• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

補足拝見しました。 >完全に過去で完結していて今では影響のないことなら Eyes watching over me got more severe. でいいでしょうか? 素晴らしい文法力です! 何の問題も無いと思いますよ!



ありがとうございます! がんばって勉強します!


  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    社会全体についてはどうしようもないなら、せめてその中で受動的に流されっぱなしだった自分自身の生き方だけでも、自分の納得のいくものに組み立てなおしたい。 Although we cannot change all the systems of this society, I decide that I will change my passive attitude toward my life in it into what I can trust. 組み立てなおしたいを直訳しようとおもったらうまくいかなかったのでchangeを使いました。 他にも前置詞が続いてしまったりとわかりづらい感じに・・・。 回答よろしくおねがいします。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします!

    今年大学受験をするものですが、宅浪なので英作文の添削をしてくれる人がいません。なので添削をお願いします。 テーマ:自分の失敗とその失敗から学んだことを100字以内で書け When I was fourteen. I bought a cell phone. As soon as I use it, I liked to call my friends on it. One day, I called one of my friends loudly on my cell phone in the train. I did not realize that I was annoying other people on board. then the woman sitting by me said to me that you should hang up your phone and pay more attention to people around you. After she scolded me, Iwas ashamed of my attitude and learnedthe importance of cosidering other people from this experience.

  • 英作文の添削おねがいします!

    英作文(和文英訳)の添削お願いします。間違ってるところ、変なところ等があれば教えてください。直してもらえればありがたいです。 I・アフリカでは数多くの人たちが餓死していると新聞で報じられている。 It is reported in the newspaper that in Africa a lot of people die of hunger. II・家について初めて財布がないのに気がついた。 It was not until I came home that I found I had lost my purse. どうぞよろしくお願いしますm(__)m

  • 自由英作文の添削してください !

    自由英作文の添削してください ! テーマ(自分の人生を変えた出来事) I have been to the US and the experience changed my view of the world. As you know, they speak English fluently: the sound of the language is cool even if the speaker is Japanese. That’s why I got to be interested in foreign languages. But that’s not all. What is more important for me is an American attitude: they are seemed to like to tell his thoughts to others and can express his own opinions positively, unlike the most of Japanese. These experiences showed me attraction of studying abroad.

  • 英作文の添削を

    課題で、"A Part-time Job for Me"というタイトルの英作文をしました。 文法的な間違いや、不自然な表現がなく、ちゃんと意味が通るかどうか不安なので、添削をしていただきたいと思い、投稿しました。 よろしくお願いします。 I don’t work part-time now.   Because I’m very busy with study now and I cannot find an offer of a part-time job that condition conforms to me, nearby my house. However, it is not that I don't work at all.  My relative sometimes asks me to mow the grass of the field and vacancy.  And she asks me help with the final income tax return at the end of the year.  Another relative, cannot use computer, sometimes asks me to make documents with a Microsoft Office Word.  The member of a municipal assembly of the acquaintance’s husband of my father asks me to create his Website.  The reward of these work is more expensive than the wage of the general part-time job.  However, there are few incomes because there is little work. I will want to do work of distributing mails at the post office in next winter vacation if I work part-time.  I've ever done this work when I was a tenth grader, and this work was pleasant.  And there is a post office near my house.  I can go there by bicycle in about thirty minutes. It is not suitable to deliver mails for me.  When I worked once to deliver mails by bicycle, I took time very much to finish work because I cannot ride a motor bicycle.  So I delivered it by bicycle.  But I ran slow by bicycle.  And I wasn’t good to learn the route very much.   Therefore the vice-postmaster changed my work into distributing mails.  This work was easier than delivering mails.  It was worm in post office and I was able to have confectionery, oranges, juice and for a break.  But my wage was higher than the other part-time worker because the wage of the postman was applied even after work changed because at first I was adopted as the postman that is higher wage than worker of distributing mails.  So I was able to work easily and get much money.

  • 英作文ができない。

     英語の簡単な文章を書いてみたんですが、ちゃんとかけているのかどうか、よくわかりません。文法が間違っていないかどうか、文章の流れが不自然でないかどうか見ていただきたいのです。 よろしくお願いいたします。 I’m Masato Oda. I was born on March 29, 1987 in Nara, so I’m now 20 years and two months old. I’m a junior at the School of Literature, Jonan University. I major in Education. I’m taking 23 courses this semester. I’d like to be a teacher at a junior high school or a high school. So, I must be a good speaker of English. I live at home with my parents, brother, sister, and grandmother. Our house is located in the southeast of Nara, and I come to college by bicycle. It takes me about an hour and ten minutes from my home to the college. My hobbies are cycling, reading and seeing movies.  I do cycling for exercise and I come to college from my house. I’m reading a paperback pocket edition well recently.  I'm busy recently, so I don't see any movies at a movie theater, but I want to see it there.

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします

    最初の治療で効果があったので次の治療ではさらなる効果を期待しました。 (1)I hoped more improvement of my disease condition by 2nd remedy like I felt at first remedy. (2)At first remedy I felt improvement of my disease condition so I hoped more improvement by 2nd remedy. 2通り作ってみたのですがどちらもいまいち自信が持てません。 (2)の方ではimprovment が2度出てくるのが気になります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 高校英語 分詞の問題

    高校英語 分詞の問題 例題:( )内の動詞を分詞に変形させ補語の用法になるように適切な箇所へ入れなさい。 The dog came toward me its tail. (wag) 正答:The dog came toward me wagging its tail. 回答:The dog came wagging toward me its tail. なぜこの正答になるのかがわかりません。 toward me(位置や方向を表す)も合わせて動詞の文節にあたるというというのなら理解できます が、すると他の問題↓ 例題:The box remained under the ground.(bury) 正答:The box remained bury under the ground. と辻褄が合わなくなってしまいます.. under the ground(位置や方向を表す)も合わせて動詞の文節にあたる、と解釈したのに、ここでは動詞の文節にこの位置や方向を表す文節は動詞の文節にふくまれないようですし..。 教えてください、お願いします..。

  • 英作文添削してもらえませんか?

    いつもお世話になっています。添削や講評よろしくお願いします。 軍隊に入る時は、よもや二度と生きて山を歩けるとは思わなかった。それはまた一つの慰めでもあった。忙しい軍隊生活の中では、山を思い返す暇はなかった。ほんの断片的な山の印象、山の匂いとか、山の風とか、霜融けの温まりとか、そうしたものはしばしば強烈に甦ってくることもあったが、登攀を回顧させるほど特別なものではなかった。 When I entered the army, I thought my chance to hike mountains would never come to me, which only consoled me. Too hard missions in the army deprived me of the time when I retrospect mountains. Sometimes I found myself to recall intently a little piece of impression, smells and winds of mountains or warmth by melting frost, which was not special to make me long for climbing fanatically.

  • 英作文を添削してほしいです。

    (1)大雪でバスが来なかったので、家からずっと歩いてきたんだ (2)朝起きたらうちの車が雪に埋もれてたので、父に車で送ってもらうこともできなかった。 1;A bus didn`t come because of heavy snow ;so I walked from my house to here. the か a で迷ったのですが、どちらのほうがいいのでしょうか? 2;~,I couldn`t go here by his car. たぶん「 my father couldn't give me a ride.」が一般だと思いますが、この表現で何とかなる方法ってないのでしょうか?