• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

1.Other things (being) equal, the simplest explanation is the best. 他のことが同じなら、最も簡単な説明が最も良い。 2.He needed to (be) looked after.  He needed (looking) after. 彼には世話が必要だ。 3.As I did not wish to make him angry, I did not say any more. =(Not)(wishing) to make him angry, I did not say any more. 彼を怒らせることは望まなかったので、私はそれ以上言わなかった。





  • 英語 不定詞1

    あっているか教えてください。 違ったら訂正もお願いします。 ・次の各文が同じ意味になるように第2文を 完成させなさい。 1 My father said I could use his car.   My father allowed ________________________________.→me to use his car. 2 My lawyer said I shouldn't say anything to the police.   My lawyer advised_____________________________.→not me to say anything to the police. 3 He looks older when he wears glasses.   Glasses make_____________________________.→him older. 4 Don't stop him from doing what he wants.   Let_____________________________________.→him not to stop doing what he wants.

  • ( )に入る単語を教えてください!

    (    )の中に入る英語を教えてくださいませんか?よろしくお願いいたします。 1 You should look ( ) cars when you cross the street. ア about イ out of ウ out for エ over         ※ イかウの違いが分からず・・ 2 I ( ) reported it to the police, but I didn't. ア must have イ should ウ would エ should have ※ エ? 3 My father ( ) drink a lot but not any more. ア do イ is used to ウ used to エ was used to    ※ ウ? 4 They take great pride ( ) their old traditions. ア in イ of ウ on エ for                  ※ イ? 5 I will lend you the book when I ( ). ア finished it イ have finished it ウ will finish it エ will have finished it 6 I could not ( ) out what he meant. ア look イ make ウ set エ take ※イ? 7 彼は5行で5か所間違えた。   He made five mistakes in ( ) many lines. 8  He suddenly began to laugh. ( ) of a sudden, He began to laugh. 9 She is not such a fool as to quarrel with them. She ( ) ( ) than to quarrel with them. 10 For all his wealth, he wants more. ( ) he is wealthy, he wants more. 11 It has nothing to do with you. It has none ( ) ( ) ( ). どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • rightの意味がわかりません

    以下の文におけるrightの意味がいまいちわかりません。 わかる方がいらっしゃったら教えてください。 Woman:Oh,gosh! I didn't know we had to ship those computers today! Man:Year, Mr. Hall said he needed his right after the long weekend. Woman:What am I going to say to him?

  • 英文の間違いを教えてください

    1.英文の間違いを教えてください (1) I often heard him to say that he wolud study abroad. (2) He always avoids to make any promise. (3) I want that you came into the library for a moment. 2.( )にどれが入りますか? It is delightful to hear her (sings, sing, sang, sung) sweetly. 和訳も教えたください。お願いします。

  • 文法

    いくつか聞きたいことがあります、 すべて、比較の所に載ってたものです、 どこが省略されてるかなどを教えてくれると、ありがたいです。 (基本的にはニュアンスの問題だと思うのですが・・・・) 1つでもいいので、よろしくお願いします。 (1)She did not so much as say good-bye to us. のasは何ですか? (2) [1]Hiroshi is as good as his word. [2]I heard from him as early as yesterday. [3]As after as I see this picture,I think of you. [4]He will plays tennis with us as likely as not. [5]This photograph is as large as life. [6]He has as many as one hundred books. これらは、He is as good as dead. と同じ類のものだから、(この例はわかります) 覚えとけといわれたのですが、訳とかは書いてあったのですが、 どうしてその訳がでるのかがわからないです。 (3)More often than not,I played tennis. なぜこれで、しばしばなのかわかりません・・・ (4)He is neither more nor less than stupid. 彼はばか以上でも以下でもない⇔彼は馬鹿というほかない見たな感じですか? (5)He is not so foolish as to say it. これは訳もわかりません、、asは接続詞で後ろに文が 隠れてると思うんですけど、なにが省略されてるのでしょうか? (6)He is not such a fool as he looks. これは相関的に用いられる、関係代名詞ですよね?(比較のところになぜ? 本題に戻りますが、彼は、あほに見えるような人ではない。で 元々の文は、He is not a fool.ですか? 長くなってしまったのですが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 次の英文は間違っていますか?

    「もし手術を受けなければ、私は歩けなくなっていたでしょう」と言いたい時、(実際に言うチャンスが近くあります)自分なりに作文してみたら、If I did not have the operation I might come to not be able to walk any more.としてみましたが、いまいちしっくりしません。もっと適切で文法的にも間違っていない言い方を教えてください。

  • わからないです・・・。

    疑問文にする方法がわからないです!! 確認なんですが、以下のようでいいんでしょうか? I gave him a pen. (1)himを聞く Who(m) did you give this pen to? (2)a penを聞く What did you gave him? They made me happy. (3)meを聞く Who(m) did you make happy to? (4)happyを聞く What did you make you? He made me speak the truth. (5)speak the truthを聞く What did you make you? 特に(3)(4)(5)が自信ないので宜しくお願いします!

  • 適切な動詞を教えてください

    適切な動詞を教えてください 1(See) from a distance ,the huge rock looked like a human face. 2Not (know) what to say , he remained silent. 3(See) him before, I could find him immediately. 4Generally (speak) , Japan is a very populous country. 5He was driving along ,(him) his favorite songs. 6Kate was angry , her arms (cross). 7(Laugh) at by his classmates , he became silent. よろしくお願いします

  • どうか翻訳お願いします

    > first of all yukio > > i need your promise keep(no angray.no sad ,no hate)do not say that to me > when you know it please ok? > > but it think many times to say not now it is not good time now it is better > later when it is good time . > > when you are cool in that day and happy then it is okey to say it. > > so in that day which it is*(soon soon soon very soon) in that day i want you > be like this: > > 1)be sure that ************************ > there was some one his name (kain)he really consider you everything for > him > > he was not play . he is not sly as you said before > > he always remeber your thing and mention your name every minutes > > he trust you more than you think.he is not sly.he wants best for you. > > > 2) > > be cool be happy always do not be sad > > trust that he will do any thing make you happy any thing > > he will be there when you need any help from him > > > he will be glad very much when he can make something for you make you happy. > > > > 3) > i want do something for you that let you happy person in this life > > so yukio please i ask this: > > when you are sad or need something i will be glad to help you > > > do not refuse it,,,,,,,,it will be there any time any where. > > okey?are you agree with all this it is waiting your answer. -------------------------------------- 急ぎの為、翻訳をどうかお願いいたします。 きちんとポイントはおだしします。 よろしくお願いいたします

  • 以下の問題についての解説をお願いします。

    (1)The doctor's advice was that I should not smoke any more. この文は文法的にどうなっているのでしょうか。thatは何のthatになりますか? (2)My father drinks every day, although the doctor advised him (not to/not do it/to not). 正解はnot toとなっていますが、なぜ他の二つでは間違いになるのでしょうか。 (3)Not a book was to be found there. このNotの解説をお願いします。文頭にあるとどういう働きをするのでしょうか。 (4) I make it a rule to run in the park every day. make it a rule to で「~するのを習慣にしている」というふうに覚えているのですが、 文法的にはどうなっているのですか? 基本的なことかもしれませんが、よろしくお願いいたします。