• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:youtube コメントについて教えてください。)



  • ベストアンサー
  • hosakaing
  • ベストアンサー率56% (1694/2988)

googleの翻訳では こんにちは、 私の名前はマイクは私がShowMe.TVと呼ばれるエキサイティングな新しいビデオを共有する社会的なネットワークのためのビデオを募集していますです。 私はチャンネルを見て、YouTubeの、勝者と思ったへ戻るチャンスを獲得しているあなたは6450場合£シェアを行くが5kの10ポンド、私はコンテストが入力にすることができますよ紹介ショーミビデオはトリックサッカー。 ビデオをアップロードするにはここをクリックしてください表示詳細を http://www.showme.tv/contests/most-amazing-football-tricksを あなたが初めてサイトを参照すると'動画'を参照してヒット、あなたが気づく最初の事は、現在表示するためには、ビデオの投稿があるということです。 この理由は、我々は新しいサイトされ、私たちはコンテストの私達の最初のラウンドを開始しているです。 代わりに投票メカニズムにより、我々は我々のWebサイト上のすべてのビデオを公開投票期間の開始後で、すべてのビデオの提出を収集します。 その投票期間に入る最初のコンテストは、投票が8月30日から始まるジャム惑星の'ポップスターの偽装'されます。 その後、私たちの4つのカテゴリー別の時間にされる議決権の期間、すなわち、異なるライフサイクルで実行されているコンテストがあります。 だからいつものメンバーが表示し、投票できるようにビデオがあるでしょう。 あなたは9月11日はほとんどの素晴らしいサッカーのトリック'コンテストのビデオをアップロードするまでは、投票は9月14日にして開始されます。 あなたはショーミのあらゆる側面についてのご質問がある場合は、customerservices@showme.tvの上の私たちの顧客サービスチームに連絡することを躊躇しないでください。 あなたができるチャネルを表示する際、YouTubeも http://www.youtube.com/user/wwwshowmetv と私たちのレビューを読む http://www.killerstartups.com/Video-Music-Photo/showme-tv-video-contests-皆のため、 私はあなたのサッカートリックのビデオはすぐにこのコンテストに入力を期待しています。 ビデオの提出期限は9月11日であることに注意してください。 種は、よろしく マイク www.showme.tv せっかくネットにつないでるんだから翻訳機能を使いましょう。 完全に理解できなくてもある程度わかりますから・・・。 ↑コンテストに応募しろってことじゃ(^^;





  • YouTubeで届いた英文が分かりまん。

    YouTubeで届いた英文が分かりまん。 英文のメッセージが届いたのですが だいたいしか分かりません。 翻訳できる方お願いします!↓ WOW! Nice Vids! Heya, Earlier today I was browsing through some of your videos and I have to say, I'm impressed. I was puzzled by the fact that you had so few views, how come? I personally think that your videos are better than 99% of the stuff on here! For the first time in a while I found some videos that were pretty enjoyable to watch, kudos to you for that! :P It's weird how people would rather watch the generic, boring, dull stuff instead of something fresh, original and interesting eh? I also wanted to mention that I had the same problem as you before, but successfully got rid of it using http://hops.me/15 It sends a ton of views to your videos and helps you get ranked in the YouTube search engine. It's really good for getting the community to notice your material/channel. If you try it out right now you can get in on their free trial, it might work for you like it did for me, right? Either way, appreciate the content you're putting out, I look forward to more!

  • YouTubeからのメールについて

    YouTubeからのメールについて YouTubeからメールが来たのですが英語で読めません>< 自分はアカウントを取っているので自分のアカウントにメールが届きました。 多分Life in a dayの企画の何かだと思うのですが。 -以下コピペ- Hi Life in a Day subscriber, First, thanks to everyone who participated in Life in a Day. With over 80,000 submissions from 197 countries, you have officially created the world's largest user generated film. Congratulations! Now, it's time to check out some of your raw footage. If you haven't already, head to the Explore gallery on the Life in a Day channel. There, you'll be able to browse Life in a Day videos through six unique views, allowing you to compare and contrast videos by time, geography and description. If you're not finding your footage in the gallery, don't worry: Kevin and his team are adding videos to the gallery as they're reviewed, so check back often. Also, please make sure that all of your Life in a Day videos are marked to PUBLIC or UNLISTED. Videos that are marked as private can't be reviewed by Kevin's team. Be on the lookout for emails from World in a Day Productions, and remember to hold on to your original footage; we'll need it if your video is selected for inclusion in the final film. Finally, stay tuned for updates from Kevin and editor Joe Walker as they cut the film and gear up for the world premiere at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival. The Life in a Day Team

  • 今日YouTubeからこんなメールが届いたのですが

    今日YouTubeからこんなメールが届いたのですが、どういう意味かわかりません。 わかる方いますか? Hi アカウント名 We're writing because one or more of your videos is no longer viewable in the United States, due to a pre-existing claim by a copyright owner. Before we get to the details, please be assured that this change does not affect your account standing on YouTube, nor does it put your channel at risk of termination. In other words, this is not a "copyright strike." Here's why this is happening: You may have heard that we recently announced YouTube Red - a new membership that offers fans more choice in how they watch their favorite videos with features like ad-free, background and offline viewing for a monthly fee. In order to deliver a great experience for fans who choose to pay for this offering, we are updating our contracts with all of our content partners. The new terms make it possible for us to share subscription revenues with creators, providing an additional revenue stream for them beyond ad-supported YouTube revenue. The overwhelming majority of videos on YouTube are accounted for in our agreements, but there are some partners who have asked for more time to think about their options. While we work with these partners to update their terms, we unfortunately can't make their claimed videos available in the US. There are a few options that might be available to you. For example: If you believe Content ID mistakenly identified content in your video, or if you have all the rights to use that content, you may be able to dispute the claim. Visit our help center for help understanding and addressing claims.If you've received an audio claim, you may be able to remove the song. You can also take advantage of the YouTube Audio Library -- royalty-free tracks you can use for free, forever, for any content you make (not just YouTube videos). The videos listed below are being affected by this. Each video title links to more information. 「動画名」 It's our goal to make as much great content as possible available to as many people as possible, so we're actively working with copyright owners to restore these videos in the US—for both ad-supported viewers and members of YouTube Red. We sincerely hope this is a temporary situation, and very much appreciate your patience. - The YouTube Team

  • yutubeでこんなメールが届きました。

    youtubeについて教えてください。 下記のメールがyoutubeより来てこちらの番組の収益化が消えました。 少しアダルト的なサイトだったからと思うのですが他の番組の方がもっとすごいのに 何故私のが?と思いました。 こちらのサイトはすべて消去したほうがいいでしょうか?残したままにしてもいいので しょうか? 至急教えてください。 We have suspended monetization on your channel (私のタイトル名が入ってます) for non-compliance with our Partner Program Policies. This may include community guidelines violations and/or copyright issues on your live or deleted videos. Here's what you need to know and do to have your monetization reinstated: 1.Resolve your copyright or community guidelines issues. 2.Deleting videos will not resolve community guideline or copyright issues. What if you can't resolve your copyright or community guidelines issues? If you can't resolve your existing copyright or community guidelines issues, we may reinstate monetization on your account after 3 months if you meet the following criteria: 1.Your account is in good standing. 2.You didn't have any new copyright or community guidelines issues within the past 3 months. 3.You use your account in compliance with our policies, for example by uploading content that you have the right to monetize. Please login as (私のタイトル名が入っています。) and visit your Features page and Copyright Notices page for details on videos that might have led to monetization suspension. You can also refer to our Copyright Center and Policy and Safety Hub for general tips on how to manage your content on YouTube. Note that abuse of the system may result in permanent termination of your account. Sincerely,

  • わかりやすい日本語にしてください

    1.Which certain guide will go with you on tours we will know the day before your trip. 2.And you can be sure that transport and guide will be ready for your tours! 3.And please don't change your plans for the tour with us as we prepare transport, guides and our schedule for you.

  • 海外からのメール英語翻訳お願いします

    「あなたの購入した1ヶ月分だけ有効で、その後の請求はしません。キャンセル請求。」 で合っていますか? 私は、クレジットカードで課金したが、いつまで有効なのか?次は課金したくない、というような質問メールをしました。 ***************** CANCELLATION RECEIPT ******************** This message is to confirm your membership cancellation. Your membership has been removed from our billing database and you will no longer be billed for the following product: Site: www Member ID: ~~~~ Last Charge and Date: ¥~~~~ on 2013-07-22 Your membership to the website will continue until the end of the term you have purchased, but you will no longer be billed for your subscription. We appreciate the opportunity to help you. Thank you for using our online cancellation service! Let our highly trained billing support staff help you. ***************** Date : 07-23-2013 ********************

  • youtubeからのメールなんですが・・・。

    What's up, I just finished watch some of your videos on YouTube and have to say I was highly impressed. I just don't get why videos as good as yours aren't getting more views. I just don't understand it, I mean your videos are much better than most of the crap on there. They were completely enjoyable to watch (much more so than many videos on the site). Isn't it crazy that people would rather the same garbage over and over instead of new and fresh material? I used to have the same problem with low views until I found, TubeTrafficMembership . Com They send a bunch of views your way and really help make sure that the YouTube community takes notice of your videos. If you try it right now it won't even cost you a cent. They have a free trial going on now! Why not give them a try and see if they can help you the way they helped me. No matter what you decide I hope you keep sending your videos in, they make YouTube all the more enjoyable. Have a great day. 上のメールが来たのですがよく分かりません せっかくメールをくれたのに無視・・ではなんだか嫌だしグーグル翻訳してみたり 自分ではできる限りはしましたが 結果よくわかりませんでした 自分が英語得意だったらスラスラっと意味がわかると思うのですが・・・ もしよければ翻訳してください 完璧でなくてもいいです  内容がだいたい分かれば満足なのでどうか御願いしますorz

  • 英語表記のTwitter

    お願いします 私がやっているブログに、Twitterで時々送られてきます。 何を言っているのか、どうすればいいのか教えてください。 ○○○○don't be seifish 外部のwebサイトにリンクされた画像を表示しますか?    retweet Too good to keep to yourself When you come across a Tweet you want to share,tap the Retweet icon and the people who fillow you will see it. Check out our collection of top videos on Twitter and Retweet your favorite to your followers. See more on twitter と、あります。何を言っているのですか?私は、何をすればいいのでしょう?これは、迷惑メールですか?この人?からのTwitterが来るのを、ブロックすることはできますか? 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • この文章を訳してください。。

    Thanks for showing your interest in doing business with us. In normally, we will offer the dealer membership to following customers: -Airsoft Retailer (online/street shop) -Skirmish field So if you are in any of above business and able to provide your business details for our record, we are please to offer the membership to you. Here enclosed an application form, You just need to fill up and send back to us with .doc format. Also, please attach your Business Registration for our approval we will process your case and inform you asap. regards, Light and ****** Team (Dealer membership may suspend on anytime without notice, all right reserved to ***** Team)

  • どなたか英語の分かる方通訳お願いします。

    なんとなくの意味はわかるのですが、今度泊まるホテルのことなので間違えて訳してるといけないので、どなたか英語の堪能な方通訳お願いします。 ちなみに万が一のため、パスワード等の情報は変更してあります。 Can you please advise us of your estimated time of arrival. Our Reception will be closed when you arrive. Please make sure you have the following information with you for access to the building and your apartment. Please collect your keys and access information from our safe which is located outside the main entry doors next to our intercom system. We will leave an envelope inside the safe with your name on the outside and keys and access information inside the envelope. The code to open the safe is: 200. If you have any problems with the collection of your keys please press 9# on the intercom located next to the safe or mobile 0427 37005 and we will be able to assist. Please note that the balance of your accommodation will be processed against the credit card we are holding, on the morning of your arrival day.