• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:主語と動詞を含む英文)

The Benefits of Reading Books


  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

問い What can many people get from books? They can get diffrent ideas and useful information. 問い What time did Sam get to the art museum last Sunday? He got there at 10:10.


  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします。

    中国の正月についてゲーム内の友人のコメントです。 翻訳サイトやアプリだとおかしい気がしますので、お願いします。 1月1日, many people sum the years he spent and prepare to welcome 春節 There are many parties on tv

  • 間違い教えてください

    分詞構文の間違い教えてください 1.Being Sunday ,many people came to the park. 2.Having never met Jack, I don't know anything of him. 3.The magazine reading , he threw it away. 和訳も教えてください よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文について

    People always want something, which is money, friends, a time and so on. My father often says, "I want PC". If he get to PC, would he satisfied with this? I don't think so. Because he wants something is not only PC. He wants to get a car, a bicycle or a big home. I suppose that there is nothing people who don't want something. I agree with the idea that people are never satisfied with that they have. 間違っている箇所があれば教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語 問題

    与えられた書き出しで始まるように、次の文を言いかえて下さい。 1 Our city has an art museum in its cencer. →There is ____. 2 You can get to the soccer stadium in ten minutes by bus. →It takes _____. 3 About 35,000 people live in this town. →This town has ____. 4 Our town festival is near at hand. →Our town festival is just ____.

  • 主語

    インドの鉄道についての記事です。 There's a moment late in the afternoon on many long Indian train journeys when the world seems to slow down and rest for a while. 世界の動きがスローダウンしてきて一時休憩をしているように見えるときに という部分はわかるのですが、その前の文章の主語がわかりません。 宜しくお願いします(´_`。)

  • to不定詞の受動態

    テスト前の高2です、 There are many books to be read. と There are many books to read. の違いがよくわかりません(>_<) 分かる方、教えてください! よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 関係代名詞と関係副詞のwhere

    1 That is the museum. Many people visit there.              ↓ That is the museum which many people visit. 2 That is the museum. We often go there. ↓ That is the museum where we often go. あるサイトの解説で1の文のthereは名詞なので関係代名詞whichを、2のthereは副詞なので関係副詞whereを用いて文を繋ぐとかかれていました ですが1の文のthereはなぜ名詞なのかよくわかりません 2の文のthereは動詞のgoを修飾しているから副詞と書かれていました ですが1の文のthereは動詞のvisitを修飾しているのではなくなぜ名詞なのですか?

  • プロフィールのための英文

    After half a year from that, I spend Itly few months for my English. I intended to visit some museums, galleries during staying Europe. The reason be chosen Europe is why my professor recommended that. He said my art tend to be founded from European, especially French and Germany. I knew he was saying such a thing with no well reasons. Perhaps compared with another Japanese artists. I’m the person who is a bit argumentative. And I regard history of art as the important thing to make my art. he seem thought I’m fit to make art in Europe. After all I didn’t find particular reasons to I make my art in here. There’re exhibitions is fun and great, the people is nice, the good environment to make arts. Even if I come to want to go back my home town. There’re a lot of reason, Language, looking of people…it was not easy for me to get used foreign looking expect Asian. The first of half in university was reading books on some field except art from position as artist. The second of half was thinking of relation between the role of eyes and perception of myself. It looked quit introversive and boring. But Facing myself is to find connection with outwold. And I started to make my art around third year at least. They ‘re usually formed of installation, performance, sometimes nature. Now I suppose I better study a system art world to make my art. I want collect information of art world exactly and smoothly, so I started studying English. I believe artists have strong atitude. 一部だけでいいので添削お願いします。 よそしくお願いいたします…!  

  • (短)英文和訳

    カール=マルクスに関する英文の和訳なのですが…。 He read many books and "while out of sorts, got to know Hegel from beginning to end." " "内がどうしてもわかりません。 どのように訳すのが正しいのでしょうか?

  • 不定詞の問題

    問1:次の英文を日本語にしましょう (1)High school students have a lot of things to learn. (2)I have something to give you. 問2:次の日本語に合うように[ ]内の語を適切に並び替え文を完成させよう。 (1)この図書館には読むべき本がたくさんあります。 There are[to/many/read/books] in this library. (2)彼は一人でそこへ行こうとしました。 He[go/to/there/tried] alone. (3)マイクはロック音楽を聴くことが好きです。 Mike [listen/likes/to/to] rock music. 教えてください!