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James Hilton・著、And Now Good-byeの中の文


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  • ベストアンサー率37% (14/37)

集めるものは、それから彼ら自身、国の他の部分のほとんど人さえこれまでに聞かなかったその中型製造町に集中するプレスのスポットライトをあてます;そして、ホワットフリーマントル師において、ブロウドリー氏が普通の大臣を所有しなかったということをすぐに発見されました。 です


  • and now that〜の文法解釈

    All kinds of positive chemicals have been running through your brain while you’re in flow, and now that high is ending. この文章のand now that high is ending. が理解できないです。 文法的にどうなっているか 解説お願いします。 そして、今は、そのハイ状態は終わりです。

  • 文の中からkeywordが探すを手伝ってください。

    Mahalia Jackson Mahalia Jackson was born into a preacher's family in 1911, and she grew up in a riverfront shanty in New Orleans. She was motherless at five, working as a maid and loudness in her mid-teens. As a little girl, she would whisper to herself before she went to sleep, "someday the sun is going to shine down on me in some faraway place." In pursuit of that dream, Mahalia migrated to Chicago when she was still a teenager. She never expected to support herself by singing, and by the time I joined her, the hands she used so expressively in her performances had scrubbed floors, laundered and helped her earn a living as a hotel maid, factory worker, beautician and florist. But her remarkable voice brought her more and more invitations to sing-at funerals, in churches, at concerts. And, through her warm friendly personality and a life based on sound spiritual values and hard work, she eventually found her place in the sun. 1. It is stated in the passage that Mahalia ----. A) had no mother during her whole life B) lived in a fashionable house in New Orleans C) was orphaned when she wasn't even a teenager D) become a servant at the age of five E) grew up in a religious family 上記の文に対し、問1の答えはC)です。この文のどこにorphenedだと書いてあるのか教えてください。motherless ではないし、preacher's familyに born in するということから判断するのでしょうか?  お願いします。

  • 15-1 お願いします

    日本語訳を!!  In 1819,a young man named James Prinsep boarded a ship near his home in Essex,England,and set sail for India,half a world away.His father,John,had made the family's fortune manufacturing indigo there 40 years earlier,and James had grown up listening to his father's romantic stories of the faraway kand.James had raced through his educatiom as quickly as he could,eager to get to India and see it for himself.Now 20 years old and fully qualified as an architect,he was at last on his way.  John Prinsep,James's father,had brought the first Western-style coin-making machinery to India in 1780 and manufactured copper coins to make doing business easier.(Before this,each India state had made and used its own hand-stamped coins.)James got a job in Calcutta at the mint his father had estabtlished.He was good at his job.He reformed the system of weights and measures and introduced a style of coinage that came to be used by the entire country.  In his spare ime,James became interested in archaeology.His love for old coins and enthusiasm for anything to do with ancient India was contagious.Many Englishmen living in India began to study Indian history more seriously(including a young man named Alexander Cunningham,the same Alexander Cunningham who would later discover the ruins at Harappa.)Soon James had friends,both English and Indian,sending him old coins and copies of inscriptions from all over India.  James spent hours admiring the portraits of long-for-gotten kings that decorated his old coins.Some of his oldest coins dated from the time of Alexander the Great,when the Indo-Greeks ruled northern India and Pakistan.Those coins had inscriptions in ancient Greek on one side,which he could decipher.But the meaning of the inscriptions on the other side,which were written in a mysterious squiggly alphabet scholars called Brahmi,baffled him.He thought they probably repeated the Greek information,but until someome could read Brahmi,there was no way to be sure.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    Born in Troia (Province of Foggia, Apulia), he graduated from the University of Naples in 1875 and then became instructor and later professor of administrative law at the University of Rome. He was Minister of Agriculture (1899-1900) in the conservative government of Luigi Pelloux and subsequently Minister of the Treasury (1906) and Minister of Finance (1909-1910) in the governments of Sidney Sonnino.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    All of the units suffered from lack of equipment, including ammunition. There was a shortage of capable officers, and only 120 machine guns in the whole army. The army possessed no field howitzers or heavy artillery. In terms of appearance, the dark-blue uniforms and personal equipment issued to soldiers in 1914 had not changed visibly since 1853.[9] Standards of discipline were frequently lax and Belgian soldiers were often seen as "indisciplined and careless".[9] The army had no coherent doctrine and its had as many as five strategic plans, none of which commanded total support from the High Command. The Belgian army was divided into two, with the majority assigned to the Field Army and lower-quality troops to guard the country's three fortified zones.

  • 英文同意問題で納得がいきません

    Many farms could no longer provide normal-sized food crops. の同意文問題で 1.many farms had used to supply a normal amount of food crops but no longer did. 2.Mnay farms had used to produce crops of normal-sized grains but no longer did. の選択肢で なぜ1.が正解で2.がダメなのか納得がいきません。 詳しい方解説をお願いします。

  • Until that moment all...

    Until that moment all the maps he had known had located Japan in the middle of the picture and had colored it red ; yet when he got to Britain he found that the country in the middle of the map was Britain and that it, too, was painted red. the country in the middle of the map was Britain and that it, too, was painted redの部分は過去完了形になふのではないですか。

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Just as the war was in the balance on the Western Front, so the fate of Luxembourg was see-sawing back and forth. It was clear to all that the good conduct of the Luxembourgish government, if fully receptive to the needs of the German military administrators, could guarantee Luxembourg's continued self-government, at least in the short-term. Eyschen was a familiar and overwhelmingly popular leader, and all factions put their utmost faith in his ability to steer Luxembourg through the diplomatic minefield that was occupation. On 4 August 1914, he expelled the French minister in Luxembourg at the request of the German minister, followed by the Belgian minister four days later and the Italian minister when his country entered the war. To the same end, Eyschen refused to speak ill of the German Zollverein, even though he had talked openly of exiting the customs union before the war began.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    Expanded to 144 members in 1894, operations against Kpandu and "a number of towns in central Togo which had resisted the government were attacked and razed to the ground, the property of the inhabitants confiscated and the people fined sums ranging from 200 marks to 1,110 marks." For the remainder of the decade, an additional 35 expeditions were authorised by the colonial government. In 1895 the capital Lomé had a population of 31 Germans and 2,084 natives. By 1913 the native population had swelled to 7,042 persons and 194 Germans, including 33 women, while the entire colony had a German population of 316, including 61 women and 14 children.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    On April 24, Interior minister Mehmed Talat passed the order of April 24 (known by the Armenians as the Red Sunday), claimed that the Armenians in this region organized under the leadership of Russians and rebelled against his government, as they had shown in their securing of Van for Armenian nationalists. The Armenians of the Van Resistance and others which were under the Russian occupation were spared from these arrests, since they had rebelled.