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バドリーとヒッチ(1974)は、処理と短期記憶機能を結合するシステムを示すのにワーキングメモリという用語を使用しました。 バドリーとロジェ(1999、p.28)によると、「ワーキングメモリは、認識の複数の専門構成要素から成ります、そして、それらは、人間にじかに接する環境を理解して、精神的に説明させ、彼らの直近の過去の経験の情報を保持させ、新しい知識の習得を支持させ、問題を解決させ、そして、現在の目標を定式化し、関係付け、そして、それに影響させるのです」 私たちが、先に見たように、アトキンソンとシフリン(1968)は、短期的なメモリにおける、言葉のリハーサルの重要性を強調しました。 バドリー(例えば、1986、2001)は、言葉のリハーサルが重要であることを受け入れました。


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    The short-term stores are itself has very limited capacity. Some information processed in the short-term store is transferred to the long-term store,which has unlimited capacity. Long-term storage of information often depends on rehearsal,with a direct relationship between the amount of rehearsal in the short-term store and the strength of the stored memory trace. According to Atkinson and Shiffrin(1968),short-term memory is involved before long-term memory. However,an increasingly popular view is that short-term memory is only involved after long-term memory.

  • 心理学論文の訳をお願いします

    自分で訳してはみたのですが自信がないのでお願いしますm(_ _)m According to the conventional multi-store model (Atkinson and Shiffrin, 1968), humen memory comprises three different types of store: the sensory register, short-term memory, and long-term memory (see the summary of Craik and Lockhart, 1972, Chapter13). Sperling's paper deals with the characteristics of the first of these stores, the sensory register, and examines how it deals with visual stimuli. The sensory register for visual information is often referred to as iconic memory. Model of memory that proporse distinct memory stores, including long-term memory and short-term memory. Short-acting memory store for the sensory record of a stimulus. どうかよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

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    According to Ruchkin,Grafman,Cameron,and Berndt(2003,p.711),"Short-term memory corresponds to activated long-term memory and information is stored in the same systems that initially processed the information." For once, a theoretical controversy can be resolved without discussing experimental findings in detail. The information processed in short-term memory must already have made contact with information in long-term memory(Logie,1999). For example, our ability to engage in verbal rehearsal of visually presented words depends on prior contact with stored information concerning pronunciation.

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    However, he argued that other kinds of information can also be stored in short-term memory. For example, suppose you are driving along focusing on steering the car, avoiding pedestrians,and keeping a safe distance behind the car in front. In addition,you may be holding some visual and spatial information in short-term memory(e.g.,speed limit on the road;width of the road;the distance of the car behind you) to assist you in driving. In what follows, we will mainly consider the theoretical approach to working memory put forward by Baddeley and his colleagues. However,other theorists have proposed different approaches to working memory. These other approaches are discussed in a book edited by Miyake and Shah(1999).

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    second,Cowan(2000)argued that the capacity of short-term memory capacity are often inflated because participants' performance depends on rehearsal(i.e.,saying the items under one's breath)and on long-term memory as well as on"pure"short-term memory capacity.when these additional factors are eliminated,the capacity of short-term memory is only four chunks.More generally,however,short-term memory capacity(whether four or seven chunks)is hugely less than the essentially unlimited capacity of long-term memory. 翻訳お願いします(__)

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    Atkinson and Shiffrin assumed that information in short-term memory represents "the conterts of consciousness,"implying that only information processed consciously can be stored in long-term memory. However, there is reasonable (if not conclusive) evidence for the existence of learning without conscious awareness of what has been learnd (this is known as implicit learning--see Chapter7). It would seem that implicit learning would be impossible within Atkinson and Shiffrin's(1968) model.

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    Evaluation The assumption within the model that there are separate short-term and long-term stores has been influential and is approximately correct. As we will see, it is a gross oversimplification to argue that there is a single short-term memory store(see section on working memory). It is a gross oversimplification to argue that there is a single long-term memory store(see section on types of long-term memory).It seems very doubtful that knowledge that Russel Crowe is a film star,that 2+2=4,that we had muesli for breakfast,and information about how to ride a bicycle are all stored in the same long-term memory store.

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    Peterson and peterson(1959)studied the duration of short-term memory by using the task of remembering a three-letter stimulus while counting backwards by threes.The ability to remember the three letters in the correct order reduced to only about 50% after 6 seconds and forgetting was almost complete after 18 seconds(see the figure on the left). What is the most convincing evidence that short-term and long-term memory are distinct?Surprisingly,the strongest evidence comes from brain-damaged patients!Suppose there was only one memory system dealing with short-term and long-term memory.If that one and only memory system were damaged,performance would be impaired on all memory tasks regardless of wherther they involved short-term or long-term memory.In contrast,suppose there are separate short-term and long-term memory systems located in different parts of the brain.It follows that some brain-damaged patients should have impaired long-term memory but intact short-term memory,whereas others should have impaired short-term memory but intact long-term memory.If such finding were obtained,they would from a double dissociation(i.e.,some patients perform normally on task A but poorly on task B,whereas others perform normally on task B but poorly on task A).

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    They argued that we use short-term memory much of the time when engaged in the performance of complex tasks. You have to carry out various processes to complete the task,but you also have to briefly store information about the outcome of early processes in short-term memory as you move on to later processes. For example, suppose you were given the addition problem 13+18+24. You would probably add 13 and 18 and keep the answer (i.e.,31) in short-term memory. You would then add 24 to 31 and produce the correct answer of 55.

  • 英文の翻訳お願いしますm(_ _)m

    peterson and peterson(1959)studied the duration of short-term memory by using the task of remembering a three-letter stimulus while couting backwards by threes. the ability to remember the three letters in the correct order reduced to only about 50% after 6 seconds(see the figure on the left). what is the most convincing evidence that short-term and long-term memory are distinct? 翻訳お願いしますm(--)m