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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英作文の添削希望です)



  • erimus2
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母国語は英語です。日本語がおかしかったらすみません。 「(それは)何をしてもいい時間であるが、また何もしなくてもいい時間でもある。」 It is time that we can spend doing anything we like, but it is also time when we don't have to do anything. (この文では"It is time...it is also time..."でも"It is a time...it is also a time..."でもOKだと思います。主語のItは一般的なleisure timeを指すからthe timeよりtimeあるいはa timeの方が私は使いますが、「the timeは間違っている!」とは言えません。) 最初の文は悪くないと思いますが、私はそのような気持ちや考えを英語で表現するなら、 That's because I don't do anything.(なぜなら、私は何もしていないから。) To be honest, I don't do anything.(正直いって、私は何もしていない。) Leisure time is supposed to be free time that everyone has. (余暇とは、誰にでもある自由な時間のことであるはずだ。) ...のような言い方も頭に浮かびます。



冠詞に関しては、その感覚がよく分かっていませんでしたので、英語の母語とする方の意見が聞けて参考になりました。 どうもありがとうございました!


  • 英作文の添削

    英作文の練習をしているのですが、自分では分からないので、添削して欲しいです。冠詞、複数か単数かが苦手です。 1 いつ地震が起こるか分からないが、地震の予知ができる日もそう遠くはないだろう。→We don't know when an earthquake happens, but it won't be long before we can predict it. 2 私たちの宿泊したホテルの前は、特に、交通の多い通りで、左右を見て渡らないと危険でした。→There was especially large traffic in our staying hotel,so we were dangerous without paying attention to the left and right. 3 眠る時間が少なくていいという人は、時間がたっぷり使えるのでうらやましい限りです。→I am very envious of people who need only little sleeping time because thay can a lot of time. 4 日本の学生は、創造的な研究開発のできる学生を、育てなければならない。→The Japanese universities must nurture students who can do creative studies and developments. 5 昨夏の夏北海道を旅行していたとき、何年間も会わなかった友人に出会った。→When I traveled to Hokkaido in the summer last year, I happened to meet a friend I hadn't meet. 6 意味のわからない字に出会ったら、私はいつも辞書を引くことにしている。→Whenever I find a word I don't know,I always look it up in a dictionary.

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    高校生です。英作文がとても苦手です。 とりあえず自分が考えた解答を書きますが、多分大幅に違うので正しい解答を教えて頂きたいです。 *図書館にいる人の邪魔にならないようにそっと入った。 I slide into the library in order not to disturb people there. *人が晩婚を選択する理由のひとつは、自由をできるだけ楽しみたいと思っていることだ。 (晩婚=marry late、becauseを使うこと) People marry late, partly because they want to enjoy as much their free time as possible. *ここ数日間であまりにも多くの人に会ったので、その人達の名前をすべて覚えているわけではありません。 Because I met so many people last a few days , I don't remember all their names. *現代人は忙しくて運動する時間がないためか、太った人が多い。 Many people of today are overweight , probably because they are so busy that they don't have a time to do exercise. *私は多くの障害にぶつかったが、友人達のおかげで何とか乗り越えることができた。 I ran into many problems but thanks to my friends , I could get it over somehow.

  • 英作文の添削

    明日英語ライティングのテストで、自由英作文の問題がそっくりそのまま出るとのことです。 そこでどなたか簡単に添削していただけないでしょうか。 問題:次のテーマについて賛成か反対かを明らかにし、60語程度の英語で自分の意見を述べなさい “Schools in Japan should have classes on Saturdays.” 1)I don’t think schools in Japan should have classes on Saturdays. 2)First, Japanese students are too busy, so they should have more free time to play with their friends. 3)Second, they don’t have much time to study what they want to study. 4)That time will lead Japan to more creative country. 5)For these reasons, I consider classes on Saturdays are not needed. (62語) よろしくお願いします。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    高校英語です。宜しくお願いします。 1、教育ほど大切なものはないと思う。どのような教育を受けたかによって人の一生が決定されると言っても決して過言ではない。  I think that nothing is as important as education.It is not too much to say that the person's life is decided by education the person got. 2、脇に本を三冊かかえて歩いていたら、その中の一冊が突然落ちた。  When I walked carrying three books under my arm,suddenly one of the books fell. 3、我々はしたくもないことをせねばならなかったり、したいことをしないでおかなければならないことがよくある。  We often must do what we don't want to,and must not do what we want to.

  • 英作文の添削お願いします。

    英語の基礎がないため間違いながら覚えています。めちゃくちゃな文なのはわかってますが、お時間があるようでしたら、修正をお願いします。 Hey Simon, How are you doing? I'm doing good. well, your girlfriend went to England!! you're going good. but she probably get jealousy,coz next your work is university has a lot of young girls. the day come up when I leave Eikaiwa-school. coz I have only 10point and a few spesial tickets. I go on studying English,though. recently I am taught by childhood friend. she went American school. she is very kind. but a little bit temper.I want to meet you her. well, I head Yui that your birthday is in Sep 15th!! Happy happy birthday SIMON!!!!! how old are you? 25 or 26? my gift is a ticket for TOYOTA CUP. It's Barcelona game. if you are not buzy, why don't we go to see to Nissan studium(Yokohama). I'm not sure yet that I can go to Narita to pick you up. I know your company will arrange for your transport. but If I can go and I don't make a touble for you, I want to go to Narita to pick you up. maybe Yui too. why don't we have a lunch, and after that I'll take you at your company or your new apt. what do you think?

  • 英作文添削お願いします。

    テーマはここ数年のニュースで話題になったものというものです。 I was interested in the news which the age of adult should be lowered to eighteen years old. I agree with this idea. Young people these days are overprotected. They can't know anything about the world. It is true that people in their teens still aren't mentally and physically mature. Many teenager don't have a full time job, live with their parents and depend on their parents, However, this is the reason why the age of adult should be lowered. Someday, they will have to live by their own. If they have to be responsible to everything they do, they will become aware that they should be independent. They would also appreciate their parents. よろしくおねがいします。

  • 英作文を添削してください

    (1)新作「SK」が25年ぶりに、放送されることになりました。     For the first time in 25 years, updated 「SK」 is to be aired. (2)新シリーズは、5月からインドで、年内には、日本でも放送されます。 The new series will be broadcasted in India from May, and perhaps in Japan within the year ,too. ➂アジアの中でもインドでビジネスの突破口を開こうという試みがみられます I find that an attempt to open a breakthrough in business in India, even in Asia. (4)今まで一度も見たことがないので、時間があれば、春休み中に一話を見てみようかなと思います。 I never wacth it. So, if I am free, I will think to wacth episode 1 during spring vacation. (5)絶対に、そんな暇はないと思うけど。 Absolutoly, I don't have liesure.

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします!

    英語でスピーチをする予定があり、原稿を作ったのですが、文法や自然な表現に自信がないので、長文ですが添削をお願いします!^^ Are you happy? Of course there are many happy, enjoyable things. Sports, movies, shopping, and so forth. However, there are also many unhappy, depressive things. Do you surely think you are really happy? Today, the world is facing many serious problems. Discrimination, poverty, war, and so forth. However, we Japanese don’t have such serious problems. We were born in blessed, rich land, Japan. We can eat, buy what we want, and …..live. Then, what are the problems? Big one of the problems Japan facing is a problem of stress. I also suffer from the stress. “One pair of half pants is called pajamas”. “I’m called a Yankee because my hair is gold.” I’ll move on my topic. There are many stress. Human relationships, anxiety, a sense of inferiority, the number of stress is limitless. Because of these stress, many people cannot imagine bright future, only suffer from stress. If we suffer from stress, we cannot concentrate enjoyable things, and enjoy our lives. Stress has influence on not only our mind, but also our body. You can imagine depression as mental disease, difficult breathing, circulatory system and digestive system. To know these effects, perhaps you know how serious stress is. By the way, have you think of any solutions for stress? As I said before, there are many kind of stress, and those causes are also different. But I declare one cause of stress is broadcasting. This linkage is seemed unrealistic. However, media make us imagine there are full of sad accidents, crimes, disease and so on. We live in dark world. Why do we believe that? This is because we watch a number of news, broadcasting sad and dark things. Our brains believe the world we live is dark, not bright unconsciously. Of course there are not only dark ones, but also bright ones, but media focus on dark ones more easily, than bright ones. As I take one example, news about bullying. This news is broadcasted many times, and gathers much attention. That’s why our brains believe the world is full of sadness, hopeless. And we easily feel depression and suffer from stress. Then, how can we save ourselves? How can we release stress? Which way is the best way to solve the problem? Excluding the cause of stress? Or Changing society itself creating stress? Banning broadcasting dark news? All of them are not seemed effective way to solve it. Do we have to endure stress or deceive ourselves? We don’t suffer from stress. I’m OK. I’m OK. I’m happy No way. I refuse to do that. All we have to do is to deceive our brains. We have two simple choices to do. 1st is to look into just bright future. If we do that, our brains recognize only bright future without thinking and we think in a positive way. However, this way is not a perfect way. Some really suffer from stress and cannot look into bright future. Then, I will introduce 2nd way. 2nd is to appreciate 3 things every day and write down them. For example, I live with my aunt and she takes care of me. Now, I write down three things. 1st, “my aunt cooks a meal for me.” Thank to that, I keep my health and eat delicious food. 2nd, “every morning, my aunt sends me to the station.” That’s why I can save my time in the morning and sleep more. 3rd, “on my birthday, my aunt give me 1000 yen.” 1000 yen is not a little money!! To continue this, your brains will believe there are full of many happy, bright, fine things. We live in a happy world. Some of you think why this is beneficial for you? Yes. I’ll explain it. By getting this thought, positive way to look into your future, you suffer from less and less stress, and are released from stress. This is totally enough. And, the effect is not only reducing stress. Please don’t be surprised. By released from stress, your brains work well as 30%. You will not have trouble to studying. You will be able to get degree more easily. Good! If you got this thought, your future would be bright. I hope you will get bright future.

  • 英作文の添削お願いします。

    問 新聞の休みの日は手持ちぶさただ。いつもはあわただしい朝の時間が特に長く感じられる。しかし、朝のコーヒーを楽しみ、駅までゆったりと歩けるのはこの日だけだ。休刊日もまんざらすてたものではない。 私の解答 I have nothing to do in press holidays. I feel busy and long morning time much longer than that of usual. However only press holidays can I enjoy morning coffee and go to the station at ease. Press holidays aren't altogether bad. よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    先ほど教えてgoo!の質問集をみていたところ、「英語の翻訳をお願いします。」という質問がありましたので、自分なりに英文を考えて参考文として回答いたしました。 質問してきた日本文。 『○○へ。 元気?私、去っちゃうんだ。 ここであなたに会えて本当に良かったよ。あなたに会えて楽しかった。 ありがとう。 あなたが教えてくれた、ビヨンセの曲は一生忘れない。 知ってた?その曲を聴いたときは時は、いつもあなたのこと思い出すんだ。なんたって、あなたのイメージソングだから。私は遠くへ行っちゃうけどいつかまた会えるよね?今度会う時はもっと英語をしゃべれるようになっとくね。だから私のこと忘れないでね。大好きだよ。』 という質問文に対して 「To ○○. How have you been ? I leave this place soon. I was very glad to meet you. “Thank you So much .” I don't forget “Beyonce’s music”in my life that you taught me. Did you know? I will certainly remember you, whenever heard it. This is your image music,If who will say what. Although I go to a distance, we can surely meet again someday right ? I will become good at English more than now when I meet you next time. So you remember me , and I love you so much. dear ○○. 」 と下手くそな英語で回答しました。 英語のご堪能の方から見た場合いかがでしょうか? 宜しくお願いいたします。