• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:以下の英語がわかる方訳をお願いします!!)

Uncle Sam: The Symbol of America

  • Uncle Sam, the symbol of America, is often depicted wearing a tall hat, a bow tie, and the stars and stripes of the American flag.
  • Sam Wilson, a worker, used to stamp boxes of meat for the army with a large U.S. symbol, which stood for United States.
  • Before long, anything that came from the government was referred to as 'Uncle Sam's'.


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

<訳例> 1. 彼はしばしばシルクハット、蝶ネクタイ、アメリカ国旗の星条旗を身につけている。 2・ サム・ウィルソンは、軍隊用の肉の箱のいくつかに、合衆国を表わす、大きなU.S.の文字のスタンプを押しました。 3. 間もなく、人々は、政府から来た全ての物を「アンクルサム(サムおじさん)のもの」と呼びました。 4. 星条旗を着ていましたが、彼の髪は黒かったし、彼には、あごひげが全くありませんでした。 5. ポスターでは、とても真剣なアンクルサムが指をさして、次の様に言う、「私は、米軍のためにあなたが欲しい」。 6。 冗談に、労働者は、その文字が彼のボスのアンクルサム(アメリカ政府)表していると答えました。


その他の回答 (2)


英語だけではありませんが訳し方というのは一つではありません。 なのでなんとも言えませんが、一つフリーの翻訳ソフトをご紹介します。 「キングソフト辞書」です。 とりあえずこのソフトで翻訳してみて、前後の文脈から適切な邦訳を選んでみてはどうでしょうか。

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

こちらを参考にがんばりましょう。 http://eibunpou.fc2web.com/no38.htm



  • 英文を日本語訳にお願いします!

    He was too busy with new discoveries and ideas to scout for locations,so he invited his father,Sam,to scour the countryside for a likely spot. For his "Tommy,"Sam found a sleepy little hamlet about 25 miles ( 40 km ) southwest of New York City,a short train ride from the hubbub. At the time,Menlo Park,New Jersey,had only seven houses and a train station,but it was perfect for Edison's purposes. He bought a tract of land,and Sam went to work as superintendent,overseeing the construction of a two-floor wooden building,100 feet (30 m) long by 30 feet (9 m) wide. A handsome picket fence kept out cows and pigs. 以上の英文です。 至急、回答していただけると有難いです。 少し長めの英文ですが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!

    Many people think that scientists make make great discoveries only while they are working hard in a laboratory. But sometimes scientists, mathematicians, and inventors find the answers to difficult problems while they are relaxing or even sleeping. For example, the great physicist Isaac Newton had been trying for a long time to discover the laws of gravity. For a while his work went well, and he worked out two of the laws.But then he seemed to come to a dead end.Finally, one day , as he was relaxing under an apple tree, an apple landed on the ground in front of him. The falling apple apple gave him the clue he needed, and the last of the laws of the laws of gravity fell into place, too. の英語訳をよろしくお願いします!

  • 日本語訳を!!13

    お願いします (1)“When I was 18 years old…I raised an army and used it to bring freedom back to the Roman state. I spent my own money to do it…. Because of this, the Senate passed a special resolution to make me a senator.” These words were written by Julius Caesar's great-nephew: the first person to serve as a Roman general and member of the Senate while he was still a teenager. (2) Julius Caesar, who had no legitimate sons of his own, was especially fond of his sister's grandson, Gaius Octavius. When his sister Julia died, the dictator chose 12-year-old Octavius to deliver his grandmother's funeral oration. Five years later, in 46 BCE, Octavius rode with his great-uncle in his triumphal procession into Rome. The next year, the young man joined Caesar's military campaign in Spain. The dictator believed that someday his great-nephew would do great things for Rome. (3) After his victories in Spain, Caesar planned a war against the rebellious tribes of Illyria, a region across the Adriatic Sea. Putting young Octavius in charge, he sent the army to Illyria with instructions to wait for him there. Then Caesar returned to Rome to begin reforming the government─a big job. Caesar set to work with energy and determination. But his plans were foiled by the daggers of his enemies, when he was assassinated on the Idea of March. (4) Eighteen- year-old Octavius was in Illyria when he got news of his uncle's death. He made up his mind to return to Rome. While he was packing to leave, a second messenger came with the surprising news that, in his will, Caesar had adopted Octavius as his son and made him the heir to an enormous fortune. This news was sure to raise eyebrows─and perhaps some swords─in Rome.

  • 英語詳しい方、訳を教えてください。何といってますか

    英語にかなり詳しい方これを訳していただきたいです。翻訳サイトなど使わないかたおしえてください samuel is a native of Tegucigalpa, Honduras. He participated in a national casting call for the first Honduran miniseries, Diferentes a Todos, and was cast. The program was a Promega production, directed by Francisco Andino and produced by Francis Mejía. Through Terco Producciones, which was responsible for Honduran casting on 『BBBB』, Mr. samuel attended an open casting call and within weeks found himself in front of the cameras, making his feature debut. He is currently working with Promega, in Tegucigalpa, while also continuing his studies. 自分でもやってみましたが、最初しかわかりません。samuelはホンジュラス人です。しかわかりませんでした・・

  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    日本語に訳してください! お願いします。 There is something he has not been able to rise above. That will make him seem washed out, wearied, pallid faced when he speaks of past loves. He has a disposition, that is too yielding in love. Like his cold pale hands like water lily’s. Puts up with too much. Needs to draw strength from somewhere. He has a propensity for mysticism, occultism and spirituality tinged with romance. This can give strength make him look for love again, when the past seems gone. He has a hunger for a romantic atmosphere and wants the security of a strong love in his life, but also wants the dream of love. The world is not enough for this man..

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (9) That night the Egyptian patrol captured two Hittite spies. When they refused to talk, they were tortured nd interrogated. "His Majesty asked, ‘Who are you?’They replied,‘We belong to the king of Hatti. He has sent us to spy on you.’Then His Majesty said to them,‘Where is he the ruler of Hatti?’... They replied,‘Behold, the Ruler of Hatti has already come... They have their weapons of war at the ready. They are more numerous than the grains of sand on the beach....ready for battle behind Old Qadesh.'" (10) Ramesses knew then that he had been tricked. The Hittite King and his entire army lay in wait just over the hill. And Ramesses' hasty advance had left his forces strung out on both sides of the river, miles apart. He was doomed. He called for his officers. Messengers were dispatched to summon the other field armies. The royal family was whisked away to safety. (11) Not yet knowing that the king and the Army of Amun were in mortal danger, the Army of Re approached the rendezous point in a vulnerable formation. Their ranks stretched for two and a half miles. And they marched right into a trap. Hittite charioteers raced out from a line of trees and charged the Army of Re. The Egyptian soldiers panicked and scattered. Fleeing the battlefield, the soldiers led the enemy directly toward Ramesses II and the Army of Amun.

  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    長文ですが翻訳の出来る方よろしくお願いします。 He is a man who likes music and may have musical hobbies, or could play an instrument, or like composing and singing and recording. He is good at composing but also what transcends his ability to compose is to interpret other work. II think he like music of a classical kind. Also traditional rock Ballard music. Music that he feels has something important to say about life. Guitar music. He likes words and language and may have learned some other language, or be studying it and the culture and music, that goes with that country and language. Domestic life will appeal, and he likes to spend time with his family and pets. Traditional oriental things appeal to him. Both customs and items. He will enjoy cooking and making food, he may have an interest in foods and wines, and will enjoy dinning out too. He will like to attend feasts and festivals. There may be a musical and also a military background in has family that ha inspired him. He also likes military things, involvement in the outdoors, or some militant cause, local environment and its issues, to take a leading part in the community, things like residents associations, local politics, communities issues, he may fight intellectually for his beliefs, likes a great reformer and fighter for his community. Or his military interests may be more out door, arts of self defense, scout leader, outward bound clubs, territorial army, this sort of volunteer soldiering hobby.

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (13) By 50 BCE, the Triumvirate had ended. Crassus had been killed in battle, and Pompey had become very jealous of Caesar's military success and his great popularity. Pompey had married Caesar's daughter, Julia, but when she died in childbirth, the bond between the two men was broken. Before Caesar returned from Gaul, Pompey sided wit the Senate to declare his former father-in-law an enemy of the State. The Senate demanded that Caesar give up his army and return to Rome. Knowing that he would be arrested if he obeyed, he refused. But now his life and career were at stake. Did he dare go back to Italy at all? (14) In January of 49 BCE, Caesar's forces were camped just north of the Rubicon, the river that marked the boundary between Gaul and Ital. As soon as Caesar heard the Senate's ruling, he slipped away from the camp with a few trusted men. It was night, and everyone else was feasting. No one noticed that he was missing. When he reached the banks of the Rubicon, he paused, thinking about his next step. After a moment, he declared, “The die is cast” and crossed the river. This was his way of saying that his mind was made up and wouldn't be changed. Now he was ready to meet his former ally, the great general Pompey, in battle. (15) Caesar was never one to stand around, waiting for someone else to do something. Decisive as always, he began his march right away. He set out in the dead of winter with a single legion of soldiers. He knew that by marching on Rome he would start a civil war. What he didn't know─and couldn't have known─was that this war would last for nearly two decades and destroy the Republic.

  • 16-1日本語訳

    お願いします。  It was the summer of 327 BCE,and Ambhi,king of Taxila,was not a happy camper.For one thing,Taxila was no longer as powerful and wealthy as it had been when the Persians ruled there.He was glad the Persians had gone,of course.Every once in a while,they'd send someone around asking for taxes,but as long as he paid them,the Persians pretty much left King Ambhi and his people alone.Nevertheless,he probably wished that the powerful Persians army was still in town.He could have used its help.Taxila's neighbor to the southeast,King Porus,was a brave and intelligent man who wanted Ambhi's kingdom for himself.  Still,the gossip was that the Persian army itself had fallen on hard times.Some young Greek felkow named Sikander had popped up out of nowhere-Macedonia,actually,but that was as good as nowhere-and was busily conquering the whole world.The rumor was that this Sikanddr character had never lost a battle.Of course,you couldn't believe everything you heard.A young boy still in his 20s couldn't possibly have conquered everything from the Nile River to Afghanistan,not to mention the mighty Persians-but still...the stories might be true.  King Ambhi's heart must have sunk when a messenger arrived with news of the horrible defeat of one of Taxila's neighbors.When the Greek Sikander and his troops had arrived in his kingdom,the neighboring king had foolishly tried to fight.But resistance had been futile.Not only had the king lost,but his city had been burned and looted.And that,the messenger would have told King Ambhi,was no rumor.He'd seen the terrible scene himself.Now Sikander's army was on the move again.Next stop:Taxila.  For one desperate moment,King Ambhi must have wished that he and his people could somehow jump out of Sikander's way.And then he realized that,in a way,they could.

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (17) Augustus Caesar, now the emperor of Rome, worked to reorganize the government and military. His greatest accomplishment was the creation of a system of government that lasted in Rome for five centuries: the Roman Empire. (18) Augustus created Rome's first police and fire brigade. He created a network of roads that connected the major cities of the empire, linking them all to Rome. He changed the way finance were handled and issued new gold and silver coins. He gave free food to the poor. He built the Forum of Augustus and decorated it with statues of his ancestors. He beautified the city and boasted of this accomplishment: “I found a city made of brick and left it a city of marble.” Augustus also sponsored artists and poets like Horace and Virgil, whose works glorified Rome─and, of course, himself. (19) Throughout his reign, Augustus never forgot that his great-uncle had been killed by jealous enemies who feared his power and popularity. Augustus pretended that his powers were all voluntarily given. He allowed freedom of speech and encouraged people to give him advice. But he was clever. He knew how to use power without seeming to seek or even treasure it. During his rule, magistrates were still elected to govern Rome. By sharing power with the magistrates, Augustus kept people from worrying that he was governing Rome alone. In fact, the soldiers were loyal to him and him alone─he paid their salaries and his treasury would pay their pensions. (20) The emperor's authority was so great that everyone left all the major decisions to him. But he was also very careful. Augustus kept a force of 4,500 soldiers to defend him. These soldiers, later called the Praetorian Guard, protected all of Italy. But some of them were always on hand to protect the emperor. To be on the safe side, the guards allowed only one senate at a time to approach the emperor, and they searched each man before he came close.

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