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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:次の英文の訳をお願いします)

Chinese State Enterprises and Government Office Block-Booking ''Confusius'' Tickets


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  • 訳をよろしくお願いします。

    コンサートのチケットを取ったら送られてきた2通目のメールです。 訳をよろしくお願いします。 Your booking has been added in our waiting list. As soon as we receive our contingent of tickets we will be able to confirm the status of your booking. Details to your booking and performance you can find on the next link: https://www.europaticket.com/event-day/en/2007/28-04-2017/Vienna-State-Opera-Tickets-/The-Marriage-of-Figaro---Opera-Vienna.html For any other infos or other requests we are staying at your service! Many thanks for your reservation! With kind regards, wish you a good stay in Vienna! Stefanie Eidler

  • 訳してください。

    コンサートのチケットを取ったら送られてきた3通目のメールです。 チケットはどこで入手したらいいのでしょう。 郵送されてくるのでしょうか。それとも当日、どこかで受け取らないといけないのだろうか。 アドバイスいただけるとありがたいです。 We thank you for your order and inform you that we were able to allocate the following tickets to your order: Attention! The confirmed tickets may not be refunded or replaced. The tickets will be deposited at the evening office at the theater under your name and you can pick them up one hour before the performance starts. Details to your booking and performance you can find on the next link: https://www.vienna-concert.com/events-day/en/35/04-05-2017/Vienna-State-Opera-Tickets--04-May-2017.html For any other informations or requests we are staying at your service. Many thanks for your reservation! With kind regards, wish you a good stay in Vienna! Magdalena Moldovan Europera Ticket GmbH

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Austria-Hungary's third invasion of Serbia commenced on 6 November 1914, with intense artillery fire strafing a series of Serbian border towns. On 7 November, the Austro-Hungarian 5th and 6th armies attacked across the Drina. Outnumbered and in desperate need of ammunition, the Serbian Army offered fierce resistance but was forced to retreat. The 3rd Army fell back against a road by the Jadar River in an effort to block the Austro-Hungarian advance towards Valjevo, while the 1st Army retreated southward into the Serbian interior and the Užice Army managed to prevent the Austro-Hungarians from crossing the Drina. On 8 November, the Austro-Hungarians attacked the Serbian 2nd Army near Cer Mountain and came within 1.6 kilometres (0.99 mi) of the Serbian frontline, entrenching themselves at the foot of the mountain. The 2nd Army was given orders to hold the Austro-Hungarians down for as long as possible and, if its position became untenable, retreat towards the right bank of the Dobrava River and position itself so as to block the approach to Valjevo. Elsewhere, the Austro-Hungarians drove a wedge between the 1st and 3rd Army and forced another Serbian retreat. Later that day, the Serbian Government held a joint session with the Serbian Supreme Command with regard to Serbia's worsening military position. Putnik stressed that it was critical for Serbia to hold the Kolubara and the towns within its vicinity and suggested that the Serbs make a separate peace with Austria-Hungary if this proved impossible. This notion was rejected by the Prime Minister of Serbia, Nikola Pašić, who urged further resistance to the Austro-Hungarians and threatened the resignation of his government if peace discussions began. The session ended with the Serbian Government and Supreme Command agreeing to fight on. Putnik reasoned that Austro-Hungarian supply lines would become overstretched as their forces pressed deeper into Serbia while the Serbs would continue to hold the railheads in the Serbian interior. On 10 November, he ordered a general retreat from the Jadar and withdrew the Serbian 2nd Army to Ub and positioned the 1st and 3rd armies north and west of Valjevo. Meanwhile, the Užice Army took up positions to defend the town from which it took its name. The Austro-Hungarians pressed after the Serbs, hoping to capture the Obrenovac–Valjevo railroad. Clashes ensued and the Serbian Army managed to prevent the Austro-Hungarians from taking the railroad for a time. It quickly became clear to Putnik that he had underestimated the Austro-Hungarians, who managed to bring their heavy artillery through the muddy Serbian country roads. They established firing positions on the Serbian side of the Drina and began targeting the Serbian Army, which suffered heavy casualties.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    On January 1, 1918 a Ukrainian delegation headed by Vsevolod Holubovych arrived at Brest-Litovsk. The initial delegation beside Mykola Liubynsky, Oleksandr Sevriuk, and Mykola Levytsky included Mykhailo Poloz.The peace negotiation was initiated by the government of Soviet Russia on December 3, 1917 represented by the delegation headed by the Ukrainian-born Leon Trotsky. Several resolutions were reached between December 22–26 and on December 28, 1917 an armistice was signed suspending hostilities at front-lines. Prior to that a Soviet government of Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic was formed in Kharkiv on December 17, 1917. The final undersigning was being procrastinated by Bolsheviks in hope of reaching some agreement with the Entente treaty members. On January 12, 1918, Count Ottokar Czernin as a representative of the Central Powers recognized the independent delegation from the Ukrainian People's Republic,[2] but together with Csáky refused to discuss the questions of Halychyna, Bucovina, and Subcarpathian Rus. They agreed that the Kholm Governorate and the region of Podlachia were part of the Ukrainian People's Republic. The Russian Bolshevik delegation, headed by Leon Trotsky, had at first also recognized the independent Ukrainian delegation on January 10. The Ukrainian delegation returned on January 20, 1918 to Kiev, where the Tsentralna Rada proclaimed a fully sovereign Ukrainian state on January 25 (dated January 22). Right after this a new Ukrainian delegation was sent to Brest headed now by Oleksandr Sevriuk. Meanwhile, Bolshevik revolts occurred in different cities in Ukraine, which more or less forced the Ukrainian People's Republic – which was lacking organized military forces – to seek foreign aid. However, the situation for the Central Powers was also critical, especially for Austria-Hungary, which suffered severe food shortages. On February 1, a plenary session of the Congress was attended also by the Soviet government of Ukraine in the presence of Yukhym Medvediev and Vasyl' Shakhrai. Nevertheless, the Central Powers continued to negotiate with the delegation from the Ukrainian People's Republic as the sole representatives of Ukraine.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    長文で大変申し訳ございませんが、正確な訳を知りたいので、英語がお得意で、お時間がおありの方、以下の英文をどうか訳して下さい。お願い致します。 Do you have any plans for touring the US? I have this strange dream of you performing in America. As kind of a follow-up, I was inquiring about the cost of renting a local theatre, the Orpheum. I was told that the rental fee is approximately $1000 per day, plus a small percentage of ticket sales. The theatre holds 1400, so at a charge of $10 per ticket, we would stand to make at least $10000 profit, because the ushers and ticket-takers are provided at no extra cost. What I am uncertain about is whether there would be enough tickets sold to make the whole project worthwhile. I then had the thought that if I could book one theatre for this purpose, why not more theatres in other cities? I have absolutely no experience in showbiz, but I think it would be an interesting sideline. Also, you have that angelic quality that I think American audiences would love! What I was wondering was if you would require a flat fee, or if you'd be willing to take a chance on a percentage of the pr ofits. This way, we could all either make alot of money, or we could all go broke together! I honestly don't foresee this happening, because I would book the theatre a long time in advance, and make sure the tickets are sold. I'm not sure how the ticket sales would be handled, and how that would affect the profit margin. Let me know if you have any thoughts on coming to the US. どうぞよろしくお願い致します。

  • 次の英文の訳を教えてください!!

    ・For the Americans, helping others in need is not a special deed but more a natural action of showing small kindnesses. ・In such a society, all seats on a train would be "silver seats", not just the few seats at the ends of the cars,so that everyone should give up their seats to the elderly passengers. ・Each state holds its own primary elections or caucus meetings in which voters decide who to support at their party's nominating convention. ・All citizens over the age of 18 and registered to vote have aright to vote in his or her state.

  • 次の英文の正しい訳を教えてください。

    数年前の、電子商取引に関する英文問題を和訳していたのですが、次のフレーズの正しい訳が判りません。解答がないので、ここで質問させてください。 (問題のフレーズ)  E-commerce over the Web has created a relatively new type of information system. So it is hardly surprising that little attention has been given to the maintenance of such systems - and even less to attempting to develop them with future maintenance in mind. But there are various ways e-commerce systems can be developed to reduce future maintenance.    自分で、次のように訳してはみましたが、  「WEB上での電子商取引は比較的新しいタイプの情報システムとして作られました。そのシステムがどの様な管理を受けているのかと言うことに注意が向けられていないのは少しも驚くべきことではありませんし、そのシステムは将来のシステム管理を念頭においてさえもいるのにもです。しかし、電子商取引は数多くの方法で、将来の管理を減らすために開発することが可能なのです」    日本語として不十分で、意味が判るようでわからない文章になってしまいました。特に2文目のSo it is hardly~and even less~の部分をどのように訳せば良いのかが判りません。  ご教授頂ければ幸いに存じます。

  • 次の英文の訳をお願いします

    Japan crashed out of the World Cup finals in heartbreaking fashion on Tuesday after a 5-3 penalty shoot-out to Paraguay in the second round. Komano missed Japans third spot kick and Oscar Cardozo buried the decisive penalty to give the South Americans victory after a goalless 120 minutes and deny Japan a first ever place in the quarterfinals. spot kick・・PK crashed・・敗退した finals・・決勝トーナメント second round・・決勝トーナメント一回戦 buried ・・~を突き刺した .A tearful Komano was too distraught to speak to reporters after the much but Japan coach Okada had encouraging words for his play. distraught・・心を取り乱す 「 This tells you that it is not easy to win . The players made a huge effort and I am proud of them. This team has mede Japan and the whole of Asia proud」 added the 53-year-old. Neither side looked like they wanted to finesh the game in extra time although Honda had low free kicks beaten away by Villar 10 minutes into the first period. had low free kicks beaten away by Villar 低い弾道のフリーキックを放ったが相手のGKビジャル に阻まれた

  • 次の英文の訳をお願いします

    How much safety should we have? For an economist , the answer to such a question is generally expressed in therms of marginal benefits and marginal csts. The economically efficient level of safety occurs when the marginal cost of increasing safety just equals the marginal benefit of that increased safety.

  • 次の英文の訳について

    抗酸化とフリーラジカル捕捉活性に関する論文を読んでいるのですが、 以下の英文の訳が分かりません。 Recent studies indicate that the compounds with anti-oxidative and free radical scavenging activities can inhibit metagenesis and carcinogenesis in addition to retarding ageing. 最近の研究で、 抗酸化とフリーラジカル捕捉活性を有する化合物は metagenesis と癌化に加え、 老化を抑制することができることを示した。 というような訳かと思うのですが、 metagenesis がどう訳せばよいのか分かりません。 metagenesisは、 真世代交代や異性生殖 という意味があるようですが metagenesis の後に「癌化を抑制」と言っているので、 この文章ではそれを指しているように思えず、 他に別の訳しかたがあるのでは? と思い、質問しました。 どなたかご存知の方、 よろしくお願いします(^^;)