• ベストアンサー


Sun rise たかひろ(@yasoukyoku415)の回答


一言でいえば「ごめんなさい」な感じですかね。 気持ちはうれしいが感謝はできない適な感じですよね... 「ありがた迷惑です」を丁寧に言ってるニュアンスに思えます。



補足すみません… あまり好ましくない文なのでしょうか? 下記のこの文はどうですか?ついでにどう解釈されるか訳もお願いします。 I can’t appreciate it enough.


  • 英語の翻訳おねがいします。オーストラリア人からの英文です。宜しく御願いします。

    英語の翻訳おねがいします。オーストラリア人からの英文です。宜しく御願いします。 That's okay and thankyou so much fir your immediate attention and response. I appreciate your honesty, I'll let you know when it arrives and once again don't worry you apology is accepted.

  • コンマとアンドの使い方に関して 

    We told him that he must say thank you , that when people present something for him , he must let them know he appreciate it. こういう英文って、コンマのかわりにandを使って We told him that he must say thank you and that when people present something for him , he must let them know he appreciate it. にしてはダメなのでしょうか???

  • 感謝の気持ちを・・・

     海外にCDを注文したのですがなかなか届かないので、メールで問い合わせてみました。 すると「既に発送済みですが、おそらく郵送中に紛失したと思われます。再度送ります。」という内容の返事が来ました。 対応も早く、大変感謝している旨を英文で送りたいのですが、いい言葉が見当たりません。何かいい一言があったら是非教えていただきたいです。 Thank you for your immediate reply. I am so relieved to hear that you will ship my cd again. I really really appreciate it. I am looking forward to the CD. Thank you again. Take care, こんな感じで大丈夫でしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 日本語にして下さい!!よろしくお願いします。

    Although an email is not enough, and a video is not enough as well, I want to try to tell you how much I appreciated your gift! I got so, deeply moved from this…that I don’t even know what to say (and this is so rare!). I was expecting to receive my new watercolor brushes today, so, when the postman rang the doorbell, I though ‘YEPPEEE!!! My new brushes! Hurray!’ and I hurried to the door! Then he said: “There are 2 packages for you boy!”. I thought “Weird, the sent 2 packages for 3 small brushes?”. Then I read what was written on one of them… and I totally forgot about brushes. It was your gift. I was...stunned! Surprised! Totally, incredibly happy. I went back inside, here in front of my pc. And I started shaking, as I was so…! I opened it, and saw your sweet presents, and sent you the SMS and LINE messages, then read the letter. Yes, I did cry (please, don’t think I am a crybaby! XD). I got really moved by what you did. You know I like Ranma and bought me something about it...it's...I can’t describe how happy I am, that's why I will record the video right after finishing the email. And I love everything you sent me! The Christmas Origami, so beautiful and delicate!. And the Onsen souvenir ;__; thank you for thinking about me when you went there…! And the stamps, and the letter… Mika! There are so many things I would like to be able to say. Mika, you are so special for me, thank you! I will now record the video, and write the transcript of what I say (I hope I don’t start crying! XDDDD I promise I won’t!) Take care, Mika, I am with you. Always. Don’t ever feel alone. Because if you need, I will be with you. I will never leave you alone! Fabio The transcript of the video------------ gosh XD okay I cried but just a little XDDDD Sorry! Hi….hey! Its….hard to find the right words to thank you. I wrote it in the email but I want to thank you. I know it’s not enough, it will never be enough…a video, or an email! I…. I am really, really happy…uhm…for…for what you sent me. I really like these (showing ranma notebooks)…. I like this (the souvenir from onsen). I like…the stamps….and the letter! And this…well, you wrote on it so I like it! I…I am so happy of it. And… I don’t know exactly what I want to say! Because…uhm… (pause) I said I would have done that but I’m doing it XD don’t worry! It’s just…thank you. I appreciate it, I appreciate it so much! And… If I ever feel alone… I will… shake this! I will shake this and I will know you are somewhere and… hopefully happy! And….uhm! Sorry… And… aww my voice sorry! I am so so happy you sent me these things that I don’t even know what to say… now you’ll think I’m a crybaby right? I am not a crybaby…but…I, I am… I got so moved from your present that really I don’t know what to say! And….Sorry….! Sorry I am so happy that I can’t help it. I am a crybaby right? XD You think so! But… uhm…uhm….yes! thank you…thank you so much! Thank you so much! For your really… unique gift! Thank you!

  • 否定⇒really?⇒どう首を振る?

    否定語の文章、例えば I don't know. と言って really? と聞かれた際に 「本当に知らないんだ」と言いたい場合に 首を振ろうとすると横に振るべきでしょうか? それとも縦に振るべきでしょうか? It is really. の肯定文を意味する縦に振るか、 I don't know. を意味する横に振るかどちらでしょうか?

  • ~にもかかわらず、はこれであってますか?

    突然のひさしぶりのメールにもかかわらず、親切にお返事いただいてありがとう。 という英文を作りたいのですが Even though my email was suddenly and after long while, thank you for your kind reply. I appreciate it. であってますでしょうか。

  • 和訳お願いいたします

    Hmmm you like this hotel? I think you know how to appreciate nice things. ・You know that it's only 1 more week before I get on the plane ... I really can't wait to be with you again. ・And it's going to be really nice to see you in your own country and in Tokyo! . ・And of course I choose only the best things for you.

  • 「知らないといけないので」

    I will tell you how to use chopsticks in case you don't know. という英文を見かけました。 「知らないといけないので、箸の使い方を教えてあげよう」ですね。 でもなんか違和感があるのですが。 in case は「・・・の場合に備えて」ですよね。 箸の使い方を知っているかどうかはそのときに聞けばわかるのですから、 「もし知らないのなら教えてあげよう」で、 if you don't know ならわかるのですが・・・。 in case it rains 「雨が降ったらいけないので」は未来のことで降るかどうかわからないから そう言うのですよね。 「箸の使い方を知らない」のは未来のことではなく、 今わかることだと思うのです。 この使い方もありなのでしょうか。 教科書の英文なのでネイティブチェックは入っているのでしょうが・・・。 解説をおねがいします。

  • 日本語にして下さい

    He's such a jerk! He had me on lock down and was accusing me of fooling around all this time but, all along it was him. How could I be so blind? And I don't understand how he could be so selfish and shallow. How can I be the psycho one when him and his friend made up a whole new name for them selves? Thank you again ◯◯ for understanding. I don't know how to thank you enough.  

  • really don't と don't really

    Do you know? と聞かれた時の返答として、 A: I really don't know. と B: I don't really know. とでは、どのようなニュアンスの違いがあるのでしょうか? 何となくは分かる(気がする)のですが、スッキリしません。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。