• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:文法的によく分からない文章があって、困っています。)




とりあえず構文は S: The attached receipt V: is C: to show 以下全部 じゃないですかね。



レス有難うございます。これはいわゆる「be to 構文」ですので、SVCではないと思います・・・。


  • 和訳をお願いします。

    どなたか和訳をお願い致します。 「I've reviewed your account. Once you remove all the funds from your account, it is in a sense closed. We are required to maintain the information for the account for 7 years, due to SEC/IRS regulations. 」

  • この文を日本語に翻訳していただきたいです。

    この文を日本語に翻訳していただきたいです。 Somewhere between the funds being taken from your account they have been lost and never went into our account Please claim non receipt and we will confirm your claim to gain your refund

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    海外からの送金を受けたいのですが、カナダの銀行からメールが来ました。 なんと書いているのでしょうか? 和訳を終えてください。 また、このメールから、どうすれば送金を受けれるのでしょうか? 荷物は発送済みで、日本の口座も連絡済みで、その代金の送金です。 このまま、待っていれば送金は受けれるのでしょうか? Dear Valued Customer Shuji, We are very grateful for having business with our customer *Mrs Rogja Adrian* we want you to understand that She's a good customer to us and very reliable Women. She made the transfer of *113,000:00 JPY* to your account and we have approved the money and has been processing to your account. But due to our transfer department and new procedure, we requested for the shipping proof from you to verify you very well, because your money is ready with us to activate to your bank account, and we must verify the shipping proof from you first, as well as we confirmed the transfer she made to you. Kindly get back to us with the shipping document as soon as possible in which we arrange it below for you, so that your account will be activate with the amount your buyer paid to your bank account. Shipment Tracking Number :- Shipment Scan Receipt :- Photo Of The Item Shipped:- We will send you the password for the release of the money to your accounts after you send the receipt of shipment to Alternatively you can send it to our account section with the contacts provided below service_departmentconsultant@secureroot.com

  • 文法の問題

    (1)There is so much worth seeing..  ↑は、見る価値のあるものがたくさんある。という意味ですが、worthは形容詞?前置詞? worth seeing は何を修飾しているんですか? (2)分詞構文になっているところを節にする問題で ・Having put up with it for a week,he wanted to change to a hotel. ・Not having slept well for several days,he was quite tired. ・Tired or not,he did't want to disappoint my father. がよく分かりません。過去完了なのか過去完了進行なのかただの過去なのか、という時制・as,while,when,after.. などどの接続詞を使えば良いか、についてが特に分かりづらいです。。 よろしくお願いします><

  • これは海外の詐欺ですか?

    Hello, My bank have been trying to remit the sum of $2,000 USDollars of the Item but there was an error during the transfer of the funds. the bank encounter some problem during the processing of the funds. The minimum amount that can be transfer into your bank account is $2,850 USDollars and i was told to make additional payment of $850 USDollars so that they can able to complete the transfer of the whole funds into your bank account at once. I have already made additional payment of the sum of $850 USDollars to your money to balance and I hope you have got my additional payment approval confirmation mail regarding the payment which i made? My bank will be remitting total sum of $2,850 USDollars into your bank account. I want you to help me to send the sum of $800 USD to my Son Teacher in China via Western Union and use the remaining $50 USD for the Western Union charges and Transport fare and send the remaining $800 USD to my Son in China, my Son need this money urgently for His school fee. This is the Teacher Name Western Union sending Information: First Name : Yang Last Name : Zhang Country : China I urge you to kindly go ahead with the sending out of the sum of $800 USD to my Son via Western Union so that bank can complete the transfer of the whole funds into your bank account at once. Awaits to read from you as soon as possible. Thanks. という文章が自分の出品した物を買ってくれたかたからメールが来ました。 翻訳ソフトでは内容がわからず、困っています。 これは追加でお金をようきゅうしてきてるのでしょうか? わかる方いましたら教えていただけると助かります。。

  • ebayの謎の請求について

    以下の内容のメールが数ヶ月置きに来ます。毎回支払っているのですが、いったい何の請求でしょうか。2月ぐらいから利用していないのですが毎月請求が来ます。これを止めるにはどうしたらよいのでしょうか。ebayカスタマーサポートでは英語で説明できませんのでどうかお力添えをおかし願います。宜しくお願い致します。 Hello Your eBay invoice for the period from August 1, 2011 through August 31, 2011 is now available to view online. Credit or zero balance: -$14.40 Your account is up to date. No payment is required at this time. To view your invoice: 1. Go to http://www.ebay.com and click "My eBay" at the top of most eBay pages. You will need to sign in. 2. Click the "Seller Account" link under the "Account" Tab at the top of the page. 3. Select the invoice you wish to view from the drop down menu located in the Invoices box on the right side of the page. Remember: eBay will not ask you for sensitive personal information (such as your password, credit card and bank account numbers, Social Security number, etc.) in an email. Thank you for using eBay. Regards, eBay

  • PayPal から何回も英文メールが届きます

    PayPalという全然知らないアクセスもした事もないから下記に記してある英文メールが何回も届くようになり困っています。恐くてたまりません。英文のため何と書いてあるかもわからずどうしていいかわかりません。  Dear Customer, Your Account Will Be Suspended . 1:Question: Why my account will be suspended ? 1:Answer: 1. You Received a unauthorised payment . 2. You have exceeded the sending money limit. 3. Multiple IP ( Internet protocol ) recentely accessed your account . 2:Question: How can i avoid suspending my account ? 2:Answer: By downloading the html attached to this email,and fallowing the instructions inside it. 3:Question: When my account will be ready to use ? 3:Answer: After completing the instructions inside the attachment , your account will be instantely ready to use. Sincerely, PayPal このままほっといてよいのかわかりません。おおげさかもしれませんがメールやインターネットをするのが怖くなりました。メールの内容がわかられる方、もしくは詳しい方がおられましたらアドバイスをお願いいたします。

  • 英語の文法問題

    英語の文法問題です。 (1)We have the resources (to be matched/to match/matched/match) you with a job that fits your desires and abilities. (答)matched (2)(Work/Working/Worked/Have worked) full-time, you will be eligible for medical insurance, vacation and holiday pay, and other benefits. (答)Working (3)Our members are passionate, engaged people (shared/sharing/to be shared/having shared) their lives and interests with others. (答)shared (4)Please send your personal history with your picture (attached/attaching/attach/to attach) to it. (答)attached (5)The amount of money (spend/spending/has spent/spent) on advertising has increased dramatically in recent years. (答)spending (6)We offer everyhing (to have ranged/ranging/ranged/to be ranged) from computers to clothes. (答)ranging (7)If you need (to shop/shopping/shop/to be shopped) at our store, please click the go-sign (to follow/following/to be followed/followed) by the choose-sign and find out why so many customers shop with us every day. (答)shopping/followed 分詞のところなのですが、分詞は苦手なため全く自信がありません;;どなたかお願いします。

  • 英語の文法問題です。

    英語の文法問題です。 (1)We have the resources (to be matched/to match/matched/match) you with a job that fits your desires and abilities. (答)matched (2)(Work/Working/Worked/Have worked) full-time, you will be eligible for medical insurance, vacation and holiday pay, and other benefits. (答)Working (3)Our members are passionate, engaged people (shared/sharing/to be shared/having shared) their lives and interests with others. (答)shared (4)Please send your personal history with your picture (attached/attaching/attach/to attach) to it. (答)attached (5)The amount of money (spend/spending/has spent/spent) on advertising has increased dramatically in recent years. (答)spending (6)We offer everyhing (to have ranged/ranging/ranged/to be ranged) from computers to clothes. (答)ranging (7)If you need (to shop/shopping/shop/to be shopped) at our store, please click the go-sign (to follow/following/to be followed/followed) by the choose-sign and find out why so many customers shop with us every day. (答)shopping/followed 僕の答えであってるでしょうか?分詞は苦手なため全く自信がありません;;どなたかお願いします。

  • 和訳を教えて下さい。

    和訳を教えて下さい。 アメリカの401Kを解約した際に、送られてきたメールです。 「That is correct. Due to regulatory guidelines we are required to maintain the account information for a period of 7 years in the event that it is determined that any additional funds are due to you. At that point the account would be reopened to allow the funds to be paid to you. The account would be permanently closed after that time frame.」 どなたか、よろしくお願い致します。