• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語の比較の問題で困っています。)

英語の比較問題で困っています - お願いします!


  • ベストアンサー

1.There were four times many people as we expected at the party. (2)times many → times as many ○○ times as -- as ~ で、「~の○○倍--」 原級のバリエーションです。 2.Mr.White is most intelligent than anyone else working in his field. (1)most intelligent → more intelligent more -- than ~ で、「~よりも--」 「~よりも--な人はいない」と、最上級のような意味をもつ、 比較級のバリエーションです。 3.The warm a place is, generally speaking, the more types of plants and animals it will usually support. (1)warm a place → warmer a place  the --er, the ~er で、「--すればするほど、より~」 比較級の構文です。 4.Research has shown that cranes in Hokkaido are far numerous than previously estimated. (3)far numerous → far more numerous far --er than ~ で、「~よりもずっと--」 比較級を強めた言い方です。 ご参考までどうぞ。



回答ありがとうございます。 おかげで役に立ちました。 詳しく教えていただいて本当にありがとうございます。 また、お願いしますね(^^♪


  • 解説をお願いします

    ()内に誤りが一つあり、指摘して正しく直す問題なのですが、分からない点があるので解説をお願いします。 1. The (1. warm) a place is, (2. generally) speaking, the (3. more) types of plants and animals it (4. will) usually support. これは文の構造自体がどうなってるのかが分かりません・・・。 2. (1. By) the early 1990s, (2. two-third) of the migrants (3. in) Europe (4. were) Muslim. 私は two-third → two-thirds でいいと思いましたが、 「By the early 1990s」はどう訳せば良いですか? 回答お待ちしております。

  • 困っています。

    以下の英文の日本語訳がわかりません。だれか教えてください。お願いします。 (1)Many farm animals respect the intelligence of chimpanzees and dolphins. (2)Many farm animals may be more intelligent than was previously realized. (3)Many farm animals have been discovered to be more intelligent than chimpanzees and dolphins. (4)Many farm animals have been trying to convince scientists that they are smart.

  • 文法の間違い訂正について

    英文の間違い訂正の問題です。各文1つずつ間違いがあります。 (間違い)→(訂正)の順で、また、考えた和訳を[]に書きました。 解らない部分は??と表記しました。どの問題も自信が無いです・・・ 間違い訂正があっているか、と、和訳に補足をお願いしますm(_ _)m 注意はしていますが、誤字があったら指摘をお願いします(汗 -------------------- 1.I'm going to cook eggs for breakfast to everyone. Would you like yours scrambled or fried? [私は皆に朝食で卵を調理する予定だ。いり卵と炒めた卵(目玉焼き?)のどちらがいいですか。] (to everyone)→(for everyone)? 2.As Southern California is such a vest geographical area,it would demand weeks of nonstop sightseeing to experience which it offers. [カリフォルニアの南部はそのような広大な地理(?)~(これ以降の訳がわかりません。)] (??)→(??) 3.The warm a place is,generally speaking, the more types of plants and animals it will usually support. [一般的に言えば、その暖かい場所は、多くの種類の植物や動物がいつも支えている。] (will)→(is)

  • 和訳を至急お願いします!!(´;ω;`)

    和訳を至急お願いします!!(´;ω;`) There are different types of a food chain. In a sequence in which plants are eaten by herbivorous animals (grazers),which in turn are eaten by carnivorous predators, the chain may be called a grazing food chain. There is also a detritus food chain, in which dead plants are consumed by decomposers. In a well-developed ecosystem, such as a forest , more than 90 percent of primary production is eventually consumed by the organisms in the detritus chain ; less than 10 percent is consumed in the grazing chain. detritusは有機堆積物です。

  • 困っています。

    日本語訳がわかりません。だれか教えてください。お願いします。 (1)Different animals depend on different types of animals for making decisions. (2)Different animals simply stare into different directions to view other animals' behavior. (3)Different animals display different types of voting behavior. (4)Different animals take different routes to the voting place. (5)Needless to say, in any one of these topics, there is much more than I could possibly learn in 100 life times. (6)I can concentrate all my efforts on the aspects that interest me most.

  • 英語の問題です・・・・・

    各文の( )に入る最も適当なものを選びなさい。 1. Poor Nancy! I bought the same dress for $20 ( ). ア.few イ.fewer ウ.little エ.less 2. Mozart was ( ) the most talented musician in those days. ア.very イ.by far ウ.well エ.a bit 3. Kazuo has a very big family. He has no ( ) than ten children. ア.much イ.more ウ.little エ.fewer 4. She is second to ( ) when it comes to speaking English. ア.none イ.anybody ウ.someone エ.all 5. "You must have been tired of the boring meeting." "Not ( )." ア.at best イ.at least ウ.in the best エ.in the least 6. He is as great an artist as ( ) lived. ア.any イ.ever ウ.never エ.can 申し訳ありませんが、お願いします。

  • 英語の問題教えてください!

    The teacher's association has annoused that the food and drinks () supplied at the annual conference will not be provided this year. (A)usually (B)hugely (C)evenly (D)strictly All passengers should present their () documents at the check-in counter. (A)boarded (B)boarding (C)to board (D)boards There is now increased competition among motor-vehicle manufacturers () has resulted in better cars at lower prices. (A)those (B)what (C)that (D)where Mayor Williams proudly described the city as a place where the citizens are () for their hospitality. (A)returned (B)known (C)taken (D)held Comco, Inc.,became the leading supplier of computer () last year, less than ten years after it was founded. (A)amounts (B)types (C)kinds (D)parts The recent increase in tourism has done less to improve the bussiness of small retailers in this area than we () predicted. (A)original (B)originally (C)originated (D)originality The cost of repairing the water damage to the museum after the storm () to be more than one million dollars. (A)expects (B)is expecting (C)expected (D)is expected 宜しくお願いします!!

  • 英語 和訳

    (1)Animals in the wild lead lives of compulsion and necessity within an unforgiving social hierarchy in an environment where the supply of fear is high and the supply of food low and where territory must constantly be defended and parasites forever endured. (2)But such an event is less likely to happen than for a member of our own species,say a shopkeeper with all the usual ties-to family,to friends,to society-to drop everything and walk away from his life with only the space change in his pockets and the clothes on his frame. (3)If human beings,boldest and most intelligent of creatures,will not wander from place to place,why would an animal,which is by temperament far more conservative? (1)~(3)の英文の和訳どなたかよろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の和訳

    Generally speaking, countries with a high standard of living consume more water than those with a low standard of living. The United States consumes by far the greatest amount of water: an average that amounts to 7200 liters per American each day. In comparison, total daily consumption of water per person amounts to 4800 liters in Canada, 1400 liters in Britain, and 1200 in China. In Japan, total water consumption amounts to 2600 liters per person per day: an amount that corresponds to filling up a bathtub thirteen times.  Water on our planet is not an unlimited resource. If we keep using water at the present rate, we will suffer from constant shortage in the near future. This could lead to nations fighting over scarce water supplies, just as they have fought to get gold and petroleum in the past. 和訳をしていて、途中から良く分からなくなりました。 水資源についての英文です。和訳例をお願い致します。

  • 長文英語

    訳をお願いします。 Wolves are famous and wild, dangerous and dark. They are found everywhere in folk tales. In children's stories the wolf blew down the little pigs'houses and swallowed Red Riding Hood's grandmother whole. There is legend that the wolf is the devil in disguise and ( ア )some men become murderous werewolves when the moon is full. Poor wolves. They have done little to deserve their reputation. In biological terms, they are little more than large dogs, such close relations that they can easily breed together. All our domestic dogs are descened from wolves. Sometime, more than 15,000 years ago, wolves were domesticated and, over centuries of breeding, turned into Man's Best Friends. If there were no wolves, we would have no guide dogs or sheepdogs or retrievers, and no pet dogs. Our own distant ancestors were hunters, and competed with wolves, which were much more numerous than today. But people then probably felt they had little to fear. Wolves are shy and unlikely to attack something as dangerous as a person. Like many predators, they choose the easiest target ― old, sick or wounded animals. The native peoples of North America called them brother and sister hunters, and respected them. The change in human attitudes came when people became farmers, keeping animals in fields. Wolves soon learned to make use of this. They attacked farm animals, and gained a reputation as fearsome thieves, who must be hunted to death. Wolves,(over /to /used /wander /which) most of Europe, have disappeared completely from much of the continent. They are more numerous in North America, and believed to be around 8,000 in Alaska alone. There, these fine animals can be seen in the wild, living as they should under the open sky, and in the vast northern forests. (ア)に適当な1語と 上の(over /to /used /wander /which)の並び替えもよろしくお願いします!