• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳お願いしますm(_ _)m)


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  • ベストアンサー
  • fujina
  • ベストアンサー率42% (115/269)

再登場します。 ご推測の通りの感じだと私は…思いましたが。。 (なにぶん見てないからなあ…) 何度もフライト予約の履歴を追って、そのたびに空港に急行して見張って…を繰り返すうちに警察にもスキがでて、その一瞬の隙を突いてうまく煙に巻くことができる、って感じなんじゃないでしょうか。 犯行予告を何度もしておくと、どれがブラフ(嘘)でどれがホンモノか分からなくなる。そのスキにお宝いただき! …ルパン的な?



お礼遅くなりました。。。 fujinaさんのおかげでよく理解できました。 ありがとうございます!


その他の回答 (1)

  • fujina
  • ベストアンサー率42% (115/269)

修行中のモノですが、お邪魔します。。 「ヤツはいくつものフライトを予約しておきながらそのフライトには姿を現さない。その意図はこうさ。何度も何度も予約を重ねれば最後にはオレのような輩はヤツのゲームにうんざりしてデスクに戻っちまう。んで、そうなった後にヤツは高飛びさ。つまり、意図的に何度も続けて予約を重ねることでヤツはそのシステムを掻い潜るんだ」 ご説明のシーンから渋い頭のキレる中年刑事を想像して書いてみました。。ご参考になれば幸いです。



回答ありがとうございます! まさにfujinaさんが想像しているような刑事です☆ 「複数の予約にうんざりしてデスクに戻る」のは混乱させて、最後には諦めさせるといった手口なのでしょうか? すいません、なんとなくスッキリしなくって。。。



  • 和訳

    You have within yourself a touchstone by which finally you can test every book that your brain is capable of comprehending. Does the book seem to you to be sincere and true? If it does,you need not worry about your immediate feelings,or the possible future consequences of the book. You will ultimately like the book,and you will be justified in liking it. Honestly in literature as in life, is the quality that counts first and counts last. 和訳をお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳

    英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 2つの段落になりますが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Life is a journey, a path through the stars, and through fate. There are times when that path is dark lonely and silent and other times when it is suffused with love, well being. Compared to this love, all other love will seem humdrum and mundane. Soul Mate love is a seductive world of heightened emotions, and all consuming desire. It is the most intense relationship that you will ever experience on earth. An attraction that will seem to touch other levels. When you meet he will seem familiar to you even though you will never have met before, you’ll feel that you ought to know him. As if he is someone from the recesses of your subconscious memory, just out of reach. A memory that won't surface. Intense, as the attraction is. There are two sides to these feelings, there is the surging hopes that stir you, and make life wonderful, when you get some encouragement from him and there is also the dark side the days of uncertainty that all love brings but which are felt more intently too with a Soul Bond.

  • 和訳してください

    先日、アメリカのショップに商品を注文しました。 ショップに在庫のある商品だけ送ってくださいと 指示しました。 その返信が下記です。 下記を和訳して下さい。 宜しくお願致します。 I can get you about 28 of the styles right away. We do not usually keep a lot of stock on the shelf and even less of the enameled ones. I can get you 72 of the different styles by next Friday the 12th. There are about 44 styles that need enameled. Just for your records the Beltwerx buckles are very high end buckles and we usually carry no stock on these they are made when ordered. Let me know which you would like me to do and I will get you a list of products and cost.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか。 不明な部分等がありましたら、意訳でお願いします。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The moon conjuncts Neptune. There is some peculiarity but also a touch of genius in the partner, he may have some talent that seems to be inspired or from the world beyond, but also a strangeness of temperament with it.. An ellement of unreliability and secrecy through out the relationship. You will both find the past and all that is historical very romantic, and the ideal world of yesteryear seems to beckon and call. through this love. It is as if after you meet, a past life or incarnation overshadows the present one, and begins very gradually and subtly at first to make itself known. He will find you mesmerizing, entrancing, and you will always be able to draw him into your world of images and dreams. You can inspire him.

  • 和訳お願いします

    sorry! I didn't know you messaged me back :) and yes, most people take showers. baths are more common with women and children though. I've always wanted to get one of those cube baths that you can sit in :) that would be so awesome! have you ever been to the US? ..

  • 和訳をお願いします

    以下の英文の和訳をしていただけるかたに、 お願いできますでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Love has a power. Thoughts have a power. Once you have met this man, a fate unlocks which though mysterious and irresistible, propels you together. You will be reminded of him so often in so many ways, it will be as though your mind walks down all the paths and avenues of daily life, but that they all lead back to him. Not only will you think of him but fate itself will seem to bring him continually to your attention. This bond is like a chain that forever ties your destiny, that joins your soul to his and always has, it is always there, its intangible, and inaccessible to the conscious mind, There can be something of the obsession about such love, a love that never lets you go, but it is a sweet dramatic obsession. Moving, painful at times, wonderful, and total. Once you meet it strengthens a thousand fold. All the weight of history and time, the more you think of him, and love him, the more it consolidates the karma life time after lifetime, this love is more powerful than life and death The bond is fate and even if you part it will work to subtlety always draw you and him back together to help you find each other in the world.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    “He's tall and thinnish with a dark face all over lines, and the funniest underneath smile that never quite comes through but just wrinkles up the corners of his mouth. And he has a way of making you feel right off as though you'd known him a long time. He's very companionable.”

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 2段落になっています。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 You are very painstaking and deliberate when it comes to partnerships, lovers, relationships of all kinds. You tend toward long-lasting friendships and are very loyal. sometimes too staid. Money and material possessions will be come important in this relationship one way or another. But money will be gained through this union eventually. If the ruler of the seventh house is afflicted at any time by a difficult transit in your chart however there will be loss through the partners wastefulness or misfortune. The ruler of the seventh in this house often means that you hope to be kept or not to have to work after marriage. This may be a drain on the soul mates income. But he will spend money on your anyway and will like to buy you things.

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    And from time to time I take a quick look at your picture .. It's the first time I bought chocolates from that shop ... I hope you like them. sigh ... I can't get enough of you ...

  • 和訳して欲しいです、お願いします。

    I remember when you told me that can't love you 100 percent with my heart then it will not work between me and you and you said that it will be ok because I was honest and that I showed you the feeling of how to feel when someone really cares about you and that's ok. Do you still mean that? What happens if we were just good friends and not boyfriend and girlfriend could you handle that?????

  • PC操作でスキャン中にメモリーがいっぱいになり、続行ができない問題について相談します。詳細な経緯や試したこと、エラーについても教えてください。
  • 【MFC-J7100CDW】のスキャン中にメモリーがいっぱいになり続行できないというトラブルに遭遇しました。解決策や試したことを教えてください。
  • 【MFC-J7100CDW】を使用してPC操作でスキャンを行っている際に、メモリーがいっぱいになり続行できない問題が発生しました。原因や解決方法についてアドバイスをいただければ幸いです。