• ベストアンサー

1.Are those cars yours?

1.Are those cars yours? それらの車はあなたのですか? 2.Are those children yours? それらの子供達はあなたのですか? Are the Japanese translations for the two English sentences above correct? Is it ok that I translated "are those" into "その" in the two sentences above? Thank you for your reply.


  • ベストアンサー

Hi, us-ooyasan. >Are the Japanese translations for the two English sentences above correct? Yes, but they don't sound like idiomatic Japanese. >Is it ok that I translated "are those" into "その" in the two sentences above? Yes, その or あの sounds much more idiomatic to me.  ・その車(たち)はあなたのものですか? ・あの車(たち)はあなたのものですか? ・あの子供達はお宅の? お宅の=yours Hope this helps.



本当にありがとうございます。 勉強になりました。


その他の回答 (3)

  • Agee
  • ベストアンサー率42% (414/964)

Japanese language doesn't care about numbers--singular or plural. >Are those cars yours? If you are talking about distant objects, we use "ano"「あの」or "are"「あれ」, and 'kono"「この」or 'kore"「これ」for close ones. 「あれら」「それら」「これら」are a bit archaic and not natural. A natural translation might be 「あれはあなたの車ですか?」We don't say 「車たち」in ordinary conversation. Such expressions appear only in poems and lyrics. We use 「たち」for animated things such as human beings and animals. You can translate the sentence above as 「あの(この)車はあなたのですか?」as well. You don't need to worry about its number. So, it's easier than English. But Japanese language has a lot of classifiers for counting animals, birds, houses, cars etc. For example: a cat: 「一匹(いっぴき)の猫」 two cats: 「二匹(にひき)の猫」 three cats: 「三匹(さんびき)の猫」 a cow: 「一頭(いっとう)の牛」 two cows: 「二頭(にとう)の牛」 a book:「一冊(いっさつ)の本」 a book:「二冊(にさつ)の本」 The usage of classifiers in Japanese language is difficult even for Japanese people:-) >Are those children yours? 「あれはあなたのお子さん(たち)ですか?」



Thank you for your kind and detailed reply.

  • nyaaky
  • ベストアンサー率20% (4/20)

When you use "その", I imagin the cars or children are pretty close to the other person you are talking to. As you may know, この/その/あの depends on the distance from you.




  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)




Thank you for your quick reply.



  • 代名詞oneとthoseの間で迷う。

    (1)Japanese cars are less expensive than ( ) of European countries. 適語を選べ。 選択肢; that, ones, these, those 回答: those 解説; 「日本の車はヨーロッパの車よりも安い。」複数形のthe carsに変わる詞を考える;less expensiveは劣勢比較。 質問;onesでなくthoseなのはなぜですか? 考えかた;(1)の文を This book is very expensive for me to buy it. や This book is easy to read. のような文タイプと考えます。主語をそのまま形容詞でつないでいいやつ。 で、( ) of European countries (are ). Japaneseに変わる名詞の形容をする詞がof European countriesなので、「どれでもいい一つの車」の複数形 onesを入れてもいいのでは? The cars で すでに某か指定されている詞だからthoseになるのかなぁ?? 教えてください。またおんなじので間違えそうです。

  • 英語の授業中:先生へ。

    どんな言い方をすればいいか教えて下さい。 ご指摘ありがとうございました。(間違いを訂正してくれた時) Thanks for correcting me. Thank you for telling me.  Thanks for pointing out my mistake. あなたにこれらの文を添削してもらいたいんですけど。 I was wondering if you could correct these sentences for me? I'd like you to correct these sentences. I would like to have these senteces corrected. Would you please correct these sentences for me. Could you check my sentences for mistakes?(間違ってないかチェックしてもらえませんか?) It would be very helpful if you could correct these sentences.

  • メールの返事ですが 添削してもらえませんか

    Hi XXXX Thank you for sending me kindness email. There are a lot of useful studying sights, but I have a lot of books to read now. So, I’ll do as possibly as I can. Especially, useful English conversation for traveling is really to need to me. I wonder if the to of two (I wrote just above? to need and to me) is ok? But I like English so I study it joyfully.

  • 英語がわかる方翻訳してください!ebayにて・・・

    イーベイで落札したんですが、1点間違ったものが送られてきました。それでセラーに交換してほしい、と頼んだところ下記のようなメールが来ました。 お分かりになる方訳してほしいです NO RETRIEVED CORRECT 1 WILL BE SENT IST CLASS THURDAY THANK YOU RETURN YOURS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE PLEASE SORRY FOR ERROR K すみません。お願いします。。。

  • 英語の質問です(買い物)

    2つでいくらですか? という表現を英語で教えてください 自分で考えたのは以下の通りです (1)How much is this for two? (2)How much are these for two? (3)How much is it for these two? for two という言い方は間違っていますか?

  • 添削をお願いします

    簡単なparagraphを書いてみたので文法などの添削をお願いします。また、内容的にも変なところがありましたら指摘をおねがいします。 Through this class, I have learned a lot of things to write a good paragraph or essay. One of the most interested thing is differences of sentences that translated by using translator and sentences that native spearkers use. In the beginning of class, I often used tranlator, because I was trying to use sentences structure from my first language- Japanese. But those sentences that I translated from my 1st language by using translator almost doen’t make sense for native spearker or include wrong words that native speakers don’t use. So, in the beginnung of the class, I was often commented by professor “I can’t undestand what this sentence says.” or “ This word is not used in this situation.” Since then, I tried to write a paragraph or essay without using translator, but it was very difficult at first. Also it took so much time to write a paragraph or essay, it were woes for me. In short, there are differences between english and translation of translator. There are differences between english and not only japanese but also another language. The most important thing is to understand the differences in addition to learning english.

  • お世話になります。英文添削をお願いします。

    お世話になります。英文添削をお願いします。 スカイプで英会話を習ってます。先生に送るメッセージをチェックしていただけませんか? ●昨日は私の間違った英文を沢山直してくださり有難うございました。 thank you for correctting my wrong sentences a lot, yesterday. ●本日も前回同様私の間違った英文を直してタイプしてください。 please correct my wrong sentenses and type like last time. 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。

    アプリの作者に要望のメールを出したら、返信が来たのですが、作者さんは英語圏の方のようで、英文で返ってきました。 分かる範囲で返信したものの、その返事は難易度が上がり、機械翻訳でも分かり難くて手に負えません。 英語できる方、助けて下さい。 1通目、 May I ask you which version of OS do you have?  Are you working with Perfectly Clear Plugins or a standalone version?  Looking forward to hearing from you.  私の返信、(カッコ内は機械翻訳したもの) 回答頂きありがとうございます。 (Thank you very much for answering.) すみませんが私は英語が出来ません。 (Excuse me. I can't speak English.) 分かる範囲でお答えします (I'll answer at the reach I know.) Terminal、FUJITSU Arrows F-02E OS、 Android4.12 >Are you working with Perfectly Clear Plugins or a standalone version? ? Probably... standalone version 2.6.2 よろしくお願い致します。 (Thank you.) 2通目、 Type your response ABOVE THIS LINE to reply Thank you for your reply.  May I also know the model o your phone? As we would need to find the closest model to yours to test and reproduce this issue.  Thank you in advance.  特に、>May I also know the model o your phone? の所が気になります。 model o your phone? って、何でしょうか?

  • すみませんが日本語略してください

    We are sorry for the late reply. We can't ship the leash and collar to you at the moment. We will issue the money for the leash and collar to your account. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Catarina

  • I'm really happy for you

    英語で説明して、下手な英語でごめんなさいと言ったら -You are good in English than me (私)-Thank you -I'm really happy for you と返って来ました この「I'm really happy for you」の意味を教えてください。 調べると「おめでとう」「よかったね」という意味だそうで、皮肉で言っているのか...(;_;)他の意味はありますか?