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インタビュー:KRISTEN BELL、Jamie Lee CurtisとSigourney weaverとの共演はどうだったのか?


  • ベストアンサー

褒めています。でも本当は褒めると言うより、自分の観察に基ずく事実を述べているだけです。 “But very soon I realized they haven’t worked for decades because they have bad personalities.” 意訳:「でももし彼女達が悪い性格をしていたらこの業界で数十年に渡って仕事をして来れた筈がないって事がすぐに分かったの。」 でも直訳は:「でも彼女達が数十年も仕事がなかったのは性格が悪いからだとすぐに気が付いたわ」 しかしこれは言い方が悪いですね。ビデオで実際に話をしているのを聞けば結構違和感なく聞き流せる言い方ですが、活字を読むだけだと言いたい事と逆の事を言っているように見えます。でも Kristen Bell が言いたかったのは上記の意訳の通りです。まず第一に、映画俳優は一緒に仕事をした人の悪口を絶対に言いません。この二人のような人気のある大先輩でなくてもです。第二に、Sigourney Weaver はつい最近にあの Avatar に出演しています。Jamie Lee Curtis は映画(この You Again 以外に)では最近見かけませんでしたが、この数年間テレビでCMに出ていて、そのCM(ヨーグルト)中年から年輩の女性の間で大ウケです。第三に、文脈を見れば悪口でないのは分かります。 「彼女達は二人とも愉快で天才よ。私はすぐに女子高生モードになっちゃった。『みんなに好きになって貰わなくては。お飲物をお持ちしましょうか。ご機嫌取ります 』って感じ。でもすぐに気が付いたんだけど、もし彼女達がそんな事をしないといけない人達なら数十年ものあいだこの業界で働けて来れた筈ないのよ。彼女達は本当に良い人達で、映画で本当に輝いているわ。そんな彼女達が私を同等の仲間として腕を広げて迎え入れてくれたのが最高に嬉しかったわ」



回答ありがとうございます!混乱してしまいましたーq-; 意訳難しいですね。この場合は、becauseがifのように訳されるのでしょうか。 あと、the ultimate form of flatteryって悪い意味ではないのでしょうか。 やはり、表情と雰囲気が分からないと難しいです。



補足:イギリス人の友達に聞いたところ、やはり”OBSERVATION"で褒めている。とのことでした。 私はまだピンと来ませんが。明快な答えありがとうございました。 ほかの回答者さんもありがとうございます。勉強になりました。


  • 英語が堪能な方 訳をお願いできますか?

    I: We hung out about six months ago or so. CS: I was like I've been here before and I came in the back way. I: You did exactly the same thing. And the last time you were here, I think you had about a hundred thousand followers on Twitter. CS: Yeah I'm at like 500 and it goes up like 5,000 a day and I'm like wow. I: At the Cody Simpson, talk to me about how this happened. Of course you were found on YouTube by mediators. CS: Yeah I was found I think it was two thousand and was the end of two thousand and nine. Um like October 2009. I had this producer was just like send me messages to Myspace I think it was and he was just like I think you're really talented why don't you come over and record some songs for me. So he flew me and my dad over and we just gotten in a studio and see what happen and.. I: Next thing you know. CS: Yeah it just it just went like that. I: And you teamed up with Flo Rida with..

  • 英語の和訳おねがいします

    ペンパルと音楽と猫カフェの話をしていたのですが、下記の意味がいまいち分かりません。 分かる方、宜しくお願いします。 ”The only kind of music I don't really like is country music. Anyone in Japan listen to American country? I think it's terrible! =p” ”cat cafe seems funny to me that people would pay to go play with cats. But yeah, pets are hilarious. They are like little homeless people that you take into your home haha. ”

  • 和訳してください

    Yes,it really was a heavy earthquake but thank God you're alive and Japan will get over this! I'm relaxed now and you're welcome!(改めて酷い地震だったコトを自分に再認識させたとmessage送ったら相手からこちらのメッセージ届きました)

  • 和訳お願いしますm(._.)m

    英語が堪能な方、和訳お願いします。 翻訳サイト以外でお願いします!!! I really want to know what you were thinking about us. I was upfront and honest with you and I was trying to give us a shot at happiness. I put my life on hold for you. If you were playing me the whole time than whatever. I just want to know and have some closure. I think I deserve at least that.

  • 長文メールを和訳してください(>人<;)

    知り合って間もない友人から長文メールが来ましたが英語が苦手でよく分かりません。訳してもらえませんか? 普段は日本語もしくは簡単な英語のやり取りです。 他力本願で申し訳ありませんが宜しくお願いします。 I have 2 daughters, they're grown up 14 years old and 16 years old, I raised them up alone with the help of  my mother :) ....They are big girls now, they don't give me too much trouble, they always want me to be  happy :) I love them a lot, they want me to meet a good woman who can make me happier :) If we communicate more, I will send you their photos. Their mother died  in September 2002, I have missed her a lot, she was a great woman, we knew each other  from High School. I have really missed some moments of being in a serious relationship, not having someone to lean on,  someone to talk to about anything/everything, someone to really trust, someone to count on, someone to  share true love and affection with. My kids have been my back-bone, but I cannot tell them everything, you  know? ...but I can talk to my wife/partner about everything. I want a relationship where I can share everything with my partner/wife, both happiness and problems  because I believe and have learn that sharing your problems with your partner, the more issues you can get  through together with your wife/husband, the closer you will get with he/she. I am a very simple, generous and happy person. I am not perfect, but If I make mistake, or hurt someone or do  something wrong, I like to say SORRY and when I say SORRY, I actually mean it from my heart. I am a very simple, generous and happy person. I am not perfect, but If I make mistake, or hurt someone or do  something wrong, I like to say SORRY and when I say SORRY, I actually mean it from my heart. Have you had a bad relationship before? Trust is important in a relationship from beginning, so if you are  biased about me or you don't trust me, It is better we stop communicating about relationship or friendship  from today, I don't like to waste my time because it is so precious to me. If you trust me and want a friendship and relationship with me, I will like to get letters and calls from you  always because if I do not get your replies or I don't receive calls from you, I will think you are talking to  someone better than me :) But If you write me letters and call me always, It will make me feel special, and I  will also feel that you like me and actually want to talk to me :) 

  • 和訳してください

    I’m sorry you’re having issues with the cost of the shipment. I assume you received a quote from Art Pack? Can you tell me the cost they quoted you?

  • 和訳して欲しいです、お願いします。

    I remember when you told me that can't love you 100 percent with my heart then it will not work between me and you and you said that it will be ok because I was honest and that I showed you the feeling of how to feel when someone really cares about you and that's ok. Do you still mean that? What happens if we were just good friends and not boyfriend and girlfriend could you handle that?????

  • 和訳お願いします

    When the moon's in the sky we like it It's not gonna give us bad advice So go and dance with your thunder and lightning Where the paradise birds are fighting Let's shake things up a bit tonight Are you coming out tonight? Are you coming out tonight? Cos we're going out tonight And we won't be cattle on your farm tonight Ask yourself why Come on, ask your man why Cos you're ugly and you lie And you kriss kross kriss kross It's a lie So bye bye bye bye bye bye Are you coming out tonight? Well come out with us tonight Cos there's wrong and there is right And we know which one we are tonight Ah don't start crying now Don't go crying now Cos the moon is gonna dance for us tonight Don't go dying now You're not dying now And the sky is just not close to us tonight And as for you, friend High in your high home Watching us all falling down like rain I hope you're happy Feel really holy Cos your godliness has taken every single thing I loved on earth tonight Oh I won't let you leave me You're all I've got, believe me Stay Don't close your eyes Nobody really dies They all just end up in the sky So far away お願いいたします

  • どなたか和訳お願いします!!

    長いですがお願いします。 my phone is not sending me the fb message. i don't know what is happening. i text you so many times and no reply and i was thinking why you not writing me. i was going crazy and i don't understand what is going on. i thought you were playing games with my head telling me you love me but don't have time to even send me a messege. i was hurting and angry.

  • 英語を翻訳してくださいませんか? その2

    翻訳しましたが理解できないので日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか。 Is just need told you the true That was don't like and hate Talk my friends When I'm say and told you are my girlfriend Later. Surprised all my friends talk with you And say your girlfriend just like enjoy What you think? i'm feel When you are in a big love and other people talk bad about your couple I'm really like and love And feel in you a true love And was want only for me Because was really love you Was want see you again Talk with you Dinner with you Walk with you Have again a good time like to the first meeting Was dream. with this Now just continue in my dream Sorry for today