• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:timespellってなんですか?)


  • timespellの意味や由来、関連する情報を調査しました。
  • timespellは歌詞の一部であり、特定の意味を持つ単語ではありません。
  • 記事では、timespellについての詳細を解説しています。


  • ベストアンサー

spellsは魔女が眠り姫にかけたような魔法です。 money spellsとか love spellsとか time spellsなどの種類があります。名前でだいたいの見当がつきますが、タイムスペルの中にも、時間をコマ送りにしたり、停めてしまったり、過去に時間を戻したり、やり方によって、いろいろな結果がでるようです。以下、ウェブサイトを送ります。 http://www.spellsofmagic.com/spells/trick_spells/time_spells/page.html この歌詞によると、犯した罪を無効にするのですから、過去に戻ることになるのでしょう。なんだか、ロマンチックな歌詞ですね。イギリスの歌ですか?



こんばんは なるほど!! この曲はイタリアの曲です。 回答ありがとうございました。


その他の回答 (2)

  • KappNets
  • ベストアンサー率27% (1557/5688)

time spell はカードゲームの配役のようなのですが....? (spell = 魔法) http://slfix.com/?p=14464



こんな所でも使われてるんですか。 URLありがとうございます。 回答ありがとうございました。

  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

timespell = time + spell つまり、勝手に合成して作り出した単語だと思われます (さすがに spell は辞書に出ているはずです)。 clear his last sin などの歌詞から想像つくかもしれませんが、つまり 「時の呪い」 みたいな意味でしょう。 「眠りの森の美女」 なんて話も、「時」 と 「呪い (魔法)」 にかかわる物語ですよね。それと同じイメージなのだと思います。 もっとも、THE ONE OF THE MAN なんて、英語としては妙な表現も見受けますが・・・



やはりtimespell自体の単語はないですね。 スペルは映画でもありましたね。 回答ありがとうございました!!



  • どう訳せばいいのですか?

    次の英文の日本語訳をどう訳せばいいですか?教えてください。お願いします。 According to the American Heart Association, the signs include uncomfortable pressure or pain in the middle of the chest for two minutes or longer; movement of pain to the shoulder, arm, neck, or jaw; sweating may accompany the pain; nausea and vomiting may also occur; and shortness of breath, dizziness, or fainting may be experienced with the other signs.

  • QA72

    QA72 一連の質問の中で、順番があるのですが、抜け落ちたので、ここで質問させてください。 After this he formally bids farewell to the cosmic and Olympian deities and enumerates the sons born of goddess to mortals. The poem closes with an invocation of the Muses to sing of the 'tribe of women'. 試し訳 このあと、彼は形式的に広大なオリンピアの神々に別れを告げ、女神と人間から生まれた息子たちを列挙する。この詩は‘女性たちの系譜’について歌うようにムーサの発句で終わるのである。 質問 (1)tribeについて   族というより系譜をたどる意味ではないか。 (2)to sing について    “イーリアス”では“ムーサよ歌ってくれ”という意味のinvocationがある。    Odysseusの場合も同じで、ムーサに語りかける言葉で始まる。 この場合も‘歌ってくて’という意味があるように思われる。 ‘……のため‘とすると、日本語が不自然です。 ‘……するように’でよいでしょうか。    文法的には用法が違うように思うのですが、同じだと解釈できるのでしょうか。

  • 英語を添削してください

    この歌は失恋の痛みを表現しています。 This song express the pain of broken heart. だから悲しさや辛さを込めて歌っています。 So I sing with the sadness and bitterness. 痛みと辛さ、を調べると同じpainで出て来たのですが、できれば違う単語がいいなと思いbitternessを使いました。 こちらの文の添削をお願いします。

  • 和訳教えてください

    The town may be his place of business, a necessary evil; but the country is this place of relaxation and repose. He may slave in the town for six days out of seven - though today it is more likely to be five days out of seven. But for the week-end - if only he can get fair weather - he chooses the country with its peace and freedom. 和訳教えてください。よろしくお願いします!!

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Battle of the Somme was an Anglo-French offensive of July to November 1916. The opening of this offensive (1 July 1916) saw the British Army endure the bloodiest day in its history, suffering 57,470 casualties, including 19,240 dead, on the first day alone. The entire Somme offensive cost the British Army some 420,000 casualties. The French suffered another estimated 200,000 casualties and the Germans an estimated 500,000. Protracted action at Verdun throughout 1916, combined with the bloodletting at the Somme, brought the exhausted French army to the brink of collapse. Futile attempts using frontal assault came at a high price for both the British and the French and led to the widespread French Army Mutinies, after the failure of the costly Nivelle Offensive of April–May 1917.

  • 和訳 名詞

     Sing lullaby,  While snow doth gently fall,  Sing lullaby to Jesus  Born in an oxen-stall.  Sing lullaby to Jesus  Born now in Bethlehem,  The naked blackthorn's growing  To weave his diadem.  Sing lullaby,  While thickly snow doth fall,  Sing lullaby to Jesus  The Saviour of all.  この歌詞の中から名詞だけを  抜き出してほしいです。  よろしくお願いします。

  • 次の英文を訳してください

    The Cultural Affairs Agency is considering taking apart the stone chamber of the ancient Takamatsuzuka tomb in the village of Asuka, Nara Prefecture, and reassembling it elsewhere to prevent the further deterioration of its wall painting. The tomb features colorfully painted walls. The unusual preservation method is being considered because the tomb’s current situation makes it impossible to prevent further damage and stop the spread of mold.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Shortly after, the Third Army began its advance and took Erzerum, Kars and Van. The situation was especially dire in the Caucasus, where Enver Pasha had wanted to place Transcaucasia under Ottoman suzerainty as part of his Pan-Turanian plan. This would give the Central Powers numerous natural resources, including the oilfields of Baku. The control of the Caspian would open the way to further expansion in Central Asia, and possibly British India. On 11 May 1918, a new peace conference opened at Batum. At this conference Ottomans extended their demands to include Tiflis as well as Alexandropol and Echmiadzin through which they wanted a railroad to be built to connect Kars and Julfa with Baku. The Armenian and Georgian members of the Republic's delegation began to stall. Beginning on 21 May, the Ottoman army moved ahead once again. The conflict led to the Battle of Sardarapat (21–29 May), the Battle of Kara Killisse (1918) (24–28 May), and the Battle of Bash Abaran (21–24 May). On 26 May 1918, the federation dissolved initially with the Georgian declaration of independence (Democratic Republic of Georgia), quickly followed by those of the Armenian (First Republic of Armenia), and Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan Democratic Republic) representatives on 28 May. On 28 May 1918, Georgia signed the Treaty of Poti with Germany and welcomed the German Caucasus Expedition, seeing in the Germans protectors against the post-Russian Revolution havoc and the Ottoman military advances. The government of Azerbaijan moved from Tiflis to Ganjak (or Ganja). At the same time, Germany turned to negotiations with the Soviet Russia and offered to stop the Islamic Army of the Caucasus in return for guaranteed access to Baku's oil. They reached an agreement on 27 August whereby Germany was to receive a quarter of Baku's oil production. The German government requested that the Ottoman Empire delay any offensive into Azerbaijan; Enver Pasha ignored this request. In May, on the Persian Front, a military mission under Nuri Pasha, brother of Enver Pasha, settled in Tabriz to organize the Islamic Army of the Caucasus to fight not only Armenians but also the Bolsheviks. Nuri Pasha's army occupied large parts of the Azerbaijani Democratic Republic without much opposition, influencing the fragile structure of the newly formed state. Ottoman interference led some elements of Azerbaijani society to oppose Turks.

  • The Country Supplement

    The Country Supplement annexed hereto forms an integral part of this Agreement and in relation to the provision of any aspect of the Service in country(ies) specified in the Country Supplement, the terms of the Country Supplement shall be construed as amending or supplementing the terms of this Agreement. In the event of any inconsistency between this Agreement and the Country Supplement, the Country Supplement shall prevail. The Country Supplementは本契約の付属契約にも関らず、本契約とズレが生じた場合、The Country Supplementを優先するのはなぜでしょうか。

  • 翻訳お願いします

    翻訳していただけるかた、 どうかお願いいたします。 You will also attach great significance to fairness, justice and freedom. You will more than anything want justice in this relationship, in your life. The physical effects of this relationship are that he can make you tense and nervous, you might strain your back, or twist the spine accidentally. Nothing permanent but painfull and distracting. there can be an inflammation of the kidneys, ovary or urinary tract, acid urine. The kidneys may under work due to stress of this relationship and so you may retain water in the tissues.. The blood sugar may become imbalanced.. Flatulence and a distended abdomen, water retention. There will be increasing insomnia you may feel as though you cannot keep your legs or feet still when seated but must move round. In this aspect there is often a deep feeling that if you cannot have this man, or if it never resumes after one of its endings, you withdraw from love and its pain, and don't want anyone else. The relationship has aspects of magic and wonder, but also a hidden grief and unfairness as part of its karma

  • 30年くらい前、頭上の空に突然飛行機がスモークを出しながら文字を描き出して飛び去ったという放送を聞いたことがあります。
  • 1984年ごろ、埼玉県の蕨市で保育園に通っていた頃、大空に飛行機が煙を吐きながら小さな文字で”フジテレビ”と描いた記憶があります。
  • 現在でも同様のイベントが行われていることがありますが、1980年代にも同様の広告が実際に行われていたのか疑問です。