• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語の問題です。)



  • ベストアンサー

これはイが正解となるよく入試問題で出されるパターンです。 should have 過去分詞では 「~すべきだったのに(しなかった)」 「~したはずだ,しているはずだ」 「~したはずなのに,しているはずなのに」 の3通りの意味が考えられ,この第3の場合になります。 ジーニアスにはこの第3の意味が載っていませんが,ウィズダム英和辞典,ロイヤル英文法などには出ています。 「ディックがまだ着いていない」状況で, 「もう着いているはずなのに(着いていてもおかしくないのに)。 道に迷ったんだね」 I'm afraid は「そうあることが残念だけど,状況からそう思われる」という意味合いです。



ありがとうございました そういう意味もあるんですね。


  • 英語の問題

    1:My sister ought to have arrived here by now, for she took the early train. 2:Dorothy isn't in the office; she might be having coffee in the cafeteria. 3:It is ridiculous that we should have to queue,when we've already got our tickets. 訳をお願いします

  • 英語

    1 I recommended that she () the professor. アhad seen イsaw ウshould she エwould see 2 “Why is this letter still here?”“Oh,no. () posted yesterday afternoon but I completely forgot.” アI must've イI should've ウI've エI'd 3 “I don't see Tom. I wonder why he's late.”“Well, he () his train, or maybe he overslept.” アmight have missed イmight miss ウshould have missed エshould miss 4 “What's that song you're listening to?”“You don't know? It's ‘Yesterday’ by the Beatles. You () it before!” アhadn't heard イmight hear ウmust've heard エshouldn't hear 5 “Jane won't be able to attend the party tonight. Why not?”“She says her son's canght a cold and she () care of him.” アmust be talking イmust have taken ウwill be talking エwill be taken 6 You say Rick is now playing the piano, but that () Rick, because he has gone to station to meet his friends. アmust be イcan't be ウwill be エhave to be 7 Catherine doesn't dance much now, but I know she (). アused to イwas used to ウwould be エwould have 8 I remember that whenever my parents went out in the evening, I () the job of looking after my younger sister. アmust have got イought to get ウhave got エwould get 9 It's not very important. We might () forget about it. アas much イas possibly ウas quickly エas well 10 I () go to the seaside this summer. I've had enough of the mountain. アrather イwould rather ウprefer エwould prefer 1 He is not so(as,be,strong,he,to,used). 2 (on,better,travel,had,you,not) the subway during the rush hours. 3 You (have,home,to,your,called,ought,before) you went there. 4 I (on,but,the time,cannot,wasted,regret) this issue. 5 “Do you think people (allowed,be,cell phones,should,to,use) on the train or bus?” 6 It is amazing (be,can,how,the most intelligent person,wrong). 7 Somewhere between 10000 and 15000 years ago, (nature,may,humans',begun,with,have,first clash). 8 The higher cost of living in Australia means that (raise,can,to,people,afford,fewer) many children. 9 Global warming (the earth's,a serious effect,will,on,have) whole ecosystem. 10 Plants and animals (be able to,get along with,must,to exist in,very little water) the desert. アエウウイウウアエイ、としました。 解説等、お願い致します。

  • 英語の問題です。

    解答と合わせて、訳と文法的な解説などをつけていただけると助かります。 ランダムにさまざまな問題が混ざっているので、できるだけ何か説明がほしいです。 お願いします。 【A】 1 May I borrow that magazine when you () reading it?   アfinished イhave finished ウwill finish エwill have finished 2 It´s a pity that John and Mary broke up. They () married today.   アhave got イwill have got ウhad got エwere to have got 3 The chair is broken. You´d better () someone to fix it.   アmake イget ウcause エlet 4 How can he qualify for the job () he is only thirteen years old?   アthat イwhen ウwhere エwhy 5 A tax is to a country () gasoline is to a car.   アwhat イwhen ウwhich エwhy 6 He went out () so much as saying goodbye to me.   アdoing イeven ウnothing エwithout 7 Such a poor country cannot provide good medical services, much () a good       education.   アfew イmore ウless エlittle 8 Dick () arrived here already. I´m afraid he has lost his way.   アcannot have イshould have ウmust have エmight have 9 A computer is essencially an efficient means of processing ().   アinformation イan information ウinformations エany informations 10 It´s a () your wife couldn´t come. I really wanted to meet her.   アharm イshame ウsorrow エtrouble 11 She reads all the fashion magazines to keep () with the times.   アover イup ウalong エoff 【B】 1 そのパーティでとても愉快に過ごしました。   I enjoyed () very much at the party. 2 バスでも列車でも、どちらでも私はかまいません。   It makes no () to me whether we go by bus or train. 3 昨夜彼と口論したが、今朝仲直りした。   I had words with him last night, but we () up this morning. 4 中に入ってお待ちになったらどうですか。   Why () come in and wait here? 【C】 1 My sister was filled with joy.   =My sister was beside () with joy. 2 He adviced her to stop talking, but she didn´t.   =She didn´t stop talking in () of his advice. 3 He was ninety when he died.   =He died at the () of ninety. 4 This car is already out of date.   =This car is no longer () to date. 【D】 1 Nuclear weapons may (bring about) the destruction of mankind. 2 They all (look on) him as their leader. 3 Do you agree with what he (came up with)? 4 Her request for a pay raise was (turned down) again. 5 It took her a long time to (get over) the shock from his impolite remark. (アovercome イcause ウreject エregard オpropose カutilize) 【E】誤りの選択です。 1 He forget (bringing) his homework (to school), so his teacher (got) angry (at) him. 2 Every boy and (every) girl (was) glad to see (the) new teacher (to come) in. 3 They kept (a fire) (burn) all night (to protect) themselves from (the cold). 4 They said they (have got) (married) (three years) (before). 5 (It) is interesting to (compare) the manners and customs of Japan (with) (that) of   the United States. 【F】 1 (should,of,great,be,taken,care) the aged. 2 I could hardly believe that (be,everything,it,the,to,used,was still,way). 3 She was (to,person,I,expected,see,the,last,had). 4 Philosophy (difficult,subject,as,so,a,is,not) you imagine it is. 以上です。

  • 英語の記号問題ですが…

    文法項目別ではなく、問題形式別だったので、難しく感じました。 解いてはみたものの、自信がないです。時制や前置詞など曖昧なものもありました。 一言で結構ですので、解答とあわせて、訳や解説を何かつけていただけないでしょうか。 お願いします。 1 By the time the fire engine arrived,the house().   アalready burned down イhas already burned down ウhad already burned down エ     would already burned down 2 You ()such a book,however interesting it may be.   アhad better not to read イhad better not read ウhad better not reading エdidn´t    have better read 3 After going over the plan,we decided()finance.   アdiscussing イdiscussing about ウto discuss エto discuss about 4 I took off my shoes()make any noise.   アbecause I イin case I ウso that エso as not to 5 Upon returning from class,().   アthe mailbox had a letter in it イa letter was found in the mail box   ウI found a letter in the mailbox エa letter would be in the mailbox 6 If you keep the warranty of this DVD player, you can have it()for free.   アfixing イfixed ウto fix エto be fixed 7 Just()he is taller than you does not mean he is better at basketball.   アbecause イso ウas エlike 8 ()of my friends have been to Japan this year.   アNumerous イSeveral ウEach エEither 9 I will have finished the work()this time tomorrow.   アtill イsince ウby エuntill 10 We were waiting for him()a cup of coffee.    アto イon ウat エover 11 There were three other people at the meeting()Mr.Smith.    アbut イbesides ウalso エas well 12 Mary is expecting her uncle to arrive()September 15th.    アof イon ウat エin 13 ()my horror,a stranger peeped into the room through the window.    アFor イWith ウBecause of エTo 14 My father often enjoys()his colleagues after work.    アtalks イto talk ウtalking エtalking with 以上です。 

  • 高1の英語です。

    高1英語です。 問題は、 空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを、ア~ウから選びなさい。 I ( ) my report yet. ア didn’t  イ haven’t finished  ウ don’t finish で、答えはイなんですが、haveにnotを付けて短縮してhaven’tって出来ましたっけ? 確か、haveにnotは付けられないと教頭先生が言っていたのでそう思っていたのですが、どうなんですか?

  • 英語ができる方、問題をお願いいたします。

    英文中の空所に入る適切な語または語句を選択肢から選びなさい。またその英文を訳しなさい。 1.( ) you live long and die happy!  (1)Should (2)Would (3)Can (4)May 2.Democracy ( ) without freedom of speech.  (1)cannot surviving (2)not can survive (3)cannot survive (4)can't be survive 3.According to the law, you ( ) be 18 years old or over to obtain a driver's license in Japan.  (1)can't (2)must (3)might (4)may not 4.My father ( ) quit school when he was fourteen because of his poor health.  (1)had to (2)must (3)ought to (4)should 5.Our son's soccer uniform is still in good shape. We ( ) buy a new one for him yet.  (1)have to (2)must (3)don't have to (4)should 6.My Japanese teacher says everybody ( ) sutdy at least one foregin language.  (1)ought (2)should (3)may be (4)have to 7.I'd rather ( ) by taxi.  (1)having gone (2)going (3)to go (4)go 8.Since I'm very tired, I ( ) join the party tonigt.  (1)had not rather (2)would not rather (3) would rather not (4) had better not to 9.You had better ( ) your homwork soon.  (1)to finish (2)finishing (3)be finished (4)finish 10.We ( ) tell anymore about this just yet.  (1)didn't have better (2)had better not (3)had not better (4)haven't better 11.When he was a newcomer, he ( ) read several different newspapers every morning.  (1)used to (2) was used to (3)got used to (4)is used to 12.I ( ) this movie before, but I'm not sure.  (1)must see (2)might see (3) should see (4)may have seen 13.Katherine lost her purse yesterday. She ( ) it on the bus.  (1)must drop (2)must be dropping (3)must have dropped (4)must have been dropping 14.He ( ) have introduced you to his sister yesterday because she died three years ago.  (1)cannot (2)must (3)ought to (4) shouldn't 15.We've just missed the train. We ( ) left our office a little ealier.  (1)should (2)should out (3)should have (4)should not have 16.George and I had a great time at the party last night. You ( ) come.  (1)had to (2)might have (3)must have (4)ought to have 17.Mary couldn't help ( ) when she heard the news about the championship.  (1)to smiling (2)smile (3)smiling (4)to smile 18."Your apartment is really compact." "You may ( ) think this is small, but it's actually larger than average."  (1)good (2)well (3)better (4)best 19.There's no bus for two hours, so we ( ) as well take a taxi.  (1)might (2)must (3)would (4)should 量が多いかもしれませんが、よろしくお願いします。 スペルミスなどありましたらお知らせください。

  • must have p.p. と should have p.p.

    must には、(1)ねばならない (2)にちがいない should には、(1)べき (2)はず という意味がありますが、どうして、must have p.p. は(2)の意味になって、should have p.p. は(1)の意味になるのでしょうか? must have p.p. が「~しなければならなかったのに」で、should have p.p. が「~するはずだったのに」でもいいような気がするのですが、どういうことでしょうか?

  • 英語

    1It's already ten. It's high time you ( ) in bed. アare イhave been ウwere エwill be 2If it were not for the rain, we ( ) hiking today. アcan go イwould go ウmay well go エwere able to go 3( ) greenhouse effect, the climate on the earth would be much colder. アAgainst イWithout ウUnless エNot 4( ) for the doctor's great skill in the operation, he wouldn't be alive now. アWithout イUnless ウBut エNot 5But for the medicine, the patient ( ). アhas been dead イhad been dead ウmay have been dead エmight have been dead 6Had I known you were coming to Tokyo, I ( ) to the station to meet you. アwent イwould have gone うhad gone エ would go 7I could tell who he was from his accent; ( ) I wouldn't have known it was him. アhowever イtherefore ウfor エotherwise 8Jack had a skiing accident yesterday, but he's all right. He is lucky, because he ( ) hurt himself badly. アcould have イmight ウshould エwill have 9I'm sorry to hear about your problem. But if you had taken my advice, you ( ) in such a trouble now. アhaven't イwould be ウwould havd been エwouldn't be 3,4辺りが良く分かりませんでした。

  • 英語の問題です・・・・・

    各文の( )に入る最も適当なものを選びなさい。 1. Poor Nancy! I bought the same dress for $20 ( ). ア.few イ.fewer ウ.little エ.less 2. Mozart was ( ) the most talented musician in those days. ア.very イ.by far ウ.well エ.a bit 3. Kazuo has a very big family. He has no ( ) than ten children. ア.much イ.more ウ.little エ.fewer 4. She is second to ( ) when it comes to speaking English. ア.none イ.anybody ウ.someone エ.all 5. "You must have been tired of the boring meeting." "Not ( )." ア.at best イ.at least ウ.in the best エ.in the least 6. He is as great an artist as ( ) lived. ア.any イ.ever ウ.never エ.can 申し訳ありませんが、お願いします。

  • 英語の文法問題です。

    英語の文法問題です。 (1)You (should ask/would ask/should have asked/would have asked) his phone number when he called. (答)should have ask (2)He said that I (call/called/will call/might call) whenever I wished. (答)might call (3)She doesn't answer her cell phone. She (must leave/has to leave/must have left/had to leave) it at home again. (答)must have left (4)E-mail (may/might/may be/may have) changed the way we communicate, but that doesn't mean the handwritten letter is dead. (答)may have (5)People spent their time to send us their thoughts and words, (choose/chose/choosing/chosen) the paper, the envelope, and postage stamps. (答)chose (6)What spam (could/ought/must/had to) come with a postage stamp on it? (答)could 僕の答えであってるでしょうか?どなたかお願いします。