• ベストアンサー


あるイギリスの会社に製品の購入方法を教えてとメールしたところ返信がありました。以下の英文はその中のその一部で訳し方がよく分からないとこだけ抜き出しました。xには実際には数字が入っています。 : てエアメールで説明書とCD-ROMを送ります。 これには「ソフトウェア アップグレード 無料」と記された税関票符が添付されます。 The notional value given is 10 GBP. Invoice is sent airmail separately For overseas payments, we prefer inter bank transfers, as foreign cheques take a long time to clear and are very expensive. Our Bank Details are Lloyds Bank, xx Hustlergate Bradford BD1 1NT, Sort code xx-xx-xx, Account No 0xxxxxx. I hope this clears up your questions


  • ベストアンサー

そのおおまかな価値として10GDPが与えられています。 請求書は、エアメールにて別途発送されています。 海外の小切手(チェック)は判別に多大な時間がかかるとともに、手数料もかなりとられます。そのため、今回の支払い方法は、銀行振込が望ましいです。こちらの銀行口座の詳細は: (銀行名)Lloyds Bank (住所)xx(番地), Hustlergate Bradford (郵便番号)BDN 1NT (店番号) xx-xx-xx (口座番号)No 0xxxxxx 以上がお客様の質問等に答えられていればと存じます。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- The notional・・・の文は自信がありません。銀行振込に必要な条件はそろっていますね。あとはInvoice(請求書)を待つのみだと思います。少しでもお役に立てればと思います。





その他の回答 (1)


概要以下のとおりです(括弧書きは適宜内容を補足しました)。 (この商品の)名目的価値は10ポンドです。 請求書はエアメールで別送いたします。 支払方法は銀行間決済(「電信送金」のこと)にしてください。外国の小切手(「送金小切手」のこと)は決済(先方が現金でひきだせるようになるまで)に時間が非常にかかる上、(小切手取立ての)手数料がとても高いので。 当社の銀行口座の概要は以下のとおりです。 (Sort codeは銀行及び支店を特定するコードです) ご質問の点は以上で明確になったものと存じます。 以上、ご参考になれば幸いです。






  • 文章の後半はどういう意味でしょうか

    While collaboration and interaction between us and external stakeholders are widely acknowledged to be beneficial to patients, customers and society, it is important to ensure that payments and other transfers of value involved therein are appropriate and lead to high quality patient care. 以上の文章で、後半の「it is important to ensure that payments and other transfers of value involved therein are appropriate and lead to high quality patient care. 」はどういう意味でしょうか?

  • 翻訳お願いします

    I’m preparing your Hulk Ultra for shipment and noticed that your payment has not been verified. Our bank will normally verify payments but sometimes payments for customers in Japan are not verified. Verifying payments is important to avoid online fraud. To help me verify your payment, could you please email me a photo or scan of the front of your credit card. If you cover the expiry date (see attached example), there is no risk or danger to you. My apologies for any trouble this may cause.

  • 英作文の添削

    今回は、「国内旅行と海外旅行」というテーマで英作文をすることになったので、自分なりに作ってみました。 文法的に間違っている箇所があれば指摘して頂きたいと思います。 また、「この表現はこうした方が良いよ」というようなご意見もあればお願いします。 【和文】 私は海外旅行より国内旅行の方が好きです。なぜなら、海外旅行は移動に時間がかかりすぎるからです。飛行機で長時間座っていなければならないのは、とても苦痛です。そして、日本の食事はとても美味しいです。海外の料理もいくつか食べたことがありますが、あまり美味しいとは感じませんでした。さらに日本は海外と比べて衛生面で優れていると思います。私にとって、それはとても重要なことです。 【英文】 I prefer domestic trips to overseas trips, because overseas trips take time too mach to arrive at my destination. It's hate that must be sitting down in the airplane. And Japanese meals are very delicious.I have eaten some foreign meals, but it wasn't so delicious. Furthermore, the health side in Japan is better than overseas.It's a very important thing for me. 「海外旅行は移動に時間がかかりすぎる」 という部分は、 「海外旅行は目的地に着くのに時間がかかりすぎる」 という意味に変えて表現してみました。

  • 銀行振り込みの支払い方法が分かりません。

    こんにちは。 銀行振り込みはやったことがありますが、いつもは情報の書いた紙を機械に通すだけで済みました。 それ以外は自分の電話番号を入力するだけのパターン。 それで今回はインターネットで注文した物で、「こちらへ振り込んで下さい。」というメールが届きました。 ですが私の名前や電話番号、住所などの情報を相手が知らないので代わりに注文番号という物をもらっています。 その番号で支払った相手を識別していると思いますが、それをどこに入力すれば良いのかが分からなくて困っています。 一応もらった内容をここに張っておきます。 -------------------------------------------- Thank you for your order. We are happy to welcome you as our customer. Please see below for information on your order. We have received your order. Please note your reference number, which is used to identify your order: REF# 33506****. You will receive a separate order confirmation by e-mail. Unfortunately, we cannot process partial payments. Our bank account information is as follows: Payment reference ID: 33506**** Payee: **** ********* K.K. Bank: Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Bank code: 00** Branch: **** ***** Branch Branch code: *** Account number: 000******* (ordinary account) Amount: JPY **** *** PLEASE REMEMBER TO ALWAYS INDICATE YOUR PAYMENT REFERENCE ID: 33506*** *** Processing domestic wire transfers normally takes 3 to 5 business days and does not require an IBAN or SWIFT code. The product delivery will be effected as soon as your payment arrives. You can select a different payment type for your order by clicking on the following link. The data you entered on previous pages will be retained. -------------------------------------------- 回答よろしくお願いいたします。

  • Option1 or Option2の意味

    以下リンクを参照してもらえれば分かるのですが、CITIバンク香港へ口座を開くための 必要条件の一部なのですが、Option1 or Option2と書かれています。 これは、option1もしくはoption2いづずかを満たせば良いということになるでしょうか? つまり、バンクリファレンスレター(option1)が無くても、最初の預金を電子送金...(省略)(option2)すれば 良いということになるのでしょうか? Option 1 Bank Reference Letter / Bank passbook / Monthly Consolidated Statement of designated banking OR Option 2 Customer(s) is/are required to (a) telegraphic transfer initial deposit to newly opened Citibank Hong Kong account through the designated remitting banks or ANY Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited overseas branches, and (b) the remitting account holder's name MUST be the same as the beneficiary name at Citibank Hong Kong ソース http://www.citibank.com.hk/APPS/portal/loadPage.do?tabId=personalbanking&path=/promo/det/pb_ipb_account_opening.htm

  • 英訳(長文です)お願いします(eBay編)

    アメリカのeBayで欲しいベース(楽器)を見つけました。 日本への発送の可否の確認とちょっと予算オーバーだったので値引き交渉をしようと 以下のような文章を送りました。 ===================================== Hello. I am interested in your bass. How much for shipping to Japan? And could you please give me a discount? ===================================== そしたら以下のようなメールが立て続けに来たのですが・・・ 長文でちょっとわからず・・・。たぶんFedExだとこのぐらいでUSPSだとこのぐらいで うんたらかんたら~って感じだと思うのですが。 あと値引きの可否がどうなのかも良くわからず・・・。 どなたか訳していただくことはできませんでしょうか? ===================================== Hi. Thank you for your interest. I sincerely do not know how much it would be to ship to Japan. I can try to get an estimate only, but I will not know until I take the bass in the case and box to FedEx or UPS. That is why if you want the bass I suggest you purchase it knowing you'd have to spend a few hundred dollars in shipping, which you'd have to pay separately. To Japan it would not surprise me if it were in the $200-$400 range. I will try to get an estimate though. The starting bid is already below my break-even. The Buy-It-Now price is barely above it, so I cannot go below what it already is. Thanks again - ===================================== OK, based on the following dimensions: Weight: 25 lbs (11.4 kg) Length: 51 inches (129.54 cm) Height: 17 inches (43.18 cm) Width: 7 inches (17.79 cm) the FedEx website is quoting $435 for International Economy and $505 for International Priority. UPS' prices are similar: UPS Worldwide Expedited is $443 while Worldwide Saver is $514 (makes no sense). I prefer FedEx anyway. Keep in mind that they will require me to submit an Invoice/Receipt (showing value), Shipper's Export Declaration and Certificate of Origin. If these prices are acceptable to you, you can go ahead and make the purchase adding either $435 or $505 to the total for shipping with the understanding that (1) these are only quotes based on shipping today and if they end up charging me more that $20 for shipping than was quoted (and you paid) you promise to submit a second payment for the difference, and (2) that you also understand I have to declare the actual value/purchase price of the bass and that you will probably have to pay import duties (I do not know the laws in Japan, so I only assume you will have to, and if you do, I have an idea how much). Let me know what you think. Either way thanks for your interest, ===================================== Hello again. More info for you to consider: I went to a nearby FedEx store, and given the dimensions, the price was a little better: $420 for International Economy. This price includes insurance for the value of the bass. Without insurance, the price is $361. It could still change slightly if the dimensions or weight are different, but no unlikely. I would still ask to get a separate payment if the difference is greater than $20. Likewise, if I get charged an amount cheaper by >$20 as quoted, I will reimburse the difference. If you want the bass and want to save some $$, then the option to ship without insurance (loss or damage) is yours, but it would be a risk I would not take or recommend; again, the choice and risk are yours. Let me know - =====================================

  • 英文翻訳お願いします!

    Frog meat is white with a light flavor. If you feel like trying some, don't eat it in France. It's way too expensive. Instead, if you happen to be going to Southeast Asia or South China, pop into any local restaurant. Frogs for food are now being raised in paddies, and you can eat a plateful of frog legs very cheaply. One more favorite French food that Japanese and Americans avoid is rabbit. Rabbit meat is extremely low in fat. Rabbit meat as a health food first spread from small restaurants and households, until today it is featured on the menus of upscale restaurants. Rabbits are raised for food on a large scale. Go to just about any Parisian market and you will see rows of whole rabbits including the heads. You roast them just like that. The rabbit's liver is usually sold separately, because many people prefer it to chicken liver. The Japanese find nothing appealing about eating snails, frogs, or rabbit's, and there are probably those who would rather die than try to eat any one of them. They probably think that this "backward" and low-class food is suited to people in developing countries. However, they would change their minds and sample the foods if they knew that it is the gastronomically respected French who enjoy them. Funny, isn't it?

  • TOEFLに多重請求の問い合わせをしました。先ほどメールがきました。お

    TOEFLに多重請求の問い合わせをしました。先ほどメールがきました。お金の事なので自分の拙い英語力で正しく理解出来ているか不安です。どなたか要約でも良いので訳して頂けないでしょうか。宜しくお願いします。 You can print your registration confirmation by choosing “View Orders” from your online Home Page, then selecting the “Print” link in the Registration Confirmation section of the View Orders page. Your test date, start time, and test center address is located on the registration confirmation. We are unable to find a record of multiple payments. It is impossible for us to identify payments that are not accompanied by registration forms, order forms, requests for service, or letters of explanation. Before we can credit your account, provide services, or issue a refund, we must have positive proof that ETS accepted your payment. Please note that a receipt or copy of a receipt is not proof that we have received and cashed your payment. If we received and credited your payment to our account, the canceled check or money order will be returned to your bank. Please ask your bank to give you a copy of both sides of the canceled check or money order and send it to us with a letter of explanation and your request for service or refund. If your bank cannot provide proof that we have accepted payment, you should ask the bank to return your money to you. If you submitted your payment by credit card, we suggest that you contact your credit card company to determine if your credit card has been charged. If you find that the payment was charged to your account, please send a copy of your credit card statement along with your request for service or request to credit your account to us. You may mail your correspondence to: TOEFL/TSE Services, P.O. Box 6151, Princeton, NJ 08541-6151 or you may send a fax to 610-290-8972. Be sure to include your name, address, and registration or appointment confirmation number and test date.

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    時々、USA Amazon で、買い物をしています。 本日、メールを受け取ったのですが、私の英語力では、はっきりと内容が読み取れません。 情けない話ですが・・・。 何か、急を要すること、重要なことが書かれていませんでしょうか? 大まかな内容で結構ですので、教えていただけると、ありがたいです。 よろしくお願いします。 Hello, Each year we send out a notice to every person that has an active Amazon Payments account with important information about our privacy practices and how you can report errors or unauthorized transactions related to your account. This notice is not a bill. We appreciate the trust that you have put in Amazon Payments by using our services and want to make sure you're informed about our policies and practices. We know that you care how information about you is used and shared. To help you understand our privacy practices, we have detailed how we collect, use and safeguard your personal and financial information in our Privacy Notice. Our Unauthorized Transaction Policy describes how you can report to us any billing errors or unauthorized transactions involving the use of your account balance or registered bank account. It also describes our liability and your rights for these types of errors or transactions. Additionally, we have updated the terms and conditions of our User Agreement that apply to your use of the products and services provided by Amazon Payments. Our updated User Agreement updates certain terms (including the terms of the bank accounts that we use to hold your balances). Our new User Agreement will become effective on December 4th, 2013. By continuing to use our services after December 3rd, 2013, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions of our new User Agreement. Please take a moment to review our Privacy Notice, Unauthorized Transaction Policy, and User Agreement. They may be found by clicking the User Agreement/Policies link on our web site at payments.amazon.com.

  • 【大至急】ビジネス英文メールの訳のご添削

    取引先からきた下記の英文メールを訳したのですが、イマイチ意味がわかりません。。 わかりやすく意味を教えてくださいませ(;_;) 背景:先日、弊社は取引先〇〇からの入金があったのですが、今回「〇〇会社(取引先の名前)」でなく「▲▲会社」から入金を頂いたようです。 今後も「▲▲会社」からご入金を頂くことになるか?またその場合、異なる法人からのご入金となるので3社間にての覚書が必要となる可能性があるので詳細を教えてくださいとメールしました。 下記、取引先からの返信です: AAA are BBB’s external accountants. BBB company uses an CCC 'client account' which is owned by AAA however the account contains the funds of BBB company. We plan to continue making invoice payments using the AAA bank account. Will it be sufficient to include an invoice reference when making the payment? AAAはBBBの外部アカウントです。 BBB社はAAAの中のCCC(顧客アカウント)です。しかしそのアカウントはBBB社を含んでいます。 弊社は今後もAAAアカウントを使って入金します。 支払いの際、今後は請求書にその旨記載すれば十分ですか?

  • SF-710 ランウォッチを利用している際、充電のバーが一目盛りになった時に充電器にセットすると70%〜90%と表示されます。これは内蔵電池の容量が減ってきたことを意味します。修理が必要なのかどうかを知りたいです。
  • SF-710 ランウォッチの充電バーが一目盛りになった後、充電器にセットすると70%〜90%と表示されます。これは内蔵電池の容量が減少していることを示しています。修理が必要なのでしょうか?
  • SF-710 ランウォッチを使用していて、充電バーが一目盛りで終了すると充電器にセットすると70%〜90%と表示されます。この表示は内蔵電池の容量が低下していることを示しています。修理が必要でしょうか?