• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

(1) C. I think I have a high fever, too. (2) B. I've been like this since I woke up. (3) E. It sounds as if you have somethig serious. (4) F. I have never been to a doctor in Japan before. ジロウ:大丈夫、ジョー?顔色ひどい様だけど。 ジョー:気分が良くない。実際、ひどいんだ。頭痛がする。 (1)熱も高いと思うよ。 ジロウ:額に触らせて。燃えてるみたいに高い熱だ。どれくらいこんな感じなの? ジョー:(2)目を覚ました時からこんな感じなんだ。でも、だんだん悪くなるみたいで。 ジロウ:アスピリンか何か飲んだかい? ジョー:朝食後にアスピリンを2錠飲んだけど。効いてないみたいなんだ。 ジロウ:(3)何かひどい病気みたいだよ。すぐにお医者さんに診てもらった方がいいと思うな。 ジョー:(4)まだ日本では一度も医者に行ったことがないんだ。どこに行けばいいのかわからない。 ジロウ:大学には専属の医者がいるよ。良い先生だよ。よかったら先生に診てもらいに君を連れてゆくけど。 ジョー:どうも有り難う。感謝するよ。 ☆(3)のas ifの後は仮定法になるのが普通ですが、口語では直説法も用いられます。次の(1)及び(3)です。 http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/as+if 



すごいです!! 速い解答解説ありがとうございました。 和訳までつけてもらって よくわかりました。 また お願いします。 (*^_^*)


  • 対話文完成の問題

    1)A:May I use your bathroom? B:( ) 1.Good morning! 2.Be my guest! 3.Amazing! 4.No kidding! →2? 2)A:Can I borrow your dictionary? B:( ) 1.Sure, go ahead. 2.Of course, get a move on. 3.Yes, let's start. 4.Certainly, give me up. →1? 3)A:I'm thinking of going to Spain on my next vacation. What's your plan? B:( ) 1.Have a nice time in Spain. 2.I think you should go there. 3.I've never been there. 4.I haven't given it much thought. →4? 4)Ken:Maria, there's something important I want to ask you. Maria:Really? What is it? Ken:Well, it's kind of hard for me to say, but, ummm... Maria:( ) You can ask me anything. Ken. 1.Then, stop it. 2.Don't worry. 3.Let's have some tea. 4.Don't get angry. →2? 5)A:Donna and I are going to a jazz concert tomorrow. ( ) B:That sounds great! 1.Have you ever heard it? 2.Let me go with you. 3.Please tell me your plans. 4.Would you like to join us? →2? 6)Hans:I'd like a cup of tea. Is the water boiling? Gretel:( ) but it won't be long. Hans:I'll get a cup out of the cupboard. 1.Yes, it just started, 2.It started boiling a minute ago, 3.Not yet, 4.No, but it takes a long time, →2? 問題文 ()に入れる選択肢 自分で考えた答え  の順に書いてあります。 解答の添削、よかったら和訳や解説も加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 文法的に正しいですか?

    英語でDVDを観ていて疑問に思ったので投稿させていただきます。 下記のようなセリフが出てきて分からなかったので教えて下さい。 I've don't think I've ever been in a house this big before. (今まででこんな大きな家に来たことないわ。招待客のセリフです。) 字幕でも確認しましたので聞き間違いではないです。 1. I've don't think は合ってますか?I have don't thinkのことだと思うのですが、I don't thinkが普通ではないでしょうか? 2. I've ever been in a house this big beforeの並びは正しいでしょうか? (アメリカ人が言っているので正しいのでしょうが) I've ever been in a big house like this before. と私だったら書きますが間違ってますか? 聞いたことあるないではなく文法的に教えて頂ければと思います。

  • 入試問題で対話文です

    適した文を選んで1語追加して並べ替える問題です。 Mary:Hi,Bob.What are you doing? Bob:I was just looking at a program about classical music in Osaka this season. Mary:Really?I love going to concerts. Bob:(1)____? Mary:I sure am.Could you give me some advice? Bob:I'd be glad to. Mary:I can't pay much. (2)______. Bob:Not if it's a Japanese orchestra. Mary:Does Osaka have an orchestra? Bob:Yes,the Osaka Symphony Orchestra is playing next weekend. Mary:Great,I'll try to go. Bob:(3)_______.But i have to work next weekend. Mary:Tht's too bad,but thanks to your advice. Bob:You're welcome.(4)_______. Mary:I sure will. A (go,I,I, you,with,could) B (too,planning,there,I'm, go) C (is,know,me,concert,the,let) D (will,concert,sometime,you,a,soon) E (classical,was,am,afre,as,as,I,in,were,that) F (tickets,was,Japan,expensive,I,in,were,that) 私の答え (1)Are you as interested in classical music as I am? (2)Tickets wee expensive I was in Japan????????? (3)I wish I could go with you. (4)Let me know when the concert is. 打ち間違いがあるかもしれませんが、 よろしくお願いします。

  • この会話文の構造を教えていただけませんか?

    男.How is your novel coming along? Have you finished writing it? 女.I wish I could say yes, but I haven't been very productive lately. 男.Maybe it's writer's block. You need to get away for a while. You've probably been working too hard. 女.You're right. I don't think it's anything a few days off wouldn't cure. で、最後の I don't think it's anything a few days off wouldn't cure. の文の構造を教えて頂ける方いらっしゃらないでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。 英検準1級リスニングの問題です。

  • 会話文の英作(入試問題)

    自分で作ってみました。なんだか、おかしいところが あるような気がします。advice&添削してください。 A:あー、金曜日でよかった。今週はとても忙しかった から、ほっとしたわ。 B:私も。来週の月曜日が休みだから三連休だし。 A:何か予定あるの。 B:家族と一泊で温泉に行くつもりよ。 A:わー、いいな。どうやって行くの。 B:きっと高速道路は渋滞だろうし、疲れるから、  列車で行くことにしたの。 A:Oh,it's Friday at last. Because I've been  very busy this week,I feel relieved. B:Me,too. It will be a holiday next Monday,  so will be three consecutive holidays. A:Do you have a plan? B:I'm going to go to a hot spring with my  family. A:Wow,great.How do you go there?  The expressway must be congested,so I'll  go by train. 「三連休だし」は I will have --も考えました。

  • 歌詞の和訳をお願いします!

    Ain't no personal thing, boy But you have got to stay away Far, far away from my heart, my heart Don't you know what your kiss is doing Let me tell it to you from the start, boy I don't wanna fall in love No, no Love cuts just like a knife You make the knife feel good Baby I'll fight you to the end Baby You've been hanging around, boy And you have started sinking in Whoah, baby you're way out of line now Unaware how this all got started Let me tell it to you one more time, boy I don't wanna fall in love No, no Love cuts just like a knife You make the knife feel good Baby I'll fight you to the end I don't wanna fall in love No, no Love cuts just like a knife You make the knife feel good Baby I'll fight you to the end I learned something about myself (Last night) Last night with you I knew I didn't want nobody else And you're scaring me to death now, baby I don't wanna fall in love No, no Love cuts just like a knife You make the knife feel good Baby I'll fight you to the end No I don't wanna fall in love No, no Love cuts just like a knife You make the knife feel good Baby I'll fight you to the end I don't wanna fall in love No, no Love cuts just like a knife You make the knife feel good Baby, yeah I'll fight you to the end I don't want to fall in love No, no Love cuts just like a knife You make the knife feel good Baby I'll fight you to the end I don't wanna fall in love.

  • 対話文です

    次の対話文の[   ]に入れるのに最も適切なものを.ア~エの中から1つ選んでください (1)  Father: Can I take your picture. Tom? Tom : Sure. Father. But why? Father: I`ll show it to your grandmother when I see her tomorrow. [ ] Tom : Yes. of course. Say hello to her for me. ア Do you think it`s a good idea? イ Do you think she has a good idea? ウ Will you give me her picture? エ Will you take her picture? すみませんが.お願いいたします!

  • 入試問題

    ネットで手に入れた入試問題を解いたのですが、答えが無くて答え合わせができません。 お時間のある方、もしさしつかえが無ければ答えを教えて下さい。 次の(   )に最も適切な語を選び、記号で答えなさい。 (1)   A:Meg is leaving Japan soon. We’ll miss her. B:Yeah, but she (   ) to come back. イ.promised ロ.said ハ.provided ニ.taught (2) The doctor suggested that my father (   ) salty foods. イ.stop eating ロ.stops eating ハ.stopped to eat ニ.stops to eat (3) How I wish you (   ) with me with this wonderful sight! イ.are ロ.were ハ.would be ニ.have been (4) I am very pleased to accept your job (   ). イ.offense ロ.offer ハ.office ニ.officer (5) A:‘‘Would you like to go to the museum with me on Sunday?’’ B: ‘‘Sure,(   )?’’ イ.what for ロ.why to ハ.why not ニ.who with (6) Bob can (   ) work. イ.any more ロ.not more ハ.any longer ニ.no longer (7) I wish I could help you. (   ) I don’t have the time. イ.Unfortunately ロ.Seldom ハ.Therefore ニ.Luckily (8) (   ) the truth,I am not good at playing tennis. イ.Telling ロ.To tell ハ.To be told ニ.Being told (9) We don’t like to live in a house (   ) privacy is impossible. イ.who ロ.which ハ.where ニ.when (10) He pretended to be innocent, but it was (   ) that he told a lie. イ.certainly ロ.clearly ハ.different ニ.obvious (11) If you were in my place, what (   ) in this cace? イ. will you do ロ. would you have done ハ. would you do ニ. would you have been (12) You must study English grammar (   ) you can express yourself in English. イ.while ロ.when ハ.now that ニ.so that

  • 意味を教えてください

    I have been trying to focus on improving my live and I feel like you need more than what I can give. So I feel like I'm being selfish. "I feel like you need ...."からが意味がよくわかりません。僕が与える以上に、僕は君を必要としているで良いでしょうか?

  • 入試問題の会話文の英作お願いします。

    自分で作りました。しっくりこないところが ありますので添削してください。 A:(1)話があるんだけど、ちょっといい? B:ああ、いいよ。 A:土曜日の夜、暇だったらジャズクラブに一緒に行か   ない? B:(2)行きたいけど土曜日の夜は先約があるんだ。 A:そう、残念だわ。 B:僕もだ。また次の機会に何かあったら誘ってよ。 A:じゃ、いいコンサートがあったら教えるね。 B:(3)そうしてくれよ。誘ってくれてありがとう。   じゃ、またね。 (1)I have something to tell you,but o.k.? (2)I'd like to,but I have a previous engegement Saturday night. (3)Please do. Thank you for asking me. See you. (1)の後半と(3)の前半が特に自身がありませ    ん。  よろしくおねがいします。