• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:Guardianの記事が訳せません。)



  • ベストアンサー
  • ya22
  • ベストアンサー率60% (12/20)

非常にうまく訳されているとおもいます。 asの理解も(because,while)適切です。 本日以降も、とつづけられているので大きな誤りはないですが、厳密にいえば前のasにかかる文と、あとのasにかかる文の区分けが混同しています。 (1)最初のas (while): 除雪を続けている間はさらにキャンセルと遅延があるでしょう。===今日のこと。 as well as the days that follow: さらに明日以降も(キャンセルと遅延があるでしょう) (2)次のas(理由):航空会社が乱れてしまった航空機と乗務員を平常の配置に戻すため:明日以降の遅延キャンセルの理由


  • Guardianの記事訳

    Schengen協定に関するニュースの以下の部分、特にa move以降の意味が掴めません。 moveは直前のfreezeとmountを指すのでしょうか? 文法的にはなんと呼ばれる構造でしょうか?(Mr.Kan, the prime minister of Japanのような同格表現的なものだと思ったのですが。) Member states are allowed to freeze Schengen and mount border controls solely on national security grounds at present, a move that has to be blessed by Brussels. 訳:現状では、国家安全保障だけを理由として加盟国はシェンゲン協定を凍結して国境を定めることができるが、これはEUの許可を得て行うべき動きである。(こんな感じでしょうか?) 本文: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/01/eu-considers-reinstating-border-controls

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The revival of the German Air Service and formation of the Luftstreitkräfte in October 1916, led in October to the British using wireless interception stations (Compass Stations) quickly to locate aircraft operating over the British front, as part of an integrated system. Trained observers gleaned information on German aircraft movements from wireless signals or ground observation and communicated the bearing from interception stations by wireless to wing headquarters or telephoned squadrons direct. Aircraft on patrol were directed to busy areas of the front by ground signals, although no attempt was made to control the interception of individual aircraft from the ground. The severe cold ended in March and thaws turned the roads behind the British front into mudslides. German demolitions provided means to repair roads once the British advance began but traffic carrying the material did as much damage as the weather. Attempts to move artillery forward encountered severe delays.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The German 2nd and 1st armies on the Somme managed a recovery after the string of defeats in September, with fresh divisions to replace exhausted troops and more aircraft, artillery and ammunition diverted from the battle at Verdun and stripped from other parts of the Western Front. Command of the German Air Service (Die Fliegertruppen) was centralised and the new Luftstreitkräfte (German Air Force) was able to challenge Anglo-French air superiority with the reinforcements and new, superior fighter aircraft.

  • ガーディアン紙の記事で分からないところがあります。

    http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/09/osama-bin-laden-us-pakistan-deal?INTCMP=SRCH The former US official said that impetus for the co-operation, much like the Bin Laden deal, was driven by the US. "It didn't come from Musharraf's desire. On the Predators, we made it very clear to them that if they weren't going to prosecute these targets, we were, and there was nothing they could do to stop us taking unilateral action. 元アメリカ当局者は「ビンラディンの件のような共同作戦に対するimpetusはムシャラフ側ではなくアメリカ側からの働きかけによるものだ。プレデター(無人偵察機)については、私たちは極めて明らかにしているように、もし彼らが・・(この後はまったくわかりません)。 impetus をどう訳せば良いのか、prosecute these targets とはどういう意味か、 we were, and there was 以下がどういう意味か が分かりません。 教えていただけるとありがたいです。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文和訳

    For a long time, airlines in China have heavily relied on travel agents to sell their tickets, resulting in the control of air ticket prices falling behind the price loosening mechanism. Due to the lack of traffic right allocation standards, airlines in China have to adopt price strategies to compete with other transportation modes in order to increase their market share. Consequently, price wars always lead to certain chaos in the market and some major losses for the airlines themselves. The air transport market in China is dominated by a few large airlines such as Air China, China Southern Airlines, and Eastern Airlines, which is a typical monopoly phenomenon. Under this situation, the price of one airline will inevitably influence the ticket pricing of its competitors and the structure of the entire market. Therefore, airlines should consider the corresponding actions of the competitors to ensure stability of the entire market when deciding ticket pricing strategies. In order to solve this problem, the game theory can be used as an effective approach. どなたかお願いします。

  • 10進を2進(32ビット)に変換

    VB2008を使っています。 10進を2進(16ビット)に変換するプログラムがあったので、 それを利用して32ビット対応にしたいのですが、 以下のプログラムの☆☆の位置でオーバーフローが発生してしまします。解決法をぜひ教えてください!! wave1は配列で、数字データが格納されています。 100 29584 12 489 : ここで、このデータを2進(32ビット)に変換し、 wave2という新しい配列に格納したいです。 Public Class Form1 (一部省略)   Const WD As Long = 300000 Private wave1(WD) As Integer   Private wave2(WD) As Long (一部省略) For i = 0 To 10 dec2bit = dec(wave1(i)) ☆☆ここでオーバーフロー発生 wave2(i) = dec2bit Next Private Function dec(ByRef decNum0 As Integer) Dim i As Integer Dim ret As Long Dim decNum As Long Dim dec2bit As String If decNum0 >= 0 Then '正、0はそのままセット decNum = decNum0 Else '負のときは、そのビットイメージをセット(例-1なら4294967296) decNum = 4294967296 + decNum0 End If dec2bit = "" '文字列を作成 For i = 1 To 32 '最上位ビット(最も左側のビット)が1か0か判定 ret = decNum And 2147483648 '2147483648は符号無しの&H80000000に相当 If ret <> 0 Then dec2bit = dec2bit & "1" Else dec2bit = dec2bit & "0" End If '左へ1ビットシフトする 'シフト演算子 decNum = decNum << 1 'オーバーフロー防止 If decNum >= 4294967296 Then decNum = decNum - 4294967296 End If Next Return dec2bit End Function End Class

  • 和訳を教えてください。

    作家のウィリアム・ギブソンが日本について書いている10年前の記事なのですが、以下のパラグラフがよくわかりません。ギブソンはこのときバンクーバー在住で、ロンドンとの違いを述べているくだりです。よろしくお願いします。 In Vancouver, we cater blandly to the Japanese, both to the tour-bus people with the ever-present cameras and to a delightful but utterly silent class of Japanese slackers. These latter seem to jump ship simply to be here, and can be seen daily about the city, in ones and twos, much as, I suspect, you or I might seem to the residents of Puerto Vallarta. 'There they are again. I wonder what they might be thinking?' http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2001/apr/01/sciencefictionfantasyandhorror.features

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    和訳お願いいたします。 If I look at your flight schedule you would only be in ●● for 3 days. Are you sure you are ok with it? Travel all this distance for only 3 days. if you tell me when you need to be back in Tokyo, I can try to find a better ticket for you.And if you agree with the time / date of the flights and provide me your passport details, I can book the flight for you.For your reference I put down some flights below.If you feel more comfortable with your travel agent, of course that's ok for me. But I would be more than happy to arrange everything for you.You can trust me .. I won't send you Africa or something .. hahaha ..no I would make sure everything is arranged well.I like what's most convenient for you.ps: make sure that your ticket goes to Brussels pss: if you go via Paris try to make sure you don't need to wait too long (difference between AF 7179 and AF 7181) Come back on the 4th (arrive in Tokyo on the 5th): JAL:Tokyo Haneda Paris C De Gaulle 01 Dec 01:30 06:20 Economy JL 41 Brussels Midi Rail Stn 01 Dec 10:10 11:52 Economy AF 7179 Brussels Airport London Heathrow 04 Dec 16:10 16:20 Economy JL 5104 Tokyo Narita 04 Dec 19:00 16:05 +1 Economy JL 402 AF:Tokyo Haneda Paris C De Gaulle 01 Dec 01:30 06:20 Economy AF 283 Brussels Midi Rail Stn 01 Dec 07:47 08:59 Economy AF 7181 Brussels Midi Rail Stn Paris C De Gaulle 04 Dec 10:21 11:36 Economy AF 7184 Tokyo Narita 04 Dec 13:30 09:10 +1 Economy AF 276 Come back on the 5th (arrive in Tokyo on the 6th) JAL:Tokyo Haneda Paris C De Gaulle 01 Dec 01:30 06:20 Economy JL 41 Brussels Midi Rail Stn 01 Dec 10:10 11:52 Economy AF 7179 Brussels Airport London Heathrow 05 Dec 16:10 16:20 Economy JL 5104 Tokyo Narita 05 Dec 19:00 16:05 +1 Economy JL 402 AF:Tokyo Haneda Paris C De Gaulle 01 Dec 01:30 06:20 Economy AF 283 Brussels Midi Rail Stn 01 Dec 07:47 08:59 Economy AF 7181 Brussels Airport Amsterdam 05 Dec 14:55 15:45 Economy KL 1726 Tokyo Narita 05 Dec 17:45 12:50 +1 Economy KL 8

  • biginningとfirst、itemsの意味とここでのbutの意味

    受け取ったメールです。 1、I read your e-mails from beginning to end!!!! But I dont get time to reply as soon as I receive so then forget about some items. あなたのメールちゃんと最初から最後までよんでます! でも受け取ってからすぐに返事をする時間がないの。だからいくつか内容??事柄?をわすれてしまいます。 私が送ったメールの質問は 私のメールちゃんと最初から最後まで読んでる? と聞いたところこの返事がきました。 私は最初から最後までの部分をfirst to endと書いてしまいました。 ☆first to endでは変でしたか? ☆ここでのsome itemsは、内容みたいなものですか? ここでのbutの訳し方とその文の訳がしっくりきません。 Work is so busy, I am looking forward to our time together. The day you arrive in UK, I will arrive in UK from Manchester but have enough time to get to Heathrow to meet you. 仕事すっごい忙しい、一緒に過ごす時間を楽しみにしてるよ。 あなたはヒースローについて、私はマンチェスターからそこにつく。 ???ヒースローについてあなたとあって時間がある?? お願いします

  • 翻訳の意味を教えて下さい

    彼に離婚しているのかと聞いたら、英語で返事がきました。 翻訳しても意味がわからないので教えてください。 In the UK, the marriage is only registered as an international marriage, it is not official in the UK. I already checked and I only have to inform the British Embassy about my divorce