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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語 この問題の答えを教えて下さい)

English: Need help with this question


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  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

1,Betty's understanding of Japanese is far ( )parfect. (1)from ベティーの日本語の理解は決して完全ではない。 2,Ayako's on a diet. She ( )any meat. (3)hardly ever eats 綾子はダイエットしている。彼女はまずほとんど肉は食べない。 3,Where ( ) earth have you been for so lomg? (4)on 一体こんなに長くあなたはどこにいたんですか? 4,Never ( ) seen so much snow. (2)have the children その子供たちは、そんなにたくさんの雪を全く見たことが一度もなかった。



回答ありがとうございます。 日本語訳も大変参考になりました。


  • 英語の問題がわからないので教えてください

    次の本文を日本語にしなさい 教えてください 1 A certain railway company is short of employees, so they are depending on children for help. 2 Children have fun working for the children,s Railway. 3 Children need training to get a railway job at the children,s Railway.

  • 下の英語の4択問題がよく分かりません。

    初級者の質問なんですけど、誰か下の問題を解説して頂けないでしょうか? 問.日本語に近い英文を選べ。「“rich”は、単にたくさんお金を持っているという意味ではない。」 1.“Rich”doesn't only mean you don't have a lot of money. 2,“Rich”does simply mean you don't have a lot of money. 3.“Rich”doesn't just mean you have a lot of money. 4.“Rich”doesn't mean you simply have a lot of money. 正解は3.と出てましたが、僕は4.と答えてしまいました。1.と2.は論外なのは分かりますが、何で4.ではダメなんですか?

  • 英語の並べ替えの問題です

    (1) The waiter forgot ( to bring me / a spoon / with / the icecream / to eat ). (2) My sister doesn't care how ( much / she spends / on clothes / so / long ) as she looks nice. ( )の中が並べ替えた部分です。 (1)は意味は通っていると思うのですが自信がありません。 (2)は意味もどっちに捕らえていいのかわからない状態です。 よろしくお願いしますm(__)m

  • 英文法 副詞の語法

    わからない問題があるのですが、解答がないので困ってます…。 わかる方は教えてくださいっ。 次の英文には誤っている箇所がそれぞれ1つずつある。 その番号を指摘した上で、正しい形に直しなさい。 1, Hoping for an A in the course, Paul studied hardly for the final exam in history. (1)Hoping for (2)in (3)hardly (4)in history →(3)?? hardlyをhardに  意味は「ポール(?)はその教科で『A』をとりたかったので一生懸命勉強しました。」でいいんでしょうか…?? 2, Bill doesn't seldom eats out. He usually stays in and eats light meals. (1)doesn't seldom  (2)eats out (3)stays in  (4)light meals →(1)?? doesn't seldomをseldomに 意味がよくわからないんですが、 「ビルはめったに外食をしない。彼はいつも家で軽い食事をする。」 こんな感じですか…?? 3, When I looked in on him, the baby was deep asleep, but it seems that he's awake now. (1)looked in (2)deep (3)seems that (4)awake →(1)?? looked inをlookedに 意味は「私が見たとき、その赤ちゃんは深い眠りについていたが、今は彼は起きているようにみえる。」でいいんでしょうか?? 4, It's been so long since that happened. I can't hardly remember anything about it. (1)It's been so long (2)since that happened (3)can't (4)about it →(3)?? can'tをcanに 意味は、「それが起こってから長い時間がたっている。私はそれについてほとんど思い出すことができない。」 お願いしますっ!!

  • 英語の問題です

    以下の英文の中に誤りを含む箇所はありますか? (1) If you have to keep stopping to answer the telephone, you’ll never get any work done, so you’d not better get the phone. (2) She used to like cats but she doesn’t any more, because one has attacked her last year. (3) On a sunny day we were walking along a path in the woods, when all of a sudden we saw a real alive bear.

  • 英文法の問題

    どなたか、解答と理由を教えていただけないでしょうか。 よろしくお願い申し上げます。 二次試験の問題です。 1,You have ( )to let me have a glance at it. (1)hardly (2)never (3)nothing (4)only (5)something 2、One shoud not rely completely on first impressions, for appearances(   )be deceiving. (1)shouldn't (2)have to (3)mustn't (4)can

  • この英語どういう意味?

    Fridays are acceptable! Just doesn't have the same ring, especially on the most awesome day of the week! 司会者が喋った表現です。まったくわかりません。最初は「金曜はまあまあ(いい日)」というような意味でしょうか?

  • 英語の問題がわからないので教えてください

    ()の単語の品詞と意味を答えろ。 この問題わからないので教えてください 1you are on a (train) 2the children have to (train)very hard 3 you are on a train that (runs)past 4 how businesses are (run) 5 Children enjoy learning about trains and are happy to (work) 6 most of the (work)is done by children 7 At (present )most of the work is done 8 though adult are also (present)

  • 英語

    1“( ) all right if I came again some other time?” “Of course. Just give me a call before you come.” アIs it イWas it ウWould it be エWill it be 2 “Did your brother really lose the new pen you gave him?” “Yes,he did. I wish ( ) to take better care of his things.” アhe'd learn イhe'll have learned ウhe's learned エhe's learning 3If ( ) I could concentrate on my study! アever イany ウonly エbetter 4I was very tired. Otherwise, I ( ) to the party with you last night. アhad gone イwent ウwould go エwould have gone 5If I hadn't bought a computer last year, I ( ) using my old typewriter. アwould still be イwouldn't be ウwouldn't have been エweren't 6But for your advice, I able to graduate from college last year. アwas never to イhad been never ウwould never been エwould never had been 7“What did you think of last night's game?” “The team played well, but they ( ) better in the first twenty minutes.” アcould've done イdidn't do ウhadn't done エmust've done 8“I saw Mr.Suzuki at Shinjuku Station this morning.” “You ( ) have. He's still on vacation in Hawaii.” アcouldn't イdidn't ウmight エshould 9I know I look tired. ( ) if you had this house, a husband, and three children to look after. アYou were so イYou will so ウSo would you エSo you are 10A Japanese ( ) in a different way. アhad reacted イwill have reacted ウwill react エwould have reacted 以上になります。仮定法の時制で迷いました。

  • 英語の誤文訂正問題

    以下の英文の1~10の中で謝りを含む箇所はありますか? (1) With /(2) more and more babies/(3) born/(4) in developing countries/(5) surviving infancy, /(6) the adults/(7) have to work/(8) harder than never/(9) to provide for/(10) the needs of the children.