• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:訳を見てください3)



  • ベストアンサー
  • Hirokent
  • ベストアンサー率62% (37/59)

とてもよくできていると思います。 細かい点のチェック希望ということなので、一か所だけ指摘したい箇所があります。 >これは、これまでアンドロイド携帯の製造・販売をビジネスパートナーに依存してきたグーグルが、独自の取り組みを拡大し、携帯電話機の市場で一つの勢力になろうとする意図の表れだろう この部分の訳ですが、a more aggressive effortという部分を、きちんと訳に反映させようとするなら、「さらなる積極的な意図の表れだろう。」 と、ここまで書いて、more aggressive の部分は、「独自の取り組みを拡大し」の部分で表現しようとしてるのではないかと思いました。 とても、上手い訳だと思います。 というわけで、直す箇所はないですね。自然な訳で、非常に上手い意訳になっています。





  • 和訳おねがいします

    We will make sure that our trade is divided equally among the markets, in which we sell the products ourselves,compared with the markets in which sales are assisted by partners and distributors. 我々の職業はパートナーや卸売業者で助けられている市場と比べて 生産品を売る市場で平等に分けられているのはたしかです。 もっと上手く和訳おねがいします。 products の次の ourselves はどう訳せばよろしいですか

  • 訳願い

    But it is also possible( and useful) to think of this process in terms of a structure produced and sustained through the articulation of linked but distinctive moments - production, circulation, distribution/consumption, reproduction. This would be to think of the process as a 'complex structure in dominance', sustained through the articulation of connected practices, each of which, however, retains its distinctiveness and has its own specific modaliry, its own forms and conditions of existence. This second approach, homologous to that which forms the skeleton of commodity production offered in Marx's Grundrisse and in Capital, has the added advantage of bringing out more sharply how a continuous circuit-production-distribution-production - can be sustained through a 'passage of forms'. 和訳をお願いします。

  • 読み方と意味を教えてください

    Hollywood's Dreamworks Animation announced its plan to open a 20bn-yuan cultural and entertainment center in Shanghai in 2016 with Chinese partners. の中の、bn-yuanはなんと読むのですか。 意味はなんですか。

  • 英語の訳

    訳ができず困っています。 Yet the evidence is overwhelming that the way in which we now live on the earth is driving its thin,life-supporting skin,and ourselves with it,to distruction. 単語の意味は読み取れるのですが、コンマが多く文節がどこにかかっているのかが曖昧で全体として文がうまくつなぐことが出来ません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    The red line (second objective) which here was little further forward from the first objective (green line) was reached and two platoons from each attacking company moved up, ready to advance to the blue line (final objective) which began at 6:24 a.m. The second and final lines (red and blue) were contiguous on the right from Hessian Wood but the Germans defending the wood were still fighting when the advance was due to resume. Two companies of the right hand battalion managed to advance after suffering many losses and then a platoon went to assist the centre battalion. A number of dugouts were cleared and 50 prisoners were taken, which enabled the centre battalion to get into the north end of the wood and gain touch with the left-hand battalion in the south-west corner. On the front of the 57th Brigade, the Germans at Wood Farm and Belgian Wood were overrun by a bayonet charge and the blue line (third objective) reached on time. During this advance, machine-gun sections and a battalion liaison detachment of the 39th Division pushed forward to North Farm, which was captured with four machine-guns and 29 prisoners. At 8:10 a.m., the protective barrage lifted 200 yd (180 m) and patrols were sent forward to establish outposts and to clear the area of remaining German troops; Moat Farm and Funny Farm were mopped-up. Consolidation was begun despite machine-gun fire from Hollebeke Château, the green line (first objective) was dug-in and the ground forward to the blue line (final objective) defended in depth by outposts. A German counter-attack was attempted at 7:30 a.m. and "annihilated" by small-arms and artillery fire. In X Corps to the north, the 39th Division on the right, prolonged the southern defensive flank, from Groenenburg Farm northwards, down the slope to the Bassevillebeek. The division suffered badly from German fire as it advanced 800 yd (730 m) to its objective, from hidden dug-outs in the area further north, which had already stopped the 41st Division. When the division reached its objective it swung back its left flank to link with the right hand brigade of the 41st Division.

  • 経済英語の訳・・・

    the difference between the current primary deficit and the primary deficit which would have prevailed if expenditures in the previous year had grown with potential GDP and revenues with actual GDP. 上記を訳したいのですがわかりませんm(__)m どなたかご教授ください(>_<)

  • 英文の訳をお願いいたします。よく理解ができず困っております…

    Communication and social mobilization should encourages the people in the community to become partners in the response and recognize that all have an important role to play.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします 5

    お願いします!!続き When the marchants entered the city,inspectors stationed at the gates broke open the sealed bundles of trade goods to examine what the merchants had brought to sell.The merchants probably had to pay a tax for the right to sell their goods in the city.After the inspectors had decided how much tax to charge and the merchants had paid,they were free to take their goods to the market.When inspectors broke the clay sealing on a bundle of goods,they would throw it into the street,where it would dissolve with the rains.But sometimes the clay sealing was swept into the trash and burned.Archaeologists later found these hardened sealings. Customers bought things with grain and finished goods such as stone beads or textiles(cloth),which the merchant could trade somewhere else.When the day's trading was done,the merchant took his pay to the gateway.After the inspectors had examined and weighed the grain and finished goods,they may have sealed each bundle with a small lump of clay stamped with the city official's mark to show that the merchant had paid his exit taxes.Then the merchant could leave. By 2600 BCE,baked-brick houses filled Harappa and drains removed dirty water from the city.Each walled neighborhood had its own market and craft workshops.Potters and metalsmiths built their workshops at the ddges of the settlement,so that the cinders from their furnaces and kilns would not land on nearby houses.Copper craftsmen worked along the southern edge of the city.The winds usually came from the north and would blow the smoke and cinders away from the city. People built houses with small rooms,some of which were used for storing food.Households opened onto courtyards that served as kitchens and workshops.Some houses had two stories with stairs along one wall.Almost every house had a flat roof that people used for sleeping in the summer and as extra work space.

  • 訳を見てもらえないでしょうか? 【とくに経済に強い方】

    つぎの一連の英文の和訳を見ていただけないでしょうか? 私なりに一通り訳してみたのですが、訳が正しいかどうかがわからないうえに、何を主張したいのかもわかりません。 1. Not only are markets different from one another in terms of their underlying political economics, for all the arguments in favor of convergence to one ideal form of the market, economic and political interests remain embedded in those markets such that adaptation is the more likely response rather than wholesale structural change. 「理想的な市場形態への収斂を支持する主張にもかかわらず, 根本的な政治経済学の観点から見ればそれぞれ市場が異なっているだけではない。 経済的・政治的な利害関係も各市場で統合され, その統合の程度は適合が大構造変革ではなくより適当な反響である程度であった。」 *とくにsuch that以下を解釈できません。 2. This is apparent in the cross-listing of firms from one market to another. It is also reflected in the geographical inertia of some types of market agents compared to others. 「このことは,ある市場から他の市場へと企業が複数上場するときに明らかである。 また,これはある市場主体が他の市場主体と違って有している地理的な不活発性に反映される。」 *geographical inertiaが具体的にどのようなことなのかがわかりません。 もし可能ならば、具体例を示していただきたく存じます。 3. In any event, market are quite unstable over time in terms of the motive forces or imperative driving market trading. Therefore, information may be more or less relevant for trade between dirrerent markets, and more or relevant over time for trake within markets. 「いずれにしても,市場取引を促す推進力ないし要請の観点から見れば,市場は長期にわたり全く安定していない。 それゆえ,異なる市場間取引や長期にわたると同一市場内取引では, 情報は多かれ少なかれ目的適合的であるかもしれない。」 *1文目in terms of以下がわかりません。 4. Inter-jurisdictional differences in market structure combined with unanticipated shifts in market-specific sentiment are likely to mean that disclosure is always less than optimal and is always being 'reformed' in relation to past failings. 「固有市場心理の予期せぬ変化と結びついた市場構造におけるjurisdictions間の差異は, 開示が常に最適ではなく,過去の欠点に関して常に「改良されている」ことを意味するようである。」 *この一文はどのように解釈すればいいかが全くわかりません。 たいへん分量が多いかと思いますが、いずれか1つの番号でも構いませんので、 ご回答くださいますよう何卒よろしくお願い致します。

  • うまく訳ができません。よろしくお願いします。

    The U.S. government and many opposition leaders there say it's Burma. A military dictatorship changed the name 23 years ago to Myanmar, which many other nations accept. And the news media has been stuck with marbles in its mouth, divided over equally tongue-tying options: Myanmar "formerly" or "also" known as Burma. Diplomatic tempers at places like the United Nations boil over the difference, while locally, blood has spilled. It would all be farcical, if it weren't already tragic, and it gets worse.