• 締切済み

frenetic activityとは?


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

不況で工場の大部分を閉鎖し、その後、急ピッチの調整を余儀なくされた という感じでしょうかね。何か急に工場が閉鎖になり、それに関連して気違いじみた調整活動が行われた、ように見えるんですが。その会社をよく見せたいなら「増産」のようなプラスイメージの訳も可能と思いますが、原語自体は、ただばたばたした、というだけで上向きの効果があったとは言っていないように思います。


  • 翻訳お願いします。

    While housing and construction markets in North America and Europe have languished during the economic recession, activity has continued to flourish in China, India and other parts of developing Asia-Pacific. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    Within the region, decorative coatings growth has tended to follow overall market growth with China showing the greatest increase, followed by India. 宜しくお願いします。

  • ニュースの翻訳

    The recession has forced us to be more judicious in our approach to growing the business as we work to balance our investment in our future with the current need to carefully manage spending and capacity. 上記、英文の訳仕方を迷っています。 自分なりに訳すと、”今般の景気後退により、支出と生産能力を細心の注意を払って管理していく現在の必要性に伴い、将来にバランス良く投資することに取組み、ビジネスの拡大にアプローチするうえで、より慎重にならざるを得ませんでした。” 全く、日本文として成り立っていなくて、申し訳ありませんが、 訳がとても難しくて困っています。アドバイスをお願いします。

  • It is rare that vs it is rare for O

    It is rare that vs it is rare for O to V 以下のニュアンスの違いがわかる方はいらっしゃるでしょうか。 It is very rare that a nation has been/is heavily influenced by its historical and cultural characteristics like the US It is very rare for a nation to have been influenced by its historical and cultural characteristics to the extent [that] the US has. 語尾のlike US と to the extent ... 部分は無視してください。 主眼は、that と for to の違いにあります。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 6つの文を日本語に訳してください。お願いします。

    1 That means some of us have little excuse for avoiding cleanup duty. 2 Since the Sydney Olympics, sportswear makers have been working hard to produce high-tech   swimwear that may take the swimmers to the podium. 3 The sharkskin swimsuit is followed by the swimsuits inspired by living creatures, such as kingfishers (a kind of bird) and spearfish (a kind of tuna). 4 It helps blood flow by using a spinning rotor that pumps blood through the heart. 5 For example, the patient can increase the rate of blood flow when he has done some exercise and needs more oxygen. 6 Because it will improve your situation by making other people happy.

  • 大学入試対策の自由英作文なのですが、添削お願いします。

    大学入試対策の自由英作文なのですが、添削お願いします。 テーマは「尊敬している人物」についてです。 I respect my mother. She has taught my little brother,big sister and me what is right or bad,so we made few mistakes. Three years ago,she divorced our father and had to take care of us by herself. However she has never complained to us and has worked harder than before. I owe what I am to her,so I thank her much. できれば、英文の文法的な面だけでなく、内容的な面についてご指摘頂きたいです。 では、よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    Those of us who are employed by a company whose policies demand long periods of stressful activity are to be sympathized with , since too much stress is counterproductive

  • 翻訳してください。

    Everything that we buy from our parent company in Germany has to ship to the US. You would need to speak to them about their delivery or purchase options.

  • 英文の構造と意味について質問があります。

    The need to take this time and create a situation of physical stability for ourselves and our families seemed to follow naturally from a period of frequently moving around as bachelors and making our records in makeshift studios この場合、SはThe needですよね。The needに対して、不定詞で、 to take this time and create a situation of physical stability for ourselves and our families これが修飾している。 VはseemedでCがto follow そしてfrom以下で修飾ですよね。 シンプルに考えると、The need seemed to follow naturally これでどういった意味になりますか・・・? Every one of our projects is being preceded by a period of building a greater sample library. The library has always been our primary instrument and it takes several months to get to a substantial and meaningful increase of volume: raw materials, like LPs and audiocassettes The library=a greater sample libraryですよね。 問題は次のit takes several monthsのit ですが、これは何を指していますか? 私はEvery one of our projectsだと思っています。 Every one of our projects takes several months to get to a substantial and meaningful increase of volume. これもどういった意味になるでしょうか・・・? increase of volumeが肝だと思うのですがどうも解釈しきれません。

  • 文法を教えてください!

    最近英語の勉強を始めた者です。長文問題集の中の一文で This whole process by which computers can be used to work for us has been called automation. と言うのがあったのですが、ここに出てくるbyについて教えて下さい。お願いします。