• ベストアンサー


I was allowed seven days a year In 2011, 30 fall is my permission I'm coming there for 21 days 英語慣れしていないせいで、ちんぷんかんぷんになってしまいました。 日本に来るのはいつ?と聞いた返答がこちらでした。 30 fall という言葉が理解できないせいで、こんがらがっています。 こんな文章も分からずに恥ずかしいのですが、よろしくお願いいたします。


  • ベストアンサー

この英語を書かれた方は英語ネイティブではないような印象ですが・・・、かなり端折って書かれているとも思うので、状況が分からないと分かりにくいです。想像ですが、ビザか何かで日本への渡航を制限されている状態でしょうか?その前提で和訳しますと、 1年に7日間しか(渡航を)認められていなかった。 2011年には30日間、許可されるようになる。 だから、その時に21日間(日本へ)行くよ。 (  )部分は補足ですが、文脈的にしっくり来ますでしょうか?



すごいです!! まさにその文脈だと思います。 本来フランスの人なので、ネイティブとしてはフランス語を話すのでしょうが、私はフランス語がまったく理解できないのでお互い英語でやり取りしています。 渡航というより、フランス特有のバカンス制度が今後そのようになるから・・と言っているのかもしれません。 前々からかなり端折って文を書く癖があるようで、私はいつも苦労している状態です(汗 ありがとうございました。 本当に助かりました。


その他の回答 (1)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 「年間7日は許可されている  2011年には、30秋が私の許可だ  21日間そちらに行く」  僕にも「30秋」は分かりません。何処かに月の名前か何か抜けているのかも知れませんね。



お礼が遅くなり申し訳ありません! やはり、一部よく分からない箇所があるのですか・・ ありがとうございました!



  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

    Don't believe the press telling only the bad news that motherhood is all dirty nappies and sleepless nights which are said to cause mothers to abuse kids. When I got married, it seemed the most natural thing in the world that I would that I would have three babies in four years. Having children was what I had always wanted. I was fulfilled in my work and happy generally, but having children was the absolute high point. Fortunately my partner shared this view. But for some people, raising their children is a tough thing. Surely, raising children is a responsibility. You make a baby and you can't get drunk, stay out all night or go on holiday on impulse. In fact, you can't really have any arbitrary thought at all when everything you do has to be so well-organized. It's also true that I would love just occasionally to be totally irresponsible, unmindful of anyone's needs but my own. I remember the time I was seven months pregnant and struggled with a stroppy three-years-old son and a crawling one-year-old daughter. My back ached, and what is worse, I couldn't find the right colored crayon for my son to shade in Batman's cape. He repeatedly complained to me, "A pencil just would not do." I was greatly embarrassed, at last lay on the kitchen floor, and sobbed. Then he was filled with wonder.

  • 英語。和訳。

    和訳の確認をお願いします。 you coming on tonight because i was hoping to go on cam with you. im home any time you wana come on just go ahead but my skype is down 今夜来る?だってウェブカメラであなたと話したかったから。 家に帰ったよ。いつでも来てね。私のスカイプは落ちてるけど。 という解釈で良いでしょうか?ちょっと不安です。 勝手な考えですが相手の人はなんか怒ってるかな…と思いましたがどうでしょう…

  • 和訳をお願い致します。

    アメリカの友人から頂いたメールの一部です。 (そのままコピーして貼りつけました。) 全体的に読んでみて大体はわかるのですが、的確にはわからない部分が多々あります。お手数をお掛けしますが和訳の方宜しくお願い致します。 How can we understand each other when you do not tell me everything that your feeling? What did I say to you that day that offended you? I can not think of ever wanting to hurt you with my words. If you told me what was it I could have made it right. I would have apologized if I was wrong, and maybe I was not wrong. Maybe you just did not understand what I was saying. I would have explained to you what I actually meant. I just want you not to blame language on our problems. If two people want to be together nothing could come in there way. It is up to you to decide where we stand, like it has always been.

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

    I tried again. I put out my foot and made a wild jerking stab with the chalk which produced a very crooked line and nothing more. Mother held the slate steady for me."Try again, Chris," she whispered in my ear. "Again." I did. I stiffened my body and put my left foot out again, for the third time. I drew one side of the letter. I drew half the other side. Then the stick of chalk broke end I was left with a stump. I wanted to fling it away and give up. Then I felt my mother's hand on my shoulder. I tried once more. Out went my foot. I shook, I sweated and strained my muscle. But-I drew it-the letter "A". There it was on the floor before me. Shaky, with awkward, wobbly sides and a very uneven center line. But it was the letter "A." I looked up. I saw my mothers face for a moment, tears on her cheeks. Then my father stooped and hoisted me onto his shoulder. That one letter, scrawled on the floor with a broken bit of yellow chalk gripped between my toes, was my road to a new world, my key to mental freedom.

  • 英語を和訳してください

    英語を和訳してください Good morning. (blushing smile) There is racism in Ukraine, very few. Very rare. In general, Ukraine is a tolerant country. There are many Chinese and Vietnamese in Ukraine. There is racism all over the world. Arabs are not liked in Western Europe. I like Asian women. They are so mysterious. I love it. You don't need to worry. Everything is good. Does Japan treat a foreigner well? I read that in Japan there are establishments where foreigners are not allowed.I got the Ambassador translator headphones on Thursday. I waited for about a year. Unfortunately, they turned out to be very bad. They work poorly. They translate Japanese very poorly and incorrectly. Think about 30 seconds. They constantly turn off. Wasted $ 160. The company is cheating, the headphones are bad. I am disappointed. (angry frown)(distressed) これは、翻訳機を別の日本人と試したと書いていますか?私に、イイネ!くれた理由を聞いたのに、ミステリアスとかですか?。

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします

    Hello my friend...naoyuki....Soon its CHRISTmas!!! MERRYMERRYMERRY CHRISTMAS...!!!  How are you...?Hope everything is under control...,your health,family bonding,your mother, financial matter and of course your job...year 2011 is almost gonna end and year 2012 is soon to welcome...,,have you find your future wife?hhahaha...,soon your age will be no more in calendar...,and me too...hahaha....My hope that we will meet some other day is still in my heart.I have faith that God shall make it one day,that I shall see you again my friend.By the way im sorry that it takes me so long to answer your e-mail....,its only today that i drop by here in an internet cafe'.....nevertheless here in my mind,here in my heart you are always keep and never forget.Because you are my very friend.Take care always your health and may the God of heaven and earth Bless you in all aspect of your life... Its me...Your very friend....Froi

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

     Unlike the quiet and quickness you experience in a car, spending an afternoon on a bike is like indulging in a sensory feast. Not only was able to leisurely take in the wonderful sights and sounds of spring - wisteria-framed doorways, lilacs in full bloom, and the laughing seagulls flying overhead - I was also to revel in the sensuous smells of honeysuckle, sea rose, and backyard barbecues!  As I pedaled through my neighborhood, I smiled to myself as I recalled how I had labored over the decision to buy a bike for more than a year. The truth is that my indecision stemmed from self-consciousness and fear of the unknown. What if I bought the wrong kind of bike and regretted my purchase? Could I still remember how to ride a bike considering there were now eighteen speeds instead of three? Did I have the physical stamina to actually get somewhere? My fear of not knowing, feeling foolish, or looking silly kept me from enjoying what had become one of my favorite summer pastimes.

  • 英語の時制の一致・話法についてです。

    英語の時制の一致・話法についてです。 問:7日午後7時からパーティがあり、そのパーティに「彼女」が来ることになっており、「彼」は 7日の午後5時頃に「彼女は今晩くるよ(He said,"She is coming here tonight") 」といった。 (1)同日の午後8時頃、パーティ会場で「彼」の文が言われた場合 (2)同日の午後6時頃、パーティ会場で「彼」の文が言われた場合。 (1)、(2)のHe said that she…に続くように重複なく選択しないさい a is going here tonight b was going here tonight c was going there that night d was going there tonight e was going here that night f is coming here tonight g was coming there that night h was coming here tonight i was coming here tonight j was coming here that night という問題です。 私はどちらも同日の同場所なので i だと思ってしまったのですが重複は不可なので困っています どなたか得意な方解説をお願いいたします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    英文の和訳をよろしくお願いします The photograph was in my mother's bedroom. It showed a soldier with a gun. Below the photo there was the word "Speaking?" "Who's that soldier called 'Speaking'?" I asked one day.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    This was the end of my 2nd day of the year. 翻訳ソフトではなく ネイティブな翻訳をお願い致します。

  • 色線が多数はいるトラブルが発生していますか?ブラザー製品の印刷品質チェックシートに線が入る問題を解決しましょう。
  • Windows10で無線LAN接続している場合に、印刷品質チェックシートに線が入る問題が発生しています。解決方法をご紹介します。
  • 印刷品質チェックシートに予期しない線が入る問題に困っていませんか?原因や対処方法を知り、スムーズな印刷作業を実現しましょう。