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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:外国論文の和訳)



  • ベストアンサー

しかし、面白い事に4cのモデル化合物である5-methoxylsalicylaldene-4-phenolaniline(5c)の光変色挙動は同じ実験条件では全くみられず、同じ実験結果は4aや4bでも見られます。 ちょっと解釈が分かれるでしょうね、「同じ事件結果」はホトクロミズムが「観測される」ことなのか「観測されない」ことなのか、曖昧ですね。 サリチルアルデンはサリチルアルデヒドの-C(=O)-Hが-CH=になっているのではなかったかな。 だから4-フェノールアニリンのNH2と、-CH=N-のシッフ塩基になっているのだと思うのですが。


  • 生物 論文の和訳

    下記を和訳してください 1)We are much indebted to Dr.Jerry Donohue for constans advise and criticism,especially on inter-atomic distances.We have also been stimulated by a knowledge of the general nature of the unpublished experimental results and ideas of Dr.M.H.F.Wilkins,Dr.R.E.Franklin and their co-workers at King's College,London.One of us (J.D.W.) has been aided by a fellowship from the National Foundstion for Infantiele Paralysis.

  • 外国論文の和訳

    次の英文(塩基配位子を持つカリックス[4]アレーンに関する)を和訳したのですが、自分で和訳した日本語の文を読んでもイマイチ何が言いたいのかがよくわかりません(自分が薄学なせいもありますが・・・) わかりやすい日本語の文にするにはどのように訳したらよいでしょうか。アドバイスお願いします。 またSingle arm、Double armが何を意味するかを教授頂ければ幸いです。 In the single arm-host both phototautomeric fluorescene and transient absorption are much stronger than that in the double arm-host molecule.  It is clear that in double arm-host the excited molecule only occurred the single proton transfer reaction and preserves one internal H-bond 'untouched' whitch providing an efficient channel for radiationless deactivation. Single armを有する互変異性蛍光や遷移吸収蛍光は,Double armを有する分子よりも強い.Double armを持つ励起分子では単一のプロトン移動のみが生じ,熱的失活へのEfficient channelの影響を受けない分子内の単一水素結合の保護が明らかである.従って,両分子の大部分のStokes shiftによる蛍光だけでなく,遷移吸収スペクトルの位置が同一であることは,光互変異性体合成のための単一のプロトン移動機構の根拠となる.

  • この文章の和訳をお願いします。

    It should be noticed that when δ*=0 the perigee of a purely Keplerian orbit lies on the x-axis. For the orbital calculations, b_i~ is taken in the range between -10 to 10 and δ* is varied from -π to π. When |b_i~| is about 10, the perigee distance from the planet is larger than several times the Hill radius. Thus, the particle is hardly scattered and keeps almost the same orbital elements as the initial during the encounter. When |b_i~| is as small as 6, however, a particle begins to interact with the planet appreciably only in the vicinity of δ*=0 and the orbital elements are slightly changed. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    POINT LATTICES AND THE UNIT CELL Let’s consider the three-dimensional arrangement of points in Fig.15.This arrangement is called a point lattice. If we take any point in the point lattice it has exactly the same number and arrangement of neighbors(i.e.,identical surroundings) as any other point in the lattice. This condition should be fairly obvious considering our description of long-range order in Sec. 2.1 We can also see from Fig. 15 that it is possible to divide the point lattice into much smaller untils such that when these units are stacked in three dimensions they reproduce the point lattice. This small repeating unit is known as the unit cell of the lattice and is shown in Fig.16 A unit cell may be described by the interrelationship between the lengths(a,b,c) of its sides and the interaxial angles (α,β,γ)between them. (α is the angle between the b and c, axes,β is the angle between the a and c axes, and γ is the angle between the a and b axes.)The actual values of a,b,and c, and α,β and γ are not important, but their interrelation is. The lengths are measured from one corner of the cell, which is taken as the origin. These lengths and angles are called the lattice parameters of the unit cell, or sometimes the lattice constants of the cell. But the latter term is not really appropriate because they are not necessarily constants; for example, they can vary with changes in temperature and pressure and with alloying. [Note: We use a,b and c to indicate the axes of the unit cell; a,b and c for the lattice parameters, and a,b and c for the vectors lying along the unit-cell axes.]

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    POINT LATTICES AND THE UNIT CELL Let’s consider the three-dimensional arrangement of points in Fig.15.This arrangement is called a point lattice. If we take any point in the point lattice it has exactly the same number and arrangement of neighbors(i.e.,identical surroundings) as any other point in the lattice. This condition should be fairly obvious considering our description of long-range order in Sec. 2.1 We can also see from Fig. 15 that it is possible to divide the point lattice into much smaller untils such that when these units are stacked in three dimensions they reproduce the point lattice. This small repeating unit is known as the unit cell of the lattice and is shown in Fig.16 A unit cell may be described by the interrelationship between the lengths(a,b,c) of its sides and the interaxial angles (α,β,γ)between them. (α is the angle between the b and c, axes,β is the angle between the a and c axes, and γ is the angle between the a and b axes.)The actual values of a,b,and c, and α,β and γ are not important, but their interrelation is. The lengths are measured from one corner of the cell, which is taken as the origin. These lengths and angles are called the lattice parameters of the unit cell, or sometimes the lattice constants of the cell. But the latter term is not really appropriate because they are not necessarily constants; for example, they can vary with changes in temperature and pressure and with alloying. [Note: We use a,b and c to indicate the axes of the unit cell; a,b and c for the lattice parameters, and a,b and c for the vectors lying along the unit-cell axes.]

  • 英文の和訳をお願いしたいのですが・・・

    Lattice type and systematic absences In indexing the powder patterns it has been assumed that all the possible reflections are observed, that is, scattering from each of the different lattice planes is sufficiently intense to contribute to the diffraction profile. This is normally so for a primitive lattice, but for body centred and face centred lattices restrictions occur on the values that h, k and I may take if the reflections are to have any intensity. This results in certain reflections not being observed in the powder diffraction pattern and these are known as systematic absences. The origin of these absences can be illustrated with regard to Fig.2.3. という文章です。できれば翻訳サイト丸々ってのは控えてほしいです。

  • 困っています!英語の和訳です!

    数式などが入り混ざっているので、どうしてもできませんでした; できる方お願いします! It should be noted that the "best line" is not exactly determined. A visual estimate can often be made of a range of possible lines. From this, uncertainties in M and B can be estimated. Method of Averages. The constants in a linear equation may be calculated from only two pairs of values for the variables. In general, more than two pairs of values are available, and different values for the constants will be obtained when different experimental points are used in the calculation. One method for determining the constants by using all the experimental data is the method of averages. This method is based on the assumption that the correct values of the constants M and B are those which make the sum of the residuals equal zero. The residuals (Vi) are the differences between the values of Y calculated from the empirical equation and the experimentally determined values (Yi). In the case we are discussing, the residuals are (Vi)= MXi + B - Yi This assumption gives only one condition on the constants, and sos it is further assumed that if there are r constants, the residuals may be divided int r groups and ΣVi = 0 for each group.The groups are chosen to contain nearly the same number of experimental values, but it should be noted that different methods of choosing the groups will lead to different values for the constants. If the number of residuals in a group is K, the summation of Equation.

  • the same divisions and ~thatとasの違い

    “This election is about the past versus the future,” Mr. Obama said at his victory rally in a stark portrayal of his political challenge.“ It’s about whether we settle for the same divisions and distractions and drama that passes for politics today, or whether we reach for a politics of common sense and innovation -- a shared sacrifice and shared prosperity.” また未解決だったもので恐縮です。この the same divisions and distractions and drama that passes for politics today のthe same ですが私としてはthe same ~that 構文ではなく、the same divisions and distractionsとdrama that passes for politics todayの2つに分かれthat はdramaのみの関係代名詞であるという方に大きく傾いております。 理由としては 1) passes が誤植にしては(例えばplaysのsだけの誤植ではなく)pass+esというesの誤植というのはあまり考えられない 2) the same A and B and C thatということになるが、普通はthe same A, B and C thatとするのではないか。 3) >「This is the same camera as I lost.」 >で、「無くしたのと同種(同型)の時計」 >「This is the same camera that I lost.」 >で、「無くした時計そのもの」 という区別が「一応」あること があげられます。ここでthe same A and B and C that構文だとすると「現在の政治としてまかり通っているのと全く同じAとBとC」という意味になってしまいます。 ただ、「that はdramaのみの関係代名詞」の問題点はdramaに冠詞がついていない点です。 そこで質問なのですが3)のthe same asとthe same thatの区別はあまり守られていないということですが、実際のところはどうなのでしょうか。これぐらいしか誤植かどうかの判断をする糸口がありません。 もし守られていないということであればこの文を理解する手がかりを教えていただきたいです。

  • 生物論文の訳

    下記の英文を訳してください 1)The previously published X-gen data on deoxyribose nucleic acid are insufflcient for a rigorous test of our structure.So far as we can tell,it is roughly compatible with the experimental data,but it must be regarded as unproved until it has been checked against more exact results.Some of these are given in the following communications.We were not aware of the details of the results presented there when we devised our structure,which rests mainly though not entirely on published experimental data and stereo-chemical arguments.

  • 生化学系論文の和訳の添削その10

    QNo.7088361の続きです.今回は大きな問題はないと思っています.誤訳していないか,あるいはお気づきの点があれば,アドバイスをお願いします. (1)In this photo, both the depth and the width of the microchannel are 100 μm. (1)この写真において、微小流路の深さと幅の両者は、100μmである。 (2)The diameter and the depth of the reaction chamber are 5 mm and 100 μm, respectively, and the corresponding volume of the reaction chamber is about 1.96 μl. (2)室の直径と深さはそれぞれ、5mmおよび100μmで、対応する反応室の体積は1.96μlである。 (3)The total thickness of the reaction chamber chip is 1 mm. (3)反応室チップの全厚みは1mmである。 (4)The zigzag-shaped heater covers a 5 × 5 mm2 area; the widths of the ITO electrodes are 250 μm for the heaters and 150 μm for the temperature sensors respectively. (4)ジグザグ形ヒーターは5×5mm2の領域を覆う。ITO電極の幅はそれぞれ、ヒーターについて250μm、温度センサーについて150μmだった。 (5)Experimental setup  (5) 実験装置 (6)The detection of reacted products by cell-free protein synthesis is presently based on luminescence detection by optical microscopy for luciferase and on conventional SDSPAGE gel electrophoresis following Western blot detection for other proteins. (6)無細胞蛋白質合成により合成された生成物の検出は、現在、ルフラーゼのための光学顕微鏡による蛍光検出および他の蛋白質のための従来型のSDPACEゲル電気泳動ウエスタンボルト検出に基づいている。 (7)The experimental setup for fluorescent detection is shown schematically in Fig. 2. (7)蛍光検出のための実験装置を図2に図式的に示した。 (8)The microreactor array chip is mounted on an x-y translational stage equipped under an epifluorescent microscope (BX-FM-RFL; Olympus Optical Co.Ltd.). (8)マイクロリアクターアレーチップは、エピ蛍光顕微鏡下に装備されたXY並進ステージに固定された。 (9)The liquid position in the flow channel and luminescence from the synthesized luciferase was observed using an ICCD camera (M4314; Hamamatsu Photonics KK) mounted on top of the microscope. (9)流路中の液の位置および合成されたルシフィラーゼ由来の蛍光は顕微鏡上部に取付けられたICCDカメラ(M4314; Hamamatsu Photonics KK)を使用することにより観察された。 (10)The temperature in each reaction chamber is controlled by feedback from the temperature sensor to the heater (LabVIEW; National Instruments Corp.) system with a PID algorithm. (10)各反応室内の温度は、温度センサーからヒーター系(LabVIEW; National Instruments Corp.)にPIDアルゴリズムでフィードバックすることにより制御される。