• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英検の並べ替え問題)


  • 質問者は英検の並べ替え問題について質問しています。
  • 質問文章は車のトラブルと勉強に関する内容で構成されています。
  • 質問者は並べ替え問題の解答がわからず、誰かに教えてほしいと求めています。


  • ベストアンサー

現在完了というのは正しいです。 it has been nothing but trouble「トラブルばかりだ」 nothing but ~で「~だけ」→「~ばかり」 all he does is study in his room all he does「彼がすることのすべて」 is (to) study in his room 「部屋で勉強することだ」 to の省略とも言われますが, do(es) という部分と study という原形が対応していると考えられます。 All you have to do is 原形「~するだけでよい」 What I can do is 原形「私は~できるだけだ」 などでおなじみの is 原形です。 通常,前に do があります。






  • 英語の訳、並べ替え

    It has been said of Einstein that he was most loved by those who least understood his theories but who were drawn to him by some inscrutable attachment. の訳が、「アインシュタインは、彼の学説を少しも理解出来ないが、何か計り知れない魅力によって引きつけられている人々によって、一番愛されていたと言われている。」 という訳になっているのですが、どのように文法構造をとれば、このような訳になるのでしょうか。 一応、 「It is said that ...=...と言われている」 「least=少しも~ない」 「those who=~な人々」 などの文法は理解しています。 並べ替え問題は 日本文に合うように、語句を並べ替えなさい。 ただし、一語補う必要があるので注意すること。 「彼は貧乏の味がどんなものであるか、よくわかっている」 what/he/be/well/it/knows/poor/is/quite/to です。 二問、よろしくおねがいします。

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    My friend “Sophie” is worried about the vibes our other friend “Steve” has been giving her. We’re almost out of high school, and Steve has not been very subtle in his crush on Sophie. He’s not the sharpest knife, but he usually means well. Steve has not been very subtle in his crush on Sophie. He’s not the sharpest knife, but he usually means well. の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • straightened out

    Bud is 44 years old and owns his own business, but he does not save money. When I met him, he had nothing. Now he has $20,000 in a retirement account and another $5,000 in savings. He finally has his two kids pretty well straightened out, although they will never be exactly normal. has his two kids pretty well straightened outはどのような意味でしょぅか?よろしくお願いします

  • 並べかえの問題です

    The earth has never before been po lluted as badly as it is today. が正解になっていました。 これを Never を前に出して倒置にしてはだめなのでしょうか。 あるいは The earth has never been polluted before as ... ではだめなのでしょうか。 できれば理由を添えて教えていただけますか?

  • 英語の問題 助けてください。

    1.He is last man 2.I cannot see him 3.It is not long 4.[ ]get angry 5.[ ]his promise 6.He looks 7.She is cheerful 8.Tired sa he was 9.What do you think 10.So great her surprise A.to do such a foolish thing B.he must have forgotten C.that she could not say a word D.before she has a baby E.your father said to you? F.without remembering his father G.he may well H.he kept on working I.as if he had been ill J.as well as intelligent 最初の1~10の文の後にA~Jが続きます。4,5は最初に文が入ります。 どれが繋がり略も書いてくださると助かります。答えがないのでずっと苦戦していました。どうかお助けください。簡単で結構なので理由も書いてくださるとありがたいです。

  • 意味を教えて下さい。

    He is not very well at the moment, he has 2 Ulcers on his Leg and is having trouble よろしくお願い致します。

  • 問題といてください

    できたら和訳もお願いします!! 1 (1)We arrived at the cinema at 10:00, but the movie (starts/has started/would start/had started) at 9:30. (2)I (went/was going/have gone/have been) to Tokyo Disneyland three times so far. (3)We stayed inside while it (rains/is raining/was raining/has rained). (4)When (are you clean/did you clean/have you cleaned/are you cleaning) your room? (5)Please call me when he (comes/came/has come/will come) back tomorrow. (6)We don't know when the earthquake (happens/will happen/will be happening/have happened). (7)A friend of mine (arrive/arrived/is arriving/have arrived) in Narita next week. (8)Jack (watches/is watching/was watching/has been watching) TV since he came home. (9)If I go to hokkaido once more, I (visit/visited/have visited/will have visited) it three times. (10)We learned that Columbus (discovered/was discovered/has discovered/had discovered) American in 1492. (11)We will go on a picnic if it (is/was/will be/has been) fine tomorrow. (12)I recognized him at once, because I (saw/would see/have seen/had seen) him before. 2 日本文の意味になるように空所に適切な語を入れなさい。 私のおじいさんが死んで5年になる。 (1)My grandfather ( ) five years ago. (2)My grandfather has been ( ) for five years. (3)It has been five years ( ) my grandfather died. (4)Five years have ( ) since my grandfather died. 3 2文が同じ意味になるように、空所に適切な語を入れなさい。 (1)This is the most wonderful scenery I have ever seen. =I have ( ) ( ) such wonderful scenery as this. (2)Beth began to play the piano three hours ago, and is still playing. =Beth ( ) ( ) ( ) the piano for three hours. (3)I lost the key to my room and I don't have it now. =I ( ) ( ) the key to my room. (4)He went to China and he isn't here now. =He ( ) ( ) to China. (5)I brought a mobile phone yesterday, but lost it this morning. =This morning, I lost the mobile phone which I ( ) ( ) the day before. お願いします!!

  • センター試験の問題

    He is the man for the job,don't you think? [I am afraid I don't agree.] Who do you suggest,then? [ ] が穴ウメの答え カッコにはそう思わない、という感じの訳になると思うのですが、どんな訳が適当でしょうか? 「賛成しないことを、恐れる」と思っってしまったので、違うものを選んでしまいました。 I Don't tell him anything about the project, 1/but he spoke asthough he knew all about it 2/but he knew as though he spoke all about it 1が自分の答えで、2が授業でやったこたえです。 「まるで全部知っているかのように話した」 のほうがよいようなきがするのですが、どこが変でしょうか? 上の2題どちらかでもよいのでよろしくお願いします。

  • butおよび stillの用法

    butの品詞と和訳の問題で、 (1)There is no rule but has some exceptions. (2)It is nothing but a joke. (3)Beauty is but skin-deep. (4)I don’t want any ifs and buts. それぞれのbutの品詞と意味がよく分かりません。 また、stillも同様に、 (1)Still waters run deep. (2)The stadium was quite still. (3)He was still in bed when i called on him. (4)You are tall, but your sister is still taller. (5)He had many faults, still she loved him. それぞれの品詞と意味がいまひとつよく分かりません。

  • 意味を教えてください

    I just started dating a great guy. We’ve been out only a couple of times, but the spark is there. The trouble is that he has a bad background. His mom was an addict and his dad is in prison, and he bounced around from various troubled relatives until CPS intervened and put him in foster care. He was bounced from place to place and never bonded with anybody. He had a few brushes with drugs and the law, but nothing serious, had a few brushes with drugs and the lawの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • トラウマの治療法や克服方法を知りたいです。
  • トラウマからの回復方法や効果的なアプローチを教えてください。
  • トラウマを克服するための方法やアドバイスを求めています。