• 締切済み



  • ZIMA0063
  • ベストアンサー率45% (26/57)

こんばんは。 英語はそれほど得意ではないですが。 (1) そこまでこだわらなくてもいいと思います。 「a passenger」ということは、乗客が1人、 すなわち運転手だけしか乗っていないんだということが読み取れます。 まぁ、むしろpassengersになっていたら、大事故ですしね。 (2) 両方とも60から0km/hにするんだけれども、 「一方はそれを、より急に変化させるということだ」。 つまり、 one →「一方は」 does→ change の重複を避けたのでdoになった it →「hitting a brick wall to come to a stop」 なので、適度に補うと only one changes "hitting a brick wall to come to a stop" more quickly (than "gently applying the breaks to stop at a traffic light").





  • 英文訳と文法を教えて下さい。

    海外の方とメールのやり取りをしているのですが、 下記の文章をどう理解して良いのか解らず困っています。 * I'll help you to make it sound a little bit more like English. この文章を下記の様に分けて考えました。 ・I'll help you :「私はあなたを手伝います。」 ・to make it ~ : make は使役の意味で「itを~させる為に」 ・a little bit more :「少しばかり多く」 ・sound like English :「英語の様に聞こえる」???(soundはsoundsのスペルミス?) 繋げると、 * I'll help you to make it sounds a little bit more like English. ** 私は、あなたがitを少しばかり多く英語の様に聞こえる手助けをするでしょう。 結局sound like Englishのところの訳で良く解らないことになっていると思うのですが、 分け方がおかしいのでしょうか? itの指す内容はこの文章内ではなく、文脈上の内容を指していると考えて良いのでしょうか? 教えて下さい。

  • 英文で分からないとことがあるので教えてください 

    訳し方があっているか教えてください。 It will not come out well with Japanese and not to be it will send with the photograph. When writing a Japanese with the computer of Korea, does the Chinese writing which it writes from Japan hold is a case which comes. To be like that, petty to understand, it does. The photograph received well.^-^* Like that reply it will wait. 日本語を公開できません。写真を同封しましょう。韓国のコンピュータで日本語を書くことができ、日本の漢字を読み取ることができます。 細かいことが理解できます。 写真を受け取りました。 返事を待っています。

  • 英文を訳してください。

    I have been thinking about this question for some time. As a matter of fact, one user of the Q&A site Quora asked the same question, “What does it mean to be Japanese?” With your permission, I would like to present to you the following link: https://www.quora.com/What-does-it-mean-to-be-Japanese As you can see, the question has been given answers on Quora, but they are written in English. Furthermore, there are less than one million Japanese users out of more than one hundred million users. As a result, questions about Japan are more likely to be answered by Americans, British, Canadians, Chinese, Germans, Indians, South Koreans, etc. Being able to write English skillfully is a requirement, but I believe that there is a Quora Japanese Language Version now. That is why this Canadian would like to ask Japanese who were born and raised in Japan this question: what does it mean to be Japanese? • If I put this question into the wrong category, then I apologize.

  • 冠詞の使い方と意味(ブルース・リー)

    http://okwave.jp/qa/q8034402.html It is like a finger pointing way to the moon.     「それは、月に差し伸べている指のようなものだ」 aとtheの使い方について、辞書を読んでもいまいちピンと来ないので質問させて頂きます。 以下の文章は成り立つのでしょうか? 成り立つとして、それぞれ、どういう意味になりますか? It is like finger pointing a way to the moon. It is like the finger pointing the way to the moon. It is like a finger pointing a way to the moon.

  • 英文の和訳をお願い致します!

    下記英文を日本語にして頂けますでしょうか? They like "a", however they like the addition of more colour (the heart) in "b". If you would like to add a little bit more red / colour similar to this in "a" please go ahead - just as long as it is not a heart shape which they did not like. 特に最後の 「just as long as it is not a heart shape which they did not like.」 の部分が難しくて困っておりました。 どなたかご教授お願い致します!

  • 英文訳お願いします!!

    I am very bad at reading Kanji still. The reason I can type in it, is my keyboard will take the romaji I put in, and change it to hiragana and from there into Kanji. That does sound like very easy English. I'd like to get a job doing that, however I don't think I'm able to to teach in Japan without a university degree. Which I don't have :(. Canada is very hot as well, although I prefer milder weather. It's quite warm where I live. I'm sorry if that is wrong. It was supposed to say "Do you practice sports?" 上記日本語に訳してください!!お願いします。あと、オススメの無料の翻訳サイトあればそれもお願いします。

  • わからない英文があります

    下記のMとJの会話文の最後にJが言ったIt’s gonna take a lot more than a rejection from a soft girl to get this guy downの意味を教えてください。 M: It turns out that when she said she likes Jackson, she meant she likes President Andrew Jackson. And I mean come on, who doesn’t? J: So she doesn’t like me? M: No. When she heard that I thought she meant you, she laughed so hard … J: She laughed? M: Not really a laugh, it was more like a little giggle, little titter, like ‘he he he’, but less. J: I get it. M: Come on Jackson, it’s not like you cared anywayz. J: You’re right, I didn’t. I mean, I was just trying to be nice, ‘cause … ‘cause that’s totally the kinda guy I am. It’s gonna take a lot more than a rejection from a soft girl to get this guy down.

  • この英文であっていますか?

    英訳文があっているかどうか、どなたか見ていただけないでしょうか。 「バレンタインデーの過ごし方って国によって全然違うみたいですね。あなたがいつか日本に来たら、きっと日本のバレンタインデーが気に入ると思いますよ。遅くなったけどあなたにバレンタインカードをe-mailで送っておきました。」 英訳文は ↓ です。 It seems like it's different from country to country how you spend St. Valentine's Day. If you come to Japan, I think you will like the Japanese version. It's a little too late, but I sent you a card by e-mail. どなたかよろしくお願いいたします m(_ _)m

  • 以下の英文はどう訳しますか?

    以下の英文はどう訳しますか? Much of this book is concerned with agricultural change, involving a certain amount of historical reconstruction. It is important to set doctrinal assumptions aside and, in particular, not to assume without evidence the existence of any process such as degradation or intensification. Change can take many forms, and the adoption of practices that are more intensive in use of capital or labor is only one form. Comparatively, it is useful to describe one system as more intensive than another, but the terms to intensify and intensification are used loosely in the literature. I introduce the theory of intensification in chapter 4 but discuss it in some depth only chapter 11. Elsewhere in the book, I avoid these terms as far as possible. Certain other themes are also of major significance. 長いのですが、よろしくおねがいいたします!!!!

  • 英文の意味が分かりません

    「Of course it'not merely a visit, it's more a command performance since Mama always does what her older sister, the Archduchess,says.」 という英文に出くわしました。 辞書を引きましたが、意味がさっぱりつかめません。 中でも特に、「does」と「since」の意味が分かりません。 どなたか、お力を貸しては下さいませんか。 宜しくお願い致します。