• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
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  • ベストアンサー率19% (4/21)

なんだか内容がかなり特色ありますね。 確か、前回はかなりいじくったんですけど、 今回はアドバイスだけにします。 ここまで書けるなら、あともう一息ですよ。 1.まず、「できるだけ生むべき」 as much as possible はちょっと強引です。 生むように「勧める」と置き換えencourageとかを使ってください。 cf. I encourage her to give a birth 2.母体の一部というのはすでに指摘されているので飛ばします。 真ん中は、とりあえず良いとして、最後がちょっと残念です。 胎児が別個の人間だ、というのですが、 つまり、「胎児の母親に対して」というのが抜け落ちています。 この説明を付け加えないと胎児がまるで宇宙人みたいになってしまいます。 つまり、fetus is not a part of mother's body, but a life separate from mother. とでもしないとわかりにくいです。 3. 中絶が・・・「できる」に、could を使ってますが、 could だと「できたのに…」、に聞こえます。取っても良いかと。 「虐待を受けて命を落とす」は die from abuse とまとめれます。 そして、これも最後が中途半端になっています。 英文だと中絶件数は虐待件数の10倍である、になりますが。 ここで重要なのは死んでいった「子供の数」ですよね。 なら、どこかに「子」をいれないと伝わりません。 the number of children died from abortion is... と明確に。 4.これは日本語をちょっと変えたほうがいいかもしれません。 普通に考えて、中絶した母親は ほっとする (relieve) か、後悔する(regret)と思うので、 具体的にAかBだろう、とやれば良いのでは? で、母親がどうあれ、子供の幸せは失われる。という結論部。 これもちょっと残念です。LOSTだと、力が弱い。 むしろ、「幸せを奪ってしまうのだ」ぐらいの言葉がほしい。 (と、私がいうのも変ですが。) 最後は、ご自分の手で締めくくってください。 辞書で「奪う」を引けばヒントがあると思います。





  • 英文が意味の通る文になっているか見ていただけませんか?

    ディベートのRe-buttal,Re-rebuttalのための準備をしています。自分で作った英文が、意味の通る文になっているのか心配なので、見ていただけないでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。 ・未婚者にも自分たちの行動の責任をとる義務がある The single person also has a duty to take the responsibility for the action of oneself. ・中絶がどのように行われるか知っていますか? Do you know how an abortion is performed?  ・胎児の人権、生存権はどの時期より認めるべきだと考えますか? When do you think that the human rights and the right to live of the fetus should be accept? ・母体への影響はありませんか? Isn’t there the influence on mother's body in the abortion? ・望まれて生まれてきた子でも虐待を受ける子はいる。逆に中絶されなかった子が養子として幸せになることもある。よってどちらとも、赤ん坊が幸せになるとは言い切れない。 Some children are abused even if thay were born willyngly. On the other hand, the child who was not aborted was brought up happily through the special adopted child system.Therefore, it is not necessarily babies are happy ・産んでから殺すことも中絶することも、一つの尊い命が失われるという点で同じことです To have abortion and to murder a child after he was born are the same thing in terms of losing the precious life. ・そのような状況にならないように私たちは最善の努力をするべきです。 We should make an efforts not to make such a situation

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Another problem is that the finding was based on a conception of “intelligence” that most developmental psychologists now reject. Specifically, the finding was from studies in which a single global IQ score was the only measure of a person’s intelligence. It is now known that intelligence is not a single unitary trait, but rather consists of several distinct and relatively independent skills or abilities, such as verbal fluency and numerical ability. The fact that these abilities are relatively independent suggests that they should not be limped together into one global score. Another reason not to combine them is that they seem to depend to different degrees on heredity. Finally, and of most importance to developmental psychologists, different abilities exhibit different patterns of change through the life span. お願いします。

  • 英文について教えてください。

    Even as he realized that he was constitutionally incapable of writing anything "truly tragic"-and (1)【actually felt compelled to tone down the end of the Urfaust】-he laughed at those who "come and ask me what idea I sought to embody in my Faust. As if I myself knew that and could express it! From heaven through the world to hell,' one might say in a pinch; (2)【but that is no idea but the course of the action. 】 And further, that the devil loses his wager and that a human being who, out of profound aberrations, continues to strive always for the better, is to be saved-(3)【that】 is indeed an effective thought which explains a few things and is good, but it is not an idea that is the foundation of the whole and of every scene in particular. 『Goethe's Faust by Walter Kaufmann』 (1)【actually felt compelled to tone down the end of the Urfaust】 実際にUrfaust(初期のFaust?)の終わりを和らげることを強いられるのを感じた? tone downは和らげる、という意味でしょうか? compelledは強いられる? (2)【but that is no idea but the course of the action. 】 しかしそれは行動のコース(成り行き?)以外の考えではありません? (訳は合っていますか?) つまりどういうことを言いたいのでしょうか? (3)【that】について このthatはthat the devil loses his wager and that a human being who, out of profound aberrations, continues to strive always for the better, is to be savedを指しているのでしょうか? (更に悪魔が賭けを失うことと甚大な精神錯乱を脱して常によい方向に努力し続ける人間は救われること――それは実に少しのものを説明する効果的な考えであり、良いです。しかしそれは全体の、そして特にすべての場面の基盤である考えではありません?)訳はこんな感じですか? 内容がいまひとつ入って来ない感じですが、 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文解釈です

    この文章はアメリカのある修道女の中絶反対運動に関する発言ですが、中程にある And why would I think that you don’t? はどういう意味に取ったらいいでしょうか? don't の後の動詞が省略されていると考えば、どんな動詞くるのでしょうか? I do not believe that just because you're opposed to abortion, that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. And why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is.

  • 英文の邦訳

    Maurer (2005:104–121) refers to the operation of the uncanny as a way to think about the tension of things that are the same but always different. Indicators rely on a similar alchemy: they create a commensurability that is widely used to compare, to rank, and to make decisions even though the users recognize that these simplified numerical forms are superficial, often misleading, and very possibly wrong. 上記英文を御訳し下さい。

  • 英文の訳お願いします

    デザイナーに関する本を読んでいるのですが、この辺りが訳せなくて困っています。お時間のある方、よろしければ日本語訳お願いします。 From the beginning,Jean-Paul Gaultier has enjoyed a reptation as the enfant terrible of fashion. It is a subversive and yet strangely innocent image that he has always been keen to live up to. Of all the top designers,he is the most marginal,but also the best at incarnating the aesthetics,attitudes,desires and ambiguities of a whole generation of young people,not only in France but on an international level.The high level of recognition that Gaultier has achieved in London and New York is reinforced by the success of his perfume.

  • この英文誰が何の本に書いたか教えてください。

    (1)what is history?is that it is a continuous process of interaction between the historian and his facts,an unending dialogue between the present and the past.  (2)it is thought that happiness consists in leisure.that is, we accept unleisure that we may have leisuer, as we make war that we may enjoy peace. この和訳、文の出典(著者名と著書名)、著者について知ってることを教えてください。

  • 英文を和訳してください。お願いします。 

    弟に宿題の英語の訳を手伝うように頼まれたのですが僕自身もあまり英語が得意ではありません・・・。しかし弟の手前英語ができないといえず。。。。。。よろしくお願いいたします。 後半が特におかしな和訳になってしまいました・・。 Yet another key factor in those turbulent times was that, once the Tokugawa Shogunate had been overthrown and the Emperor (Meiji) had been restored to power in 1868, those leaders realized that administrative reforms had to be at their top of priority. Consequently, a Cabinet consisting of 11 departments was established where there had been an unmanageable and out-of-date system of court administration; Western codes of civil and penal law were adopted; and, most importantly, local governments were totally revamped and reconstituted along modern lines. New political parties representing various ideologies and interests were also formed, such as Jiyuto (the Liberal Party) in 1881 and Kaishinto (the Reform Party) in 1882. An Imperial decree in 1889 proclaimed constitutional government to be the law of the land. Please note the dates — 1868 and 1889: It took more than two decades for Japan to establish and entrench its modern nation state in the form of democratic institutions. Between the beginning of Meiji and that time, the country was nearly wracked by armed rebellions, violent arguments and numerous clashes of vested interests. Again, a lesson for today: A couple of decades of confusion is very common during reformation. It is not only Japan that is suffering through this seemingly dull nightmare. The United States, Russia and some countries in Europe are going through their own “lost years.” But nothing is truly lost if it leads to something better.

  • この英文を訳していただけますか?

    以下のDry ~ cabbage.の英文は The midday meal was dry rice and some boiled, green cabbage. この文に関する質問に対する答えです。 質問というのは、boiledが何を修飾し、なぜ後ろにコンマがあるのか?というものです。そしてboiled(rice)では、だめか?というものです。 それに対し、だめだ!という答えですが、何と言っているのか、いまいちわかりません。 訳していただけますか? Dry, Boiled and Green are all adjectives. So is some, but it is a different type of adjective. It is an adjective of counting. It acts in the same way as, for example, 'four' pizzas. 'dry' modifies 'rice' 'boiled' and 'green' modify cabbage

  • 下記の英文について教えてください

    I am, actually. The essence of the African American experience is we’re hybrid people, because the concept of race in America is not just genetic; it’s cultural. It’s this notion of a people who look different than the mainstream, suffering discrimination and for many decades terrible oppression, but somehow being able to make out of that a music and a language and a faith and a patriotism and a belief in this project we call America that is unique. It’s this notion からの意味を教えてください。また、最後の関係代名詞の先行詞は何になりますか? オバマ元大統領のインタビューでの発言です。半分白人であるオバマ氏がアフリカ系アメリカ人と描写されることに納得はいきますか、という質問への答えです。よろしくお願いします。