• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:今年の一橋大学(前期)の英語の読解問題を解いています。)



  • ベストアンサー

直前に would があります。 これが仮定法の帰結節です。 この would は into which ~という関係節の中にありますが,were 以下の if 節はこの部分にのみかかることになります。 「もし,世襲であるとされたら,文学やすべての学問が次第に(そこへと)陥ってしまうだろうとんでもない無意味さ」 日本語でもこうなりますが,「もし~」は「~陥ってしまうだろう」にかかり,これは関係詞節内で,「~無意味さ」という名詞を修飾することになります。


  • [文章],were they...

    この、途中から始まるwere they... というのはなんでしょうか。 文法的に説明していただけると助かります。 I smile to myself when I consider the ridiculous insignificance into which literature and all the sciences would sink, were they made hereditary.

  • 大学入試問題 和文英訳 添削願い

    しばらくの間スペインに住み、地元の人たちと親しくなることで、私たちは自分たちの国の良い点と悪い点に気付かされた。 I lived in Spanish for the time being and I became be familiar with local people. These things made me find our country's well points and bad points. とてもがっかりしたことに、様々な機能の付いた最新の電子辞書は人気があるので売り切れていた。 To my great disappointment, the latest electronic dictionaries which have a lot of functions were so popular that they were sold out. お願いします。 英語の勉強がんばります!

  • 英語の問題が分からないので教えてください。

    Richard and Karen Carpenter were a brother and sister duo. They started out in the mid-sixties when they formed a band. Karen was the drummer and Richard played the keyboards. They were quickly noticed by a recording company after winning a talent contest. The group later became famous all over the world mostly because of Karen's beautiful voice. Their songs were easy to listen to and appealed to fans in many countries including Japan.Many of them went to the top of the pop charts in the 70's. Sadly,Karen suffered from a disorder called anorexia nervosa, a sickness which makes sufferers not want to eat enough to keep healthy. She died in 1983. "I Need to be in love"is about someone who feels she is unloved. 1.a)They were successful because they were brother and sister. b)It was their skill in playing instruments that was special. c)The fame of the duo rested on Karen's lovely voice. 2.a)They found fame in a few short years. b)They only became famous after many years. c)Most fans liked to listen to other groups. 3.a)They did badky in a song contest and were noticed. b)A recording company put them in a talent contest. c)Their success in a contest led to a recording career. 4.a)Their songs were popular but did not become hits. b)Many of their records were huge successes before 1965. c)They had lots of hits in the 1970's. 5.a)Karen died in a hospital for old people. b)The disease Karen had made her eat too mach. c)Karen had an eating disorder which led to her death.

  • 英語の問題教えてください!

    和訳 1 When she married a solicitor, she looked down on the office girls she had worked with. 2 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. ()に注意して和訳 1 The journey, which I remember well, was very pleasant. I made friends with many people on the train. One lady gave me a box of shells. My father made holes in these (so that) I (could) string them, and for a long time they kept me happy and con-tented. 2 The understanding of infectious disease is entirely (due to) scientific advance. So is our understanding of earthquakes and storms : if we can not control them, we at least do not have to fear them as evidence of God's anger. 英訳 か彼女のことは話に聞いてはいるが、実際には知らない。 宜しくお願いします!!

  • 関係代名詞 継続用法

    質問 日本語に合うように適語を入れよう。 1 彼女はたくさんカバンを持っていて、そのほとんどはイタリア製だ  She has many bags, ( ) ( ) ( )were made in Italy. 2 彼女は3人の兄弟がいるが、その3人とも私はよく知っている。  She has three brothers, ( ) ( ) ( ) I know well.

  • 英語の問題

    1:She proposed that a doctor()be called in immdiately. (1)would (2)should (3)could (4)ought 2:I don't see Tom. I wonder why he's late. Well,he()his train or maybe he overslept. (1)might have missed (2)might miss (3)should have missed (4)should miss 3:It's not very important. We might()forget about it. (1)as much (2)as possibly (3)as quickly (4)as well 4:Before marriage she made him agree that he ()never break his promises. (1)could (2)shouldn't (3)would (4)wouldn't ()に入る答えと和訳をお願いします

  • wellはどこに置いて何を修飾できるんですか?

    I made a reservation well in advance.私は予約した十分余裕を持って という訳なんですが このwellは副詞ですよね? in advanceにかかってるんですか?また、in advance wellという語順でもいいんですか?どこに置くという決まりはあるんですか?

  • 英語の問題で困っています。

    問1 次の文中の現在形が表す意味を,選択肢から選びなさい。 Three and five make eight.    (1)現在の状態 (2)習慣的行為 (3)不変の真理 (4)未来の予定 (5)歴史的現在 問2 She teaches us English at school.     (1)現在の状態 (2)習慣的行為 (3)不変の真理 (4)未来の予定 (5)歴史的現在 問3 Napoleon’s army now advances and a great battle begins.    (1)現在の状態 (2)習慣的行為 (3)不変の真理 (4)未来の予定 (5)歴史的現在 問4 The meeting opens at nine in the morning tomorrow.    (1)現在の状態 (2)習慣的行為 (3)不変の真理 (4)未来の予定 (5)歴史的現在 問5 It’s freezing cold today.    (1)現在の状態 (2)習慣的行為 (3)不変の真理 (4)未来の予定 (5)歴史的現在 問6 空欄を埋めるのに最も適したものを,選択肢から選びなさい。 If this dictionary ( ) a little cheaper, I would buy it.    (1)are (2)is (3)have been (4)were 問7 I wish I ( ) French as well as she.    (1)am speaking (2)could speak (3)speak (4)were speak 問8 If ( ) the sun, nothing could live.    (1)it had not for (2)it had not been (3)it were not (4)it were not for 問9 Long ( ) the Queen!    (1)has lived (2)live (3)lives (4)may live 問10 ( ), I could fly to him.    (1)I were a bird (2)If a bird (3)Were a bird (4)Were I a bird 問11 There ( ) to be big trees around the pond.    (1)dared (2)may (3)should (4)used 問12 “Must I go so soon?” “No, you ( ) not.”    (1)can (2)may (3)dare (4)need 問13 What has become of the other men? Alas, they ( ) have been lost in the sea.    (1)must (2)used (3)shall (4)need 問14 It is necessary that every member ( ) inform himself of the rules of the club as soon as possible. (1)could (2)might (3)should (4)would 問15 The English of this composition is too good. She can’t ( ) it herself.    (1)be written (2)had written (3)have to write (4)have written 問16 He who ( ) search for pearls must dive deep.    (1)had to (2)might (3)should (4)would 問17 The teacher suggested to me ( ) the English broadcast every day.    (1)listening to (2)to listen (3)that I should listen (4)that I should listen to 問18 You ( ) the book.    (1)do not need buy (2)need not have bought (3)need not to buy (4)need not to have bought 問19 You ( ) surprised to find me in such a dark place the other day.    (1)cannot but be (2)may well be (3)must but be (4)will well be 問20 I’m sorry to hear you had such trouble. I ( ) you my telephone number.    (1)had better give (2)ought to give (3)should have given (4)would have given 問21 Will you please lend me the novel when you ( )?    (1)finish (2)finished (3)will finish (4)will have finished 問22 They ( ) for sixteen years.    (1)are married (2)have been married (3)marry (4)will have married 問23 The student ( ) absent from school for six months at the end of this year.    (1)is (2)is being (3)will be (4)will have been 問24 She ( ) across the bridge when she had her bonnet blown off.    (1)walked (2)was walking (3)will be walking (4)will walk 問25 The bird ( ) for more than an hour.    (1)sings (2)is singing (3)has been singing (4)is having sung 問26 "How did you break your arm?" "Riding a bicycle down the road, ( )."    (1)a car crashed me (2)a car hit over me (3)I was crashed a car (4)I was hit by a car 問27 What part of the country ( )?    (1)did you raise up in (2)were you brought up (3)were you brought up in (4)were you growing up 問28 Peace ( ) by everybody.    (1)desires (2)is desiring (3)is desired (4)has desired 問29 The floor was felt ( ) beneath my feet.    (1)have shaken (2)move (3)shaken (4)to move 問30 We ( ) a shower on the way.    (1)caught in (2)have been caught (3)have caught in (4)were caught in

  • 英語の仮定法の問題

    1if使って表現し、全文を書き換えなさい。 1.Had I read the book,I would have enjoyed the movie more. 2.With a camera,I could take a picture of this beautiful scene. 3.She must be tired;otherwise she would go out with her friends. 2各文の意味がほぼ同じ意味になるように、 ( )に適当な語をいれなさい。 1 a)It's time for the children to go to bed. b)It's time the ( )( ) to bed. 2 a)But for water,there would be no life on the earth. b)If it ( )( )( ) water,there would be no life on the earth. 3 a)I wish you could stay in Tokyo longer. b)( )( ) you could stay in Tokyo longer! 4 a)To see the brothers,you would think they were twins. b)( )( )( ) the brothers,you would think they were twins. よろしくお願いします><

  • 英語の問題

    1日本語の意味にあうように、( )の語を並べかえなさい。 もし私が宇宙飛行士なら、宇宙遊泳をするのだが。 (I/would/an/were/walk/I/,/astronaut) in space. 2日本語の意味になるように、( )に適当な語をいれなさい。 1.その討論の中でいちばん私が興味を持ったことは,彼の論理的な考え方だった。 ( )( ) me most in the debate was his logical mind. 2.一生懸命働けば働くほど、それだけあなたは出世するでしょう。 The ( ) you work,the ( ) successful you will be. 3.彼は両親を続けて亡くした。 He lost his parents one ( )( )( ). 4.植物が生長し実を結ぶには、多量の水分が必要である。 As the plants ( ) and start to ( ) fruit,they will need a lot of water. よろしくお願いします><