• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • letitsnow
  • ベストアンサー率26% (4/15)

最後に書いてあるように、お金を受け取ることは真剣に断っています。なので、送ってはいけません。 お尋ねの文は、「あなたが私にお金を受け取らせたら、楽しいことが全部バーになってしまう」というほどの意味です。「take all the fun of it」というのは、直訳すると「それからすべての fun を取り去ってしまう」ということです。of は、「~から」ですね。





  • どなたか英語の意味を教えていただけませんか。

    Hello, look the transport agency came to my house, but they told to me that i have to pay 39€ of transport, i haven´t take it, i have paid for transport. Tell me the reason and why you didn´t tell me anything about this, then i did not bye it. The item is in the post office. If you pay to me the transport cost, i will take it, otherwise i won´t, so you will refund my money. Tell me something asap please. i am vey dissapointed.

  • 至急。英語について。

    『かもね。でもあなたが大人しくなちゃったら(静かになっちゃったら)楽しくないから 時間をかけてあなたを苦しませるわ』←を英語にしてくださいm(__)m maybe so. But it will not be fun if you get quiet So I will make you suffer over time.←で通じますか?

  • どんな意味でしょうか?

    It really hurts my feelings when you make fun of me for not being the straightest guy out there.. 男性が言った言葉ですが、英語がわかりません。

  • どうか英語の意味を教えていただけませんか?

    Dejar.... The package came like urgent delivery, that is the reason that came in 6 days, i expected received next week like ordinary delivery, you must know this point when you send the package, i think that i feel a little bit cheated and i will think about take or not the package. I will speak with PayPal about that and i will make a complain. About the feedback as i feel bad for this situation it will be not good. Otherwise, if you refund At least half cost of charge i will give you the best feedback. I wait your answer.

  • 外国人のフレンドから英語のメールがきたのですがさっぱり意味がわかりませ

    外国人のフレンドから英語のメールがきたのですがさっぱり意味がわかりません; send this 2 all of your friends once you have message sent this 2 all of your friends u(you) will get $50 PSN NOT A SCAM ****-****-****(海外PSNネットワークカードのコード)inter this code once you have sent this 2 all of your friends p.s it works trust me i've tried it よく意味がわからないのですが、どういった内容なのでしょうか? 差し支えなければ翻訳をお願いします

  • (手紙の)英語の意味を教えてください。

    友人の手紙の一部がわかりませんので、教えていただけたら助かります。 友人(女性)の夫は、昨年6月頃からリストラ後、就職をしようとしません(2,3は職に就けたものの、2,3日で行かなくなったり、後はごろごろ。友人(彼女は仕事をしている)が夫の職探しをして履歴書を何回も書いて(それに対して夫は罵声や悪口三昧で、昼はベットから動かない、、、らしいとのこと)。という状況で下記のメールです。 I went to see my finance advisor and I have sent off forms and see what happens. If I can get it, it will take his name off the mortgage and the house will be under my name only. Then I will change my will so (ここに息子の名前) as it in his name if I die. I will do anything to make sure his family do not get their hands on it. I had to do this if possible because the interest charges on his debt will make it a right mess. It would of been great if he had got a job as soon as he walked out of his job but being out since last June it is out of control. I still cannot believe he did it. I do not know what to do if this does not work. You know he has not even thanked me for even trying. When the forms came to fill in, it was like a book. You know what I mean. I looked in despair and started to plough through it while he shouted don't f......g (swearing) do it if you don't want too. I don't give a shit, I am past caring he said. I thought you ungrateful sod. So if we lose the house he would then shit himself. He does not deserve me. See what happens. 前半部分は多少はわかりますので特に知りたいのはI do not know what to do if this does not work.からです。その部分に関しては多少語句や文法の説明も含めて教えていただけたら助かります。記入すべきthe formsがきたら、とか、  he shouted don't f......g の部分とか、I am past caring....とか何箇所もわかりません。なにとぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 至急英語が合っているか教えてくださいm(__)m

    遠距離の彼が大学を休学したと言うので 『どうして大学に戻らないの?どうして休学したの?』と聞きたいのですが Why don't you go back to school? why did you take a leave of absence at the first place?で大丈夫でしょうか? また、 honestly I am going to do everything that makes you happy because you make me happy.に対して 『全然私の為になってない。全然嬉しくない。逆にあなたを嫌いになってる。』は It doesn't work for me at all. I am not happy at all. I even feel like leaving you..で合っていますか?

  • for the booksの意味

    Getting on one knee and popping the big question is not as easy as it may seem. Not only does it take a lot of effort to work up the nerve to propose, it takes a lot of planning! Of course, you always have the option to take the simple route: take her out to dinner, get on one knee, and ask, "Will you marry me?" Or you can be creative (which is what most girls prefer) and make the proposal a memory for the books. この文のfor the booksとは何のことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英文の意味が解りません。翻訳をお願いします!

    no i will send you the info of how much it cost or the weight of the package when you know how much it cost you can send me the money and then will shipped if not i can pay for first class mail and send it myself without any xtra charge

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。発送の事で相手からメールがきました。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願い致します。 to have your full order ready to be ship it will take USA 1 more month. XX will be end of August, let me know if that's ok with you. For the photos I will be sending you through wetransfer but please do not advertise it yet since others XXX don't have photos yet.