• 締切済み


The basket project is organized by the government of Loreto,Peru's densely forested and least populous region.But the program is not without challengers.Ivan Vasquez,president of the Loreto region,said he had made some enemies by supporting conservation in a region where fishing and logging have been the primary sources of revenue for decades.He called himself "the Quixote of the Amazon." "I think we are part of nature.When we destroy nature,we destroy ourselves,"Mr.Vasquez said. logging;林業 Quixote;ドン・キホーテ



この籠作り計画は、ペルーで人口密度が最も低い密林地帯ロレトの地方政府が組織した。しかし計画に抗議する者がいなかった訳ではない。ラレトの知事、イバン・ヴァスケスは、何十年もの間漁業と林業が収益の柱となっている地域で環境保護を支持したために敵を作ってしまったと言う。彼は自分を『アマゾンのドンキホーテ』と呼んだ。「我々は自然の一部だ。自然を破壊すれば、我々自身を破壊することになる」とヴァスケス氏は言う。 Peru's least は the のない最上級です。



theのない最上級ってあるんですか! 初めて知りました ありがとうございます

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  • ベストアンサー率55% (156/282)

この籠作り計画は、ペルーの密林で人口密度の低いロレト地方政府が組織した。しかし抗議する者がいなかった訳ではない。ラレトの知事、イバン・ヴァスケスは、数十年に亘って漁業と林業を主要産業としてきた地域で、環境保護を支持したため敵も出来た、と言う。彼は自分を『アマゾンのドンキホーテ』と呼んだ。「我々は自然の一部だ。自然を破壊すれば、我々自身を破壊することになる」とヴァスケス氏は言っている。 *challenge=抗議=異議を申し立てる *challengers=抗議する者=異議を申し立てる者 そういう者がいた説明として、敵ができたと言っています。 ご参考までに、



ていねいな説明ありがとうございます 英語って訳している途中でよく意味がわからなくなってしまうんです… もう少し身近な話題だったら何とかなるんですが

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  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)




ありがとうございます やっぱり英語が苦手な私にはすごく時間がかかっても うまく文章にできません 助かります



  • Peru's most .... (*^_^*)

    http://okwave.jp/qa/q6759632.html で The basket project is organized by the government of Loreto,Peru's densely forested and least populous region.But the program is not without challengers.Ivan Vasquez,president of the Loreto region,said he had made some enemies by supporting conservation in a region where fishing and logging have been the primary sources of revenue for decades.He called himself "the Quixote of the Amazon." "I think we are part of nature.When we destroy nature,we destroy ourselves,"Mr.Vasquez said. を この籠作り計画は、ペルーで一番人のいない密林地帯ロレトの地方政府が組織した。しかし計画に抗議する者がいない訳ではない。ロレトの知事、イバン・ヴァスケスは、何十年もの間漁業と林業が収益の柱となっている地域で環境保護を支持したために敵を作ってしまったと言う。彼は自分を『アマゾンのドンキホーテ』と呼んだ。「我々は自然の一部だ。自然を破壊すれば、我々自身を破壊することになる」とヴァスケス氏は言う。 と(半分人のをパクって)訳したのですが、無謀にも僕をライバル視する某氏が least populous を最上級ではなく、強調用法というのです。 たぶん、she is most beutiful などの most = very の用法のことを言っていると思うのですが、 とんでもなく、これは紛れもない最上級だと思うのですが、ご意見お聞かせください。

  • 和訳お願いします

    Women in an Amazon village make baskets from palm trees and export them to other countries. They belong to an enterprise aimed at “(1.productive conservation )”. That enterprise will save the rain forest by changing it into a (2.renewable )economic resource for the local people.  The government of Loreto organized the basket project. The president of the region believes that humans are part of (3.nature ). He says , “when we destroy nature , we destroy(4.ourselves ).” The basket project was the idea of an Israeli agronomist. In 2006 he helped found procrel , a (5.biodiversity )program to help indigenous people . The artisan’s earnings may not be very much , but it is more than double compared with those of (6.previous )months. The program seems to help indigenous people become autonomous. 1.「生産的な保護 」2.再生可能 3. 自然 4.私たち自身 5.生物多様性

  • 和訳してください(>_<)5

    In2002, John said on TV that he always finds it difficult to create a new piece of music. While speaking about "Attack of the Clones," he said, "The fifth time is like the first time. We always have to make a new start when we try to create something. We sit down with a white piece of paper and we hope that we're going to have the inspiration and the good luck that we've had in the past. So I think every time is the same challenge all over again." Tall and sandy-haired, John Williams is familiar to many as he has often appeared on TV at the annual Academy Award ceremonies. Behind his smile, however, he always has a strong will to challenge himself while composing, or playing jazz, or indeed doing anything musical. What we can learn from John's life is, "Challenge yourself and will find the road to success."

  • 和訳お願いします!

    Very little of what is said is important for the information expressed in the words. It is crucially important, as a way of showing that we are involved with each other, and how we feel about being involved. お願いします(>_<)

  • 和訳を教えてください

    和訳を教えてください 1)He arose at jane's approach and walked onward side by side with her. 2)Wealth is a means to an end, not the end itself. 3)Her death was hastened by the shock of her son's death. 4)Emily's is not a nature that can long remain absorbed in reading. よろしくお願いします!!

  • 和訳をお願いします

    MOSCOW - Voters in Larcia on Saturday overwhelmingly rejected a proposal to adopt Russian as a second official language, defeating a constitutional referendum measure that underscored the ethnic and political tensions that remain more than 20 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union. "The vote on a second state language endangered one of the most sacred foundations of the Constitution - the state language,"the Latvian president, Andris Berzins, said in a statement after the vote."I would also like to thank everyone who, despite the emotions and impassioned atmosphere which were conjured up by the referendum, maintained a cool head and tolerance without yielding before provocations and attempts to foment hatred." Prime Minister Valdis Dombrobskis, who actively opposed the referendum, said he was grateful to Latvian voters for resoundingly rejectingit, but he said some conciliatory steps would be needed. "What we need to think now is what additional measures could be done on integration and naturalization policies, including more opportunities to study Latvian," Mr. Dombrovskis said in a telephone interview. He added, "It is clear that we need to look at what more we can do." Supporters of the referendum, however, said the bid for official status for Russian was not the cause of fissures in Latvia but an outgrowth of longstanding divisions and historically unequal treatment for the country'slarge minority of native Russian speakers.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    Leahy announced that he would respond to one of the biggest complaints of the green groups by cutting the distance Tesco's products travel, especially by air. He would also switch some of the claim's road freight (he did not say how much) to rail. But he said nothing about reducing the journeys made by his customers. Shopping accounts for 20% for car journeys in UK, and 12% of the distance covered. By closig their out-of-town stores and replacing them with warehouses and deliveries, the surpermarket chains could reduce the energy costs of their buildings and (according to government figures) cut the transport emissions caused by shopping by 70%. Today, the Competition Commission publishes the initial results of its inquiry into the market dominance of the superstores. One of the issues it is investigating is the “land bank” accumulated by Tesco―a huge portfolio of sites on witch the company appears to be sitting until it can obtain planning permission. Many of them are out of town. If Tesco develops them, it will drag even more cars on to the road. Out-of-town shopping is incompatible with sustainability. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    'Then he showed me the lamps burning in the shop.He said they were obliged to keep them burning eight months before they could do anything. 'We then went into the glss-blowing department,a separate building,out back. Two men were at work there.Edison had enlarged the bulb of his lamp about 33 per cent and they were at work blowing them,and parts of these vacuum pumps. Edison is working a vacumm pump of glass entirely .They were putting some of the carbon horseshoe into the lamps.There was only one man at work putting the carbon in(Batchelor). 'From there I went into a photo-lithographic concern that Edison has just got up,and they were at work pictures.There was one picture of Edison surrounded bu about thirty-five of his workmen taken by this process;and they had a man at work with chemicals,etc.Every now and then my conductor would point out a lamp with remark,''How nice that is burning!''ect.Then he would turn a little screw to turn the light off or on.He couldn't regurate it intermediately.It was eighter all off or all on.I asked him if they could regurate to any intermediate point and he said they couldn't.''These horseshoe burn very well,''he said. '''Some of them burn on an average about 800 hours continuously.''My conductor then took me where the dynamo machines were working and showed me the engine which he said was 80HP-150,I should think,judging from the size of it.He said they had a hundred lamps burning,but I am positive there weren't over 50,even if as many as that,everywhere,in the shop and out of it;and to run them he had 3 dynamo machines worked by this engine,those big upright machines of Edison's,that my conductor said had a capacity of 50 lightseach

  • 短文和訳お願いします

    1. Effective May 1st , ABC bank will 5月1日よりABC銀行は they say we are focusing on too few customers , so effective from the first of the next month , the sales areas will be decided by the sales managers at the corporate level . こういう Effective ってよく使われるのですか? 2, John said he wouldn't be available until four , or something to that effect . something が入っていることによって分からなくなりました。 ジョンは 「4時まで出来ないよ」or 「その趣旨???」を言った。 3, Mr.Smith is said to have been so fearful of dirt and bacteria that he refused to shake hands and he carefully wiped his plate and glass before every meal. dirt and bacteria のところが?です。 4. Duck hunters use shotguns because the spreading of the shot gives them more chance of hitting a target because 以下をうまく訳して欲しいです。

  • 和訳してください。

    Or perhaps we should say rather that the dichotomy between primitive and revealed religions is false, for there is a sense in which all religious are religions of revelation; the world around them and their reason have everywhere revealed to people something of the divine, of their own nature and destiny.

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