
@sasaki_san sasaki_san

  • 登録日2010/09/14
  • 基礎英語2のオープニングで・・

    基礎英語2を聞いています。そのオープニング(12・15日)でネイティブの女性がEverything seems so perfect in still.と言っていたように聞こえたのですが、文法上それは正しいのでしょうか?もしかして“~perfect and still"が正しいのでしょうか?in stillの例文を探してみたのですが、なかなか見つからなくて・・英語に詳しい方、正しい答えをお願いします。

  • 解からない英文があります

    下記の文にある "it's a very fair offer given the merits of the case." "I'm going to court, I'm taking them on, I'm bringing them down" "this bastard who won't let his neighbour grow his hedges over his own fence" "when one of these cases actually deserves to go before a jury the courtroom is all yours" " I put my ass on the line to get you this gig," の意味を教えてください。 動画 2分34秒からです。 Sandy: (on the phone) No, it's a very fair offer given the merits of the case...ok (Rachel rolls her hands at him as if to say speed it up)....I'll think it over, goodbye Sandy: My wife does that thing with her hands when she, she's really pissed off with me Rachel: Your wife and I have alot in've been here half a day and you've booked court dates for 5 of the 7 cases you were assigned Sandy: Do I win the free set of steak knives? Rachel: Sandy, this isn't how they do things around here and I could keep this off the partners radar for now but you've gotta understand Sandy: Understand what? I'm going to court, I'm takin em on, I'm bringing em down, especially this bastard who won't let his neighbour grow his hedges over his own fence Rachel: look, you know how much time and energy goes into trying one of these, if you settled you could handle twice as many cases and we're in a volume business here Sandy: Like cosco...look I, I thought the whole reason you brought me here is cause you wanted a trial attourney, you know who's committed and passionate and blah blah blah Rachel: Yes and when one of these cases actually deserves to go before a jury the courtroom is all yours, but in the meantime I need you to pick up the phone and passionately negotiate some settlements (Sandy laughs) Come on I put my ass on the line to get you this gig, please, do it for me

  • 大学受験対策の自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    テーマ「初対面の人と接する際に、よりよい人間関係を築くためには、どのようなことに気をつけたらよいと思うか。」 字数制限は70字前後です。 You should actively talk to a person whom you first meet. This is because if he and you are quiet and don't talk with each other, he and you feel uncomfortable and he never want to be in harmony with you. On the contrary, if you happily talk with him about many things, it is so easy for you to make friends with him. For these reason, it is important to talk actively. 73words 第1文で主張、第2、3文で理由、第4文でまとめ、という構成にしました。 文法・語法だけでなく、論理的展開についても言及して頂けると助かります^^

    • ベストアンサー
    • waon122
    • 英語
    • 回答数5
  • 英訳お願いします。

    知り合いの外国人が年末年始は仕事で忙しいという内容のメッセージを送ってきました。 「大変だね。 仕事は何してるの?」 と返信したら 『サンタだよ。』 と絵文字交じりで冗談っぽく返してきました。 「じゃ、サンタからのプレゼント楽しみに待ってます」 と返信したいんですが I'm looking forward to present from santa. と返してもいいんでしょうか? 勝手なイメージですが、looking forward to は 少し堅苦しいイメージがあります。 (根拠は全くありませんが) てかそもそも上記の文章は文法的にあってるんでしょうか? もっとカジュアルな言い方で 「じゃ、サンタからのプレゼント楽しみに待ってます」 との言い回しはありますか? 詳しいかた教えてください。

  • 英語の問題です。

    ”Fourteen,”his father said. "Always a sad day for men of our family."という文に対して以下の問題です。私はCが答えだっと思ったのですが合ってますか? "Fourteen," his father said and continued, saying that...... a. the fourteenth was always an unhappy day for their family. b.the fourteen sad days for the men of their family had arrived. c.fourteen was a bad age for the men of their family. d.fourteen was always a sad number for the men of their family.