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すみません、例文を間違えました。 そうですね。学生のとき、同じことを考えました・・・ そして、塾で教えているときもそのwhatがわからないという子がいました。笑 what has changedは、whatの部分がSになっています。 What happened next was more amazing. (書き直すと The thing which happened next was more amazing. ) 次に起こったことは,さらに驚くべきことであった。 といった具合です。 詳しくは、↓にも書いてあります。(↑もそこからの引用です) 関係代名詞です。 関係代名詞、で調べて一番に出てきたページですが・・・





  • 和訳お願い致します。

    That is a lifeline that many similarly threatened island nations - including Kiribati, Vanuatu, the Marshall Islands, the Cook Islands, Fiji and the Solomon Islands - do not yet have. While their stories may not be as compelling as Tuvalu's, such nations include atolls that may also vanish. And they depend on vulnerable, low-lying coastal areas for living space, cropland and tourism. For them, even conservative estimates of rising waters look set to make life on once-idyllic islands increasingly nasty, crowded and very, very wet. "Entire Pacific islands disappearing from inundation is indeed dramatic," said Asterio Takesy, director of the Pacific Regional Environment Program, an intergovernmental organization based in Apia, Samoa. "But a complete loss of livelihoods from decreased fisheries, damaged coral reefs, tourism affected by dengue epidemics, and agriculture destroyed because of changing rain patterns - surely these are just as worthy of our attention."

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    和訳をお願いします! I think people who have to make big statements with house are people who may not have the creative kind of jobs where they make big creative statements in other areas of their life. 以前にも質問させて頂いたのですが、どうしても理解出来なかったのでもう一度質問致しました。 ある人物の家を紹介している場面です。 以下は続きで、本人が答えています。参考になればと思い書き加えておきました。 よろしくお願いします。 The creativity that goes on here is, I think, spiritual as well. And emotional. Because everybody here does their own thing. Our guests do their own thing, our kids do their own things and I think we all come here in order to pursue what we love best in our spare time and that's what makes it such an unusual home for us.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします What a child needs, what we all needs, is to find some other people who have imagined life along lines that make sense and that also allow some freedom, and listen to them. 難しい単語はないのですが、全く訳せません。 重要な文法やイディオムがあればそれもあわせて回答していただけると助かります

  • 和訳お願いします(>_<)

    People in areas with a relatively cool climate think that they are free from catching malaria. However, recent changes in climate let mosquitoes move into parts of the world that used to be too cold for them to survive. For example, in Papua New Guinea, the higher mountain areas are becoming warmer, and mosquitoes may affect another two million people. As the world becomes warmer, the spread of malaria will be more and more of an urgent global concern.

  • 和訳あってますか?

    和訳あっているか見てください。(文法、構文、単語を含む) 間違っていたら正しい和訳を教えてください。 The US Geologocal Suevey said the shallow quake was centred 27 km south-southeast of Muisne,a sparsely populated area of fishing ports that is popular with tourists. アメリカ地質調査所は、浅い地震は中心が27kmムイスネの南南東で観光客に人気な漁業地域にちらほら住民のいるところだった。 Coastal areas nearest the quake were worst affected, especially Pedernales, a town of 40,000. 沿岸にとても近い地域の地震、特にペデルナレスの40,000の町は最も影響を受けた。

  • 受動態??形容詞??どっちだろう・・・

    いつも真剣に拝見させていただいております。 下記の文(1)の【destroyed】は形容詞でしょうか?? 受身ならbe+過去分詞なので、受身ではないと思うのですが。 (2)も同様で、【affected】【destroyed】は形容詞でしょうか?? (1)This is their habitat is 【destroyed】 when people use land to build house,factories,and farms. (2)The way we live are all 【affected】 when animals habitats are 【destroyed】. また、時間がありましたら、どのようなときに使われるのが最適ですか?? アドバイスがありましたらお願いします。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    翻訳サイトで訳したら意味が通らなかったので、どなたかに訳して戴きたいです。よろしくお願いします。 What is the first thing you notice about the statue called the thinker? Many people respond that it shows a man in deep thought over a serious topic. That makes sense because this statue was designed to be placed over a set of great doors which would show the things that happened to people in Hell. Both the thinker and the doors were desrgned by Auguste Rodin, an artist who lived and worked in France around the same time as the painter, Claude Monet.

  • 和訳していただけませんか?

    下の文を和訳していただけませんか? What were the ancient societies of Amazonia like before the first European sailors clambered ashore in the mid-16th century carrying strange new diseases and the seeds of war and conquest? For years, archaeologists have duelled over different views. Initially, most saw the vast Amazon Basin―which sprawls across Brazil, Peru, and five other countries in South America―as home to sparse bands of pre-Columbian hunters and gatherers who preserved the region's forests as wilderness. Then, archaeological discoveries in the 1990s revealed large villages and complex societies in eastern Amazonia, giving rise to the theory that prehistoric agriculturists had cleared and intensively managed forests across the Amazon Basin for thousands of years.Much rides on this assessment. If the Amazon, with its great diversity of plant and animal life today, was once extensively cleared and supported a large population of prehistoric people, that bodes well for the forest's powers of recovery. But if the region harbored only small, scattered populations, then today's ecosystem is truly virgin forest and perhaps very vulnerable to human activities.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    The study also underlined the global nature of the threat and pointed out that changes on one continent will be felt on others. The worst effects of global warming will be felt in Aflica, Latin America and Asia but that ''could lead to vast displacement of populations including in regions close to Europe.'' The document concluded that ''each European citizen will be affected one way or another and the widest possible involment of society is needed.''

  • 和訳について

    以下の文を正しく和訳したいのですが、英語が苦手で限界があり、どうしても完全な 文に訳すことが出来ませんでした。どなたか、正しい和訳を教えて頂けると幸いです。 Remarkable,perhaps,two world wars which ravaged Europe had no great effect on these long-term demographic trends.Once the post-war baby boom had run their course,long-term trends towards smaller families resumed.Consequently,as the century nears its end societies across Europe contain ageing populations,a smaller proportion of which are children and young people in work,and larger and larger proportion of which are pensioners. 意外なことに、恐らく、ヨーロッパを失った二つの世界大戦は、長期にわたる人口の傾向への大きな影響をもたらさなかった。一度、ベビーブームは、長期間のより小さな家族の回復に対する傾向と言う、それらの方向に陥った。......(以下は、訳せませんでした)