• ベストアンサー




(1)高さの増大とともに、若いティーンエイジャーをヤングアダルトに変える他の物理的変化は、行きます。 (2)The blood pressure changes within of the day ddifferent at times.


  • 英訳と、文法的解釈についてご教授ください。

    英訳と、文法的解釈についてご教授ください。 Its long evolution has equipped it to contend with difinite foes, search for definite foods, mate, and rear its young according to a definite ritual. The environment is predictable enough to make responses predictable too, and they are built into the genetic desin. With human being this is impossible. 前文から 最初のitsはワシの子の、次のitは一生のパターンのことだと思います。 to 不定詞の用法について悩んでいるんですが、 副詞的用法(~のために)か形容詞的用法どちらでしょう。 最後の行のwith human being もどう訳したらいいのか疑問です。 分かりやすい説明がありましたらよろしくお願いします。

  • 英訳をお願いいたします。

    If the hair on top isn’t growing, won’t people notice? これを訳そうとすると、後ろの文が、訳せません。 どんなニュアンスで言ってるのでしょうか?? また、 Because the hair in the back and the sides is still growing longer, this is enough of a change to look different as time progresses. But in reality, you have to realize that other people are far too concerned with other things to notice subtle details like that. enought 以下が訳せません。。。 多くの質問をして、申し訳ありません。

  • 困っています。

    日本語訳がわかりません。だれか教えてください。お願いします。 (1)Different animals depend on different types of animals for making decisions. (2)Different animals simply stare into different directions to view other animals' behavior. (3)Different animals display different types of voting behavior. (4)Different animals take different routes to the voting place. (5)Needless to say, in any one of these topics, there is much more than I could possibly learn in 100 life times. (6)I can concentrate all my efforts on the aspects that interest me most.

  • 英訳困っています >< 助けてくださ~い><

    The third stage is what Duvall referred to as the authority period , in which the family are bringing up pre-school children , with the oldest between two and five years old. Essentially, the parents have to train their pre-schoolers to behave in a socially acceptable way , and not like tyrannical little monsters! This, too, can be a deeply demanding phase for the parents. Things often ease up a little when the family enters the interpretive preriod , in which the oldest child is between five and 13 years old , and at school. (The reason why Duvall categorizes these stages from the age of the oldest child is mainly because this signals the need for the parents to learn new behaviours. They have already learned most of the behaviours they will need for younger children-although each child is different, of cource.) The fifth period in the family life cycle is the interdependent period, which consists of families with teenagers. At this time it becomes possible for the teenagers to take more of a share in the emotional and physical aspects of the family , and the relationship between parents and child can become a two-way, interdependent one rather than a simple, one-way , denpendent one.

  • 付帯でないwith…?

    いつもお世話になります。 次の文のwithの解釈がいまいちしっくりきません。 ,but the idea seems to have occurred to many different societies,with little likelihood of them learning from each other. その考えは多くの様々な社会が思いついたように思われるが、その社会がお互いに習得しあった可能性はほとんどない。 これは(,)で訳を切らず、つなげて、 互いに習得しあった可能性が低いその考えは様々な社会で~ としては間違いなのでしょうか。非制限用法の訳し方がいまいち分かりません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英訳お願いします!!

    どうしても時間がないので訳してほしいです。 お願いします! Filmmakers who adapt stories from novels are, in this way, in competition with people`s ( ). Moreover, it is a tough competition to win. If the film version attempts to stuff in every detail of a complicated literary plot, it might run the risk of being difficult to comprehend as film narrative. On the other hand, if the filmmakers choose to introduce new elements into the original narrative in order to make the film better a film, they may be accused by fan of the original as not being faithful to the novel itself. However, whichever principle is chosen, it ought to be recognized that literature and film are different forms of media. They are created differently, appealing to different senses and targeting different audiences. The problem is whether to be faithful-and how faithful-to the original. 誤字あったらすみません。 あと、( )に入る語は admiration、 faithfulness、 comprehension、 imaginations のどれかなのですが、それも教えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします!

  • 日本語訳お願いいたします

    Because young children can not appreciate points of view other than their own, they cannot revise their schemas to take into account changes in the environment. 以上の文章ですがわかりません 自分なりに、この文章を日本語訳にすると なぜなら若い子どもたちは彼ら自身以外の視点を感知することができない、彼らは彼らのスキーマを変える環境における変化をアカウント。 この場合のアカウントってどう使えばよいのでしょうか?

  • with以下の付帯状況の分詞構文のところが構造がわかりません。どなたか

    with以下の付帯状況の分詞構文のところが構造がわかりません。どなたか教えてもらえませんか。 most dramatically of all, we have discovered that the entire universe of stars is in a state of dynamic change, with grate clustes of stars flying away from one another into a future that will be very different from the present.

  • It is only during...

    It is only during the last few years that man has generally realized that in the world of nature a balance exists between all forms of life. No living thing can exist by itself. It is part of a system in which all forms of life are joined together. If we change one part of the nature order, this will in its turn almost certainly bring about changes in some other part. この英文のin its turnの部分なんですが、前置詞inの用法が分からなくて困ってます。原因なのか何なのか。それとも厳密に用法を分類しようとするのが間違いでしょうか。

  • 英訳をお願いします

    以下の文章を訳していただけないでしょうか。 Googleやexciteなどの翻訳エンジンを使って自分でも何とか頑張ってみたのですが、商用利用の可否がどうしてもわかりません。 (「Fine for commercial use, I really don't care what you do with them XD but」のところなのではと思うのですが…) 仕事でPhotoshopのブラシを使わねばならず、大変困っております。 海外サイト特有の顔文字なども入っていてわかりにくいと思いますが、よろしくお願いいたします。 ------------------------- Some watercolor Brushes : D I used some Photoshop textures in there, but they aren't really necessary, so you can go into the brush settings are take them out/choose a different texture if you don't want them. As in all my other brush sets, an airbrush and a line art/pen/solid brush were also included. These brushed are pretty much designed for TABLET use only, sorry ): And I threw in a CRAPPY oil brush too XD Enjoy :) Fine for commercial use, I really don't care what you do with them XD but DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE OR SELL THESE BRUSHES (or claim that you made them) Also, If you want to send me a link so I can see what ya do with them, I would love it! <3