• ベストアンサー


和訳 For the first time in Japan's postwar experience, many college graduates can't get meaningful jobs, and a third of those who do quit in less than three years. 和訳誰かお願いします。


  • ベストアンサー




  • 和訳してください

    どなたか( )の中の最も適切な語を選んで和訳していただけませんか? In the years leading up to the crisis, there were three major factors that contributed to the housing bubble in the US. The first factor was money flow into the US from fast-growing economies in Asia and oil-producing countries which were seeking a destination for investment. The second factor was easy credit conditions which were caused by an interest (rate/ratio/percentage) of 1% in the US in 2003, the lowest in 45 years. The third factor was a resultant high demand for housing from the low income bracket. Those factors led to the housing bubble between 1997 and 2006, raising the prices of (typical/ traditional/ attractive) American houses by 124%. However, the housing bubble burst in 2008, sending the stock market into tailspin

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    When I was in first grade, our teacher asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. I said a mother and a teacher. Well, motherhood came first. Three years after I married, I started having children, two boys and two girls in five years. I enjoyed it. But there were hard times, too. The worst thing that happened was losing a child. My eldest son died of cancer in my arms when he was 17. Now to fulfilling my first-grade dream in another way. A year after he died, I went to college and became a third-grade teacher when I graduated. I loved teaching this grade, with the children's eagerness to learn and their love of their teachers. Now to fulfilling my first-grade dream in another way.の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    Anyway, the funny thing is I have not dated once in those 12 years, because I sense pitfalls and know about age gap problems, and sometimes I do that goofy formula that says the appropriate age to date is half yours plus seven years (or older). sometimes以下の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 英語の和訳

    1:In a society where change is not uncommon for every generation to experience a generation gap. 2:It is heartles of him to say such a thing to the sick man. 3:I can't think of what to say in English in this situation. 4:In order to save fuel,people are driving smaller cars. 5:Everyone spoke very quietly in order not to wake the baby. 和訳をお願いします

  • 和訳と構文についての疑問です。

    和訳と構文がわからない一まとまりの文が2つあります。 わかる方がいらっしゃいましたら教えて下さい。 (・・・急いでます!) (1) It has provided us, in a broad highway of knowledge-sharing, on every topic. (2) Contrast this with the American practice of putting teacher's college graduates into the classroom after a few months of training and then leaving them alone to succeed or not, to the good or ill fortune of a generation of sutudents.

  • 英文と日本語訳があります。和訳は正しいですか?

    After World War II ended in 1945, Japanese couples who had delayed having children during the war years began having children in great numbers. In the three years starting in 1947, close to seven million babies were born. They came to be called the "baby boomers." Even after 1950, Japan maintained a high birth rate so those born in the early 1950s can also be called baby boomers. 和訳 1945年の第二次世界大戦終戦後、戦時中に子供をもてなかった日本人カップルがものすごい数の子供を産み始めました。1947年からの3年間に700万近くの赤ちゃんが誕生しました。彼らは「ベビーブーマー」と呼ばれることになりました。1950年以降も、日本は高い出生率のままだったので、1950年代前半に生まれた赤ちゃんもベビーブーマーと呼ばれます。

  • 和訳

    Natsume Soseki went to Britain about 100 years ago as a student sent by the Ministry of Education. He was 33 years old and a professor at the Fifth High School in Kumamoto then. He left Yokohama by ship in September 1900,and reached London two months later. Britain was more developed than other countries in those days. There was already a web of underground in London―30 years before the first underground in Tokyo. Everything Soseki saw and heard was a wonder. He enjoyed buying used books,walking in the parks and going to the theaters. He wrote this to his wife: “I wish you could see the wonderful theater shows. In one show,I saw about sixty women dancing on the stage in gorgeous costumes.” Soseki’s life in London,however,was difficult sometimes. The prices were very high for him. He stopped going to college because he felt the tuition was too expensive and the classes were not useful. And being unfamiliar with the city,he often lost his way or took the wrong train when he want out to see the sights. 和訳していただけてたら光栄です。 打ち間違いをしていたらすいません。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    “The finest and happiest years of our lives,” he spoke on in triumph. ~ But what I still can't figure out is why I never got tired and why I never felt better in my life. I guess the answer is, we were fighting for survival, protecting and providing for those we loved” He went on setting me straight. “In this business of getting it made, it's not the great moments that count. It's the partial victories, the deadlocks, the waiting ― even the defeats. If we are ever unlucky enough to have it made, then we will be spectators, not participants. It's the journey, not the arrival, that counts in life.” 上記の和訳をお願いしたいのですが… 自力では曖昧なところが多くて>< 宜しくお願いします。

  • 「3年間連続して」は、For the third year in a row かFor three years in a rowのどちらでもよいのか?

    すごく急ぎの質問です。 「3年間連続して」は、For the third year in a row かFor three years in a rowのどちらでもよいのでしょうか? (私は、前者のパターンは初めて見たのですがよく使う表現ですか?) ではよろしくお願いします。正誤に関わらずインプレッションだけでもOKです。

  • 和訳お願いします

    As they thought about years gone by,participants leaned slightly backward,while in fantasizing about the future,they listed to the fore.The deviations were not exactly Tower of Pisa leanings,amounting to some two or three millimeters' shift one way or the other.Nevertheless,the directionality was clear and consistent. 和訳お願いします!文脈等不明な点は補足します。