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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:わからない英文があります!)

Can we repackage wisdom from the past with a modern spin?


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 「(太古の昔より、人間は大衆に向かって、人間関係だの恋愛だのの忠告を与えて来た。聖書の記念すべき『第一コリント書』の13節から、ドクター・フィルの人生相談の時間、はては世界中の何百万という「人生相談」のブロガーに至るまで、過去の知識に傾く傾向があり)現在は、それ(過去の知識)にさらに多少でも何かを加えてくれる、と望む。  (しかしながら、過去の歴史で忠告の内容が一体どれほど変ったか、私は疑わしいと思う)ちょっと最新の言い方に変えて、過去の知識を包装し直すだけでいいのではないだろうか?」  昔からみんな偉そうに人生相談のアドバイスをやって来てるが、あまり変わり映えは無い、いい加減、言い古した昔のアドバイスの包み紙を変えるだけでリサイクルできるんじゃないかな、ということでしょう。 spin というのは、政治家などがさも新しいように古いことを言い直すことで、政治家の原稿書きや。取り巻きは spinmaster などと呼ばれています。下記をご覧ください。  http://eow.alc.co.jp/spin/UTF-8/



回答有難うございます。 最初の文の"but one tidbit more"を"give us one tidbit more"にしたら意味が違ってきますか?


  • この英文が訳せません。

    明日英語の授業なのですが、この英文がどうしてもうまく訳せません。 どなたかわかる方いらっしゃいませんか? 訳し方のポイントでも構いません。教えていただけると嬉しいです。 The great cycles of ice ages and interglacial periods are surely beyond human control, but shouldn't we do what we can to prevent our activity from making a bad situation worse?

  • この英文はどういう意味でしょうか?

    下記の英文はどういう意味でしょうか?お教え下さい。 Waving all right of objection and defense arising from said credit relationship, we hereby irrevocable undertake to pay immediately to you. Wavingの意味の取り方がわかりません。

  • 次の英文の動詞はどこにあるのでしょうか?

    But those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. Chorist以下の文に動詞がないと思うのですが、どのようにとらえたらよいのでしょうか? 教えてください。

  • (2)英文読解

    (1)の続きです。 The history of the next century involves very large numbers; consequently it is possible to make certain predictions about it with a fairly high degree of certainty. But though we can pretty confidently say that there will be revolutions, battles, massacres, hurricanes, droughts, floods, bumper crops and bad harvests, we cannot specify the dates of these events nor the exact locations, nor their immediate, short-range consequences. But when we take the longer view and consider the much greater numbers involved in the history of the next ten thousand centuries, we find that these ups and downs of human and natural happenings tend to cancel out, so that it becomes possible to plot a curve representing the average of future history, the mean between ages of creativity and ages of decadence, between propitious and unpropitious circumstances, between fluctuating triumph and disaster. This is the actuarial approach to prophecy—sound on the large scale and reliable on the average. It is the kind of approach which permits the prophet to say that there will be dark handsome men in the lives of x per cent of women, but not which particular woman will succumb. この英文の it becomes possible to plot a curve representing the average of future history, the mean between ages of creativity and ages of decadence, between propitious and unpropitious circumstances, between fluctuating triumph and disaster. にある"fluctuating triumph"とはどういう意味ですか? 変動する偉業? また、It is the kind of approach which permits the prophet to say that there will be dark handsome men in the lives of x per cent of women, but not which particular woman will succumb.の意味がわかりません。 大変お手数をおかけしてしまい申し訳ありませんが、教えて頂きたいと思います。 よろしくお願い致します。 ----Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow : ALDOUS HUXLEY

  • 英語わかる方お願いします!

    Yesterday,we're kind of back together now but we're on and off. 上の英文を訳してください!! お願いします!

  • 英文和訳 

    Many Americans have begun to wonder whether or not we've simply lost our appetite for bold policy solutions. And folks who claim to know how our system works these days have told us we might as well forget about our political system doing anything bold, especially if it is contrary to the wishes of special interests. And I've got to admit, that sure seems to be the way things have been going. But I've begun to hear different voices in this country from people who are not only tired of baby steps and special interest politics, but are hungry for a new, different and bold approach to genuinely solve our problems. アル・ゴアの演説の一部です。 どなたか和訳お願いしますm(__)m

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    to bless your's job, strengthen her to achieve the goal of her career, to be an excellent in your work with satisfaction and good channel in good things. bless me to be an outstanding businessman to help more people with the wisdom and talent from God. Dear Father God, help us to achieve our career and financial goal that we would have more time for our sweet relationship and love. May Go bless us to be the blessings to people via our jobs. よろしくお願いします。

  • この英文の文法構造が分かりません。

    We will have senior professionals from various fields give advice both in seminars and in one-to-one talks. haveが動詞なのか、giveが動詞なのか。 和訳を読むと、giveが動詞のように見受けられます。 we will have が修飾語のようにも見えないのですが。

  • 英文について

    According to Mancur Olson and Jared Diamond, what is the tradeoff we et from having states? という質問がありました。 授業でつかっている教科書には the benefits we get from it are what the state pays us for our acquiescence to its claim of authority. とありました。 その答えの選択肢で They provide benefits such as protection from invasion but take wealth from the pople in exchange. とあったり、答えはこれだと考えたのですがあっていますか? ちなみに他には ・They take our wealth but provide nothing in exchange. ・They build roads and provides schools, but limit our rights to free expression. です。 わかる方回答お願いします。

  • この英文を訳してください。

    この英文を訳してください。 励ましのメッセージのようなんですが、どことどこがどうつながっているのか、わけがわかりません・・・ just be positive. i guess a lot of people might not understand you but it is just a matter of time (with your effort ) that you can show everybody that you (and everyone else) has his/her own time and place and that we all can be great in our own little way...