermore, even if he stays employed, the extra financial burdens and high economic inflation may force a reduction in the standard of living. Recently the problem is being avoided by the wife’s reentering the labor force, but unless she has specialized training, a well-paying job will be hard to find. お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Note that in the twenty-nine centuries between 1000 B.C. and 1900, life expectancy increased by almost thirty years, and in the seventy years between 1900 and it increased almost another twenty-four years. These striking increases are misleading, however, because the averages reflect to a very large extent reductions in infant mortality. The figures we have been discussing-the ones in the first row of the second section-are life expectancies at birth. The second row of this table shows the life expectancies at the age of sixty-five years. It can be seen that in 1970, the average sixty-five-year-old could expect to live about fifteen more years, to the age of about eighty-nine years longer than the average life expectancy of the newborn infant. That is, when you were born you could expect to live seventy-one years, and as you grew older and survived longer, you could expect to live longer. (See P&L Close-up, Life Expectancy: How Long Is long?) お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Kohlberg’s mature morality At maturity, morality is derived from principle rather than convention, hence it is identified as “postconventional”. At Stage 5, the first stage of the postconventional level, the guiding principle is to maintain community welfare. The Stage 5 individual values community welfare because of respect for the rights of others, not because the law demands it. The morality of a Stage 6 individual is based on principles of wider scope than those of the Stage 5 person; Stage 6 morality refers to principles that have universal applicability, such as “Stealing to protect a human life is justified, because a human life is more valuable than material property.” お願いします。