• ベストアンサー



  • Picchu19
  • ベストアンサー率66% (2/3)

さらに、買収や特許プール、またはそれに類似した取り決めによって、有意の政府(または委員会)は、対象の製薬会社が貧しい国において製造を確立し、他のそのような国で必要な薬品が得られるように手助けした結果失われたR&Dリカバリを賠償することができる。 つまり利益の薄い後進国で積極的にR&Dを展開する製薬会社を支援・救済する手段として、政府機関などによる買収などがあるということかと思います。


  • East Japan とEastern Japan

    「東日本」の訳語としては、East Japan とEastern Japanの両方が使われているようですが、どのように使い分ければよろしいのでしょうか?通常の文脈では、どちらが妥当ですか? 検索してみましたが、手頃な情報が出て来ません。出来れば、和文でも英文でも結構ですので、わかりやすく解説したサイトを教えて頂けると有難いです。東・西・南・北いずれの英訳語についてでも結構です。 尚、英英辞典(オンライン)では、次のようになっていますね。 east: (adj.) 1 [only before noun]in the east or facing the east: I don't know the east coast well. He was born in East Jerusalem. 2 an east wind comes from the east eastern: (adj.) 1 in or from the east of a country or area: the eastern shore of the island farmers in eastern England 2 in or from the countries in Asia, especially China and Japan: Eastern religions 3 in or from the countries in the east part of Europe, especially the countries that used to have Communist governments: Eastern Europe East Japan Railway Company(JR東日本)のような用例もありますが、 私の意見としては、Eastern Japanの方が一般的かなと思いますが、如何でしょうか?

  • 英語についての質問です.

    英語についての質問です. 日本語訳を参考にして、1~3の英文の()内に当てはまる適切な動詞を選択肢より選んでください。 1. Scans might () to new, less addictive pain medicines. スキャン検査は、中毒性が低く痛みに効く新しい薬につながるかもしれない。 2. The brain signatures for social or emotional pain might () different from the ones for physical pain. 社会的、感情的な痛みの脳のジェスチャーは、身体的な痛みのものとは異なるかもしれない。 3. More study could () it possible to measure headaches. さらなる研究が頭痛の測定を可能にするかもしれない。 [選択肢] make、be、lead ご回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    Some countries' economies already depend on remittances from islanders who have gone abroad to find jobs, and climate change could swell those numbers. Meanwhile, villages have already been evacuated from low-lying areas in Vanuatu and the Carteret Islands of Papua New Guinea. Ben Namakin, an environmentalist and native of Kiribati, says that, in his homeland, saltwater intrusion is already ruining taro patches and spoiling well water, houses are being flooded, coastlines are receding, and a causeway whose beauty he had appreciated since he was a child collapsed last October. And, as in many such Pacific island nations, there is little higher, habitable land for people to move to. "I really don't know where they will go," Namakin said in an e-mail interview. "They may move further inland, but the more they do that, they will end up on somebody else's land or reach the ocean on the other side, as the islands are too narrow." The result could be a resource grab that pushes governments to the breaking point, and a clamor to relocate to developed countries on the Pacific Rim or elsewhere.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The United States, having refused in the Senate to assume a League of Nations mandate over Armenia, decided to not participate in the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire. The U.S. wanted a permanent peace as quickly as possible, with financial compensation for its military expenditure. However, after the American Senate rejected the Armenian mandate, its only hope was its inclusion in the treaty by the influential Greek prime minister, Eleftherios Venizelos. The treaty imposed a number of territorial losses on Turkey. It also had a number of provisions which applied to the territory, recognised as belonging to Turkey. Financial restrictions The Allies were to control the Empire's finances. The financial control extended to the approval or supervision of the national budget, financial laws and regulations, and total control over the Ottoman Bank. The Ottoman Public Debt Administration (instituted in 1881) was redesigned to include only British, French and Italian bond holders. The Ottoman debt problem dated back to the time of the Crimean War (1854–56), during which the Ottoman Empire had borrowed money from abroad, mainly from France. Also the capitulations of the Ottoman Empire, which had been abolished in 1914 by Talaat Pasha, were restored. The Empire was required to grant freedom of transit to persons, goods, vessels, etc., passing through her territory, and goods in transit were to be free of all customs duties. Future developments of the tax system, the customs system, internal or external loans, import and export duties, or concessions could not be arranged without the consent of the financial commission of the Allied Powers. To forestall the economic re-penetration of Germany, Austria, Hungary, or Bulgaria the treaty demanded that the Empire liquidate the property of citizens of those countries in its territories. This public liquidation was to be turned over to the Reparations Commission. Property rights of the Baghdad Railway passed out of German control. Military restrictions The Ottoman Army was to be restricted to 50,700 men; the Ottoman Navy could only preserve seven sloops and six torpedo boats; and the Ottoman State was prohibited from obtaining an air force. The treaty included an inter-allied commission of control and organisation to supervise the execution of the military clauses.

  • 長文の訳お願いします

    In 2004 the French government decided to ban all obvious religious symbols from public school. As a result, Muslim girls could no longer wear the bijab, or the head scarf. Jews were not allowed to wear yarmulkes, or skullcaps. Even large Christian crosses were not permitted. A special commission researched the question and made the recommendation to ban the religious clothing. Former government minister Bernard Stasi headed the group. He said that the members of the group consulted many different people-including teachers, religious leaders, sociologists, and politicians- before they made their decision The commission felt that conspicuous religious symbols set people apart and stop them from feeling truly French. By instituting this ban, the commission hopes that immigrants will become a more integral part of French society if they do not wear such clothing. Traditionally, newcomers from Africa and the Middle East have often been poorly integrated into French society. However, this decision has upset other ethnic groups. For example,there are about 5,000 Sikhs in France. Being mostly lower middle class and thus having little access to mainstream French media, they did not know about the government commission. The commission was not aware of their concerns either. As a result, Sikhs never had the opportunity to testify in the hearings Several thousand Sikhs held a rally in Paris last week. They wanted to know if they have to take off their turbans. Or should they, as Luc Ferry, the education minister said, wear "see-through turbans." Sikh spokesmen argue that the turban is not a symbol of their religion. They wear turbans to cover their hair, which they never cut. Therefore, if they cannot wear turbans, their hair, which is the real symbol, will be uncovered. "We feel undressed if we don't wear out turbans," said Simranjit Singh, a Sikh member of the Indian parliament who came to France-along with hundreds of people from all over Europe and America-for Saturday's rally. "It is humiliating to the core if we are made to take off our turbans." The government has not yet made a decision on the legality of the turban.

  • 埼玉大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い

    2009年度 埼玉大学 自由英作文(120~150)                                                                                                  条件・ 現在、留学が若い人を中心に人気を集めていますが、もしあなたがある留学の計画に入れる可能性があった場合、あなたは参加しますか?また理由を述べながら明確に答えなさい。                                                                  If I had the chance , I would join the program. I have some reasons why I want to join it.                                                               First, I have ever not visited foreign countries, so I want to see the sight of foreign countries such                                                           as "Statue of Liberty", "Eiffel Tower" and so on. Secondly, I have studied English since I was                                                                junior high school student, so I want to know whether or not I have an ability to talk to foreigners                                                              well. By the way, the current world is getting widely and it is more important than before for us to                                                            aquire English skills to live in this global world. I have dreamed of becoming a great translater. If I                                                             joined the proglam, I would gain big interest for my life from that. Thus If I had the chance, I would                                                              be willing to join the program. (143字)

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的な部分は意訳していただけると ありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 People sometimes want to know if they could have met this before. If they have met in the past, or in childhood, or if he associated with the family or neighborhood or is a total stranger. There is an ancient system of astrology, which I have not yet fully tested It has to do with the houses that the ruling planet of the seventh house falls in. Whether it is a cadent house, I. e. falling off the angles of the chart, or a Succeeded house and so on. The ruling planet of your house of marriage is considered succeedent. Your soul mate has a need for emotional security. He is concerned about establishing roots and a stable life pattern. He often turns to the past, though it doesn’t necessarily mean you already know him. It can mean that he is future but if you break up, he will return to will look back to the past for relationship and people he has known before. Traditionally astrology teaches that when you first meet he will be a complete stranger but something about him, or the place or the relationship will be reminiscent of the past. You will feel as though it is familiar, or you know him, or like a memory from something or somewhere you cannot quite recall.

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください

    以下のサイトの英文を日本語に訳してください。ご回答よろしくお願いします。 https://publications.nigms.nih.gov/medbydesign/chapter1.html Scientists have names for the four basic stages of a medicine's life in the body: absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. The entire process is sometimes abbreviated ADME. The first stage is absorption. Medicines can enter the body in many different ways, and they are absorbed when they travel from the site of administration into the body's circulation. A few of the most common ways to administer drugs are oral (swallowing an aspirin tablet), intramuscular (getting a flu shot in an arm muscle), subcutaneous (injecting insulin just under the skin), intravenous (receiving chemotherapy through a vein), or transdermal (wearing a skin patch). A drug faces its biggest hurdles during absorption. Medicines taken by mouth are shuttled via a special blood vessel leading from the digestive tract to the liver, where a large amount may be destroyed by metabolic enzymes in the so-called "first-pass effect." Other routes of drug administration bypass the liver, entering the bloodstream directly or via the skin or lungs. Once a drug gets absorbed, the next stage is distribution. Most often, the bloodstream carries medicines throughout the body. During this step, side effects can occur when a drug has an effect in an organ other than the target organ. For a pain reliever, the target organ might be a sore muscle in the leg; irritation of the stomach could be a side effect. Many factors influence distribution, such as the presence of protein and fat molecules in the blood that can put drug molecules out of commission by grabbing onto them. Drugs destined for the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) face an enormous hurdle: a nearly impenetrable barricade called the blood-brain barrier. This blockade is built from a tightly woven mesh of capillaries cemented together to protect the brain from potentially dangerous substances such as poisons or viruses. Yet pharmacologists have devised various ways to sneak some drugs past this barrier. After a medicine has been distributed throughout the body and has done its job, the drug is broken down, or metabolized. The breaking down of a drug molecule usually involves two steps that take place mostly in the body's chemical processing plant, the liver. The liver is a site of continuous and frenzied, yet carefully controlled, activity. Everything that enters the bloodstream—whether swallowed, injected, inhaled, absorbed through the skin, or produced by the body itself—is carried to this largest internal organ. There, substances are chemically pummeled, twisted, cut apart, stuck together, and transformed. The biotransformations that take place in the liver are performed by the body's busiest proteins, its enzymes. Every one of your cells has a variety of enzymes, drawn from a repertoire of hundreds of thousands. Each enzyme specializes in a particular job. Some break molecules apart, while others link small molecules into long chains. With drugs, the first step is usually to make the substance easier to get rid of in urine. Many of the products of enzymatic breakdown, which are called metabolites, are less chemically active than the original molecule. For this reason, scientists refer to the liver as a "detoxifying" organ. Occasionally, however, drug metabolites can have chemical activities of their own—sometimes as powerful as those of the original drug. When prescribing certain drugs, doctors must take into account these added effects. Once liver enzymes are finished working on a medicine, the now-inactive drug undergoes the final stage of its time in the body, excretion, as it exits via the urine or feces. A drug's life in the body. Medicines taken by mouth (oral) pass through the liver before they are absorbed into the bloodstream. Other forms of drug administration bypass the liver, entering the blood directly. Drugs enter different layers of skin via intramuscular, subcutan

  • 英文解釈

    下記の英文の"a rarity "以下がわかりません(文の切れ目、意味など)。 わかる方がいらっしゃいましたら教えてください。 That's still true in many parts of the United States. But in some places, life expectancy has leveled off or even dropped slightly - a rarity in a developed country and, public health officials say, a cause for alarm. ■補足 【前後の文】 A baby born in America in 2009 could expect to live an average of 78 years, according to estimates from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). That's still true in many parts of the United States. But in some places, life expectancy has leveled off or even dropped slightly - a rarity in a developed country and, public health officials say, a cause for alarm. A study in the Journal of Health Metrics shows the United States now ranks behind 10 other developed countries when it comes to life expectancy, even though Americans spend more on health care than people in most other countries. 【出展】 VOA:http://www.voanews.com/english/news/health/Life-Expectancy-Declining-In-Large-Parts-of-US-124128694.html

  • 分詞構文

    難民問題に取り組んだ高等弁務官Aへのインタビューです。 冷戦の終結後、強国が他国への干渉を避けるようになったことに続けて、インタビュアーがたずねます。 Interviewer: Along with this reluctance, expectations about what your office should do have increased, haven't they? A: There is reluctance, but there is also pressure. Before the television age, nobody really knew much of the human suffering. But now, these tragedies appear on our television screens and governments know there is something they have to do. Interviewer: So as you do your work, people see starving children or victims of war on TV. But on the other hand, leaders of powerful countries are still reluctant to give what is needed to resolve the situation. A: That's right. They don't want to put the lives of their own people in danger. Interviewer: Part of your job is to persuade countries to accept refugees fleeing from their own countries. A: Yes, and 【having made sure the borders are open】, we have to establish safety and bring in the necessary relief materials. But I would like to emphasize that it is not just the matter of giving food and money to refugees. You have to ensure their safety; that is the most important part of protection work. 2点教えていただきたいです。 (1)【 】部分の模範訳が 『国境が開かれるように保証するために』となっています。(解説はありません) 模範訳だと確かに前後とつながるんですが 分詞構文だと思っていたので なにか納得できません。 どう考えればいいでしょうか。 (2)完了形になっているのはなぜでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。