• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語日記17 私の体験したもっとも悪い日)

My Most Awful Day - A Reflection on the Earthquake


  • ベストアンサー

I think that the most awful thing in my life is the earthquake. →I think that the most awful thing in my life was the earthquake. →まだ復興はしていませんが、一応過去のこととして  過去形で書くのが良いと思います。 We had had that on the 11th of March. →We had that on the 11th of Marth. →過去完了は、ある出来事に対して、  それよりも前のことを話すとき。ここは過去形。 This is the big impact on me. →It had big impact on me. →「衝撃です」ではなく「衝撃を与える」という言い方。 Actually, I had been experienced two big earthquakes in my life. →Actually, I have experienced ....... →現在~過去のことなので、現在完了。  上にも書きましたが、過去完了は過去~その前の過去。 →experience は、能動態で「経験する」の意味。 The first is great Hanshin earthquake. →The first one was the great ...... →過去のことなので過去形が良いと思います。 That hit us on the 11th of January in 1995 when I was 4 years old. →新しい文にせずに、コンマで前の文に続けた方が  関係詞の非制限用法で、しゅっと繋がるかも、と思います。 However, I don’t know exactly what happened that day, →However, .... on that day. →「その日に」は on が必要。 That is why I was a very young, so I didn’t understand what going on. →Because I was very young, I didn't understand what was going on. →「それが、私が幼かった理由です。だから・・」  となってしまっています。反対の意味になっちゃってる? →「何が起こっているのか」の going は  進行形なので、be動詞が必要です。 I was working at factory ~ first time. →接続詞を使った文がコンマで長く繋がっているので、  こういうときは、ピリオドで区切って独立させる方が  読み人にとっては親切かと思います。 →But I lived in Shiga which is far from the ..... →関係代名詞で繋ぐ方がカッコいいです。 →So, I just didn't realize the earthquake at first. →「はじめは」は、at first I felt a few shakes, ~ in Japan. →これも、文がいくつも繋がっているので、  分けた方が良いと思います。 →Because I felt (only) a few shakes, I just thought that I felt dizzy. →feel がちょっと連続するので、  真ん中だけ think に変えてみました。 →So, it was a big surprize to me when I watched on TV what had happened. →こういう時に使うのが過去完了です。  (happen → watch よりも前の出来事。) →打ち間違いかもしれないけど、surprise は  名詞なら is(was) a big surprise to me 、  動詞なら surprise(d) me very much という使い方。 I was not able to watch other TVs. →I was not able to watch other programs. →「他の」なので、テレビじゃなくて番組が良いかと。 Kind of dramas or something else. →such as TVdramas or others. →前の文の program の説明として、  そのまま続けたら良いと思います。 It is because the earthquake that I couldn’t watch others. →It was because of the earthquake (that I ....) →because の後に名詞を挙げるときは because of ○○。 →that ~ は、前の文の繰り返しになるので、  なくても良いかなーとも思います。 I hope that we will be able to become more powerful country than we were. →I hope that Japan will be ......than it was. →「より強い国になる」なので、  日本そのものを主語にした方が意味が通ります。 ところどころヘンな書き方をしてしまったので ちょっと読みづらいかもしれません。ごめんなさい。 書く内容・・・確かに難しいですねー。 「なんでもいい」って、逆に悩みますもんね。 雑誌とかテレビとか見て感じたこと、とか。 ブルーハーツの歌から「今日はコレ」って1つ選んで 歌詞の意味や、好きなポイントを解説してみるとか。 日本とアメリカの違いで、びっくりしたこととか。 んー・・・これくらいしか思いつきません。 気が向いたら採用してください。笑





  • 正誤問題で見つけた文章なのですが・・・

    It was nearly seven before she came in, looking so ill and tired that they felt they could not ask her what has(→had ) happened. hadになるのはわかりますが、分詞構文の部分で{え~?!」となっています。 なぜこうなるのかわかりません。 どなたかご指導ください。

  • 英語日記2 東日本大震災

    英語日記2 東日本大震災 すいませんが最近英語力のライティングをあげようと英作文をまいにち書くようにしてます。 レベルのひくい英作文ではずかしいのですが。できれば文法や細かい間違いを指摘して頂けると幸いす。 What can we do now about the severe earthquake. We are facing a great big challenging now. On the 11th of March, we had seen the terrible scene what we couldn’t believe it. But it was really, we are not into dream. Fortunately, my family and my relatives were not there. I don’t know what I can have a light to say it. But if I had been there, I couldn’t have escaped the earthquake. But please don’t forget. We had been able to get over more big challenges. We can do it until we believe us. And think about what we can do now. 内容はあまりきにしないでください。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Basically it was the same thing all over again. In this situation it's like, I don't know what the terms of your own personal contract was, but I was unlawfully fired. We had specific rules in our contract on how it has to be done, and it wasn't followed.” On the problems in STP last year: “There were financial things we were dealing with, and I also felt on a creative level that we needed to take a break. I felt like we were playing the same set over and over and over. We were supposed to do a big big release of the box set for the 20th anniversary of Core and go on tour in the summer of 2012 and play Core in its entirety which is an idea we got from a couple other bands, namely Weezer. It was hugely successful, and for us to do that with Core, the offers we were getting were amazing, and they didn't want to do it. There was a lot of promotion that would have had to take place. So that didn't happen, so we ended up playing the greatest hits set, which was basically the same version of the set we had been playing since 2008 when we got back together.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    I felt like we were really dragging the brand through the mud, I did not want to end up like a classic rock band. Even though we were ‘classic’ we lasted where other bands had not. I wanted us to still be relevant, and to remain relevant you have to remain creatively relevant. To do that, you have to still make records. So I felt like we needed to take some time off and make a record. I was under the impression that was how everyone felt, because after having a few conversations with guys in the band, I felt we were all in that same place and same mode. Then nothing ever happened, we didn't get together and start working on music. So it goes on and on.”

  • 英語が正しいか教えてください。

    Firstly, I maintain that the exam. Now, children have to do exam in my country. Mid-term test is part of exam. They study for mid-term test. My score is very bad when I was junior high school student. I was very sad. This is because I have study hard. It is true I could give good score, but I had given the exam for go to high school. My friend had given the exam too. While she have study hard, she couldn’t gave the exam. It is because she gave off heat on the day of the exam. Now, however, she is very happy. After all, she can do what she wants to do. I think it was luck. I didn’t know it happens. Now, but, I thinking it was luck. So I suppose that luck is important very much. この英文が正しいかどうか教えてください。 間違いがあれば、指摘してほしいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語を教えてください。

    日本文にあうように、かっこを並びかえてください。 その本は図書館のものだそうです。 (belongs/ I/ the book/ told/ to/ am) the library. 日本文になるようにかっこに適語を一語入れてください。 (1)空港まで見送りに来てくださるとは、ご親切にありがとうございます。 ( ) is very kind ( ) you to see me ( ) at the airport. (2)彼女はふさぎこんでいるようなのはどうしてだろう。 ( ) is ( ) that she looks depressed? 下の英文を、I could ... のIを強調させてください。 I could not buy the CD because I didn't have enough money 各組の英文が同じ意味になるようにかっこに適語を一語入れてください。 (1)I hear that she was on vacation at that time. →I ( ) ( ) that she ( ) on vacation at that time. (2)It goes without saying that practice is important in anything. →It is ( ) that practice ( ) be important in anything. (3)It was said that the young actor had killed himself. →I ( ) that the young actor ( ) ( ) himself. 日本文にあうように英文を作ってください。 彼らがその仕事を一日でやってしまったことは驚くべきことだ。 It is surprising ( ) the work in a day. 日本文を英文にしてください。 (1)彼が辞めたのは病気だからである。(Itから始めて、9単語使います。) (2)彼が不満を言うのも無理はない。(7単語使ってください。) (3)私たちはその計画を秘密にしておく必要がある。(It is ~thatの形で、10単語使ってください。) これを解いてみると、 (1)I am told the book belongs to the kibrary. (1)It/ of/ that (2)why/it (1)It was because I didn't have enough money that I couldn't buy the CD. (1)am told (2)hear/ had killed (3)said/ should (1)It is surprising (that they should try ) the work in a day. (1)It was because he been sick that he resigned. (2)It is unreasonable that he should complain. (3)It is necessaty that we should have known such a thing. になりました。 間違っているところがあったら教えていただけませんか。 できれば、間違っているところを訂正していただけると助かります。

  • 簡単な日記を英語で書きました。英語のできる方、文法のチェックをお願い致

    簡単な日記を英語で書きました。英語のできる方、文法のチェックをお願い致します。 I woke up at 10:30 this morning. 今朝10時30におきた I had a terrible dream last night. ひどい夢をみた so I felt a little bad this morning. だから今朝はちょっと気分が悪かった It was the contents which the senior of previous workplace borrowed money , and it pushed to me. その夢の内容は前の職場の先輩が借金をして私におしつけた How terrible he is! なんて彼はひどいんだ After that I had breakfast. and I began to study in English. その後食事して、英語の勉強を始めた。 お願いいたします。

  • 英語日記 14 ホームシック

    英語日記14 ホームシック すいませんが最近英語力のライティングをあげようと英作文をまいにち書くようにしてます。 レベルのひくい英作文ではずかしいのですが。できれば文法や細かい間違いを指摘して頂けると幸いです HOMESICK Everyone has experienced homesick if you have been to abroad. Now I want to talk about how to get over the homesick. In the first place, what is the homesick? According to the dictionary, it is said that you feel sad because you are away from home and you miss your family and friends. People who are homesick how to get over the homesick??? In my opinion, I have some ways how to get over that. First thing is that you make friends. It is because you don’t have friends that you feel lonely. Incidentally, I am shy so it is difficult for me to talk with people who met me first time. Second thing is that you get used to new surroundings. Almost people usually get used to new surroundings soon. However I don’t know how long it is. So you need to keep on patient until you become familiar with new living. I think that there are more ways how to get over. However, those are all different by person by person.

  • 「その地震が起きた時、私は電車に乗ってました。」

    「その地震が起きた時、私は電車に乗ってました。」を英語にする場合、「電車の中にいた」は次のうちどれにすればよいでしょうか? When the earthquake happened, I was in a train. When the earthquake happened, I was on a train. When the earthquake happened, I was taking a train. それとも別のがあれば教えてください。

  • 英語で書いた感想文です。

    文法とかスペルに全然自信がなくて; もしよければ手伝って下さい。ほとんど間違えてると思いますが。 ソウルサーフとゆう映画映画の質問付の感想文です。 1, What have you learned from the movie? - i learned that when we think that life has ended, it is only just beginning. Everything in life has a purpose, a reason. There may be time that we think we want to give up, but that’s where you find real strength. Like Bethany, she is a very strong person. Terrible things happened to her even though it seems that she doesn’t deserve it because she is a very good person. But out of that terrible thing that happened, something good came out of it. She was able to overcame the problems she has faced. Anything is possible. All we need is faith, in God and in yourself. 2, How can you apply it in your life. 1, find something which is challenging for me. 2, Set a small goal. 3, get motivated 3, what have you felt when you try living with one arm? - I tried tying my hair with my one hand, and i realized that there is no way you can do that. how dificult it is to not be able to do something you normaly do everytime. お願いします。