• ベストアンサー


たびたびこちらでお世話になっています。今回は雑誌の記事で、わからないところがありまして; Larlham dismisses the atheist's effort as futile: "As if people losing sleep over God will suddenly be fine. If you're worried about something you need something more powerful than a phrase like that to stop it. You need a change of heart and a change of life that God's words can offer." 上記As if以下の文章ですが、 「神のことを考えて不眠になっている人々が突然元気になるようなものだ」 と読むと意味がよくわかりませんが、わかりやすくいうとどういうことでしょうか? Similar atheist campaigns have run in Barcelona, Madrid and Washington, D.C. But since its January 6 launch, the London scheme has been credited with inspiring atheist bus campaigns in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany and Italy, where next month posters in Genoa will read: "The bad news is that God does not exist. the London以下の文章ですが、 このロンドンでの作戦が、オーストラリアなどにおける無神論バスキャンペーンをもたらした。 inspiringの適訳がわかりません。「鼓舞する」「活気を与える」などの語が辞書にありますが、あまりピンと来ません。いい日本語はないでしょうか? 元記事 http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1877658,00.html


  • ベストアンサー
  • go_urn
  • ベストアンサー率57% (938/1643)

masaqqさん、こんにちは!  寒い日です!神も仏もないような... >Larlham dismisses the atheist's effort as futile: "As if people losing sleep over God will suddenly be fine. If you're worried about something you need something more powerful than a phrase like that to stop it. You need a change of heart and a change of life that God's words can offer."  ●  これは明らかに、この前のパッセージにある、 "Our campaign provides reassurance for people who might be agnostic and don't quite believe, and worry what will happen to them if they don't."  を意識した言葉です。  無神論者:「われわれのキャンペーンは、不可知論者で神を信じきることができず、神を信じないとしたら自分はどんな(恐ろしい)ことになるのかと心配している人たちに安心を与えようとするものだ」  これに対し、クリスチャン側が、"As if people losing sleep over God will suddenly be fine.  つまり  まるで神のことで眠れなくなっている人たちが、(神など信じず自由に愉しもう!という言葉だけで)突然元気になるとでもいうように(はかないことだ)  ということです。people losing sleep over God は無神論者でなく、agnostics(不可知論者=神がいるのかいないのか分からない人たち)を指しているわけです。 *********************************** >But since its January 6 launch, the London scheme has been credited with inspiring atheist bus campaigns in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany and Italy, where next month posters in Genoa will read: "The bad news is that God does not exist. inspiringの適訳がわかりません。「鼓舞する」「活気を与える」などの語が辞書にありますが、あまりピンと来ません。いい日本語はないでしょうか? ●●  そうなんですね。この inspire という動詞は、いい日本語になりにくいですね。キング牧師の演説は inspiring ですが、それはキング牧師の持つ霊気が聴衆に吹き込まれる(乗り移る)感じに言及しています。「魂を吹き込む」「感動させる」なんて訳してもそうおかしくないです。ご質問のここもある意味でそうなんですが、ちょっと同じようには訳しにくいですね。  この場合は、他の土地で行われている類似のキャンペーンを「勢いづかせる」、「活気づかせる」くらいでお茶を濁すしかないのかと...  以上、少しご参考になれば幸いです!



go_urn様 こんにちは!このたびもありがとうございます。 明快な回答で目からうろこが落ちました。 英文を読むときには、文法だけでなく全体ももう少し注意していくことにします。 お時間を割いていただきありがとうございました!


その他の回答 (1)

  • kaiyosei
  • ベストアンサー率52% (41/78)

昼に質問を見て後から書きこもうと思っていたら先を越されてしまいました。^^; No.1 の方の答えとかなり重複するのですが、せっかくだから書き込ませていただきます。 多少でも参考になれば。 Larlham氏のセリフは、前の段落の文章 Our campaign provides reassurance for people who might be agnostic and don't quite believe, and worry what will happen to them if they don't." を受けてのものです。 それを考慮して訳すと以下のようなものになると思います。 「Larlham氏は無神論者の奮闘を意味のないものと切り捨てる。『まるで神(の存在)について悩み、夜眠れなかった人々が突然元気になるようなものだ(そんなことはありえない)。もし人が何かに悩んでいるのなら、その悩みを解決するにはあんな言葉ではなくて何かもっと力強いものが必要なのです。気持ちの転換、生活様式の転換が必要で、それは神の言葉が導いてくれるものなのです』。」 As if people losing sleep over God will suddenly be fine. の意味は、無神論者側のスローガン There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life. があまりに安直で、Now stop worrying and enjoy your life と言われてもそう簡単に人々の悩みが消えてなくなるわけではないという意味の抗議でしょう。 ・「inspiringの適訳がわかりません。~ いい日本語はないでしょうか?」 inspire にはピッタリした日本語はやはりないというのが私の感触です。他に候補としては「~を引き起こす」「~のきっかけとなる」などですが、元の言葉の感覚を伝えてくれる日本語は見当たらないようです。 inspire をそのまま「インスパイアーする」としたり、形容詞形の inspiring を「インスパイアリング」、名詞形の inspiration を「インスピレーション」等とカタカナで使っている例も多々あります。これは結局この言葉がいかに日本語にしにくいかを物語っていると思われます。






  • 翻訳していただける方

    以下の英文を翻訳していただける方に、お願いします。 The fixed stars in your chart have to do with the very powerful love you will feel on meeting or getting to know your soul mate., What you will feel will be compelling and intense. It will be almost mystical Like an ethereal and intangible mist that falls like gossamer over your life, delicate and insubstantial, yet so intense and compelling that it is almost painful. You will feel a strange and magical change in your life, even if nothing outwardly has altered, it will be as though your every day life is enhanced and suffused with a kind of intensely beautiful yet fragile dream like quality that is haunting. Like a silken dream like veil across your life. Your thoughts will be continually drawn back to him. Your soul melted down by him, a kind of fusion. Ass if something mystical reaches down and touches a depth within you, that nothing before ever has, or will again. You’ll long for him and it will seem as though a very subtle yet deep change have taken place. These feelings will become ever more powerful and obsessively strong. They will sink through and through you like water through wool and change the fabric and fibers of your being. It will be as though your life is subtly and indefinably different. Colored a different colour from then on.

  • 和訳

    You have within yourself a touchstone by which finally you can test every book that your brain is capable of comprehending. Does the book seem to you to be sincere and true? If it does,you need not worry about your immediate feelings,or the possible future consequences of the book. You will ultimately like the book,and you will be justified in liking it. Honestly in literature as in life, is the quality that counts first and counts last. 和訳をお願いします。

  • 和訳希望

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか。 違和感のある箇所がありましたら、意訳していただいてもかまいません。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 At some stage you will both move to a house that resembles a terraced house with a large yard, in a working area on a river bank. A deep river with dark water. Where ships can dock. This change of residence is brought about by money or lack of it and you will never forget the house, or time you live there, it will be etched in your memorys with intense feelings, a strong attachment to the place, even if there is something daunting about it at first. You will have experiences there that are significant. Your romantic life will be passionate and mysterious with some troubled undercurrents. You have a need to be understood, and to be regarded as deeply important to your soulmate partner.

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    Let them get on with this job in the way that seems most sensible to them,with our help as school teachers if they ask for it. The idea that there is a body of knowledge to be learnt at school and used for the rest of one's life is nonsence in a world as complicated and rapidly changing as ours. Anxious parents and teachers say,゛But suppose they fail to learn something essential,something they will need to get on in the world?" Don't worry! If it is essential,they will go out into the world and learn it.

  • 長文です;  英訳していただけないでしょうか?

    上司に告白され、好きな人がいるので、あなたとは友達でいたいと言った返事なのですが、 英語が得意ではなく、全部を訳せません。 訳していただけないでしょうか。 Hi ○○ That is OK for me if we will be friends and not more. But as your friend, I really need to tell you some things about what`s called the “Laws of Attraction” First of all, it does not require a lot of time to know if you are attracted to a person or not. After meeting two or three times, for several hours, that is more than enough time to know. So if you think of me like a friend, I expect that will never change. So in this case it would be me that has got ‘unrequited love`. But the difference is, I know it will probably never change, so I will accept it and not lose time, and I will not lose other chances, while hoping my ‘unrequited love` will change to ‘requited love’. I know a love feeling is very unlikely to arrive in the future, if it is not there from the beginning. So as your friend, I just want to caution you to be careful and don’t lose precious time and opportunities while waiting for something that is very unlikely to arrive. And as my friend, I hope you will understand that my idea for Friday was more like a date. Since it seems to be not reality, can I ask that we make our next meeting day Monday evening instead? That way we can spend with mikako, and Tom. Like a ‘friends meet-up’ which is the way you are comfortable. Then I can still have a chance to find a special Christmas feeling another way. As my friend I think you would understand and encourage this course of action. And as your friend, I want to encourage you, even if it is not me, you need to find your happiness without losing precious time and opportunities because of an ‘unrequited love`. Because life is short. And your young life is really short! There is no time to waste. Thanks and hope to see you Monday! with MIKAKO! Yours, ○○

  • if you will ってどんな意味?

    アメリカ人が、頻繁に if you will と言う表現を会話の中で話します。今一、意味がわかりません。どなたか教えていただけませんでしょうか? http://www.usingenglish.com/reference/idioms/if+you+will.html には、 'If you will' is used as a way of making a concession in a sentence: He wasn't a very honest person, a liar if you will. Here, it is used a way of accepting that the reader or listener might think of the person as a liar, but without commit the writer or speaker to that position fully. と説明されています。 そうすると「君たちもそう思うんじゃないかと思うけど」みたいなニュアンスになるかと思うのですが、 その他の説明として、 1. If you will February 11, 2011 Urban Word of the Day 1. An phrase overused by those trying to sound sophisticated and/or intelligent. 2. A phrase used frequently by Tobias Bluth from Arrested Development. Tobias: You could say I'm, if you will, 'buy curious' Man: I can "sprinkle the pudding" if you will. これは、「あなたが望むなら」に聞こえます。 2. if you will an overused saying, that asks for your permission to say something differently than expected, usually because the person speaking is illiterate and can't think of the correct way of saying it. The weatherman said that a catagory 5 hurricane named Debbie, a big ass storm, if you will, would be hitting New York City this week. これは、if you will forgive meって感じですね。「こんな言い方してごめんなさい。」と補足している感じですね。 3. if you will A phrase used to excuse the lack for a better word and/or kill any awkward tension in the air after mentioning something mildly aggressive or sexual. She used... a gargantuan amount of force on him, if you will. これも、if you will forgive meって感じですね。「こんな言い方してごめんなさい。」と補足している感じですね。 結局、willの使い方がよくわかりません。後ろに何か省略されているのか、意志としての意味が強いのか、もやもやしています。 どなたか教えていただけませんでしょうか?

  • 雑誌の記事です。ビン・ラディン氏

    皆さんこんにちは!So not以下の日本語訳を教えて下さい。 The purpose of al-Qaeda was to take jihad to other parts of the globe and eventually to the U.S., the nation he believed was leading a Western conspiracy to destroy true Islam. In the 1990s bin Laden would often describe America as the head of the snake. His best friend told me bin Laden was driven not only by a desire to implement what he saw as God's will but also by a fear of divine punishment if he failed to do so. So not defending Islam from what he came to believe was its most important enemy would be disobeying God, something he would never do. 原文では、So notのnotだけが斜体で書かれています。 what he came to believeはa Western conspiracyのことだと思いますが、西側諸国の陰謀からイスラムを守らないことは・・・? So 主語 was not defending・・・を倒置して So not defending・・・was 主語になっているのか? これ以上分からなくてお手上げです。 自信をもって回答できる方教えて下さい。宜しくお願いします。

  • 雑誌の記事で

    たびたびお世話になります。また雑誌の記事でどうにも意味不明なところがありご教示いただきたくお願いいたします。 リーダーになる人は本当に能力があるわけではなく、その場での発言の主導権を握る人がなりやすいのでは・・・という話です。 Arguably, none of this comes as much of a shock ― at least if you've been watching the news. You don't have to be a former homeowner burned by the housing fiasco or a blue-state voter screaming I told you so to agree that the way we pick our leaders is often based on something other than merit. ここのYou don't~I told you soの部分が 「家の失敗によって燃やされた前の家主や、そういっただろうと叫ぶblue-stateの有権者になる必要はない」(意味不明な私の訳) という部分がさっぱりです。 何かの比喩だろうと思いますが、わかりやすく意味の通るように説明していただけるとうれしいのですが。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。 元記事 http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1878358,00.html

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    下記の内容を翻訳していただけないでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします。 There is the possibility that your soulmate will be a man above your social cast or class. Or wealth that comes after marriage, popularity and an uplift in circumstance. You will marry a man of distinction and maturity who is worthy, ambitious and dignified, someone people look up to and admire. The wedding will be in a month close to the month of your birth. You have the need to shine in any relationship and you will invest a lot of work and effort in it and will make the marriage a focal point of your life. You’ll see yourself primarily as a wife, and will place tremendous importance on marriage. Until you find your true soul mate your life may feel incomplete, even if you have many relationships, or a steady boyfriend to fill up your time, something will be lacking and you’ll be keenly aware of it. You are subconsciously searching for someone who is like yourself. You’ll disregard other peoples views, advice or criticism about the marriage partner, and will seek also a strong capable partner.

  • 訳を教えてください。

    If something happens immediately,it happens at once. Religion is belief in a god or gods and the activities that are connected with this belief in a church or temple. の訳を教えてください。

  • 黄金展で盗まれた茶碗を正攻法で入手する方法とは?
  • 購入して値上がり後に換金し、利益を期待できる?
  • 実用することで価値が損なわれる可能性はあるか?