• ベストアンサー


単文に書き換えなのですが(   )何が入りますか? Every time I drink coffee, I can't sleep at night. I can't drink coffee without ( not being able to sleep) at night.   では不正解でした。 → I can't drink coffee without (             ) at night.  よろしくお願いします!!


  • ベストアンサー
  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

I can't drink coffee without (being sleepless) at night. 答えは「映画」「めぐり逢えたら」 (1993/米) /////////////////////// Sleepless in Seattle /////////////////////// (こちら、シアトル、眠れないんだ) の中にありました。 映画の原題vs邦題フェチの回答者でした。





その他の回答 (1)

  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

I can't drink coffee without ( being unable to sleep ) at night. ではないでしょうか?






  • 【超大至急!】動名詞の問題 高校英語 【添削】

    ★単文に書き換えよ。 (1)Satoru is afraid that she will be called on by his teacher →Satoru is afraid of her being called on by his teacher. (2)Every time I drink coffee,I can't sleep at night. →I can't drink coffee without (being able to sleep) at night. ★動名詞を用いて英訳せよ (3)彼はもっと早くに手紙を書かなかったことを申し訳なく思った →He was sorry for not having written a letter (earlier). (4)君は早起きに慣れるべきだ →You should (be) used to getting up early. (5)彼はリラックスするために音楽を聴いた。 →He listened to music for the purpose of relaxing. ★複文に書き換えよ (6)She didn't know the time for reveal the fact. →She didn't know the time when she (would reveal) the fact. ★動名詞を用いて書き換えよ (7)He worked hard for his family to live in comfort. →He worked hard with a view to be able to live his family in comfort. 過去にこちらで質問した問題もありますが、間違えているそうなので再度質問させていただきます。 空欄補充式問題ではありません。( )の中は間違いだと指摘された箇所または自分は不安に思っているところです。 どなたか回答お願いします・゜・(つД`)・゜・

  • 英文問題について教えてください!!

    初めまして、こんにちは!! 英文問題について教えてください!!! -Present simple in both clauses- Match the sentences and join them with if. ex)You lose your credit card. I can't sleep. - If you lose your credit card, you have to ring the bank. 1 You get promoted. You get a warning latter. 2 I drink coffee late at night. You have to ring the bunk. 3 You don't pay the bill. Your salary goes up. 4 I try to run fast. The alarm goes off. 5 Some one enters the building. I get out of breath. これしか記入されていないので、合っているかがわかりません((+_+)) どなたか分かる方、ご回答よろしくお願いします!!!

  • 至急英文チェックをお願い致します(隣人トラブル)

    現在北米に住んでおりまして(マンション),昨晩,帰国のために引っ越しの準備をしていたら,ちょうど玄関のドアを開けた時に隣人と遭遇して,その時に「静かにしてくれ」と言われました.その翌朝,その隣人から手紙が届きました. 内容は,「私は数カ月もの間,毎晩,騒音でほとんど眠れなくてとても苦しんでいる.しかし,昨晩,その原因があなたであることが判明した.今この手紙を書いている時も頭痛が酷くて苦しんでいる.大家さんに私の苦情を報告したからな.」とありました. 確かに,昨晩は,引っ越しの準備でガチャガチャしていたので,私が完全に悪かったと思います.ですが,隣人のいう「数カ月もの間の毎晩の騒がしい音」は,明らかに私ではありません.理由は,私も同様の騒音に悩まされているからです.また隣人は明け方まで毎日騒がしいことを言っていますが,私は遅くとも1時半には就寝します.なので,私が原因ではないということを伝えるために,下記の英文を作成しました. 恐れ入りますが,どうぞよろしくお願い致します. ------------------- March 24, 2020 Dear Sir, This is from unit 501. I hope this finds you well. From the bottom of my heart, I apologize for being so noisy for several hours last night. I was preparing to move out at that time. I have deeply reflected and am regretting things. However, I was really confused when I read your mail today and would like to tell you following two issues. First, I have been living in the unit 501 since last April. I did NOT change a daily routine since last April. At the latest, I go to bed by 1 am every night. Of course, I do NOT neither rat nor bang nor slam. Second, I’ve been suffering from loud noise for months as well as you've been. It’s rattling, banging, slamming and loud music. I bought earplugs, but I was not able to stand the noise during night. As a result, I have had trouble falling asleep. For the above reasons, I think that the cause of what you are suffering from loud noise every night for months is not related to my unit 501 at all. I mean, loud noise last night caused on preparing to move out is caused from my unit for sure, but I think that loud noise every night for several months does NOT have to do with my unit. I am sorry if I'm about to offend you but I thought I had to tell you the fact and my opinion. I pray that you can recover a peaceful sleep. Best regards, Unit 501 ------------


    That ( )the case,the night foreman could not keep his promise to work every night this week. A.is B.were C.having D.being 正解D 解説で後ろに主節があるというのでA.Bはないらしいの ですが、主節を見分けるポイントは何でしょうか?? またhavingではどうおかしいのでしょうか?? 分かる方がいましたら、ご教授願います。

  • 分詞構文

    基本的な質問ですみません。 下記の文章の、"thinking of it"は分詞構文でよいのでしょうか? 余りに簡単な文章なので、thinking の前に何か省略されているのでしょうか?     記 I can't sleep at night thinking of it. (和文英訳の修行より)

  • 適語補充問題

    わかりやすい説明ができません。どうかご指導のほどよろしくお願いします。 英語の適語補充問題で、 (1)The coffee is too hot. (オ) I can't drink it. (2)I can't drink the coffee. (エ) it is too hot. (エ)That is because (オ)That is why オとエの違いをうまく説明できません。どなたかご教授のほどよろしくお願いします。

  • How's it going?の返答は?

    How's it going?の返答にI'm good.または、I'm sleepy.は不正解でした。 また、Can I have some water now, Ms. Abe?の返答にNo, you can't drink water in class.で不正解でした。 理由を教えて頂けないでしょうか。 問1. A: Hi, how's it going?    B: ( ) (1) Not a lot (2) Not bad (3) I'm good (4) I'm sleepy 問2. A: Can I have some water now, Ms. Abe? B: No, You ( ) drink water in class. (1) aren't (2) don't (3) can't (4) mustn't 上記の問題に対して、問1は(2)、問2は(4)が正答でした。 問1の答えとして、(3)、(4)ではなぜ不正解なのでしょうか。 また問2の答えとして、(3)ではなぜ不正解なのでしょうか。 辞書でcanを調べたら、cannot do (禁止)・・・してはいけないと禁止を表す意味がありました。 不正解の理由を教えていただけないでしょうか。

  • いくつかの英文の訳をお願いします。

    いくつかの英文の訳をお願いします。 ・お腹がいっぱいの時に更に料理が出てきた時   How could I hurt her feelings and refuse. ・母が作った料理について   My host mother was in credible cook. Every meal she prepared had several courses, and was guarantee to add at least a kilogram to my hips. ・Believed it or not I gained ten kilogram during my homestay. And all because I was just being polite. 急いでますので解る方お願いします。

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    Many of America`s adolescents drive while drowsy, oversleep, and get sleepy in class: They are going through life sleep-deprived. Only 20 percent of teens get the recommended nine hours of shut-eye on school nights, and more than one in four report sleeping in class, according to the recent poll by the National Sleep Foundation. What`s more, the poll finds that parents are mostly in the dark about their adolescents` sleep habits. While most students know they`re not getting the sleep they need, 90 percent of parents polled believe their adolescents are getting enough sleep on school nights. A quick sampling of teens by a news reporter found the poll was on target, with most saying they have trouble getting up in the morning. 17-year-old Carl Woock is one of these typically tired teens. He let the reporter follow him through a typical weekday, during which exhaustion surfaced several times. It starts with an alarm clock and getting ready for school, where Carl`s classes in suburban Maryland start at the early hour of 7:30 am. For some, that`s just too early, and he often falls asleep in class. Thinking is one of the things that gets sacrificed without enough sleep. "In the competition between the natural tendency to stay up late and early school start times, a teen`s sleep is what loses out," said Dr.Jodi A. Mindell. Another researcher pointed out that puberty changes the body`s "circadian rhythm." She explained that an 8 to 10-year-old is able to fall asleep at 9 at night, but a 13 to 15-year-old has their circadian rhythm shifted, so that they`re not able to fall asleep until 12 at night naturally. She warned that there`s more in a teen`s life that`s affected by sleep deprivation. She said, "They are moody. Depression is a concern. It affects every aspect of their lives." Without enough sleep, a person has trouble focusing and responding quickly, according to the National Institutes of Health. The agency also said there is growing evidence linking a continuous lack of sleep with an increased risk of serious illness. The National Sleep Foundation reported that nearly all youngsters have at least one electronic item, such as a television, computer, or phone in their bedrooms. Adolescents with four or more such items in their bedrooms are much more likely than their peers to get an insufficient amount of sleep at night. They are also almost twice as likely to fall asleep in school and while doing homework. For many teens, one solution to the problem comes in a cup, with many saying they drink lots of coffee. The caffeine may help teens perk up during the day, but it might be only masking the underlying biological reason for their sleep habits. Teens might want to take some advice from experts, who recommend saying goodbye to the entertainment zone in the bedroom, cutting out caffeine after lunchtime, setting up a daily sleep and wake-time routine, and being aware that trying to catch up on your sleep at weekends upsets your natural body rhythm.

  • 英文書き換え教えてください

    英文書き換え教えてください 1.It is no use trying to run away from difficulties. (不定詞を使って) 2.This book is very difficulut,and you can't understand it. (不定詞を使って) 3.He is proud that his father was educated in London. (単文に) 4.Please tell me his address as soon as you have received his letter. (動名詞を使って) 5.It had rained all the night, and the road was wet. (分詞構文に) 6.As the door was open.we walked in. (分詞構文に) 7.As I did not feel well,I stayed at home all day. (分詞構文に) 和訳もお願いします!

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  • 選択肢①は、11と組み合わせて一旦Office2013を使用する方法ですが、セキュリティー上の脆弱性が心配です。
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