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  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> An urban garden can supplement the diets of the community it feeds with fresh produce and provide a tangible tie to food production. ちょっと妙な感じの文ですね。the community; とでもしてみたらどうでしょう。 でも、意味がちょっと通じないような気がするなぁ・・・ ほぼ直訳してみると、 「都会の菜園はその地域の食材を補う。その菜園は新鮮な食材を提供し、食料生産との直接の結びつきを提供する」 とでもなるでしょうか。 > At Trent University, there is currently a working rooftop garden which provides food to the student cafe and local citizens. こちらは分りやすいですね。 「トレント大学には屋上菜園があり、学生用のカフェや近くの市民たちに食材を提供している」





  • 英語の日本語訳をお願いしたいですm(_ _)m

    The Asian,Latin,Mediterranean,and vegetarian diet are favored by some health professionals in preference to the USDA Food Pyramid. Search the Web to find out the details of two of these diets and compare them with the Food Pyramid. What are the major differences in the diets? Find out why the alternative diets are favored by some health professionals. この文を日本語にしたいです。英語が苦手なので困っています。どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の問題です。

    以下の空欄に適切な<助詞>+<助動詞>の組み合わせを下から選ぶ問題です。 訳も宜しくお願いします>< 【 should/include  will/keep  must/limit  may/relieve  can/lose 】 1. By eating healthy food and exercising you (   ) (   ) weight. 2. I (   ) (   ) the intake of food to 2,000 calories to keep fit. 3. Weight loss diets (   ) (   ) a variety of essential nutrients. 4. (   ) you (   ) track of the number of calories you eat? 5. Gargling a couple of times a day (   ) (   ) a sore throat.

  • asはなんと訳しますか?

    下記の文のasの意味は何でしょうか? Venezuela’s government urged citizens to see rabbits as less like pets and more like food, as it asked people to breed and eat them, even though the opposition says this wouldn’t end chronic food shortages.

  • 英語の訳

    以下の英語の訳を、どなたか教えていただけますか? (出典:Partha Dasgupta(2007) Economics:A very short introduction. Oxford University Press.より) (1)Others have noted that people in rich countries are far better educated,implying that they are able to make use of ideas to produce goods that are out of reach for people in countries where large numbers are illiterate. (2)Education and health go by the name human capital. (3)Primary and secondary education alone can't take a society that far today.

  • 英文同意問題で納得がいきません

    Many farms could no longer provide normal-sized food crops. の同意文問題で 1.many farms had used to supply a normal amount of food crops but no longer did. 2.Mnay farms had used to produce crops of normal-sized grains but no longer did. の選択肢で なぜ1.が正解で2.がダメなのか納得がいきません。 詳しい方解説をお願いします。

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!

    An Andean ’’supergrain" known as quinoa is soaring in popularity across the world――the wholesale price jumping sevenfold since 2000 ― and has been a boon to the poor farmers here in the dry and rocky soils of Bolivia's semiarid highlands where most of it grows. The diminutive seed of the flowering plant, which powered Inca armies only to be elbowed aside by the wheat preferred by colonizing Spaniards , is unmatched in nutritional value. President Evo Morales ' government had deemed quinoa a “strategic" foodstuff, essential to this poverty-afflicted nation's food security. It is promoting the grain and has included quinoa in a subsidized food parcel for pregnant women. Yet the higher prices quinoa is fetching have had an unanticipated impact where the grain is grown. Some local children are showing signs of malnutrition because their parents have substituted rice and noodles for quinoa in the family diet, said Walter Severo, president of a quinoa producer's group in southwest Bolivia. “Only 10 percent of it stays in Bolivia. The other 90 percent gets exported, “said Rural Development Minister Nemecia Achacollo. “Quinoa provides 10 essential amino acids, is loaded with minerals and has a high protein content――between 14 and 18 percent. The U.N. Food and Agricultur e Organization said it is so nutritious it can be substituted for mother's milk. “This food is about the most perfect you can find for human diets," said Duane Johnson, a 61 year―old former Colorado State agronomist who helped introduce it to the United States three decades ago. Quinoa isn't a cereal. It's a seed that is eaten like a grain, but is gluten―free and more easily digestible than corn, wheat, rye, millet and sorghum. And it can be substituted for rice in just about anything―front soup to salad to pudding to bread. Quinoa has been cultivated in the Andean highlands since 3000 B.C., and grows natively from Chile north to Colombia, mostly in Peru and Bolivia. In 2000, Bolivia exported l,439 metric tons valued at $1.8 million (148.66 million yen). In 2009,exports totaled 14,500 tons, worth more than $25 million(2,064 billion yen), principally to the U.S., Japan and Europe.

  • 翻訳してください。

    次の文を翻訳してください! Cash-strapped New Zealand students killing rats in exchange for beer University students in New Zealand are bringing dead rats to local university bar in exchange for beer. The university of Wellington Science Society Department is running a scheme allowing students the opinion to kill rats - and in return providing them with free alcohol. The university provides the traps to students to help them catch the rats. Once caught, the students can head into the campus pub, The Hunters Lounge and exchange the dead rats for a beer voucher. The killing of rats was initiated by the Science Society as the rats have become a huge problem and affecting NeZealand's indigenous wildlife. They are eating lizards and even climbing trees to eat bird's eggs. They also have a competitive edge over insects such as the Weta, a native New Zealand insect which is finding it very difficult to forage for food with the rats for company.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いしたいです

    Now that Congress and the President have shown their true colors to the American people and free citizens around the world, it is our civic duty to expose and resist this descent into lawless tyranny that not only keeps the American people from having the basic right to know what’s in our food, but also prevents open and independent scientific studies to be conducted on patented GMOs crops.

  • 英文の和訳お願いします

    Monsanto’s unchecked power is corrosive to the health of our democracy, our wellbeing and our planet and it must be stopped. As free citizens, it is our right and our duty to protest their unlawful encroachment into the most basic and fundamental aspect of our lives, the food that we eat and the laws that govern our lives.

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    Besides the mineral above, whole-grain foods have a higher amount of fiber than refined grain foods. These foods that contain a lot of fiber take longer to digest, which keeps you feeling full longer. Additionally, the dietary fiber in whole-grain foods protects you against high blood cholesterol.It may also reduce our risk of certain types of cancer. Next let's look at Table 1 from another view.Rice and bread can be compared.There is quite a difference in the calorie count between rice and bread.A calorie is the main unit of energy that food will produce.Bread has more calories than rice.Carbohydrates provide our body with heat and energy.It is contained more in bread. Fat plays a vital role in maintaining healthy skin and hair, and body temperature.However, some kinds of fat are not good because they raise our cholesterol level and increase our risk of heart disease.