• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳を教えてください(その3))



  • ベストアンサー

  desperate は、be desperate to do という形で、「することに必死になる」「することに懸命になる」という意味ですから、movemnet (being) desperate to brerak Russin's ……という感じに捕らえたのです(形容詞の述語用法です。being か which is を補うと、関係がよく分かります)。 「ロシアの抑圧を打破(壊す)ことに、ますます懸命に(必死に)になっている分離主義者の運動による……」という風に続くと思います。こちらの方が適切だと思います。「絶望的」ではなく、「懸命、必死」の方が近いと思います。(勿論、絶望的に必死になっているということです)。  



何度もありがとうございました。 形容詞の述語用法ですか。。。昔勉強したはずですが。。。(T-T)文法を確実に理解する必要があることを痛感しました。英語って勉強すればするほど数学的というか、理論的になっていくと感じるのは私だけなのでしょうか。。。( ̄-  ̄ ) ンー おかげで無事に授業済みました。 またお世話になるとおもいますが、どうぞよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m


  • ロシアはビザについて

    一人でロシア旅行を準備している。航空券は東京から行きの便9月4日、モスクワ(SVO)帰りの便10月5日。 9月4日にロシアに入国、一週間滞在して、ウクライナへ出国し、ウクライナでニ週間滞在、その後ロシアに戻りモスクワで10月5日帰りの便を乗る予定です。 そこで、 日本国籍者は、90日を超えない期間のウクライナへの渡航であれば、ビザを必要としない。正しいでしょうか? ロシアはビザ必要ですが、観光ビザは30日。私の計画はロシアに2回の入国は必要だから、ダブルビザを申請することになるですね。 お教えください。 Arrive Moscow on Sept. 4, Go to Ukrain on Sept. 11, Back to Moscow on Sept.25, need double entry visa. 因みに、Romania, Hungary, Poland, Belarus, いずれも90日観光ビザ不要ですね。 Bucharest, Budapest, Warsaw, Minsk,

  • 和訳お願いします

    Okada set for China KYODO Former Japan coach Takeshi Okada is set to accept a position as manager of Chinese Super League side Hangzhou Green- town, the Chinese newspaper Zuqiu said on Monday. Okada, who coached Japan at the 1998 and 2010 World Cups, will travel to Hangzhou in eastern China with coaching staff on Thursday for his appointment to the new job, the paper said in its online edition. At last year's World Cup in South Africa, Okada, 55, guided the Blue Samurai to the second round for the first time ever on foreign turf. He twice led the Yokohama F. Marinos to the J.League title during his tenure with the club and also won the J2 crown with Consadole Sapporo. Okada, who has reportedly said Hangzhou have world-class facilities, visited the club earlier this month to discuss contract details, according to local media reports.

  • 【英語】as was~節 について

    ロシアのテロに関しての英文で、 The near-simultaneous crash of two airplanes last week, in which 90 people died, was blamed on Chechen suicide bombers as was an explosion by a Moscow metro station which killed nine. as以降が良くわかりません。そもそもasの後にすぐ動詞がくるとどうなるのでしょうか?私のこの文の解釈は「先週のほぼ同時に起こった2機の旅客機の墜落事故、90人死亡、はチェチェンの自爆テロリストが行ったとされる。asモスクワの地下鉄の駅の爆発、9人死亡。」???? ん? どなたか、このasの意図するところを教えてください。

  • 和訳願い

    ブラウンの認知原理の1文です。和訳してみたものの、しっくりきません。 Automaticity: “Efficient second language learning involves a timely movement of the control of a few language forms into the automatic processing of a relatively unlimited number of language forms. Overanalyzing language, thinking too much about its forms, and consciously lingering on rules of language all tend to impede this graduation to automaticity” . 『自主性:効果的な第二言語学習は、2,3の言語形式の制御のちょうどよい運動を、比較的無限の言語形式の自動的な過程に巻きこむ。言語を分析しすぎる、それらの形式について考えすぎる、言語のルールに意識的に手間をかけるのようなこと全て、自主性への卒業を妨げる。』 ・「a timely movement of the control of a few language forms」や「the automatic processing of a relatively unlimited number of language forms」など、名詞が長くなると訳がうまくいきません。コツなどありましたら、ご教授願います。 よろしくお願いします

  • 英文の和訳を教えて下さい

    Unifi, the finance union, yesterday expressed concerns for its members at the Bank of England after the government confirmed it was providing banking facilities for the controversial animal-testing company, Huntingdon Life Sciences, at the central bank. まず、上記の文章の"members"がイングランド中央銀行の職員なのか、或いはUNIFIという金融組合を指しているのか、わかりません。 The group is unlikely to try to solve the issue of its shares, which are barely tradable given that it no longer has an official sponsor on the market, by trying to take the company private. 「グループは株の問題を解決しそうにない」「非公開企業になる」「もはや公式の投資家をマーケットで確保できない」「かろうじて取引可能だ」・・・ というように断片的にしかわからず、それを繋げて意味の通った文章を作れません。 引用元をのせておきます。 http://education.guardian.co.uk/businessofresearch/story/0,9860,516227,00.html

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Sixth Army then attacked with eight divisions. The German assault struck the Portuguese Second Division, which held a front of about 11 kilometres (6.8 mi). The Portuguese division was overrun and withdrew towards Estaires after hours of heavy fighting. The British 55th Division, to the south of the Portuguese in a more defensible position, pulled back its northern brigade and held its ground for the rest of the battle, despite attacks from two German reserve divisions. The British 40th Division (to the north of the Portuguese) collapsed under the German attack and fell back to the north. Horne committed his reserves (First King Edward's Horse and the 11th Cyclist Battalion) to stem the German breakthrough but they too were defeated. The Germans broke through 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) of front and advanced up to 8 kilometres (5.0 mi), the most advanced probe reaching Estaires on the Lys. There they were finally halted by British reserve divisions. On 10 April, the Sixth Army tried to push west from Estaires but was contained for a day; pushing north against the flank of the Second Army, it took Armentières. Battle of Messines (10–11 April) メセンの戦い Also on 10 April, German Fourth Army attacked north of Armentières with four divisions, against the British 19th Division. The Second Army had sent its reserves south to the First Army and the Germans broke through, advancing up to 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) on a 6 kilometres (3.7 mi) front, and capturing Messines. The 25th Division to the south, flanked on both sides, withdrew about 4 kilometres (2.5 mi). By 11 April, the British situation was desperate; it was on this day that Haig issued his famous "backs to the wall" order. Battle of Hazebrouck (12–15 April)  アーズブルックの戦い On 12 April, the Sixth Army renewed its attack in the south, towards the important supply centre of Hazebrouck, another 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) to the west. The Germans advanced some 2–4 kilometres (1.2–2.5 mi) and captured Merville. On 13 April they were stopped by the First Australian Division, which had been transferred to the area. The British Fourth Division defended Hinges Ridge, the Fifth Division held Nieppe Forest and the 33rd Division was also involved.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Austro-Hungarians made a renewed attack against the 1st Army on 21 November, forcing the Serbs back after a series of brutal engagements. The Austro-Hungarians then advanced towards Mount Maljen, aiming to drive the 1st Serbian Army from its positions there. The Serbs withdrew from the mountain after three days of heavy fighting; Potiorek decided not to pursue, allowing them to make an orderly withdrawal. The Austro-Hungarians had suffered heavy casualties and the intensity of the fighting caused them to lose cohesion. As they advanced deeper into Serbia, the terrain became increasingly difficult and exhausted the already tired Austro-Hungarian soldiers. While the Serbian 1st Army withdrew, the 2nd and 3rd armies fiercely resisted the Austro-Hungarian advance. This led Potiorek to reinforce his positions around Lazarevac, which he aimed to capture and use as a pivot from which to attack Kragujevac while his right flank pushed down the West Morava valley. Austro-Hungarian advances convinced Potiorek that his army had the upper hand. He envisaged that his forces would pursue the surviving soldiers from the Serbian 2nd and 3rd Armies and predicted that the Serbian 1st and Užice armies would be forced to manoeuvre towards Belgrade and Lazarevac, where they would be encircled and destroyed. Combat on the outskirts of Lazarevac intensified once again as a result, and the Serbian Army managed to repulse every Austro-Hungarian assault despite a lack of ammunition. The Serbs began to run out of shells and Stepanović asked the Serbian Supreme Command that the artillery of the 2nd Army be redirected to its rear, as he felt that its failure to contribute to the defense of Lazarevac frustrated his troops and was bad for morale. Putnik instructed Stepanović to keep the artillery of the 2nd Army on the front and told him that the Russians had sent artillery shells for its guns. Stepanović was skeptical, but kept the artillery on the front line as instructed. By 24 November, Potiorek was predicting that Serbia would be defeated within a matter of days and appointed Stjepan Sarkotić to be the country's governor once it was occupied. The Austro-Hungarians made further gains on 25 November, forcing the Serbian Army from Čovka and Vrače Brdo with an intense artillery bombardment. On 26 November, they attempted to cross the Kolubara at its junction with the Sava River and managed to do so in their initial attack. The Serbs soon counterattacked and forced the invaders back, inflicting 50 percent casualties on the Austro-Hungarians and causing their offensive to grind to a halt. On 27 November, the Serbian Army attacked Čovka and Vrače Brdo and succeeded in forcing the Austro-Hungarians out.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    On 21 October, the Germans were able to establish a small bridgehead on the west bank, despite a counter-attack by the newly arrived French 42nd Division and the last bridge was blown up on 23 October. Diksmuide bore the brunt of repeated German offensives and bombardments, yet the town was still not taken. The French high command planned to flood large parts of their territory as a defensive measure. This would have put the Belgian army in the impossible choice of being trapped between the flood and the Germans, or else abandoning the last part of unoccupied Belgium. The plan was postponed, since the Belgian army had started preparations to flood the area between the Yser and its tributary canals. On 25 October, the German pressure on the Belgians was so great, that a decision was taken to inundate the entire Belgian front line. After an earlier failed experiment on 21 October, the Belgians managed to open the sluices at Nieuwpoort during the nights of 26–29 October during high tides, steadily raising the water level until an impassable flooded area was created about 1-mile (1.6 km) wide, stretching as far south as Diksmuide. The Germans launched another large attack on the Yser on 30 October. The attack punched through the Belgian second line and reached Ramskapelle and Pervijze. The attack was stalled by Belgian and French counter-attacks which recovered Ramskapelle. The final attack, planned for the next day was called off, when the attacking Germans became aware of the flooding of the land in their rear. They withdrew in the night before 31 October. On 10 November, Diksmuide fell and the fighting continued until 22 November further south, in the First Battle of Ypres. The German army failed to defeat the Belgian army and the retention of the last corner of Belgium ended the Race to the Sea and the period of open warfare. The stabilised front line along the Yser river became known as the Yser Front and continued to be held by Belgian forces until 1918 with little movement. In the British Official History, J. E. Edmonds wrote in 1925 that from (18 October – 30 November) between Gheluvelt and the coast, German casualties were c. 76,250 men. In 2010, Sheldon wrote that from 18–30 October, the Belgian army had 20,000 casualties and that German casualties may have been much greater. The struggle of the Belgian army to hold on to its territory during the remainder of the war and the experiences of ordinary Flemish infantrymen, led to an increase in Flemish national sentiment and the foundation of the Frontbeweging, the first party of the Flemish Movement, in 1917.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Brusilov's operation achieved its original goal of forcing Germany to halt its attack on Verdun and transfer considerable forces to the East. It also broke the back of the Austro-Hungarian army, which suffered the majority of the casualties. Afterward, the Austro-Hungarian army increasingly had to rely on the support of the German army for its military successes. On the other hand, the German army did not suffer much from the operation and retained most of its offensive power afterward. The early success of the offensive convinced Romania to enter the war on the side of the Entente, though that turned out to be a bad decision since it led to the failure of the 1916 campaign. Russian casualties were considerable, numbering up to half a million, but enemy casualties were almost triple. The Brusilov Offensive is listed among the most lethal offensives in world history. The Brusilov Offensive was the high point of the Russian effort during World War I, and was a manifestation of good leadership and planning on the part of the Imperial Russian Army coupled with great skill of the lower ranks. The Brusilov offensive commanded by Brusilov himself went very well, but the overall campaign, for which Brusilov's part was only supposed to be a distraction, because of Evert's failures, became tremendously costly for the Imperial army, and after the offensive, it was no longer able to launch another on the same scale. Many historians contend that the casualties that the Russian army suffered in this campaign contributed significantly to its collapse the following year. The operation was marked by a considerable improvement in the quality of Russian tactics. Brusilov used smaller, specialized units to attack weak points in the Austro-Hungarian trench lines and blow open holes for the rest of the army to advance into. These were a remarkable departure from the human wave attacks that had dominated the strategy of all the major armies until that point during World War I. Evert used conventional tactics that were to prove costly and indecisive, thereby costing Russia its chance for a victory in 1916. The irony was that other Russian commanders did not realize the potential of the tactics that Brusilov had devised. Similar tactics had also been used on the Western Front, most notably at Verdun earlier in the year, and would henceforth be used to an even greater degree by the French and Germans - who utilized "storm troopers" to great effect in the 1918 offensive - and slightly later the British, although given the higher force-space ratio in the West, much greater concentration of artillery fire was needed to make progress. Breakthrough tactics were later to play a large role in the early German blitzkrieg offensives of World War II and the later attacks by the Soviet Union and the Western Allies to defeat Germany, and continued until the Korean War and the First Indochina War. This helped to end the era of mass trench warfare in all but a few nations, most of them localized in Africa.

  • DDT went from being a miracle chemi

    DDT went from being a miracle chemical to being banned by the u.s. Environmental Protection Agency. Carson's book and DDT became a springboard for the environmental movement and its assault on all pesticides that continues today. its assaultのは「その非難」と訳されてるのですが その とは何を指しているのでしょうか? itsではなくtheではいけないのでしょうか?