• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:高校受験 模範解答を教えてください)



  • ベストアンサー

(1)This is the picture taken by him yesterday. This is the picture(he)(took)yesterday. (2)Who is your favorite singer? Who is the singer(you)(like)the best? (3)Can you see the house with a green roof? Can you see the house (whose)(roof)is green? (4)Kyoto is a city with a long history. Kyoto is a city(which)(has)a long history. (5)He is a singer. Many people love his songs. He is a singer(whose)songs (are)(loved)by many people. (6)This is the house where he lives. This is the house (which)he lives(in). (7)I will never forget the time at which we first met. I will never forget the time (when)we first met. (8)I am interested in French. French is a language (in)(which)I am interested . (9)A boy has come to see you? His name is Mike Smith. A boy(whose)(name)is Mike Smith has come to see you. (10)I’ve never seen such a pretty doll. This is the (prettiest)(doll)(that)I have (ever)seen . だと思います。ご参考まで。



模範解答ありがとうございました。 塾の昇降テストに向けて必死で覚えます。


  • 高校受験 模範解答を教えてください

    (1)She can’t play the piano,she ア.does   イ.doesn’t   ウ.can’t   エ.can (2)He speaks English very well, ア.isn’t he    イ.doesn’t he    ウ.is he    エ.does he  (3)You came to the gate almost every day, ア.do you   イ.don’t you    ウ.did you    エ.didn’t you  (4)Let’s go to the movies,we ア.will    イ.shall   ウ.do   エ.don’t  (5)Lend me that book, ア.will you   イ.shall we   ウ.do you    エ.don’t you  (6)My father and your father have been friends for ten years, ア.haven’t they   イ.didn’t they   ウ.haven’t you  エ.did you  (7)We had a great time during our trip. I’m glad to hear it. ア.Did you    イ.Had it   ウ.Was it   エ.Were you  (8)There is no water in the pot, ア.is there    イ.isn’t there   ウ.are there   エ.aren’t there  (9)Do you know where ア.does he live   イ.lives he   ウ.he live   エ.he lives  (10)I know you’re planning to travel this summer,but do you know how much ア.cost will be    イ.will it cost    ウ.it will cost   エ.does it cost  (11)I didn’t know what to say at that time. I didn’t know what(    )(    )(    )at that time. (12)I know the writer of this book. I know (    )(    )this book. (13)Megumi speaks English well,doesn’t she? Megumi is a (    )English speaker,(    )(    )? (14)Do you know her dress? Do you know (    )(    )(    )? (15)Can you tell the number of the students in this school? Can you tell (    )(    )students this school has?               よろしくお願いします。

  • 高校受験 英語の模範解答を教えてください。

    次の各組がほぼ同じ意味になるようにしなさい。 (1)She went to school in America. She (    )her school days in America. (2)I went to my office by car. I (    )to my office . (3)This book will be useful when you study. This book will (    )you when you study. (4)I don’t know her. She is a (    )to me. (5)Is this purse yours ? (    )this purse (    )to you ? (6)Tom belongs to the basketball club. Tom is (    )(    )(    )the basketball club. (7)He paid 200dollars for this camera. This camera (    )(    )200dollars. (8)Is this something I can do for you? (    )I(    )you? (9)She can speak English well. She is a (    )(    )(    )English. (10)My uncle continued to read the story. My uncle (k    )(    )the story.   以上、よろしくお願いします。

  • 高校受験 模範解答を教えてください

    (1) 私も彼も君を手伝えません。 I can’t help you,he can’t,(     ). (2) この本を知っている人はもうほとんどいません。 (     )people know this book now. (3) その時私の財布にはお金がほとんどなかった。 There (     )(     )money in my purse at that time. (4) 君は全力をつくしてくれさえすればそれでいいよ。 (     )you have to do is to (     )(     )(     ). (5) トムもサムもここにはこなかった。 (     )Tom(     ) Sam came here. (6)その瓶にはワインが少し残っています。 There is (     )(     )wine (     )in the bottle. (7)彼か彼の弟のどちらかに会いに来てもらいたい。 I hope that (     )he (     )his brother will come to see me. (8)オリンピックは4年ごとに行われます。 The Olympic Game are held (     )four years. (9)彼はそのような難しい質問には答えることができなかった。 It was f(     )or him to answer(     ) a difficult question. (10)君はワインを飲む年ごろじゃないでしょう。 You aren’t old (     )to drink wine.    よろしくお願いします。

  • 高校受験 模範解答と解説をお願いします。

    高校受験 模範解答と解説をお願いします。 (1)Tell me your address,please. ( )me know your address,please. (2)He was wise to see the doctor at once. It was wise( )( ) to see the doctor at once. (3)These dress were too small for Mary to wear. These dress were so small that Mary couldn’t wear( ). (4)I heard the news of his death. It surprised me very much. I ( )( )( )hear the news very much. (5)It is an hour’s walk to the lake. It ( )an hour ( ) walk to the lake. (6)Why did you work so hard? What ( )you ( )so hard? (7)No one could see them. It was ( )( )anyone to see them. (8)It is easy to read this book. This book is easy ( )( ). (9)She saw me come out of the room. I was ( )( )come out of the room by her. よろしくお願いします。

  • 中学英語 模範解答を教えてください。

    (1)この女の子のお父さんは、警官です。  This is a girl (      )(      )(      )a policeman. (2)これがあなたが探している本ですか。 Is this the book(      )you are looking? (3)これは1世紀以上も前にかけられた橋です。 This is the bridge (      )over a century ago. (4)私は彼女が日本にやってくるという手紙を受け取りました。 I received a letter(      ) that she was coming to Japan. (5)ほとんどの日本人は木の上に住んでいます。 Most Japanese live in houses(      )(      )(      ). (6)私はその人に会いたかったのですが、不在でした。 The man (      )(      )(      )see was not at home (7)郵便局は私の住んでいるところから遠い。 The post office is a long way from (      )I live. (8)私があなたにしてあげられるのはこれだけです。 This is (      )(      )I can do for you. (9)あなたが手に持っているものを見せなさい。  Show me (      )you have in your hand. (10)彼は村でよく一緒に遊んだ友達だった。 He was one of friends (      )I played(      )in the village.                   以上、よろしくお願いします。

  • 前置詞の模範解答と解説をお願いします(高校受験)

    (   )に前置詞を入れなさい。 (1)I bought this watch (    )two thousand yen. (2)He is my senior(    ) two years. (3)A taxi was hired (    )the hour. (4)He lay(    )his back,looking up at the blue sky. (5)I was forced to drink(    ) my will. (6)How much money did you spend (    )those books? (    )の前置詞を訂正しなさい。 (7)He divided the money( between )his three children. (8)I called (on) his house (in) the evening in question. (9)(By )this reason I like baseball better than basketball. (10)I was kept waiting( by )half past five.                よろしくお願いします。

  • 同意文問題の解答を教えて下さい(高校受験)

    (1)He usually goes to his office by car.  He usually(     )(     )his office. (2)Cheese is made from milk.   They (     )milk (     )cheese. (3)I like the pictures which were drawn by him. I like the pictures(     )(     ). (4)He did not go to school yesterday. He(     )(     )(     )school yesterday. (5)I received a letter from her yesterday. I(     )(     )her yesterday. (6)Mary hasn’t written to me since 1987. I haven’t (     )(     )Mary since 1987. (7)She said to us ,”Please don’t be noisy.” She (     )us (     )(     )be noisy. (8)Some of my friends didn’t attend the meeting. Some of my friends were (     )(     )the meeting. (9)She smiled and said ,”How are you?” She said (     ) a (     ),”How are you?” (10)Can you see a small lake in front of that mountain? Can you see a small lake (     )that mountain?

  • 全国超難関高校模範解答を教えて下さい。

    (1) She can speak French little,but you do. ア.not as well as イ.not well than ウ.not so better than エ.not so better as (2)My sweater is more expensive than yours,but my mother’s. ア.cheap less than イ.less cheaper than ウ.expensive than less エ.expensive less than (3)今年は去年より雪が多かった。 We( )( )( ) this year than last year. (4)He reads fewer books than his mother and father did when they were as old as he is now. He doesn’t read( )( ) as his parents did when they were his( ). (5)As we grow up,we become wiser. ( )more we grow,( )( )we become. (6)He is a scholar rather than a teacher. He is not ( )( )a teacher ( )a scholar. (7)She likes tea better than coffee. She prefers tea ( )coffee. (8)彼女は今日は昨日よりずっと病状がよろしくない。 She is( )( ) today than yesterday. (9)He is three years older than she. She is( )( ) him( ) three years. (10)ニューヨークは世界で最も大きく、最も興味深い都市のひとつです。(英作文)

  • 難関高校問題の解答を教えて下さい。

    (1)After a long discussion,he finally changed his(    ). Would you(    ) opening the window? (2)Athletes should have the spirits of fair(    ). He will(    ) an important part in the next movie. (3)I (    )my favorite umbrella on the train. You can see our school on your(    ). (4)She washes her(    ) before she has breakfast. We(    ) a lot of problems in our lives. (5)He used to have a house in the country ,but now he(    ) in Tokyo. Ten(    ) were lost in the car accident. (6)In the United States,the school year begins in the(    ). Be careful not to(    ) asleep in class. (7)May I(    ) this shirt on? I’m going to(    ) to solve this problem. (8)I asked the policeman for advice about where to (    )my car in this area. That(    ) is famous for its cherry blossoms and is also popular with touriats. (9)Are you (    )their plan or against it? I bought this book(    ) five hundred yen. (10)Five gives (    )and heat. The girl came in with a(    ) step.

  • 添削お願いします。関係詞

    1)The high school (where) my brother studies is far from our house. =The high school (at) (which) my brother studies is far from our house. 2)I'll never forget the day (when) I met her. =I'll never forget the day (in) (which) I met her. 3)This is the reason (why) I came to see you. =This is the reason (for) (which) I came to see you. 4)This is (how) he solved the problem. =This is (the) (way) he solved the problem. ()内の穴埋めです。 訂正・解説よろしくお願いします。