• ベストアンサー


Christianity had degenerated into a religious emotion of patriotism, in the conviction that the British had been entrusted with a divine mission to the whole world. この文を日本語に直したいのですが、よく分かりません。 キリスト教とイギリスについて書かれたものです。


  • ベストアンサー
  • ca-jp
  • ベストアンサー率56% (123/219)

英国人が全世界に神の任務を委任されたと確信して、キリスト教は愛国心の宗教的な感情に変質しました。 *** Christianity had degenerated into a religious emotion of patriotism, キリスト教は、愛国心の宗教的な感情に変質しました、 in the conviction 信念で that the British had been entrusted with a divine mission to the whole world. 英国人が全世界に神の任務を委任された 辞書では degenerate =〔動(+into+(代)名)〕〔…へ〕堕落する,退廃する; 退歩する,悪化する 〔into〕. 質が下がる ですが、愛国心の宗教的な感情 に堕落したはおかしいですよね。質(quality)が変わったという意味のほうが文全体からみるとシックリすると思います。 実はキリスト教は権力争い、腐敗、迷信、神の優美さが欠けている儀式主義のシステムなどといろいろな形で堕落した時代も有ったらしいです。


その他の回答 (1)

  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)




  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    "Mr. H", a British agent in Mexico, bribed an employee of the commercial telegraph company for a copy of the message. (Sir Thomas Hohler, then British ambassador in Mexico, claimed to have been "Mr. H", or at least involved with the interception, in his autobiography.) This ciphertext could be shown to the Americans without embarrassment. Moreover, the retransmission was enciphered using the older cipher 13040, so by mid-February the British had not only the complete text, but also the ability to release the telegram without revealing the extent to which the latest German codes had been broken—at worst, the Germans might have realized that the 13040 code had been compromised, but weighed against the possibility of United States entry into the war, that was a risk worth taking. Finally, since copies of the 13040 ciphertext would also have been deposited in the records of the American commercial telegraph, the British had the ability to prove the authenticity of the message to the United States government.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    In August 1916 the German armies on the Somme had been subjected to great strain; the IX Reserve Corps had been "shattered" in the defence of Pozières. Ten fresh divisions had been brought into the Somme front and an extra division had been put into the line opposite the British. Movement behind the German front was made difficult by constant Anglo-French harassing-fire by artillery, which added to equipment shortages by delaying deliveries by rail and interrupting road maintenance. Destruction, capture, damage, wear and defective ammunition had caused 1,068 of 1,208 field guns and 371 of 820 heavy guns to be out of action by the end of August.

  • 過去完了形

    過去完了形について質問します! 文法書には『過去のある時点での完了・結果・経験・状態の継続を表す』 と書いてありました。正直、意味が分かりません。 例文を見ると、過去完了形は過去形とセットで使われており、 過去形の出来事よりも前に起こった出来事を過去完了形で表しているよう に見えるのですが、正しいですか? The professor was fired after it was discovered that he had plagiarized the work of other researchers in his latest book. "Whole paragraphs had been copied," commented a former colleague. そう考えると、この英文の『had plagiarized』のところは理解できます。 時系列的に『盗用する』→『そのことがばれる』→『教授の解雇』です。 では、『had been copied』は普通の過去形とセットになっていませんが これは、I discovered that whole paragraphs had been copied とか When I read the book, whole paragraphs had been copied の様な文が省略 されていると考えればいいのですか?

  • Whenと現在完了の関係

    When Mary finally came into the room,we had been talking about the problem for a long time. という文なのですが、Whenで特定の時間を指定している場合は現在完了は使えないと考えていたため、 had been を were とテストで答えてしまいました。 どのような時にwhenと現在完了が共に使えるのか、また私の回答ではどう間違いなのかなど知りたいです、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    From 4–6 May, the battle in the 2nd Australian Division sector continued and the foothold in the Hindenburg Line was extended. The 7th Division continued to try to reach British parties, which had got into Bullecourt and been isolated. A German counter-attack on 6 May was defeated but the 2nd Australian Division and the 62nd Division had been exhausted and serious losses had been inflicted on the 1st Australian and 7th divisions. The German 27th, 3rd Guard, 2nd Guard Reserve divisions and a regiment of the 207th Division had made six big counter-attacks and also had many casualties. The British attacked again on 7 May with the 7th Division towards Bullecourt and the 1st Australian Brigade west along the Hindenburg trenches, which met at the second objective. Next day the "Red Patch" was attacked again and a small part held after German counter-attacks.

  • 1文だけお助けください(受身の過去完了進行形)

    こんにちは。 こういう文章を英語で言いたいとします。( )内は不要です。 ---------------------------------------------- (過去のある時点までずっと) AはBに分類され続けていた。 (しかし今はそうではない) ---------------------------------------------- まず、こういう英訳を考えました。 ---------------------------------------------- A had been classified into B. ---------------------------------------------- しかし、これでは「され続けていた」の部分を 表現できていないのではないかと悩んでいます。 いわば受身の過去完了に「それまでは進行し続けた」という イメージを加味したいのですが、 どのように英訳すればよろしいのでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • ロシアのクリミア侵攻

    VOA のこちらの記事についてご質問します。 http://www.voanews.com/content/what-prompted-putins-annexation-of-crimea/1879884.html have brought Crimea back into the historical place that it has had in the fold of Mother Russia 1 ここの部分で、the fold は a group or community, especially when perceived a having shared aims and values の意味でよろしいでしょうか? 2 it = Crimea としか考えられませんが、その場合、that 以下がつじつまが合わず、 that it has been / that it had been とするか、 主格の that として that has been / that had been とするのがふさわしい、少なくとも has had で have「持っている」の意味が出るとおかしい、 と思いますがいかがでしょうか。

  • 英文を訳してください。

    Britain Todayという教材からです。 a sign that considerable integration of non-whites into British society had already taken place at that historical jincture. juncture「接合点、継ぎ目」になっています。 integration「人種的差別の廃止」で良いですか?

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Since the "Lone How" was only 40 yards (37 m) behind the British front line, orders had been given to destroy it, in the event of a German raid and a demolition charge had been left on the gun with a lit fuze. On 29 April, the German infantry sent up a green then a red flare and at 3:45 a.m., German artillery began to bombard the reserve and communication trenches of the 16th Division. A gas cloud was released, followed by white smoke from Chalk Pit Wood to Hulluch, after Bavarian Infantry Regiment 9 had been ordered to discharge the gas by higher authority, despite unfavourable winds. German raiding parties advanced, as the gas moved very slowly and then veered about, as it reached the British third line; the German raiders were then engaged by British infantry with small-arms fire.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The II Battalion of Bavarian Infantry Regiment 16 in Longueval had been alerted and sent out four patrols, one disappeared, one ran into a British patrol and two returned with nothing to report. The first wave reached the German wire without a shot and passed over the front line, some of the following waves being engaged by Germans who emerged from underground shelters. A German counter-barrage began and fell into Caterpillar Valley, well behind the infantry.

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  • ビデオ再生時に繰り返し再生ができない問題が発生する場合の対処法について解説します。
  • パワーポイントのテンプレートを使用してビデオを再生する際に注意すべき点について説明します。