• ベストアンサー



  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)



  • 和訳してほしいです><

    和訳よろしく お願いします。 Experimental・・・At least one variable is manipulated to determine the effect of the manipulation. Subjects are randomly assigned to experimental treatments Quasi-experimental・・・At least one variable is manipulated to determine the effect of the manipulation.Intact,naturally formed groups are used. Nonexperimental Quantitative・・・The incidece,relationships,and distributions of variables are studied. Variables are not manipulated but studied as they occur in a natural setting. Historica・・・A description of past events or facts is developed. Ethnographic・・・A holistic description of present phenomena is developed. 今日中に和訳していただけると嬉しいです。

  • この契約書の和訳??

    Should any of the provisions of this Agreement be or become invalid or otherwise unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining contractual provisions. The invalid or unenforceable provision will be automatically preplaced by a valid and/or operative provision which most effectively serves the economic purpose and effect intended by the original provision.

  • 和訳を教えてください(その2)

    いつもお世話になりますm(_ _)m 引続きロシアで起きた劇場占拠事件について和訳を教えてください。 One option reportedly being negotiated is a deal giving them safe passage to a third country, possibly Turkey, in return for releasing the hostages. But signs are that the traditional guidlines may not apply here: The rebels' demands are absolute and uncompromising, suggesting they're driven by an apocalyptic interpretation of their faith and their prospects. 長くなってすみませんm(_ _)m。 初めの文は「伝えられるところによると、交渉の内容は、人質の開放と引き換えに、おそらくトルコと思われる第三国への出国の安全を確保するというもの(選択肢??)です。」と何とか訳せるのですが、 But以下が上手く訳せません。特に"sings"とは一体何を指していて、"suggesting"は何がsuggestしているのかその主語がはっきり分りません。 どなたか良いアドバイスをおねがいします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。 Men are about twice as likely to snore as women are, and it can be caused by a number of things, including allergies, aging, a cold or even just the distinctive shape of your throat. Your weight may also play a role. “You’ve got this combination of tissues that over time, when you gain weight, they gain weight,” Dr. Smith said. “And when you get older, they become a little less toned. So they just tend to clog the airway.” 特に、 “You’ve got this combination of tissues that over time, when you gain weight, they gain weight,” Dr. Smith said. の文がわかりません。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The men deployed in a loose skirmish formation. The South African regiments succeeded in smashing through the German line, but were stopped and then forced to withdraw after suffering casualties from machine guns. As they retreated to their starting positions, they were out-flanked and attacked by a German relief column led by Hauptmann (Captain) Schultz from the nearby town of Taveta. Following this encounter, the force moved further north to Serengeti, having suffered 172 casualties, 138 of them South African.Racial tension between the 6th South African Infantry Regiment and the 130th Baluchis was a source of some concern.

  • 大至急和訳お願いします

    Americans' style of negotiation tends to be rational and legally oriented. Americans usually like to keep negotiations on a strict time schedule: moving along logically from one point to the next, hoping to reach an agreement and to sign a contract as soon as possible.Japanese, on the other hand, tend to see negotiation as a slowly evolving matter of building trust and respect. They value informal verbal agreements and long-term relationships more than the legal contracts and short-term goals usually pursued by Americans.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の前半部分になります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Now let’s see what Jupiter has to offer. Jupiter was in Leo at your birth. It means you will have a large lavish wedding. You will marry a man of class who is much admired by others and has a prestigious position. A marriage that may be considered above you. So that you gain in status by it. He will also have a strong constitution. He has a need to appreciated to be seen to be of good reputation and well thought of. This sign usually makes a person is well educated, and well read. He may have the same name as a Royal Priest or ruling religious person.

  • この英文を和訳してほしいです。

    Because the cathode ray is attracted by the plate bearing positive charges and repelled by the plate bearing negative charges, it must consist of negatively charges particles. We know these negatively charges particles as electrons. Figure 2.4 shows the effect of a bar magnet on thecathode ray. この英文を和訳してください。お願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    Confounding is a central issue for epidemiologic study design. A simple definition of confounding would be the confusion, or, mixing, of effects: this definition implies that the effect of the exposure is mixed together 「ア」the effect of another variable, leading to a bias. Let us illustrate confounding with a classic example: the relation between birth order and the occurrence of Down syndrome. Figure 1 shows data on birth order and Down syndrome from the work of and Mantel. These data show a striking trend in prevalence of Down syndrome with increasing birth order, which we might describe as the effect of birth order on the occurrence of Down syndrome. (1)(The effect of birth order, however, is a blend of whatever effect birth order has by itself and the effect of another variable that is closely correlated with birth order.) The other variable is the age of the mother. Figure 2 gives the relation between mother’s age and the occurrence of Down syndrome from the same data. It indicates a much stronger relation between mother’s age and Down syndrome. Because birth order and the age of the mother are highly correlated, we can expect that mothers giving birth to their fifth baby are , as a group, considerably {イ} than mothers giving birth to their first baby. Therefore, the comparison of high-birth-order babies with lower-birth-order babies is to some extent a comparison of babies born to older mothers with babies born to younger mothers. Thus, the birth-order comparison in Figure 1 mixes the effect of mother’s age with the effect of birth order. The extent of the mixing depends on the extent to which mother’s age is related to birth order. (2) ( A good way to resolve the extent to which one variable’s effect explains the apparent effect of the other is to examine both effects simultaneously.) Figure 3 presents the prevalence of Down syndrome at birth by both birth order and mother’s age simultaneously. (3) (Figure 3 shows clearly that within each category of birth order, looking from the front to the lack, there is the same striking trend in prevalence of Down syndrome with increasing {ウ}. In contrast, within each category of mother’s age, looking from left to right, there is {エ} discernible trend with {オ}.) Confounding: 交絡(疫学用語) epidemiologic study:疫学研究 exposure:曝されること、曝露 bias:偏り variable:変数 Down syndrome:ダウン症候群 order:順位、順序 discernible:認められる、識別できる  prevalence: 有病率 (図1,2,3はアップ出来ませんでした。申し訳ありません。) (2)のかっこでくくってある英文の和訳がよく分かりません。僕の和訳は直訳通り、「ある一つの変数の影響が別の変数による明らかな影響をはっきりさせる程度を解決するよい方法は、両方の影響を同時に調べることだ。」と考えましたが、意味不明です。 長い文ではありますが、よろしくお願いいたします。  

  • 下記の文法について

    A woman passed by me giving off a subtle scent of perfume. という英文ですがここで使われている、giving offは分詞構文でしょうか? A woman passed by me as sha gabe off a subtle sence of perfume.